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(未分级) 病毒 Virus
域: 核糖病毒域 Riboviria
界: 正核糖病毒界 Orthornavirae
门: 負核糖病毒門 Negarnaviricota
纲: 泛流感病毒纲 Insthoviricetes
目: 分节段病毒目 Articulavirales
科: 正黏液病毒科 Orthomyxoviridae

Influenzavirus A
Influenzavirus B
Influenzavirus C
传染性鲑鱼贫血病毒属 Isavirus
托高土病毒属 Thogotovirus

正黏液病毒科Orthomyxoviridae,希臘文Orthos有「正確,直」之意;myxo有「粘液」之意[1])屬於負鏈RNA病毒,共有六個屬,此科的病毒可感染脊椎動物。造成流行性感冒的病毒正是正黏液病毒科的一員,屬於負鏈RNA病毒。正黏液病毒科可分為五屬病毒,三屬為流行性感冒病毒,分為A型、B型及C型流行性感冒病毒,以及传染性鲑鱼贫血病毒屬和托高土病毒屬。流行性感冒病毒可以感染人、馬、豬及禽類(參見禽流感),其中A型流行性感冒病毒可以感染人、鳥類,而B型流行性感冒,僅可感染人類。C型流行性感冒病毒僅感染人、豬,造成之病害較少。 A型及B型流行性感冒病毒之感染力非常強,傳播速度非常快,可以稱之為最重要的疾病之一,感染範圍遍及世界各大洲。水禽類,尤其是候鳥,為各不同血清型病毒之帶原者及病毒重組之動物。传染性鲑鱼贫血病毒感染鮭魚,托高土病毒則可以感染脊椎動物非脊椎動物,如蚊子海蝨[2][3][4]




(*為模式種 血清型或亞型 寄主
A型流感病毒 A型流感病毒* H1N1H1N2H2N2H3N1H3N2H3N8
B型流感病毒 B型流感病毒* Victoria, Yamagata[5] 人、海豹
C型流感病毒 C型流感病毒* 人、豬、狗
传染性鲑鱼贫血病毒 传染性鲑鱼贫血病毒* 大西洋鮭魚
托高土病毒英语Thogotovirus 托高土病毒* 蚊子哺乳類(包含人)
多里病毒英语Dhori Virus Batken Virus英语Batken VirusDhori Virus英语Dhori VirusJos Virus英语Jos Virus
Quarja Viruses [6]
Quaranfil Virus英语Quaranfil VirusJohnston Atoll Virus英语Johnston Atoll Virus




流行性感冒病毒係依其基質蛋白(matrix protein)及內部核糖核蛋白(ribonucleoprotein;可溶性抗原)之抗原特性而分為A、B及C三種,外層蛋白包括血球凝集素(hemagglutinin,HA)及神經氨酸酶(neuraminidase, NA)兩種,也為組成流行性感冒的抗原成份。流行性感冒病毒依其血球凝集素及神經胺酸酶之抗原性不同可再分為數種亞型,現今已知血球凝集素已有十六種(H1-H16),神經胺酸酶則有九種。C型流行性感冒之化學性及結構性與 A 及 B 型流行性感冒皆十分相似,但它缺少神經胺酸酶,只有一種血球凝集素酶,在病毒表面上具有一特殊的接受器(receptor),使病毒表面呈蜂窩狀,而 A 型及 B 型流行性感冒很少呈蜂窩狀。

流行性感冒病毒在電子顯微鏡下有絲狀及多形性二種,但大部份為多形性,負染色時常為 70 - 120 nm 之圓形顆粒。新分離的流行性感冒病毒顆粒,其大小及形狀皆不一致,絲狀者經常可長達幾百奈米(nanometer),甚至長達 4,000 nm,有時可以見到一些奇形怪狀者,流行性感冒病毒與其它病毒不同的是它的整個病毒表面有約略等距間隔的突起,一種為長約 10 - 14 nm,寬約 4 nm ,橫切面為三角形,含有血球凝集素的桿狀突起,另一為長約 9 nm,寬約 5 nm,含有神經胺酸酶的圓柱狀突起。

在針狀突起層下面為一包圍基質蛋白及核酸蛋白之脂質被膜, A型流行性感冒病毒之核蛋白衣(nucleocapsid)含有與病毒 RNA 相連的 RNA 聚合酶, B 型及 C 型流行性感冒病毒之核蛋白衣亦可能有相同的結構。病毒封套(envelope)厚度為 6 至 8 nm,當封套破裂或染色液滲入時,可能會看到核酸呈摺疊狀平行的條狀結構。以清潔劑處理也可能會得到大小不等的極度卷曲形狀的核蛋白衣。

C 型流行性感冒病毒外型與 A或B型結構大致相同,不容易區分,有時可見病毒表面有六角型的結構,通常在電子顯微鏡下,同一視野中可能會同時見到這兩種不同形狀的病毒顆粒。

血球凝集素可附著於不同動物的紅血球,而使紅血球凝集,而神經胺酸酶與病毒離開寄主細胞有關,神經胺酸酶會分解膜上的神經胺酸,而使病毒由寄主細胞脫離感染其他細胞。 C 型流行性感冒病毒也含有可破壞流行性感冒接受器的酶,但它與神經胺酸酶不同。


這一科的病毒包含 6 至 8 條的 負義 單股 rna 片段。[7]

總基因體長度為 12000 至 15000 個核苷酸(nt)。最大的片段含 2300 至 2500 個核苷酸 ; 次大的片段含 2300 至 2500 個核苷酸 ; 第三大的片段含 2200 至 2300 個核苷酸 ; 第四大的片段含 1700 至 1800 個核苷酸 ; 第五大的片段含 1500 至 1600 個核苷酸 ; 第六大的片段含 1400 至 1500 個核苷酸 ; 第七大的片段含 1000 至 1100 個核苷酸 ; 第八大的片段含 800 至 900 個核苷酸。基因體片段在兩末端皆有重複序列。5'端以 12 至 13 個核苷酸重複 ; 3'端則以 9 至 11 個核苷酸重複。在本科的各屬病毒中皆然。重複序列多數發生在 RNA 片段上,且在所有 RNA 病毒發生。殼體內的核醣核酸為完整的基因體。每一株病毒可能都包含有缺陷的干擾副本。


以下的描述適用於 A型流感病毒, 但其他流感病毒的結構均與其類似:[8]

A型流感病毒直徑約 80 至 120 nm ,通常大致呈現球狀, 但也有絲狀的流感病毒存在。[9]與一般的病毒不同 , A型流感病毒的基因體並非僅由一條核醣核酸組成; 相反地 , 它包含八條單股負義RNA片段 (共 13500 個鹼基對)。這些 RNA 片段編碼共 11 個蛋白質 (HA, NA, NP, M1, M2, NS1, NEP, PA, PB1, PB1-F2, PB2)。[10]這些病毒蛋白中最具代表性的是 血球凝集素神經氨酸酶, 它們兩個是病毒外表面上的糖蛋白。神經氨酸酶是一種能夠將病毒複製體自受感染細胞釋放的酵素,作用機制為催化水解成熟病毒顆粒與宿主細胞間的糖苷鍵。相較之下, 血球凝集素是一種凝集素,負責將病毒結合到目標細胞上,並使病毒基因體能夠進入目標細胞。[11]血球凝集素(H)與神經氨酸酶(N)是抗病毒藥物的作用對象。[12]這兩種蛋白能夠被抗體識別,也就是說,它們被視作抗原[13]抗體對這兩種蛋白的反應被用來分類不同血清型的A型流感病毒,因此在H5N1的名稱中使用了HN
















  1. A/布里斯本/59/2007 (H1N1)
  2. A/莫斯科/10/99 (H3N2)


已知的 流感大流行[13][31][32]
名稱 日期 死亡人數 致死率 流感亞型 大流行嚴重指數
1889年到1890年 1百萬 0.15% 可能為H3N8
1918年到1920年 2千萬到1億 2% H1N1 5
亞洲流感 1957年到1958年 1百萬到150萬 0.13% H2N2 2
香港流感 1968年到1969年 75萬到1百萬 <0.1% H3N2 2
俄國流感 1977年到1978年 無精確統計數字 N/A H1N1 N/A
2009年流感大流行[35][36] 2009年到2010年 18,000 0.03% H1N1 N/A






感染哺乳動物的病毒通常不太穩定,但基本上能夠在黏膜的分泌物中存活數小時。[44]禽流感病毒可以在室溫下的蒸餾水中存活100天,若是在17 °C(63 °F)下則可存活200天。禽流感病毒在糞肥中失去活性的時間較短,但在鳥籠內的糞便中仍可保持約2周的活性。禽流感病毒在冰凍的環境下可以無限期地保持活性。[44]流感病毒可以漂白水、70%的酒精、醛類、氧化劑以及四級銨離子化合物完成消毒。以133 °F(56 °C)加熱60分鐘,或是使用強酸同樣能夠使流感病毒失去活性。[44]




台灣於1972年時首次發現家禽流行性感冒病毒感染症,血清型為H6N1 ,現今在台灣H血清型共十型 (H1,2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,14), N血清型共八型 (N1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9) ,其組合共十五種。A型流行性感冒病毒對豬而言,可造成嚴重的增殖性壞死性肺炎。


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Railway station in London Cyprus The station in 1994CyprusLocation of Cyprus in Greater LondonLocationCyprusLocal authorityLondon Borough of NewhamManaged byDocklands Light RailwayNumber of platforms2AccessibleYes[1]Fare zone3DLR annual boardings and alightings2018 1.859 million[2]2019 1.994 million[3]2020 0.878 million[4]2021 1.139 million[5]2022 2.020 million[6]Key dates28 March 1994OpenedOther informationWGS8451°30′30″N 0°03′51″E&#x...

Potret diri, s. 1610, dari Album Gulshan, s. 1610, Perpustakaan Istana Golestan, Tehran Muhammad Daulat (atau Dawlat) adalah seorang seniman utama dari lukisan Mughal, yang aktif dalam penugasan kekaisaran antara sekitar 1595 dan 1635–1640,[1] pada masa pemerintahan Akbar, Jahangir, dan Shah Jahan. Ia memulai kariernya dengan menulis adegan-adegan naratif besar, kemudian mengkhususkan diri dalam potret,[2] namun kemudian berkarier dalam menghias pinggiran miniatur.[3]...

Dalam matematika, khususnya di cabang matematika kombinatorik, kaidah pencacahan merupakan aturan untuk menghitung banyaknya susunan obyek-obyek tanpa harus merinci semua kemungkinan susunannya.[1] Kaidah pencacahan biasanya meliputi aturan dasar menghitung (seperti aturan penjumlahan dan aturan perkalian), prinsip inklusi-eksklusi, pembuktian bijektif, perhitungan ganda, prinsip rumah burung, fungsi pembangkit, dan relasi rekurensi. Aturan dasar menghitung Aturan dasar menghitung mel...

Advanced Micro Devices, IncKantor pusat di Santa Clara pada tahun 2020JenisPublikKode emitenNasdaq: AMDNASDAQ 100 komponenS&P 500 komponenIndustriSemikonduktorDidirikan1 Mei 1969; 54 tahun lalu (1969-05-01)PendiriJerry SandersKantorpusatSanta Clara, California, A.SWilayah operasiSeluruh duniaTokohkunciJohn Edward Caldwell (ketua)Lisa Su (presiden dan CEO)Mark Papermaster (CTO)ProdukMikroprosesorUnit Pemroses GrafisPendapatan US$6.48 miliar (2019)Laba operasi US$631 juta (2019)La...

Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Dr. Ricardo Levene LocalizaciónPaís  ArgentinaLocalidad La PlataCoordenadas 34°54′51″S 57°56′58″O / -34.9141, -57.949469444444Información generalJurisdicción ProvincialTipo archivoSede Pasaje Dardo Rocha 49, entre 6 y 7, N° 588, 2° piso, La Plata.HistoriaFundación 1925[editar datos en Wikidata] El Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Dr. Ricardo Levene fue creado el 15 de diciembre...

Election in the Palestinian territories Politics of Palestine Officeholders whose status is disputed are shown in italics Member state of the Arab League Government State of Palestine government (Ramallah) President: Mahmoud Abbasa Prime Minister: Mohammad Shtayyeh Hamas government (Gaza) National symbols Flag National anthem Coat of arms Legislative Council Palestinian National Council Palestinian Legislative Council Current members Speaker Aziz Dweik Elections Elections Electoral regions Po...

Two Heerlijkheden in Flanders The Lords of Saventhem and Sterrebeke, currently Zaventem and Sterrebeek, were two Heerlijkheden in Flanders.[1] The lords of Zaventem resided in Ter Meeren Castle.[2] List Lord of Saventhem and Sterrebeke Early mentions prove that Saventem was property of the house of Crayenhem. The second familie that had owned Zaventem is considered the noble house of vander Meeren, for several centuries they resided in Zaventem. Henri vander Meeren, Lord of Sa...

Teaching hospital in Ethiopia Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital is the largest hospital in Mekele in the Tigray Region and the second largest hospital in Ethiopia. Description and history Located in Mekele,[1] the teaching hospital is the largest hospital in the Tigray Region[2] and the second largest hospital in Ethiopia.[3] It is one of only a few referral hospitals in Ethiopia.[3] The hospital opened in 2008 and serves a population of over 8 million p...

13th episode of the 9th season of The X-Files ImprobableThe X-Files episodeBurt's smiling face merged with a high city view.Episode no.Season 9Episode 13Directed byChris CarterWritten byChris CarterProduction code9ABX14Original air dateApril 7, 2002 (2002-04-07)Running time44 minutesGuest appearances Travis Riker as Baby William Burt Reynolds as Burt/God Ellen Greene as Vicki Burdick John Kapelos as Fordyce Ray McKinnon as Mad Wayne Tighe Barry as Homeless Man Shannon Maur...

Ujung TanahKecamatanUjung TanahPeta lokasi Kecamatan Ujung TanahTampilkan peta MakassarUjung TanahUjung Tanah (Sulawesi)Tampilkan peta SulawesiUjung TanahUjung Tanah (Indonesia)Tampilkan peta IndonesiaKoordinat: 5°06′45″S 119°25′25″E / 5.112601841258919°S 119.42374590710436°E / -5.112601841258919; 119.42374590710436Koordinat: 5°06′45″S 119°25′25″E / 5.112601841258919°S 119.42374590710436°E / -5.112601841258919; 119.423745...

American drag performer Dusty Ray Bottoms at RuPaul's DragCon LA in 2022 Dusty Ray Bottoms is the stage name of Dustin Rayburn, a drag performer most known for competing on season 10 of RuPaul's Drag Race. In 2022, Rayburn was featured in Conversion, a new documentary film produced by Chronicle Cinema.[1] Rayburn was featured in Rolling Stone magazine for Pride Month in 2023.[2] Early life Rayburn was raised in Kentucky and southern Indiana, in a conservative Christian family....

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Perkins Bacon – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (February 2008) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Messrs. Perkins, Bacon & Co was a printer of books, bank notes and postage stamps, most notable for printing the Penny Black, th...

2005 South Korean filmHaanDirected byLee In-sooWritten byLee In-sooProduced byLee In-sooStarringAhn Jae-mo Im Yoo-jin Go Jeong-ilCinematographyChoi Geon-heeEdited bySin Cheol, Song Seong-ilMusic byMun Won-gyeongProductioncompanyTriumph PicturesDistributed byMedia Line PicturesRelease date September 23, 2005 (2005-09-23) Running time92 minutesCountrySouth KoreaLanguageKorean Haan (Korean: Haan 한길수; RR: Haan, Han Gil-su) is a 2005 South Korean spy thri...

English scholar and editor (1826–1884) Thomas CheneryCaricature by Spy published in Vanity Fair in 1879Born1826BarbadosDied11 February 1884 (aged 57–58)London, EnglandEducationGonville and Caius College, CambridgeOccupationEditor of The TimesSpouseNone Thomas William Chenery (1826 – 11 February 1884) was an English scholar and editor of The Times. His diplomatic background and choice of capable reporters helped to revive the paper's reputation for international news. Biography ...

Indonesian IdolMusim 5Finalis Indonesian Idol 2008.PresenterDaniel ManantaDewi SandraJuriIndra LesmanaTiti DJAnang HermansyahJum. peserta12PemenangJanuarismanTempat keduaGisella AnastasiaLokasiBalai Sarbini, Jakarta (final)Lagu kemenanganHarap Kan Sempurna Negara asalIndonesiaJumlah episode22RilisSaluran asliRCTITanggal tayang4 April (2008-04-04) –2 Agustus 2008 (2008-8-2)Kronologi Musim← SebelumnyaMusim 4 Selanjutnya →Musim 6 Indonesian Idol Indonesian Idol Mus...

Appearing with Rhodes Boyson on television programme After Dark in 1989 Margaret Bayne Todd (4 January 1906 – 27 July 2004) was a political and social campaigner born in Glasgow, but is usually more associated with Liverpool, settling there in the 1920s and becoming the first woman to achieve a degree in sociology. She married Tom Simey, a political scientist at Liverpool University; he was later awarded a life peerage by Harold Wilson, but she did not use the title Lady Simey. They had one...

Rico J redirects here. For the Filipino singer, see Rico J. Puno. 2017 EP by Gloc-9RotondaEP by Gloc-9ReleasedOctober 9, 2017GenreHip hopLength20:39LabelUniversal RecordsGloc-9 chronology Sukli(2016) Rotonda(2017) TULAy(2019) Gloc-9 EP chronology Limang Kanta Lang(2006) Rotonda(2017) TULAy(2019) Singles from Rotonda Ice TubigReleased: August 11, 2017 TRPKNNMNReleased: December 12, 2017 NoremReleased: 2018[1] Rotonda (lit. 'Roundabout') is an EP by Filipino rapper Glo...

1999 novel by Paul Leonard The topic of this article may not meet Wikipedia's notability guideline for books. Please help to demonstrate the notability of the topic by citing reliable secondary sources that are independent of the topic and provide significant coverage of it beyond a mere trivial mention. If notability cannot be shown, the article is likely to be merged, redirected, or deleted.Find sources: Revolution Man – news · newspapers · books · scholar...

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