Tombs with artefacts at Mawangdui in China (1972–1974 excavations).
At Mesa Verde National Park, the Wetherill Mesa Archeological Project is completed, with excavation of three cliff dwellings (Long House, Mug House, and Step House), including a survey of Wetherill Mesa and excavation of selected mesa-top sites (begun in 1959).
A geographer and an aerial photographer studying the Campeche region of the Yucatan Peninsula prove that the Maya practiced intensive agriculture in raised, narrow, rectangular plots that they built above the low-lying, seasonally flooded land bordering along rivers.
Excavations at Skara Brae under D. V. Clarke begin.
March - The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration first published, under the auspices of the Council for Nautical Archaeology in the UK.
November 16 - Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO, paving the way for the adoption of World Heritage Sites.