3D工作(英語:3D jobs)的全称是“肮脏、危险和有损尊严”(dirty, dangerous and demeaning),也可以解释为“肮脏、危险和辛苦”(dirty, dangerous and demanding)或“肮脏、危险和困难”(dirty, dangerous and difficult),是一个源自亚洲的新词,通常是指由工会的藍領工人执行的某些类型的劳力工作。这个术语源自日语的“3K”[1],即是:汚いkitanai(骯髒)、危険kiken(危險)和きついkitsui(辛苦),“3K”随后得到广泛使用,特别是涉及移民工(英语:migrant worker)和部落民的劳动。
^J. Connell, 1993, Kitanai, Kitsui and Kiken: The Rise of Labour Migration to Japan, Economic & Regional Restructuring Research Unit, University of Sydney
^Phillip Martin, 1996 Migrants on the move in Asia, Asia-Pacific Issues, East West Centre, Washington
^M. M. Haque and Ahmad F. Ismail, "Automation in Foundry Kasting Industry", IEEE ICIT’02, Bangkok, THAILAND, 2002 pp 815 -820
^Roberts K. D., "The determinants of job choice by rural labor migrants in Shanghai" China Economic Review, Volume 12, Issue 1, Spring 2001, Pages 15-39
^Daniel Attas, The Case of Guest Workers: Exploitation, Citizenship and Economic Rights, v6 n1, January 2000, Springer
^Hudson, Kenneth. The new labor market segmentation: Labor market dualism in the new economy. Social Science Research. 2007-03-01, 36 (1): 286–312. doi:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2005.11.005.