- 伊恩·科利爾(Ian Collier),65歲,英國歌手和演員(神秘博士)。[1]
- Robert Couturier,103歲,法國雕塑家。[2]
- J·唐·弗格森(J. Don Ferguson),74歲,美國演員(諾瑪·雷(Norma Rae),《最大超速》(Maximum Overdrive),美國職業大聯盟:回到未成年人(Major League: Back to the Minors),白血病。[3]
- 比爾·弗拉格,79歲,英國聖公會主教,秘魯主教(1973-1977)。[4]
- 達芙妮·赫洛穆卡(Daphney Hlomuka),59歲,南非女演員,腎癌。[5]
- Val Jansante,88歲,美式足球運動員(匹茲堡鋼人隊)。[6]
- Detlef Lewe,69歲,德國皮划艇運動員,1972年奧運會銅牌得主,短暫患病後。[7]
- House Peters, Jr.,92歲,美國演員(Mr. Clean),肺炎。[8]
- 尼克·雷諾茲(Nick Reynolds),75歲,美國民謠音樂家(金斯頓三重奏),急性呼吸道疾病。[9]
- 阿琳·謝爾曼(Arlene Sherman),61歲,美國電視製片人(芝麻街)。[10]
- LeJuan Simon,27歲,特立尼達運動員,肺動脈高壓併發症。[11]
- 普爾南·維斯瓦納坦(Poornam Viswanathan),88歲,印度演員,多器官衰竭。[12]
- 鲍里斯·叶菲莫夫,109歲,俄羅斯政治漫畫家。[13]
- George Anselevicius,85歲,立陶宛出生的美國建築師。[14]
- 邦妮·布魯(Bonnie Bluh),82歲,美國女權主義作家,主動脈夾層。[15]
- 崔真實,39歲,韓國女演員,上吊自殺。[16]
- 羅伯·蓋斯特(Rob Guest),58歲,英國出生的紐西蘭演員和歌手,中風。[17]
- 安娜·哈格曼(Anna Hagemann),89歲,德國奧運運動員。[18]
- 沙哈羅姆·海珊(Shaharom Husain),88歲,馬來西亞歷史學家。[19]
- Kataejar Jibas,55歲,馬紹爾政治家,自2007年以來擔任比基尼環礁市長,因車禍受傷。[20]
- John Sjoberg,67歲,英國足球運動員(萊斯特城足球俱樂部)。[21]
- 哈裡·巴斯(Harry Bath),83歲,澳大利亞國家橄欖球聯盟(Australian National Rugby League)球員和教練,長期患病。[31]
- 泰德·布裡格斯(Ted Briggs),85歲,英國水手,胡德號沉沒的最後倖存者。[32]
- 克雷格·費爾蒂格(Craig Fertig),66歲,美式橄欖球運動員和教練,腎衰竭。[33]
- Al Gallodoro,95歲,美國爵士音樂家,短暫生病後。[34]
- 鍾信(Derek Jones),81歲,英國殖民地官員,香港經濟司(1973-1976),環境司(1976-1981)。[35]
- 索爾·拉斯金(Saul Laskin),90歲,加拿大政治家,桑德貝(Thunder Bay)第一任市長,心臟病發作。[36]
- 彼得·范西塔特(Peter Vansittart),88歲,英國作家。[37]
- Cozzene,28歲,美國純種賽馬,被安樂死。[67]
- 魯尼公主,28歲,美國純種賽馬,被安樂死。[68]
- David Akutagawa,71歲,日裔加拿大武術家,心臟病發作。[69]
- Chicão,59歲,巴西足球運動員。[70]
- 吉姆·德雷克(Jim Drake),77歲,英國橄欖球聯盟球員。[71]
- 鮑勃·弗蘭德(Bob Friend),70歲,英國新聞播音員,癌症。[72]
- Gidget Gein,39歲,美國貝斯手(Marilyn Manson),吸毒過量。[73]
- 彼特·戈根(Pete Goegan),74歲,加拿大冰球運動員(底特律紅翼隊、明尼蘇達北極星隊、紐約遊騎兵隊)。[74]
- Tanya Halesworth,73歲,澳大利亞電視新聞主持人,癌症。[75]
- 愛琳·赫利(Eileen Herlie),90歲,英國出生的美國女演員(《哈姆雷特》《我的孩子》),肺炎併發症。[76]
- 諾曼·霍格(Norman Hogg),坎伯諾爾德男爵(Baron Hogg),70歲,英國政治家,國會議員(1979-1997),癌症。[77]
- 克里夫·馬龍(Cliff Malone),83歲,加拿大冰球運動員(蒙特利爾加拿大人),心力衰竭。[78]
- Les McCrabb,93歲,美國棒球運動員(費城田徑隊)。[79]
- 總和,30歲,美國純種賽馬和父親,自然原因。[97]
- Sukha Bose,77歲,印度板球裁判。[116]
- Lenvil Elliott,57歲,美式橄欖球運動員(三藩市49人隊,辛辛那提孟加拉虎隊),心臟病發作。[117]
- 查克·埃文斯(Chuck Evans),41歲,美式足球運動員(明尼蘇達維京人),心力衰竭。[118]
- 迪克·弗蘭克斯爵士,88歲,英國秘密情報局局長(1979-1982)。[119]
- 羅伊·K·摩爾(Roy K. Moore),94歲,美國聯邦調查局特工,以民權調查和肺炎而聞名。[120]
- Cliff Nobles,67歲,美國流行音樂家,癌症。[121]
- 魯道夫·龐塞普(Rudolf Pangsepp),87歲,愛沙尼亞書籍設計師和藝術家。[122]
- James E. Reilly,60歲,美國肥皂劇作家,心臟手術併發症。[123]
- 約翰·R·賴利(John R. Reilly),80歲,美國律師,六位民主黨總統候選人的顧問,癌症。[124]
- 艾琳·羅森費爾德(Allan Rosenfield),75歲,美國醫生,哥倫比亞大學公共衛生學院院長(1986-2008),肌萎縮側索硬化症。[125]
- 埃米爾·斯坦伯格(Emil Steinberger),79歲,美國醫生,肺癌。[126]
- 伊迪·亞當斯(Edie Adams),81歲,美國女演員(Li'l Abner,It's a Mad,Mad,Mad,Mad,Mad World,The Apartment),托尼獎得主(1957),肺炎和癌症。[152]
- Fazıl Hüsnü Dağlarca,94歲,土耳其詩人,慢性腎功能衰竭。[153]
- 內森·大衛斯(Nathan Davis),91歲,美國演員(《小偷》《洞》《冒險生意》)。[154]
- 克裡斯·米姆斯(Chris Mims),38歲,美式足球運動員。[155]
- 傑克·納爾茲(Jack Narz),85歲,美國遊戲節目主持人(專注),中風併發症。[156]
- 蘇珊娜,66歲,印尼女演員,糖尿病併發症。[157]
- 埃迪·湯普森(Eddie Thompson),68歲,英國商人,鄧迪聯隊主席,前列腺癌。[158]
- Des Townson,74歲,紐西蘭遊艇設計師,癌症。[159]
- 湯姆·特雷什(Tom Tresh),70歲,美國棒球運動員(紐約洋基隊,底特律老虎隊),心臟病發作。[160]
- 羅德里克·沃克(Roderick Walker),76歲,英國SAS指揮官。[161]
- 王永慶,91歲,臺灣企業家、億萬富翁,台塑創始人。[162]
- 喬治·凱勒(George M. Keller),84歲,美國石油公司高管,雪佛龍公司創始人,骨科手術併發症。[169]
- 路德維希王子,95歲,德國王子,維特爾斯巴赫家族成員。[170]
- 烏爾馬斯·奧特(Urmas Ott),53歲,愛沙尼亞記者和電視節目主持人,心臟病發作。[171]
- 聖巴托洛梅奧·誇德里,88歲,義大利摩德納-諾南托拉大主教(1983-1996)。[172]
- Bill Reilly,70歲,美國出版商,Primedia的創始人,骨癌和前列腺癌。[173]
- Levi Stubbs,72歲,美國歌手(The Four Tops),癌症和中風併發症。[174]
- 尼克·韋瑟斯彭(Nick Weatherspoon),58歲,美國籃球運動員,自然原因。[175]
- Ben Weider,85歲,加拿大健美推廣者和拿破侖學者。[176]
- Emmanuelle Cinquin,99歲,法國修女,自然原因。[209]
- Shamsiah Fakeh,84歲,馬來西亞獨立活動家,肺部感染。[210]
- 維托里奧·福阿(Vittorio Foa),98歲,義大利政治家、記者和作家。[211]
- 詹姆斯·格裡森(James Gleeson),92歲,澳大利亞藝術評論家和超現實主義畫家。[212]
- 威廉·蓋德(William Headline),76歲,美國CNN分社社長,倒下。[213]
- 吉恩·希克森(Gene Hickerson),73歲,美式橄欖球運動員(克利夫蘭布朗隊)和職業橄欖球名人堂成員,長期患病。[214]
- 派特·卡瓦納(Pat Kavanagh),68歲,英國文學經紀人,朱利安·巴恩斯(Julian Barnes)的妻子,腦瘤。[215]
- 喬·盧茨(Joe Lutz),83歲,美國棒球運動員(聖路易斯布朗隊),長期患病。[216]
- 大衛·邁爾斯(David Myers),37歲,英國橄欖球聯盟球員(Widnes和英格蘭),車禍。[217]
- 約翰·林厄姆(John Ringham),80歲,英國演員。[218]
- 波比·蘇蘭德(Bobi Sourander),79歲,芬蘭出生的瑞典記者和作家。[219]
- C. V. Sridhar,73歲,印度電影製片人,心臟驟停。[220]
- Krzysztof Zaleski,60歲,波蘭演員,長期患病。[221]
- Regal Intention,23歲,加拿大冠軍純種賽馬。[270]
- ^ Lyon, Shaun. Ian Collier. Outpost Gallifrey. 7 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于9 October 2008).
- ^ Mort du sculpteur Robert Couturier, disciple de Maillol, à l'âge de 103 ans. Agence France-Presse. 2 October 2008 [4 October 2008]. (原始内容存档于1 December 2008) (法语).
- ^ J. Don Ferguson: Actor never left Savannah
- ^ The Right Reverend Bill Flagg. The Daily Telegraph. 16 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Daphney Hlomuka: Much-loved actress. The Times. 5 October 2008 [26 October 2008]. (原始内容存档于7 January 2009).
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- ^ Westerhoff, Friedrich. Die Kanu-Legende lebt nicht mehr. Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung. 1 October 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于5 October 2008) (德语).
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- ^ Anna Hagemann. Sports Reference. [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于17 April 2020).
- ^ Historian Dr Shaharom Husain Dies. Bernama. 2 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于4 June 2011).
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- ^ John Sjoberg. ThisIsAnnouncements.co.uk. 8 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Former Test cricketer Zulfiqar passes away. Daily Times. 4 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于5 October 2008).
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- ^ Khan, Kamrul Ahsan. Friend of Bangladesh Dr Geoffrey Davis passes away. Priyo Australia. 8 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于August 20, 2013).
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- ^ Moore, Morris. Tupac Producer Johnny J Dead of Apparent Suicide. AllHipHop. 4 October 2008 [23 July 2013]. (原始内容存档于5 October 2008).
- ^ R. S. Lodha passes away in London. The Economic Times. 4 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
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- ^ Craig Fertig, Mainstay at U.S.C., Dies at 66. The New York Times. 6 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Chambers, J. Jazz great Al Gallodoro, who grew up in Birmingham, dies. Birmingham Weekly. 8 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于18 November 2008).
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- ^ Saul Laskin dies at 90. Lake Superior News. 5 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于10 January 2009).
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- ^ Darcé, Keith. Dr. Ernest Beutler; Scripps institute researcher was hematology pioneer. The San Diego Union-Tribune. 7 October 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于10 October 2008).
- ^ Grimes, William. Kim Chan, Who Had Roles in TV and 'King of Comedy,' Is Dead. The New York Times. 9 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
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- ^ Mexican director Servando Gonzalez dies at 85. New York Daily News. 7 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于12 October 2012).
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- ^ Minister considered one of the best. The Sydney Morning Herald. 13 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
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- ^ Haugen, Martin. Lotten fra Hegra Festning er død. Stjørdalens Blad. 7 October 2008 [13 October 2008]. (原始内容存档于9 October 2008) (挪威语).
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- ^ Cashmere, Paul. Original Marilyn Manson Bass Player ODs. Undercover.fm. 11 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于13 August 2011).
- ^ Peter John Goegan
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- ^ Clifford Malone
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- ^ Gerald "Germ" Leeman. The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier. 12 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于25 April 2016).
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- ^ Jiřina Petrovická. Česko-Slovenská filmová databáze. [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于December 28, 2010) (捷克语).
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- ^ Austrian actor Kurt Weinzierl dies at 77 years of age. Austrian Times. 13 October 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于31 May 2011).
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- ^ Dunlap, Curtis. Bill Higginson has died. Tobacco Road Poet. 11 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Odell, Amy. Ford Model Randy Johnston Passes Away. New York. 14 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Sauers, Jenna. Suicidal Models Are Fashion's Worst Trend. Jezebel. 13 May 2010 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于July 14, 2012).
- ^ Manitoba model's family grapples with alleged suicide in Italy. Canada.com. 18 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于10 November 2012).
- ^ Pushto film actor Badar Munir dies. Geo TV. 11 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于12 October 2008).
- ^ Dewhurst, Keith. Mark Shivas: Film and television producer who worked with an unmatched range of writers and directors. The Independent. 17 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Tevlin, Jon. Longtime state senator Allan Spear dies. Star Tribune. 13 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于7 June 2011).
- ^ Thurber, Jon. Anchor and sportscaster was also an actor. Los Angeles Times. 13 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于15 October 2008).
- ^ Montreal jazz guitarist Nelson Symonds dies at 75. CBC News. 16 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Scarlett the cat, blaze heroine. Purr-n-Fur UK. [8 October 2018].
- ^ Sukha Bose. ESPN CricInfo. [8 October 2018].
- ^ Lenvil Elliott: 1951-2008. San Francisco Chronicle. 18 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Former Raven Chuck Evans Dies. WMAR-TV. October 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于14 October 2008).
- ^ Sir Dick Franks: Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service. The Times. 20 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于24 May 2010).
- ^ Sullivan, Patricia. Roy K. Moore, 94; FBI Agent Probed Civil Rights Killings. The Washington Post. 20 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Montgomery Life obituaries for Oct. 17: Clifford Nobles. ZWire.com. 16 October 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于7 January 2009).
- ^ In memoriam Rudolf Pangsepp. Galerii24.ee. 16 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于20 July 2011) (爱沙尼亚语).
- ^ Mitovich, Matt. Soaps Scribe James E. Reilly Dies at 60. TV Guide. 14 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于17 October 2008).
- ^ Sullivan, Patricia. John R. Reilly; Democratic Adviser. The Washington Post. 14 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Segelken, H. Roger. Dr. Allan Rosenfield, Women's Health Advocate, Dies at 75. The New York Times. 16 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Houston loses physician, researcher and author Emil Steinberger, M.D.. Jewish Herald-Voice. 16 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Director Khryss Adalia passes away. Philippine Daily Inquirer. 13 October 2008 [13 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于16 October 2008).
- ^ Cheney, David M. Bishop Pablo Barrachina Estevan. Catholic Hierarchy. [8 October 2018].
- ^ Klein, Jeff Z. Death of Rangers Prospect Prompts Inquiry. The New York Times. 14 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Life Legacy: Crowns, Jr., Arthur J.. Downing & Lahey Mortuary. [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于4 March 2016).
- ^ Guillaume Depardieu dead at 38. Contactmusic.com. 13 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Cheney, David M. Cardinal Antonio José González Zumárraga. Catholic Hierarchy. [8 October 2018].
- ^ Amiel, Barbara. Who will give in to despair is a mystery. Macleans.ca. 25 February 2009 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Wiseman, Lauren. Matthew J. Rinaldo, 77; 10-Term Representative. The Washington Post. 15 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Paul Rogers, congressman from Florida. The Boston Globe. 15 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Smith, John L. Frank 'Lefty' Rosenthal dead at age 79. Las Vegas Review-Journal. 14 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于18 October 2008).
- ^ Uskup Ruteng Meninggal Akibat Serangan Jantung [Bishop Ruteng died as a result of heart attack]. Union of Catholic Asian News. 13 October 2008 [8 October 2018] (印度尼西亚语).
- ^ Mr. Hollywood. RIP: Guillaume Depardieu (1971-2008), Françoise Seigner (1928-2008) & Ken Ogata (1937-2008). The Movie Planet. 13 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Alcalde Leopoldo López develó Busto del compositor Eduardo Serrano. Chacao.gov.ve. October 2000 [7 November 2013]. (原始内容存档于27 September 2007) (西班牙语).
- ^ Burke, David. Adam Watene's death from heart attack stuns Wakefield Trinity Wildcats. The Daily Telegraph. 13 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Gaughan, Gavin. Christopher Wicking. The Guardian. 6 February 2009 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Obituary: Barrington J. Bayley. Locus. 15 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Mears, Bill. Inmate executed after Supreme Court rejects obese argument. CNN. 14 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Hevesi, Dennis. R. R. Furman, 93, Dies; Led Bomb-Project Spying. The New York Times. 29 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Cheney, David M. Archbishop Antonio Iannucci. Catholic Hierarchy. [8 October 2018].
- ^ NME/Clash artist Ray Lowry passes away. NME. 15 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Lady Mackenzie-Stuart. The Scotsman. 17 November 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于20 October 2012).
- ^ Henry, Alan. Pat Moss. The Guardian. 26 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Viscount Ingleby. The Daily Telegraph. 5 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Mirė legendinis Kauno "Žalgirio" žaidėjas ir treneris K. Petkevičius. Eurobasket.lt. 15 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于19 October 2008) (立陶宛语).
- ^ Dame Daphne Purves dies in Dunedin. Stuff.co.nz. 18 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Weber, Bruce. Edie Adams, Actress and Singer (and Flirt With a Cigar), Dies at 81. The New York Times. 16 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Dağlarca, inventor of modern-day epic Turkish poetry, dies. Today's Zaman. 16 October 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于7 October 2009).
- ^ Jones, Chris. Nathan Davis, Chicago actor ~ 1917–2008. Chicago Tribune. 16 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于14 February 2012).
- ^ Ex-Chargers lineman Chris Mims found dead. USA Today. 15 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Gilbert, Tom. Veteran Game Show Host Narz Dead at 85. TV Week.com. 15 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于29 January 2009).
- ^ Horror film queen dies aged 66. The Jakarta Post. 16 October 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于24 October 2008).
- ^ Chairman Loses Battle. Dundee United F.C. 15 October 2008 [15 October 2008]. (原始内容存档于18 October 2008).
- ^ Sailing pioneer passes away. Stuff.co.nz. 16 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Lahde, Jim. CMU player, coach, Yankee shortstop Tom Tresh dies at 71. Morning Sun. 15 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于18 February 2012).
- ^ Brigadier 'Rory' Walker: SAS commander. The Times. 31 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于23 May 2010).
- ^ Taiwan's 3rd richest man, petrochem giant, dies. Reuters. 16 October 2016 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Sentido deceso: Germán Abad Valenzuela. El Universo. 18 October 2008 [8 October 2018] (西班牙语).
- ^ Ere Kokkonen on kuollut. Iltalehti. 16 October 2008 [8 October 2018] (芬兰语).
- ^ Careless, James. David Lee 1938-2008. Playback. 27 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Paul Montgomery, Former New York Times Reporter, Is Dead at 72. The New York Times. 17 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Rudi, Hanneli. Suri lastekirjanik Dagmar Normet. Postimees. 17 October 2008 [8 October 2018] (爱沙尼亚语).
- ^ Johnson, Steven. Jack Reynolds: A 'believer' who convinced the fans. SLAM! Wrestling. 17 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. 原始内容存档于January 20, 2013.
- ^ Martin, Douglas. George M. Keller, Whose Wager Created Chevron, Is Dead at 84. The New York Times. 17 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Wittelsbacher trauern um Ludwig Prinz von Bayern. Die Welt. Deutsche Presse-Agentur. 21 October 2008 [28 October 2017] (德语).
- ^ Prominent journalist dies in hospital. The Baltic Times. 17 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Cheney, David M. Archbishop Santo Bartolomeo Quadri. Catholic Hierarchy. [8 October 2018].
- ^ Weber, Bruce. Bill Reilly, Magazine Publishing Executive, Dies at 70. The New York Times. 20 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Graff, Gary. Four Tops Vocalist Levi Stubbs Dies At 72. Billboard. 17 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Supinie, John. Former basketball star Weatherspoon dies. The Repository. 19 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Grimes, William. Ben Weider, 85, a Bodybuilding Pioneer. The New York Times. 20 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/obituaries/articles/2008/10./26/dr_raymond_d_adams_97_mass_general_neurology_chief_coauthored_textbook/ [失效連結]
- ^ Mexican Featherweight Dies. The New York Times. Agence France-Presse. 21 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Naedele, Walter F. Evelyn Sempier, former Miss America from Pa., dies. The Philadelphia Inquirer. 22 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于15 January 2009).
- ^ Cheney, David M. Bishop Salvatore Boccaccio. Catholic Hierarchy. [8 October 2018].
- ^ Fox, Margalit. Albert Boime, Leading Art Historian, Dies at 75. The New York Times. 2 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Expert on past dies; 82. Philippine Daily Inquirer. 21 October 2008 [17 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于24 October 2008).
- ^ Flight Lieutenant Charley Fox. The Daily Telegraph. 4 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Monaghan, Terry. Peter Gordeno. The Guardian. 29 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Tormod Haugen er død. Aftenposten. 20 October 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于23 October 2008) (挪威语).
- ^ E.K. Mawlong passes away. The Telegraph. 18 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于October 22, 2008).
- ^ Keepnews, Peter. Dave McKenna, Pianist Known for Solo Jazz Work, Dies at 78. The New York Times. 20 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Longtime state Sen. James J. Rhoades dead after traffic accident. Reading Eagle. 19 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Soul singer Dee Dee Warwick dies in NJ at age 63. Associated Press. 24 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于24 October 2008).
- ^ Renowned Chinese film director Xie Jin dies. SINA English. 18 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Champion Pacer Ralph Hanover Euthanized.
- ^ :: Professor Rehana Khatoon ::. www.professorrehanakhatoon.org. [5 February 2022]. (原始内容存档于6 October 2014).
- ^ Thomas, Bob. Richard Blackwell, of Mr. Blackwell's Worst Dressed List, Dies At 86. The Huffington Post. 20 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于23 October 2008).
- ^ Weber, Bruce. John Campbell, Logging Chief, Dies at 67. The New York Times. 23 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Outdoors broadcaster Tony Dean dies. Star Tribune. 20 October 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于25 October 2008).
- ^ Woo, Elaine. Marilyn Ferguson, 70, dies; writer's 'The Aquarian Conspiracy' was pivotal in New Age movement. Los Angeles Times. 2 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Grateful Dead Lawyer Hal Kant Dies. Billboard. 22 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Clark, Ryan. Leah Maivia Passes Away, 800th RAW Update Inside, & Lots More News. Wrestling Inc. 22 October 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于25 October 2008).
- ^ Ex-Celtics owner, horse breeder Mangurian dies. ESPN. 21 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Grimes, William. Mireille Marokvia, 99, Memoirist, Dies. The New York Times. 27 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Hinckley, David. 'Dolemite' comedian Rudy Ray Moore, inspiration to hip hop culture, dead at 81 years old. New York Daily News. 21 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于5 February 2017).
- ^ Robert B. Nett, Awarded Medal of Honor, Dies at 86. The New York Times. 25 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Shenton, Kenneth. Nigel Plews: Police officer, international umpire and expert on the laws of cricket. The Independent. 19 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Forbes, Elizabeth. Gianni Raimondi: Tenor who sang with Maria Callas during a long career at La Scala. The Independent. 27 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Tommasini, Anthony. Gail Robinson, Soprano Who Sang at the Metropolitan Opera, Dies at 62. The New York Times. 21 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Nogueira, Italo. Empresário Arthur Sendas é assassinado. Folha de S.Paulo. 21 October 2008 [8 October 2018] (葡萄牙语).
- ^ Lou Stringer. Orange County Register. 23 October 2008 [8 October 2018] –通过Legacy.com.
- ^ Iowa's first woman Olympic gold medalist dies. Iowa State Daily. 21 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. [永久失效連結]
- ^ Slum charity nun Emmanuelle dies. BBC News. 20 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Veteran communist leader Shamsiah Fakeh, 84, dies. The Star. 20 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-20).
- ^ Donadio, Rachel. Vittorio Foa, Anti-Fascist, Labor Leader and Italian Senator, Dies at 98. The New York Times. 21 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Surrealist painter James Gleeson dies. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 20 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Wiseman, Lauren. William W. Headline; Led CNN's Washington Bureau. The Washington Post. 23 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Hickerson, Browns Hall of Fame guard, dies at 73. ESPN. 20 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Callil, Carmen. Pat Kavanagh. The Guardian. 22 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Zaloudek, Mark. Former ballplayer served as mentor in a varied career. Sarasota Herald-Tribune. 25 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于March 3, 2016).
- ^ Rugby Star Dies In M-Way Crash. Sky News. 21 October 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于6 May 2010).
- ^ John Ringham. The Daily Telegraph. 3 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Wikner, Hans. Utlandskorrespondent död. Sydsvenskan. 20 October 2008 [17 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于24 October 2008) (瑞典语).
- ^ Veteran filmmaker Sridhar passes away. The Times of India. 20 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于22 October 2012).
- ^ Zmarł aktor Krzysztof Zaleski. Gazeta.pl. 20 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Abdullah, Muhammad - Banglapedia. en.banglapedia.org.
- ^ Widow of Swedish count dies in southern Germany. The Local. 21 October 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于25 October 2008).
- ^ Décès de l'ancien cycliste Alex Close. Le Figaro. 23 October 2008 [8 October 2018] (法语).
- ^ Rufus "Jake" Crawford. Fort Worth Star-Telegram. 23 October 2008 [8 October 2018] –通过Legacy.com.
- ^ In Memory of George Edwards. Birmingham City Football Club. October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于13 January 2009).
- ^ Richard J. Keane Obituary (2008) Buffalo News. Legacy.com.
- ^ Thurber, Jon. Publicist wrote biographies of three big-band legends. Los Angeles Times. 23 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Former Olympic Committee member Ram Ruhee dies. GMA News TV. 23 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Dublin-born lawyer who became first white minister in independent Zambia. The Irish Times. 1 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Bob Adlard. Sports Reference. [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于18 April 2020).
- ^ Honorable Robert C. Cannon. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 24 October 2008 [8 October 2018] –通过Legacy.com.
- ^ Connolly, Norma. Warren Conolly dies. Cayman Compass. 23 October 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于25 October 2008).
- ^ Heller, Steven. Lou Dorfsman, Design Chief at CBS, Dies at 90. The New York Times. 25 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Pearce, Edward. David Evans. The Guardian. 24 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Jan Hijzelendoorn. Sports Reference. [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于18 April 2020).
- ^ Cheney, David M. Bishop Ernest Kombo. Catholic Hierarchy. [8 October 2018].
- ^ David Lloyd Meredith. The Guardian. 5 February 2009 [8 October 2018].
- ^ End of a golden age: Artist Paritosh Sen passes away. Sindh Today. 23 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于26 October 2008).
- ^ Vivarelli, Nick. Producer Gianluigi Braschi dies. Variety. 30 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Professor Derek Brewer. The Daily Telegraph. 2 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Elhunyt Csuvik Oszkár. Magyar Nemzet. 24 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于27 October 2008) (匈牙利语).
- ^ Russell, Tony. Danny Dill: Songwriter famed for Long Black Veil. The Guardian. 19 January 2009 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Bunce, Steve. Kevin Finnegan: Champion middleweight boxer. The Independent. 29 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Hevesi, Dennis. E. Roger Muir, 89, Dies; Backed Howdy Doody. The New York Times. 28 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Ivo Pukanic, the owner of Croatian Nacional weekly, assassinated. EMportal.rs. 23 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于28 July 2011).
- ^ Professor Frank Walbank: Classical scholar who defined and dominated the field of Hellenistic history for half a century. The Independent. 28 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于2 December 2008).
- ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Rabbi Moshe Cotel, Composer, Dies at 65. The New York Times. 2 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Greenslade, Roy. Howard French. The Guardian. 5 December 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Saperstein, Pat. Acting teacher Milton Katselas dies. Variety. 27 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Jayawardhana, Walter. Sri Lanka Music Legend Premasiri Kemadasa Dies. LankaWeb. 26 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Former Grateful Dead keyboardist Saunders dies at 74. Reuters. 27 October 2016 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Veteran army leader dies at 102. Xinhua News Agency. 24 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Ex-Vienna mayor targeted by letter bomb dies at 81. Reuters. 24 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Wylie, Ian. Royal star John dies. Manchester Evening News. 25 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于14 January 2013).
- ^ Condolences: Mr Cecil Allen Blanchard (PDF). Senate Official Hansard. 11 November 2008 [1 June 2010]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于5 May 2010).
- ^ Larimer, Sarah. Gerard Damiano, 'Deep Throat' director, dead at 80. Associated Press. 28 October 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于1 November 2008).
- ^ Columb Farrelly Dies In Kerry. Hot Press. 27 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Obituaries: Bob Gambold. Tributes.com. [8 October 2018].
- ^ Segelken, H. Roger. Irwin C. Gunsalus, Vitamin Biochemist, Dies at 96. The New York Times. 21 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Martin, Andrew. Amos E. Joel Jr., Cellphone Pioneer, Dies at 90. The New York Times. 27 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Meadows, Mark. Tennis - Italy's Luzzi dies of leukemia at 28. Reuters. 25 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Sudakov, Dmitry. Soviet pop legend Muslim Magomayev dies at 66. Pravda.ru. 25 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Herron, Lindsay. Gers Lose A Legend. Rangers F.C. October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于28 October 2008).
- ^ Anne Pressly: 1982-2008. KATV. 27 October 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于29 October 2008).
- ^ Weber, Bruce. Estelle Reiner, 94, Comedy Matriarch, Is Dead. The New York Times. 29 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Hal Roth dies. Yachting Monthly. 30 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Woman Scholar of the Islamic World dies at 72. Tehran Times. 25 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Obituary: Maurice Stonefrost. the Guardian. November 5, 2008.
- ^ Hastings paddock sale | British Columbia | Mark Cloutier. [January 27, 2022]. (原始内容存档于May 8, 2021).
- ^ Bowley, Graham. As if on Cue, Syrians Protest U.S. Incursion on Their Soil. The New York Times. October 30, 2008.
- ^ Italy's last WWI vet dies aged 110. The Australian. 27 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于2 November 2008).
- ^ Gábor Delneky. Sports Reference. [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于18 April 2020).
- ^ Gilmore, Susan. Obituary: Cameron DeVore, 76, First Amendment expert. The Seattle Times. 27 October 2008 [4 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于1 November 2008).
- ^ Folk icon Eileen Donaghy provided ballads for a generation. Tyrone Times. 31 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Fox, Margalit. Thomas Dunn, an Early-Music Conductor, Is Dead at 82. The New York Times. 10 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Stasio, Marilyn. Tony Hillerman, Novelist, Dies at 83. The New York Times. 27 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Oliver, Greg. S.D. Jones dies in Antigua. SLAM! Wrestling. 26 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. 原始内容存档于July 22, 2012.
- ^ Robinson, Javier Clavelo. News: Pablo Montes dies. IAAF.org. 27 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于3 October 2009).
- ^ Nelson, Valerie J. Child actor turned photographer: Delmar Watson, 1926–2008. Los Angeles Times. 28 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Dean Barnett, conservative blogger, dead at 41. The Boston Globe. 27 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Christopher Dobson: Screenwriter whose credits included Nicolas Roeg's film 'Don't Look Now'. The Daily Telegraph. 29 December 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Richard Carr-Gomm: founder of the Abbeyfield and Morpeth charities. The Times. 30 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于23 May 2010).
- ^ Charles Dubin, who headed inquiry on drugs in sports, dies at 87. CBC News. 27 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Barnes, Mike. Composer Ray Ellis dies at 85. The Hollywood Reporter. 31 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Former Members Register. Queensland Parliament. [8 October 2018].
- ^ Karl Kassulke. Star-Tribune. 29 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Magdeburgs Meistertrainer Krügel tot. Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk. 15 November 2008 [27 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于6 December 2008) (德语).
- ^ Edward Levy Whitner. Orlando Sentinel. 6 November 2008 [8 October 2018] –通过Legacy.com.
- ^ Adenekan, Shola. Es'kia Mphahlele: Huge figure in modern African literature. The Guardian. 24 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Singer Frank Nagai dead at 76. Japan Today. 6 November 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于5 June 2011).
- ^ Former EUCOM Commander Dies. European Command Public Affairs. 1 November 2008 [1 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于11 November 2008).
- ^ Louis Secco. Sports Reference. [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于17 April 2020).
- ^ Gaughan, Gavin. Roy Stewart: One of the most prolific black actors of his day. The Guardian. 4 February 2009 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Andy Young: Footballer. The Scotsman. 21 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ AVN Hall of Famer Buck Adams Dies. AVN. 28 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Dina Cocea, well-known Romanian actress, dies. The China Post. 29 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于5 March 2012).
- ^ Confucius' 77th main-line descendant dies in Taiwan. Xinhua News Agency. 28 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于12 January 2009).
- ^ Alexander Lowen, M.D. (1910–2008). The Center of Bioenergetic Analysis. [8 October 2018].
- ^ Hamlin, Jesse. Mendocino realist painter Bill Martin dies. San Francisco Chronicle. 13 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Texas executes rapist, killer of 7-year-old girl. NBC News. October 29, 2008.
- ^ DPRK senior official dies. Xinhua News Agency. 29 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于2 November 2008).
- ^ Paul Pesthy. Sports Reference. [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于18 April 2020).
- ^ Cheney, David M. Bishop Augusto Petró. Catholic Hierarchy. [8 October 2018].
- ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Col. John W. Ripley, Marine Who Halted Vietnamese Attack, Dies at 69. The New York Times. 4 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Earl, Lechelle. Mt Gambier business magnate Allan Scott dies. The Advertiser. 28 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于1 December 2008).
- ^ Silvers, Amy Rabideau. Cellist Sopkin lived for music: From teens until 90s, he performed, taught. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 1 November 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于24 December 2008).
- ^ Ilus Vay (1925–2008). Internet Movie Database. [8 October 2018].
- ^ Archived copy (PDF). [January 28, 2022]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于June 30, 2009).
- ^ Elliott, Andrea. A Call to Jihad, Answered in America. The New York Times. July 11, 2009.
- ^ Smith, Sid. Gerald Arpino dies. Chicago Tribune. 29 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于1 November 2008).
- ^ Shadow Gallery Vocalist Michael A. Baker Dead at 45. Roadrunner Records. 31 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于3 November 2008).
- ^ Dutch football trainer Cor Brom dies. Radio Nederland Wereldomroep. 30 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于2 November 2008).
- ^ Getting Colder. NewYorkSocialDiary.com. 29 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Player dropped, commits suicide. The Daily Telegraph. 29 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ McLellan, Dennis. Mae Mercer - blues singer, actress - dies. San Francisco Chronicle. 14 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Martin, Douglas. William Wharton, Author, Dies at 82. The New York Times. 30 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Fox, Margalit. Edith Evans Asbury, 98, Veteran Times Reporter, Is Dead. The New York Times. 30 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Simnacher, Joe. Democratic fundraiser, famed tort king Fred Baron dies. The Dallas Morning News. 31 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于3 November 2008).
- ^ Lamothe, Dan. Former commandant Barrow dies at 86. Marine Corps Times. 30 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于February 23, 2012).
- ^ Cundo Bermúdez: Cuban artist. The Times. 19 November 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于24 May 2010).
- ^ Sports news in brief from around the world. Reuters. 30 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Lord Cuckney. The Daily Telegraph. 31 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ CE grieved at death of David Jeaffreson. Chief Executive of Hong Kong. 30 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Former Mayor Tom Moody Dies. 10TV News. 30 October 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Julius Neave: general manager of Mercantile & General. The Times. 17 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ Monks, Mick. Jonathan Bates. The Guardian. 3 December 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ John Daly: Rock band manager who became a Hollywood film mogul with 13 Academy Awards to his credit. The Daily Telegraph. 15 December 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ In Memoriam: Frank Navetta of the Descendents (-2008). PunkNews.org. [8 October 2018].
- ^ Sir John Page. The Daily Telegraph. 3 November 2008 [8 October 2018].
- ^ John Melville Pearse 1939–2008. JP Strings.com. [8 October 2018].
- ^ Kogan, Rick. Studs Terkel dies. Chicago Tribune. 31 October 2008 [8 October 2018]. (原始内容存档于7 December 2008).