大麥克斯式自行火炮(10.5 cm K gepanzerte Selbstfahrlafette (10.5 cm K -gp.Sfl.-),10.5厘米自行火炮),是一款納粹德國於二戰期間研發的自行火炮。該車使用四號坦克的底盤,裝備一門安裝在固定戰鬥室上的105毫米加農炮。這款火炮本來計畫用於摧毀法國在馬其諾防線上的地堡[1],但最後法國在開戰後數月即告投降。這款自行火炮的試驗型最終在下線後投入到了東線戰場上。
Chamberlain, Peter, and Hilary L. Doyle. Thomas L. Jentz (Technical Editor). Encyclopedia of German Tanks of World War Two: A Complete Illustrated Directory of German Battle Tanks, Armoured Cars, Self-propelled Guns, and Semi-tracked Vehicles, 1933–1945. London: Arms and Armour Press, 1978 (revised edition 1993). ISBN1-85409-214-6
Jentz, Thomas L. Panzerjaeger (3.7 cm Tak to Pz.Sfl.Ic): Development and Employment from 1927 to 1941 (Panzer Tracts No. 7-1) Boyds, MD: Panzer Tracts, 2004. ISBN0-9744862-3-X