

SM文化宇宙(英語:SM Culture Universe),是由SM娛樂製作的共同世界


李秀滿, SM娛樂製作人兼主席, 在建構共享宇宙方面[1]





11月12日,SM娛樂的CEO李成秀和Super Junior成員崔始源代表韓國文化產業參加了面向全球華人商人的「韓國-世界華人企業家商務周2020」活動[12]。考慮到COVID-19疫情,活動以實時線上論壇的方式在全球舉辦[13],並在YouTube上進行了直播。崔始源談到SMCU是SM提出的「未來娛樂的核心價值觀和願景」[14],並強調它不僅是一個被解釋為象徵或隱喻的世界觀,而是一個「新的願景和計劃」,通過包含「有吸引力」的角色和故事情節的故事內容來表達藝術家和音樂[15]。崔始源提到Aespa是SMCU計劃的「開始」,並補充說EXORed VelvetNCT等各個團體的世界觀和故事將獨立展開[16],有時會相互連接並產生新的故事。此外,他還表示Super Junior也是SMCU計劃的一部分,希望觀眾能夠期待這個團體在未來呈現的各種不同故事。[17]



6月29日,SM娛樂舉行了SM Congress 2021,公布了公司的願景和戰略[23]。李秀滿在開場白中表示,SM一直在「挑戰從未有過的音樂內容體驗」。他解釋說,未來元宇宙時代的「原創性將會更有價值」[24]。李秀滿還表示,他們已經預測、準備並開創了未來[25]。他告訴Aespa,他們正在以SM文化宇宙的名義擴展自己的世界觀並創造自己的宇宙[26],開始了「認真邁向一個全新世界」的旅程。此外,SM還宣布了有關SMCU的更多細節,例如可能計劃開發的電影、應用程式和遊戲,這些將允許粉絲進行互動[27]

7月1日,第二屆世界文化產業論壇(WCIF)以國際研討會的形式舉行,聚集了來自五個國家的重要人物,包括韓國美国、中國、日本印度[28]。論壇以「COVID後的音樂和娛樂產業的變革」為主題,李秀滿、米高梅公司主席馬克·伯奈特(製作了著名的選秀節目《The Voice》和《Survivor》)和在好萊塢擁有30多年經驗的徐俠昌發表主題演講[29]。李秀滿在演講中強調,「意想不到的」領域應與娛樂融合,創造「爆炸性的協同效應」,而韓國應成為「第一行動者」[30]。此外,他認為,未來引起關注的內容應是用戶可以重建的「再創造內容」,並聲稱這種內容可以成為「第三貨幣」[31]。李秀滿還表示,這是一個值得與文化和未來產業領袖以及K-pop分享的議程。[32]



書名 發行日期 作者 藝術家 Ref.
首發 最後一集
SMCU : Red Velvet - The Story of ReVe November 9, 2022 November 11, 2022 Kim Aromi D D Kang [33]







術語 描述 Ref.
Ae (stylized as æ) 網路上Aespa成員的虛擬角色,是根據他們在網絡上傳的所有數據所創建 [41]
Black Mamba 這個威脅破壞了現實與虛擬現實角色之間的聯繫,對全球造成危害 [42]
Ether 潛意識的海域 [43]
Flat 一個虛擬世界,人類與他們的“aes”共同生活 [44]
Kosmo 在Aespa和NCT的世界觀中出現的未知世界 [45]
Kwangya (광야) “Black Mamba”和“ae”存在的平行時空 [46]
My 在“Kwangya”故事中意味著“最珍貴的朋友”的核心人物 [47]
Naevis (stylized as nævis) 連接Aespa和虛擬世界角色的人工智能系統和神秘實體 [48]
Nu Evo 全新進化 [41]
Synk 一個將Aespa與其虛擬角色連接的虛擬平台 [49]
SynkOut 與“ae”的強制中斷聯繫 [50]
Rekall 讓虛擬角色在現實世界中短暫出現的過程 [51]
P.O.S (Port of Soul) 讓Aespa和他們的“aes”能夠在現實世界中實現“同步”或共度時光 [52]


角色 藝人或團體
待公布 安七炫
宇宙的誕生 寶兒
光與聲的速度 東方神起
超越國籍和所有權的太空旅行 Super Junior
聲音女神 少女时代
五種光 SHINee
超自然力量 EXO
與神靈交流的卓越存在 Red Velvet
透過夢境和潛意識傳達團結的使者 NCT
待公布 Aespa


SM娛樂公司的計畫「SM文化宇宙」受到了廣泛的迴響。星新聞的Gong Mi-na指出,這個計畫融合了SM娛樂累積的技術和專業知識,被視為韓流市場的新模式[54]。同時,Gong Mi-na也稱讚SM娛樂公司持續採用「尖端科技」,並引進了「進階到下一個層次」的內容[55]

體育Seoul的Kim Sun-woo認為,SM文化宇宙展現出了「擴展的世界觀」,將超越大眾的預期。此外,音樂業界官方表示,「虛擬形象的想法很新鮮,但關鍵似乎在於如何實現協作,以及能與粉絲建立多少聯繫。」[56]

纽西斯的Lee Jae-hoon稱讚SM娛樂公司的各種實驗,將其視為建立「文化帝國」的努力,與漫威電影宇宙相似,創造出具有多樣世界觀的IP內容[57]。SPOTV News的Jung Yu-jin報導稱,業界對Aespa的虛擬形象世界觀感到興趣,認為它是「開創性的」[58]。而同公司Jang Jin-ri表示這個計畫是SM娛樂公司試圖成為超越韓國娛樂公司代表地位的「文化帝國」的努力[59]。最後,OhmyStar的Kim Do-heon將SM文化宇宙與漫威宇宙進行比較,認為它們都建立了虛擬世界觀[60]


  1. ^ Lee, Min-ji. SM 이수만 "에스파, 현실-가상세계 초월한 혁신적 그룹" [SM Lee Soo-man "Aespa, Real-Virtual Innovative Group"]. Newsen. October 28, 2020 [June 29, 2021]. (原始内容存档于June 29, 2021) (韩语). 
  2. ^ Lee, Hakyung Kate. New K-pop girl group Aespa sets 100 million-view record. ABC News. June 20, 2021 [June 29, 2021]. (原始内容存档于June 20, 2021). 
  3. ^ Kim, Na-yul. 이수만 총괄 프로듀서, 제1회 세계문화산업포럼서 기조 연설..韓 문화계 대표 [Producer Lee Soo-man Delivered a Keynote Speech at the First World Cultural Industry Forum..A Representative of the Korean Cultural Community]. Herald Pop. October 28, 2020 [June 30, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  4. ^ Kim, Young-jin. SM 이수만 프로듀서, 제1회 세계문화산업포럼서 기조연설…에스파 언급 [Producer Lee Soo-man of SM, Keynote Speech at the First World Culture Industry Forum...Mentioned Aespa]. Asia Today. October 28, 2020 [June 30, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  5. ^ Choi, Ji-ye. 이수만 "에스파, 현실과 가상 초월한 새롭고 혁신적인 그룹" [Lee Soo-man "Aespa, A New and Innovative Group that Transcends Reality and Virtual"]. Ten Asia. October 28, 2020 [June 30, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  6. ^ Moon, Wan-sik. 이수만 "걸그룹 에스파, 미래 엔터테인먼트 시작을 열게 될 SMCU 첫 프로젝트" [Lee Soo-man, "Girl Group Aespa, SMCU's First Project to Open Future Entertainment"]. StarNews. October 28, 2020 [June 30, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  7. ^ Kang, Bo-ra. 이수만 "에스파, 현실과 가상 경계 초월한 그룹" 韓 문화계 대표로 기조연설 [Lee Soo-man's Keynote Speech as Head of Korean Cultural Community "Aespa, The Group Across Real and Virtual Boundary"]. Single List. October 28, 2020 [June 30, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  8. ^ Choi, Hee-jae. 이수만 "新걸그룹 에스파, 현실세계 아티스트·가상세계 아바타가 멤버로 활동" [Lee Soo-man "New Girl Group Aespa, Real World Artist and Virtual World Avatar are Active Members"]. Xports News. October 28, 2020 [June 30, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  9. ^ Hwang, Hye-jin. SM, UAM 드론택시 시연비행 행사 엔터테인먼트사 중 유일하게 참석 [SM is the Only Entertainment Company to Attend the UAM Drone Taxi Demonstration Event]. Newsen. November 12, 2020 [June 30, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  10. ^ Kim, Eun-ae. SM, UAM 드론택시 시연비행 행사에 엔터테인먼트사 중 유일히 참석 [SM, UAM is the Only Entertainment Company to Attend a Demonstration Flight Event for Drone Taxis]. Osen. November 12, 2020 [July 1, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  11. ^ Yoo, Byung-chul. SM, UAM 드론택시 시연비행 행사에 엔터테인먼트사 중 유일하게 참석 [SM, The Only Entertainment Company to Attend a Demonstration Flight Event for UAM Drone Taxis]. Korea Economic TV. November 12, 2020 [July 1, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  12. ^ Chun, Yun-hye. 슈주 시원, SM 이성수 대표와 '한·세계화상 비즈니스위크' 포럼 참석..K-POP 알리는 연설 [Siwon of Super Junior, Lee Sung-soo the CEO of SM, Attends the 'Korea-World Chinese Entrepreneurs Business Week' Forum.. K-POP Announcement Speech]. Herald Pop. November 13, 2020 [July 1, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  13. ^ Kim, Eun-ae. SM 이성수 대표・슈퍼주니어 시원, 韓 문화업계 대표로 '한·세계화상 비즈니스위크' 참석 [CEO Lee Sung-soo of SM, Siwon of Super Junior, and CEO of the Korean Cultural Industry Attended the 'Korea-World Chinese Entrepreneurs Business Week']. Osen. November 13, 2020 [July 1, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  14. ^ Kim, Myung-mi. 슈주 시원-SM 이성수 대표, 韓 문화 업계 대표로 나섰다 [Super Junior Si-won and SM CEO Lee Sung-soo Came Forward as Representatives of the Korean Culture Industry]. Newsen. November 13, 2020 [July 1, 2021]. (原始内容存档于November 13, 2020) (韩语). 
  15. ^ Kim, Hyun-jung. 최시원, '2020 한·세계화상 비즈니스위크' 연설…글로벌 K-POP 알리다 [Choi Si-won Addresses 'Korea-World Chinese Entrepreneurs Business Week 2020'…Global K-POP Announcement]. Xports News. November 13, 2020 [July 1, 2021]. (原始内容存档于November 13, 2020) (韩语). 
  16. ^ Kim, Min-ji. SM 이성수 대표·슈퍼주니어 시원, '2020 한·세계화상 비즈니스위크' 참석 [Lee Sung-soo, CEO of SM, Siwon of Super Junior will Attend the 'Korea-World Chinese Entrepreneurs Business Week 2020']. News1. November 13, 2020 [July 1, 2021]. (原始内容存档于November 14, 2020) (韩语). 
  17. ^ Yoo, Byung-chul. SM엔터테인먼트 이성수 대표X슈퍼주니어 시원, '2020 한·세계화상 비즈니스위크' 참석 [SM Entertainment CEO Lee Sung-soo X Super Junior's Siwon will Attend the 'Korea-World Chinese Entrepreneurs Business Week 2020']. Korea Economic TV. November 13, 2020 [July 1, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2021) (韩语). 
  18. ^ SM Entertainment-KAIST metaverse MOU. Yonhap News Agency. June 24, 2021 [June 30, 2021]. (原始内容存档于June 27, 2021). 
  19. ^ Kim, Bo-gyung. [Diplomatic circuit] K-pop, soft power experts pin innovation as key to sustain momentum. The Korea Herald. January 20, 2020 [June 29, 2021]. (原始内容存档于January 20, 2020). 
  20. ^ KAIST teams up with SM Entertainment for metaverse research. Yonhap News Agency. June 24, 2021 [June 30, 2021]. (原始内容存档于June 24, 2021) –通过The Korea Herald. 
  21. ^ Jeon, Han-wool. KAIST, SM 엔터테인먼트와 '메타버스 연구' MOU 체결 [KAIST Signs MOU with SM Entertainment for 'Metaverse Research']. E News Today. June 24, 2021 [July 1, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2021) (韩语). 
  22. ^ Kim, Young-joon. KAIST-SM 엔터테인먼트, 신시대 조류 '메타버스' 구축에 협력 [KAIST-SM Entertainment, Cooperation in Building a New Era Trend 'Metaverse']. ETNews. June 24, 2021 [July 1, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2021) (韩语). 
  23. ^ Yoo, Yong-seok. [포토]NCT, 회장님과 함께하는 토크쇼 [[Photo]NCT, Talk Show with Chairman]. Star Today. June 24, 2021 [July 1, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  24. ^ Kwak, Hyun-soo. 'SM CONGRESS 2021' 이수만 "SM 킬러 콘텐츠 값어치 더 커질 것" [Lee Soo-man on 'SM CONGRESS 2021' said, "SM Killer Content Will Be Bigger"]. YTN Star. June 29, 2021 [July 1, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  25. ^ Hwang, Ji-young. SM 이수만 "에스파에 고기 사주겠다" [SM Lee Soo-man said, "I'll buy you meat Aespa"]. Ilgan Sports. June 29, 2021 [July 1, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  26. ^ Lee, Min-ji. 이수만 "에스파 세계관, 할리우드 영화화 이야기 오가고 있어" [Lee Soo-man "Aespa's Worldview, Talking About Making a Hollywood Movie which is Coming and Going"]. Newsen. June 29, 2021 [July 1, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  27. ^ Herman, Tamar. New music from NCT, Aespa and other K-pop acts coming in 2021, says SM Entertainment as label teases multimedia SMCU concept. South China Morning Post. June 29, 2021 [July 1, 2021]. (原始内容存档于June 29, 2021). 
  28. ^ Goo, Woong. 대구시, 세계문화산업포럼 통해 문화산업 중심도시로 도약 [Daegu City, Leaps Into the Center of Cultural Industry Through the World Culture Industry Forum]. Job Post. July 1, 2021 [July 2, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2021) (韩语). 
  29. ^ Kim, Jang-wook. '제2회 세계문화산업포럼', 내달 1일 대구서 열려 [The 'Second World Cultural Industry Forum' will be Held in Daegu on the First of Next Month]. Financial News. June 25, 2021 [July 2, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2021) (韩语). 
  30. ^ Oh, Ba-ram. 이수만 "한국, 문화와 기술 시너지에서 '퍼스트 무버' 돼야" [Lee Soo-man "Korea Should be the 'First Mover' in Cultural and Technological Synergies"]. Yonhap News Agency. July 1, 2021 [July 2, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2021) (韩语). 
  31. ^ Lee, Hwa-sup. SM 이수만 "전 세계 문화로 연결 미래 엔터테인먼트 세상 추진" [SM's Lee Soo-man "Promoting the Future Entertainment World Connected with Global Culture"]. Maeil Newspaper. July 1, 2021 [July 2, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2021) (韩语). 
  32. ^ SM 이수만 "미래엔 콘텐츠가 자산…K팝 소장가치 확신" [Lee Soo-man of SM "In the Future, Content will be Assets...Confidence in the Value of K-Pop Collection"]. Sports World. July 2, 2021 [July 2, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2021) (韩语). 
  33. ^ Red Velvet reveals SMCU's first comics content. AsiaToday. November 9, 2022 [November 15, 2022]. (原始内容存档于November 15, 2022) –通过Nate (韩语). 
  34. ^ Baek, Yong-hee. 이수만 총괄 프로듀서, 제1회 세계문화산업포럼 韓 문화계 대표 인사로 기조연설 참석 [Executive Producer Lee Soo-man, Attending the First World Cultural Industry Forum, Representative of the Korean Cultural Community Gives Keynote Speech]. Market News. October 28, 2020 [June 30, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2021) (韩语). 
  35. ^ Sung, Jung-eun. 이수만 "걸그룹 에스파, 현실세계와 가상세계 초월한 혁신적 그룹" [Lee Soo-man "Girl Group Aespa, Innovative Group Beyond the Real World and Virtual World"]. Maeil Business Newspaper Star Today. October 28, 2020 [June 30, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2021) (韩语). 
  36. ^ Kwon, Soo-bin. 이수만 설명한 에스파 세계관 "현실X아바타 멤버의 컬래버" [The Aespa Worldview "Reality X Avatar Member's Collaboration" Explained by Lee Soo-man]. News Culture. October 28, 2020 [June 30, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2021) (韩语). 
  37. ^ Jung, Hee-yeon. 이수만이 직접 밝힌 新 그룹 에스파의 미래 ft.가상세계 [Future ft.Virtual World of Aespa, A New Group that Lee Soo-man Himself Revealed]. Sports Dong-A. October 28, 2020 [June 30, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2021) (韩语). 
  38. ^ Hwang, Ji-young. SM 이수만 "에스파, 현실과 가상 초월한 혁신적 그룹" [SM Lee Soo-man "Aespa, Innovative Group Beyond Reality and Virtual"]. Ilgan Sports. October 28, 2020 [June 30, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2021) (韩语). 
  39. ^ Lee, Min-ji. '컴백' 에스파, 세계관 스토리 담은 SMCU 영상 공개! [Aespa's 'Comeback', SMCU's Worldview Story Video will be Released!]. Newsen. May 15, 2021 [June 30, 2021]. (原始内容存档于May 15, 2021) (韩语). 
  40. ^ Son, Jin-ah. 이수만 "비빔밥 맛보면 SMP 이해 가능…에스파 세계관 할리우드 영화화 논의" [Lee Soo-man said, "If you taste Bibimbap, you can understand SMP...Aespa Worldview Hollywood Movieization Discussion"]. MK Sports. June 29, 2021 [July 8, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 10, 2021) (韩语). 
  41. ^ 41.0 41.1 Bell, Crystal. Rising K-Pop Group aespa's Concept Ties in Digital Culture, the SM Universe, and More. Teen Vogue. May 20, 2021 [July 2, 2021]. (原始内容存档于May 20, 2021) (美国英语). 
  42. ^ Lee, Ju-young. 현실과 가상 속 자아-이제는 메타버스 시대 [The Self in Reality and Virtual Reality-Now the Metaverse Era]. Maeil Business Newspaper. December 17, 2020 [July 2, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  43. ^ Sang, Hyun-ho. [리부트] 에스파→엑소→엔시티 유→엔시티 드림까지 SM세계관 잇는 '이것'? [[Reboot] 'This' Connects Aespa→EXO→NCT U→NCT DREAM to SM World?]. Top Star News. June 28, 2021 [July 5, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  44. ^ Raj, Tanu. How Aespa Is Challenging K-Pop's Boundaries With AI Members. Nylon. [July 2, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 1, 2021) (英语). 
  45. ^ Lee, Eun-ho. 한 큐에 끝내는 '에스파 세계관' ['Aespa Worldview' that Ends in One Queue]. Kuki News. May 28, 2021 [July 2, 2021]. (原始内容存档于May 28, 2021) (韩语). 
  46. ^ 1001 từ khóa trong SM Culture Universe (vũ trụ văn hóa SM) cần được giải mã [1001 Keywords in SM Culture Universe that Needs to be Decoded]. Billboard Việt Nam. May 18, 2021 [July 7, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (越南语). 
  47. ^ Kim, Yeon-ji. [뮤직IS] 에스파 메타버스 세계관으로 증명한 SM의 기획력 [[MusicIS] SM's Planning Power Proved by Aespa's Metaverse Worldview]. Ilgan Sports. May 27, 2021 [July 8, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) –通过Nate Entertainment (韩语). 
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  50. ^ MCU만큼 흥미로운 '에스파'의 세계관 [The Worldview of 'Aespa' is as Interesting as the MCU]. Harper's Bazaar Korea. May 25, 2021 [July 2, 2021]. (原始内容存档于May 25, 2021) (韩语). 
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  52. ^ De Luna, Elizabeth. Aespa Explained Their Complex Concept and Celebrated New Song "Next Level". Teen Vogue. 17 May 2021 [July 2, 2021]. (原始内容存档于May 17, 2021) (美国英语). 
  53. ^ Sang, Hyun-ho. 소녀시대-동방신기-레드벨벳도 광야로?…SM, 세계관 확장 행보 이어가 [Girls' Generation-TVXQ-Red Velvet Into Kwangya?…SM Continues to Expand its Worldview]. Top Star News. June 29, 2021 [July 11, 2021]. (原始内容存档于June 29, 2021) (韩语). 
  54. ^ Gong, Mi-na. 음원강자부터 대형신인까지..11월은 걸그룹 '전쟁터' [From Music Powerhouses to Big Rookies..November is the Girl Group's 'Battlefield']. StarNews. October 31, 2020 [July 8, 2021]. (原始内容存档于November 13, 2020) (韩语). 
  55. ^ Gong, Mi-na. SM의 새로운 실험..에스파, 아바타와 강렬 데뷔 '블랙 맘바'[6시★살롱] [SM's New Experiment..Aespa, Avatar, and Intense Debut 'Black Mamba']. StarNews. November 17, 2020 [July 8, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  56. ^ Kim, Sun-woo. "현실X아바타 컬래버" SM 新걸그룹 에스파, SMCU 세계관 통할까[SS뮤직] ["Real X Avatar Collaboration" SM New Girl Group Aespa, Will SMCU's Worldview Penetrate [SSMusic]]. Sports Seoul. November 2, 2020 [July 8, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
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  58. ^ Jung, Yu-jin. '색다른 맛'의 가요계 도전장…에스파는 아바타, 스테이씨는 향기 [A Challenge in the Music Industry of 'A Different Taste'…Aespa is Avatar, StayC is Scent]. SPOTV News. November 17, 2020 [July 8, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  59. ^ Jang, Jin-ri. 슈퍼엠→에스파→보아…SM, '한국판 마블' 꿈꾸는 SMCU의 출발[이슈S] [SuperM→Aespa→BoA…SM's Dreaming of Korean Marvel Version [Issue S]]. SPOTV News. November 22, 2020 [July 8, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 
  60. ^ Kim, Do-heon. '아바타' 걸그룹·인공지능 목소리, 케이팝 시장이 달라졌다 ['Avatar' Girl Group, AI voice, the K-Pop Market has Changed]. OhmyStar. July 8, 2021 [July 8, 2021]. (原始内容存档于July 9, 2021) (韩语). 

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