
Vague straight track through boggy brush-covered ground
位置英國索美塞特郡沙普維克荒野自然保留區英语Shapwick Heath
坐标51°09′51″N 2°49′35″W / 51.16417°N 2.82639°W / 51.16417; -2.82639
官方名称Scheduled monument
官方名称Scheduled monument

斯威特古道(英語:Sweet Track)是一條位於英國索美塞特平原英语Somerset Levels堤道英语causeway,它的歷史可追溯到新石器時代,在西元前3807年或3806年建成,目前是不列顛群島上第二古老的木造古道英语timber trackway。已知斯威特古道主要建築在一條更早期的堤道(波斯特古道英语Post Track)所經路線上。


走道由許多首尾相連的橡樹版構成,其下木樁被交錯排放,釘入一片泥濘中而達到支撐的效果。這條古道只被使用大約十年,之後可能因為逐漸上升的水位而遭人遺棄。1970年人們發現這條古道後,古道的絕大部分都依照古蹟保留措施留在其原本的位置,另有一個抽、供水系統讓木材保持潮濕。有些部分則保存在大英博物館和位於湯頓索美塞特博物館英语Museum of Somerset。現在到訪的遊客能漫步在沙普維克荒野英语Shapwick Heath一條模仿原古道重建的道路上。



這條古道位於威斯特黑的一座島嶼和沙普維克一條靠近布魯河英语River Brue的狹長高地之間。威斯特黑的一群土墩顯示此處曾有史前時代的湖上木排屋,並且與在格拉斯頓伯里湖泊村落英语Glastonbury Lake Village找到的遺址類似,建造在一片填有柴枝、蕨類等物的木頭築成的人工地基上。[3]

其他相似古道的遺跡直接在附近顯露出來,連結泥炭沼澤上的居住地,這些古道包括哈尼果爾、阿伯茲韋、貝爾斯、貝克斯、威斯特黑和尼登斯古道。[4]諸如米爾湖英语Meare Pool的遺址證明這些古道的目的是提供居地更便利的交通。針對米爾湖的調查指出它是由周遭高位沼澤入侵形成,特別在亞大西洋期英语Subatlantic,還有岩心標本英语core sample表示它充滿了至少2米(6.6英尺)深的腐植泥土。[5][6]

兩座米爾湖中的米爾湖村落英语Meare Pool Village似乎由一些立在乾燥泥炭上的建物組成,像是帳篷、防風林和畜欄。鋪在泥炭上的黏土形成高起的平台,提供居民日常生活、從事製造和活動的空間,有些地方有較厚的黏土鋪層承載用黏土或石頭造成的[7]


1970年,古道在開挖泥炭過程中被發掘,並以發現者瑞伊·斯威特(Ray Sweet)的姓氏命名。[8]他服務的公司E·J·古德溫把一片從古道上取下的木板交給劍橋大學考古學助理講師約翰·科爾斯(John Coles)。科爾斯在之前已經執行過一些附近古道的挖掘作業,[9]他對這條古道的興趣催生了1973起為期16年的索美塞特平原計畫(Somerset Levels Project),並從英格蘭遺產委員會等多方捐獻者獲得研究資金。這項計畫承辦一系列地方性考古研究,以及確定這些西元前數千年就存在的古道經濟和地理意義。[10]約翰和布萊恩妮·科爾斯(Bryony Coles)在索美塞特平原計畫的努力在1996年獲得肯定,他們以該考古計畫對知識有卓越貢獻為由獲得帝國化學工業獎,[11]2006年又得到歐洲考古學家協會英语European Association of Archaeologists(EAA)頒發的獎項。[12]

樹木年輪學有助於更精確的確認古道的年齡,研究結果顯示其在西元前約3807年建造,[13]這個年代推定讓斯威特古道成為世界上最古老的道路。[14][15] 一直到2009年,貝爾馬許監獄英语Belmarsh prison附近一條已經超過6000歲的古道被發現後,斯威特古道才成為世界第二。[16]針對斯威特古道組成的分析亦對新石器時代的樹木年輪學研究有所助益;將其和來自特倫特河的木頭和史多佛德英语Stolford的沉水森林比較,不僅能更完整繪製年輪圖像,還能找出其和氣候變遷的關係。[17]

那些用於建造這條古道的木材被歸類於沼木英语bog-wood,其為長時間(可達數百至數千年)埋在泥炭沼澤中的木頭,而且因為沼澤酸性缺氧環境英语hypoxia (environmental)得以避免腐敗。沼木通常被溶解在酸性水溶液的單寧染成褐色,表現出化石化作用的早期階段。英國環境食物及農村事務部英语Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs因古道年代久遠而集資並發起一場大規模發掘作業。[9]


1973年,一片硬玉岩英语jadeitite斧的刀刃部分在古道邊出土,考古學家認為當時人們把它當作祭品放置於此,[18]這時不列顛群島和愛爾蘭已有超過100件類似斧頭。作為其中之一,它的狀況保持良好,材質也更珍貴,暗示了其具有象徵性,不作為伐木用。[19]這種材料加工不易,又來自歐洲的阿爾卑斯山區域,所以此類在英國發現的斧頭被認為本身不具有實際功用,而是當作貨幣流通或贈與物。[20]放射性碳定年法說明掩埋此斧頭的泥炭大約在西元前3200年沉積該處。[21]此外,遺址還留有各式木製手工藝品,例如:船槳、盤子、弓箭、飛斧、挖棒英语Digging stick、鋤頭、梳子,還有湯匙碎片等物,其他材質的物件有燧石片、箭頭、完好如初的燧石斧等。[22]





Two wooden posts set in the ground and crossing at an angle supporting a wooden board which disappears into tall green reeds




斯威特古道僅被使用十年左右,[36]歸咎於水位上升、吞沒步道,最後令其失去功能並遭棄置。[37]種種古道邊出土的物件說明它在聚落居民的農耕生活中擔任日常運輸的工作。[24]古道被發現後,研究者又確定其有部分建築在一條更早的路徑旁,原來前推三十年波斯特古道英语Post Track已於西元前3838年建成。[38][39]


大部分的古道仍然保留在原處,位於沙普維克荒野英语Shapwick Heath,一處具特殊科學價值地點國家自然保留區英语National nature reserve[40]國家遺產紀念基金英语National Heritage Memorial Fund購買土地,還有一套500-米(1,600-英尺)長的抽、供水系統積極的維護數百公尺長的古道。[41]這種維持高水位浸透遺跡的方法在保存溼地遺址方面很罕見。[42]一條長500-米(1,600-英尺)的區段坐落於英國自然保護委員會英语Nature Conservancy Council擁有的土地上,周遭被黏土堤防圍住以防水滲漏至旁邊低窪泥炭地,而水位也被定期監控著。[43]該方法的可行性藉由比較鄰近的阿伯茲韋古道展現:那條古道沒有這種保護措施,於1996年被發現已經變得脫水、乾燥。[44]沙普維克荒野自然保留區的水位評估與維護牽涉到英國自然保護委員會、環境食物及農村事務部和索美塞特平原計畫三方。[1]


有一部分的步道曾由採掘當地泥炭的費森斯英语Fisons公司持有,後來被捐贈予倫敦的大英博物館[28]這一小部分的古道可以在組裝後用於展示,但是它現在正穩定的儲藏於別處。另有一個重建的部分在格拉斯頓伯里附近的泥炭沼地中心英语Peat Moors Centre展出。該博物館由索美塞特歷史環境部門經營,不過因為索美塞特郡議會刪減預算而在2009年10月關閉。主要的展示品仍然存在,可是未來大眾不一定能參觀。其他的古道樣品存放在索美塞特博物館英语Museum of Somerset[4]

古道的各段已被指名為在册古迹[1]表示其為擁有「國家等級的重要性」的歷史性建築及遺址,受免於未授權改變的保護。[47]這些區段也被收錄在Historic England瀕危遺產名冊英语Heritage at Risk Register[48]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Sweet Track, Shapwick Heath. Somerset Historic Environment Record. South West Heritage Trust. [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-03). 
  2. ^ Antiquity (PDF). www.cambridge.org. [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2019-04-30). 
  3. ^ Cunliffe, Barry. Iron Age Communities in Britain (4th Ed). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 2005: 266. ISBN 0-415-34779-3. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Sweet Track – Somerset Levels. Digital Digging. [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-05). 
  5. ^ Rippon, Stephen. Making the Most of a Bad Situation? Glastonbury Abbey, Meare, and the Medieval Exploitation of Wetland Resources in the Somerset Levels (PDF). Medieval Archaeology (Maney Publishing). 2004, 48: 119. doi:10.1179/007660904225022816. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2015-07-03). 
  6. ^ Godwin, H.; Macfadyen, W. A. Studies of the Post-Glacial History of British Vegetation. XIII. The Meare Pool Region of the Somerset Levels. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (Royal Society). 1955, 239 (662): 161–190. Bibcode:1955RSPTB.239..161G. doi:10.1098/rstb.1955.0008. (原始内容存档于2016-03-03). 
  7. ^ Chapmana, Henry P.; Van de Noort, Robert. High-Resolution Wetland Prospection, using GPS and GIS: Landscape Studies at Sutton Common (South Yorkshire), and Meare Village East (Somerset). Journal of Archaeological Science. 2001, 28 (4): 365–375 [2017-06-28]. doi:10.1006/jasc.2000.0581. (原始内容存档于2012-09-10). 
  8. ^ Williams, Robin; Williams, Romey. The Somerset Levels. Bradford on Avon: Ex Libris Press. 1992: 35–36. ISBN 0-948578-38-6. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Brunning, Richard. 11. Neolithic and bronze-age Somerset: a wetland perspective. CJ Webster (编). Somerset Archaeology: Papers to Mark 150 Years of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society (PDF). South West Heritage Trust. 2000. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2012-03-24). 
  10. ^ Coles, J.M. Man and landscape in the Somerset Levels. Susan Limbrey (编). Effect of Man on the Landscape: The Lowland Zone (PDF). York: Council for British Archaeology. 1978: 86–89. ISBN 978-0-900312-60-1. (原始内容存档于2016-10-03). 
  11. ^ British Archaeological Awards. Council for British Archeology. [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2008-06-03). 
  12. ^ European Archaeological Heritage Prize 2006 (PDF). European Association of Archaeologists. [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-01). 
  13. ^ The day the Sweet Track was built. New Scientist, 16 June 1990. [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2010-03-11). 
  14. ^ Highlights. Current Archaeology (Current Archaeology). February 2001, XV (4) (172 (Special issue on Wetlands)). 
  15. ^ Lay, M. G.; Vance, James E. Ways of the World: A History of the World's Roads and of the Vehicles that Used Them. Rutgers University Press. 1999: 51. ISBN 978-0-8135-2691-1. 
  16. ^ Anon. London's earliest timber structure found during Belmarsh prison dig. physorg.com News. PhysOrg.com. 2009-08-12 [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-15). 
  17. ^ Hillam, J.; Groves, C. M.; Brown, D. M.; Baillie, M. G. L.; Coles, J. M.; Coles, B. J. Dendrochronology of the English Neolithic (PDF). Antiquity. 1990, 64 (243). (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2011-07-23). 
  18. ^ Hunter, John; Rolston, Ian. The Archaeology of Britain: An Introduction from Earliest Times to the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Industrial Revolution. London: Routledge. 1999: 63–64. ISBN 978-0-415-13588-7. 
  19. ^ Jadeite axe-head. British Museum. [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2009-02-21). 
  20. ^ Barker, Graeme. Companion encyclopedia of archaeology. New York: Routledge. 1999: 378. ISBN 0-415-21329-0. 
  21. ^ Smith, I.F. The chronology of British stone implements. T H McK Clough and W A Cummins (编). Stone axe studies: archaeological, petrological, experimental and ethnographic (PDF). York: Council for British Archaeology. 1978: 13–22 [2017-06-28]. ISBN 0-900312-63-7. (原始内容存档于2016-03-21). 
  22. ^ Neolithic finds, Shapwick Heath, Shapwick. Somerset Historic Environment Record. South West Heritage Trust. [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-03). 
  23. ^ Armstrong, K.; Cheetham, P. Archaeological geophysical prospection in peatland environments: Locating the Sweet Track at Canada Farm, Shapwick Heath (Somerset) (PDF). EIGG 8th Meeting on Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics, 16 Dec 2008, The Geological Society, Burlington House, London, UK. Bournemouth University. 2008 [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2011-07-19). 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 Costen, M. D. The origins of Somerset. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 1992: 4, 5. ISBN 0-7190-3675-5. 
  25. ^ Scarry, C. Margaret. Foraging and farming in the eastern woodlands. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. 1993: 118, 119. ISBN 0-8130-1235-X. 
  26. ^ Aston, Michael. Interpreting the landscape: landscape archaeology and local history. New York: Routledge. 1997: 26. ISBN 0-415-15140-6. 
  27. ^ Brunning, Richard. The Somerset Levels. Current Archaeology (Current Archaeology). February 2001, XV (4) (172 (Special issue on Wetlands)): 139–143. 
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 1986,1201.1–27 Sweet Track exhibition highlight. British Museum. [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2011-04-29). 
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 Coles, Bryony. Archaeology follows a wet track. New Scientist (IPC magazines). 1987-10-15, (1582): 46. 
  30. ^ Coles & Coles 1986,第50頁
  31. ^ Otter, R. A. Civil Engineering Heritage: Southern England. London: Thomas Telford ltd. 1994: 101. ISBN 978-0-7277-1971-3. 
  32. ^ Fleming, Neil; Grant, Jim; Gorin, Sam. The archaeology coursebook: an introduction to themes, sites, methods and skills. New York: Routledge. 2008: 277. ISBN 0-415-46286-X. 
  33. ^ Coles & Coles 1986,第112頁
  34. ^ Coles & Coles 1980,第25頁
  35. ^ Daniel, Glyn. World's oldest road. New Scientist (IPC magazines Ltd). 1986-10-09, 261 (2529): 100. Bibcode:1989SciAm.261e.100C. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1189-100. [失效連結]
  36. ^ Rahtz, Phillip; Watts, Lorna. Glastonbury Myth and Archaeology. Stroud: Tempus. 2003: 25. ISBN 978-0-7524-2548-1. 
  37. ^ Wood Culture: Programme7-08 (PDF). Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World: 2. [2017-06-28]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2011-04-09). 
  38. ^ Hill-Cottingham, Pat; Briggs, D.; Brunning, R.; King, A.; Rix, G. The Somerset Wetlands. Somerset Books. 2006. ISBN 0-86183-432-1. 
  39. ^ Post Track, Shapwick Heath. Somerset Historic Environment Record. South West JHeritage Trust. [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-03). 
  40. ^ Shapwick Heath NNR. Natural England. [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2010-01-20). 
  41. ^ 4.20.4 The Sweet Track, the Brue Valley, Somerset: assessment of in situ preservation. Archeology Review. 1996–1997 [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2010-05-29). 
  42. ^ Van de Noort, Robert; Chapman, Henry; Cheetham, James. Science-based conservation and management in wetland archaeology: the example of Sutton Common, UK. B. Purdy (编). Enduring Records. The Environmental and Cultural Heritage of Wetlands. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 2001: 277–286. ISBN 1-84217-048-1. 
  43. ^ Purdy, Barbara A. Wet site archaeology. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 1990: 99. ISBN 978-0-936923-08-6. 
  44. ^ Cox, Margaret; Earwood, Caroline; Jones, E.B. Gareth; Jones, Julie; Straker, Vanessa; Robinson, Mark; Tibbett, Mark; West, Steven. An Assessment of the Impact of Trees upon Archaeology Within a Relict Wetland. Journal of Archaeological Science. October 2001, 28 (10): 1069–1084 [2017-06-28]. doi:10.1006/jasc.2000.0642. (原始内容存档于2013-02-01). 
  45. ^ Coles & Coles 1986,第107頁
  46. ^ Coles & Coles 1986,第108頁
  47. ^ Scheduled monuments policy statement. Gov.uk. [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-22). 
  48. ^ South West England (PDF). Heritage at Risk. English Heritage: 183. [2017-06-28]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2011-06-09). 


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  • Coles, Bryony; Coles, John. 《Prehistory of the Somerset levels》. 劍橋: Somerset Levels Project. 1980年. ISBN 0-9507122-0-5. 


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XXV Copa de China de fútbolChina 2023 燕京啤酒2023中国足球协会杯25.° Copa FA de China Sede China China Fecha 17 de mayo25 de noviembre Cantidad de equipos 64 Podio • Campeón• Subcampeón• Semifinalistas  Shanghái Shenhua (6)Shandong TaishanDalian ProQingdao Hainiu Partidos 63 Goles anotados 166 (2.63 por partido) La Copa FA de China 2023 (Chino: 燕京啤酒2023中国足球协会杯) fue la 25.° edición de esta competición anual de la Copa de China de f...

2017 film by Maryus Vaysberg Naughty GrandmaTheatrical release posterDirected byMaryus VaysbergWritten by Saeed Davdiyev Evgeniy Shelyakin Maryus Vaysberg Aleksandr Revva Produced by Maryus Vaysberg Aleksandr Revva Starring Aleksandr Revva Glukoza CinematographyBruce Allan GreenMusic byBryan CarrProductioncompanyVice FilmsRelease date August 17, 2017 (2017-08-17) Running time86 minutesCountryRussiaLanguageRussianBox office$5,856,287[1] Naughty Grandma (Russian: Бабу...


Swedish soldier and politician This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Axel Lillie – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (July 2009) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Axel Lillie Count Axel Lillie, also spelled Lillje (23 July 1603 – 20 December 1662) was a Swedish soldier and politici...


KrebetDesaNegara IndonesiaProvinsiJawa TimurKabupatenMalangKecamatanBululawangKode pos65171Kode Kemendagri35.07.14.2004 Luas... km²Jumlah penduduk... jiwaKepadatan... jiwa/km² Pabrik Gula Krebet Baru pada masa Hindia Belanda Malang the heart of east java Krebet adalah sebuah desa di wilayah Kecamatan Bululawang, Kabupaten Malang, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Pranala luar (Indonesia) Keputusan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 050-145 Tahun 2022 tentang Pemberian dan Pemutakhiran Kode, Data Wilayah Ad...

Ferrari SF15-T Категория Формула-1 Разработчик Джеймс Эллисон Конструктор Ferrari Предшественник Ferrari F14 T Технические характеристики Шасси Углеволокно и композитные сотовые структуры Подвеска (передняя) Независимая подвеска, основанная на использовании тяг, взаимодействующих с...


1954 film For the 2010 documentary, see Murder by Proxy: How America Went Postal. Murder by ProxyTheatrical release posterDirected byTerence FisherWritten byRichard LandauBased onMurder by Proxyby Helen NielsenProduced byMichael CarrerasStarringDane ClarkBelinda LeeBetty Ann DaviesCinematographyWalter J. HarveyEdited byMaurice RootesMusic byIvor SlaneyProductioncompaniesHammer Film ProductionsDistributed byExclusive Films Lippert Pictures (US)Release dates 19 March 1954 (1954-0...


Kabupaten Barito KualaKabupaten LambangJulukan: Bumi SelidahMotto: SelidahPetaBarito KualaPetaTampilkan peta Kalimantan SelatanBarito KualaBarito Kuala (Kalimantan)Tampilkan peta KalimantanBarito KualaBarito Kuala (Indonesia)Tampilkan peta IndonesiaKoordinat: 2°58′52″S 114°46′00″E / 2.98114305°S 114.76677877°E / -2.98114305; 114.76677877Negara IndonesiaProvinsiKalimantan SelatanTanggal berdiri4 Januari 1960Dasar hukumUU Nomor 27 Tahun 1959Ibu...

Private research library in Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S. This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Lloyd Library and Museum – news · newspapers · books · scholar...


Media franchise Giatrusギャートルズ(Gyātoruzu)GenreGag MangaWritten byShunji SonoyamaPublished byJitsugyo no Nihon ShaMagazineWeekly Manga SundayOriginal run1965 – 1975 MangaFirst Human GonWritten byShunji SonoyamaIllustrated byHideo ShinodaPublished byGakkenMagazineGakushū MagazinePublished1966 MangaWritten byShunji SonoyamaPublished byShogakukanMagazineGakunen MagazinePublished1974 Anime television seriesDirected byKenji KodamaMusic byH...


Seni grafis adalah cabang seni rupa yang proses pembuatan karyanya menggunakan teknik cetak, biasanya di atas kertas. Kecuali pada teknik Monotype, prosesnya mampu menciptakan salinan karya yang sama dalam jumlah banyak, ini yang disebut dengan proses cetak. Tiap salinan karya dikenal sebagai impression (kesan). Lukisan atau gambar, di sisi lain, bertujuan untuk menciptakan karya seni tulen yang unik. Seni cetakan diciptakan dari permukaan sebuah bahan, yang umum digunakan adalah: plat logam,...

Naval battle of 1 November 1914 near Chile in World War I Battle of CoronelPart of the First World WarDie Seeschlacht bei Coronel, Hans BohrdtDate1 November 1914LocationOff Coronel, Chile36°59′1″S 73°48′49″W / 36.98361°S 73.81361°W / -36.98361; -73.81361Result German victoryBelligerents  Germany  United KingdomCommanders and leaders Maximilian von Spee Christopher Cradock † John LuceStrength 2 armoured cruisers 3 light cruisers 2 armour...


Political party in Guinea Union of Republican Forces Union des Forces RépublicainesAbbreviationUFRLeaderSidya TouréFounded1992IdeologyLiberalismPolitical positionCentreRegional affiliationAfrica Liberal NetworkInternational affiliationLiberal InternationalColors  BlueSloganUnion, Development, PeaceNational Assembly10 / 114Websitehttp://www.ufrguinee.com/Politics of GuineaPolitical partiesElections The Union of Republican Forces (French: Union des Forces Républicaines, UFR) is a l...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!