


  • 卡特琳娜·戈古,53歲,希臘詩人、作家和女演員,自殺。
  • 加里·戈登(Gary Gordon),33歲,美國陸軍上士和榮譽勳章獲得者,在行動中陣亡。[9]
  • 米哈伊·科羅姆(Mihály Korom),65歲,匈牙利政治家和法學家。
  • 派特裡夏·萊克,74歲,美國女演員、廣播喜劇演員和社交名媛。
  • 羅里·派克(Rory Peck),36歲,北愛爾蘭自由戰地攝影師,被槍殺。[10]
  • 蘭迪·舒哈特(Randy Shughart),35歲,美國陸軍三角洲部隊士兵和榮譽勳章獲得者,在行動中陣亡。[11]
  • Bernard J. Ganter,65歲,美國羅馬天主教會主教。
  • Harry Jagielski,61歲,美國橄欖球運動員。[27]
  • 村瀨幸子,88歲,日本女演員。[28]
  • Göta Pettersson,66歲,瑞典體操運動員和奧運選手。[29]
  • C. R. Rangachari,77歲,印度板球運動員。
  • Tekin Arıburun,88歲,土耳其士兵和政治家。
  • Espectro I,54歲,墨西哥 luchador,被稱為“El Espectro I”(“幽靈”)。
  • 韋德·弗萊蒙斯,53歲,美國靈魂歌手,癌症。
  • Otmar Gutmann,56歲,德國電影製片人,癌症。[43]
  • 約翰·傑克遜(John G. Jackson),86歲,美國講師、教師和作家。[44]
  • 格溫·威爾斯,42歲,美國女演員,癌症。[45]
  • Clarence Lung,78歲,美國演員。[50]
  • Aydın Sayılı,80歲,土耳其科學史學家。
  • Dan Turèll,47歲,丹麥作家,食道癌。
  • 渡邊慧,83歲,日本理論物理學家。[51]
  • Jimmie DeShong,83歲,美國棒球運動員。[52]
  • 弗洛拉·恩瓦帕(Flora Nwapa),62歲,奈及利亞作家,肺炎。[53]
  • 阿尼·奧利弗(Arnie Oliver),86歲,美國足球運動員。
  • 邦妮·坡,81歲,美國女演員和配音員。
  • René Sylviano,89歲,法國作曲家。[54]
  • Bernd Baselt,59歲,德國音樂學家。
  • 玛丽亚·罗莎·坎迪多(Maria Rosa Candido),26歲,義大利短道速滑運動員和奧運選手,交通事故。[58]
  • Lois Kibbee,71歲,美國女演員(《夜的邊緣》、《Caddyshack》、《One Life to Live》),腦癌。[59]
  • 薩爾瓦多·洛佩茲(Salvador P. Lopez),82歲,菲律賓作家、記者、外交官和政治家。[60]
  • 吉德斯克·安德森(Gidske Anderson),71歲,挪威記者和作家。
  • Pola Illéry,83歲,羅馬尼亞裔美國女演員和歌手。
  • 約翰·科爾,94歲,美國棒球運動員。[61]
  • Carsta Löck,90歲,德國電影女演員。[62]
  • 莫里斯·亨利·多曼(Maurice Henry Dorman),81歲,英國外交官和殖民地行政長官。
  • František Filipovský,86歲,捷克斯洛伐克演員。[84]
  • 阿爾伯特·希瑟勒,76歲,馬爾他政治家和馬爾他總統。
  • Oro,21歲,墨西哥職業摔跤手,摔跤事故。
  • 哈羅德·羅馬(Harold Rome),85歲,美國作曲家、作詞家和音樂作家。[85]
  • Mušan Topalović,36歲,波士尼亞黑幫和軍閥
  • 阿爾伯特·祖格史密斯,83歲,美國電影製片人、電影導演和編劇。[86]
  • 利普曼·貝爾斯,79歲,拉脫維亞裔美國數學家。[94]
  • 羅伯特·迪爾沃思,78歲,美國數學家。
  • Herbert Lütkebohmert,45歲,德國足球運動員。[95]
  • 牧野雅弘,85歲,日本電影導演。[96]
  • 斯坦尼斯瓦夫·馬魯薩茲(Stanisław Marusarz),80歲,波蘭北歐滑雪運動員和奧運選手。[97]
  • 伊迪·派克,71歲,美國作家,作家傑克·凱魯亞克的第一任妻子。
  • Zdeněk Podskalský,70歲,捷克電影導演和編劇。
  • 喬治·波普,82歲,英國板球運動員。
  • 埃利奧特·斯科特(Elliot Scott),78歲,英國美術指導(《曾陷害過兔子羅傑》、《迷宮》、《印第安納鐘斯》和《最後的十字軍東征》)。
  • František Tokár,68歲,捷克斯洛伐克乒乓球運動員。
  • 羅傑·特納,92歲,美國花樣滑冰運動員和奧運選手。[98]
  • 鮑勃·阿徹(Bob Atcher),79歲,美國鄉村音樂家。[104]
  • 费德里柯·费里尼,73歲,義大利電影導演兼編劇(81/2,La Dolce Vita,La Strada),四次奧斯卡獎得主,心臟病發作。 [105]
  • 阿爾·梅洛(Al Mello),87歲,美國奧林匹克運動員和拳擊手。
  • 拉霍斯·帕普,49歲,匈牙利射擊運動員和奧運選手。[106]
  • River Phoenix,23歲,美國演員(Running on Empty、Stand by Me、Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)和音樂家,吸毒過量。[107]
  • 吉爾曼·蘭金(Gilman Rankin),82歲,美國演員(《午夜牛仔》(Midnight Cowboy)、《墓碑領地》(Tombstone Territory)、《突襲13區》(Assault on Precinct 13))。
  • 埃德溫·沃克(Edwin Walker),83歲,美國陸軍軍官、反共主義者和白人至上主義者,肺癌。[108]


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  2. ^ Vera Peters - Pioneer in Psychosocial Oncology. science.ca. [29 April 2022]. 
  3. ^ Hermann Otto Sleumer - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [28 April 2022]. 
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  6. ^ William Berger - filmportal.de. filmportal.de. [28 April 2022] (德语). 
  7. ^ Bruce Lambert. Henry Ringling North, 83, Dies; Owner Who Modernized Circus需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 3 October 1993: 1 44 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-17). 
  8. ^ Eric Pace. Sheik Amin Tarif, Arab Druse Leader In Israel, Dies at 95需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 5 October 1993: D 23 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-26). 
  9. ^ Kneeland, Douglas E. Debts of Honor. The New York Times. 29 May 1995 [28 April 2022]. 
  10. ^ Corley, Felix. Obituary: Rory Peck. The Independent. 4 October 1993 [28 April 2022]. 
  11. ^ Sanchez, Tatiana. Snipers knew they would likely die, yet fought on. Chicago Tribune. 27 May 2016 [28 April 2022]. 
  12. ^ Jim Holton. worldfootball.net. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  13. ^ Dr. Lorie Tarshis, 82, Professor of Economics需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 14 October 1993: B 10 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  14. ^ Randy Kennedy. Willard A. Hanna, 82, an Author And an Expert on Southeast Asia需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 8 October 1993: D 16 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  15. ^ Karl Gordon Henize - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-20). 
  16. ^ Dumitru Stăniloae. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (法语). 
  17. ^ Albert Bigelow - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  18. ^ Stillman Drake. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (法语). 
  19. ^ Nejat Eczacıbaşı - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-28). 
  20. ^ Cyril Cusack - Broadway Cast & Staff - IBDB. ibdb.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  21. ^ Agnes de Mille. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
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  30. ^ John Bindon. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-02) (法语). 
  31. ^ Frauendatenbank fembio.org. fembio.org. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-16) (德语). 
  32. ^ Olympedia – Jim Howden. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  33. ^ Keith Murray, Baron Murray of Newhaven - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-28). 
  34. ^ Alexandra Hay. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27) (法语). 
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  37. ^ Lee Walls Stats - Baseball-Reference.com. baseball-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  38. ^ William Grimes. Leon Ames, Actor And Unionist, 91; Roles in 100 Films需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 15 October 1993: B 10 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  39. ^ Mircea David. worldfootball.net. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-02). 
  40. ^ Wolfgang Saxon. Lawrence R. Hafstad Dies at 89; Helped to Develop Nuclear Power需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 22 October 1993: B 9 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-09-10). 
  41. ^ Ruth Gilbert Dead; Actress, 71, Starred On Berle's TV Show需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 15 October 1993: B 10 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-10). 
  42. ^ Patrick Holt. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27) (法语). 
  43. ^ Otmar Gutmann - filmportal.de. filmportal.de. [29 April 2022] (German). 
  44. ^ John G. Jackson - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. 
  45. ^ Gwen Welles, 42, Dies; Actress in 'Nashville'需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 16 October 1993: 1 11 [29 April 2022]. 
  46. ^ AMMERMAN, Joseph Scofield. bioguide.congress.gov. [29 April 2022]. 
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  48. ^ Walter Newman - filmportal.de. filmportal.de. [29 April 2022] (German). 
  49. ^ Obert C. Tanner - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. 
  50. ^ Biography of Clarence LUNG. notrecinema.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  51. ^ Satosi Watanabe - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. 
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  54. ^ René Sylviano. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  55. ^ Vijay Bhatt. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  56. ^ Eric Pace. Helmut Gollwitzer Is Dead at 84; An Anti-Nazi German Theologian需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 25 October 1993: B 8 [29 April 2022]. 
  57. ^ Bill Reigel Stats - Basketball-Reference.com. basketball-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  58. ^ Olympedia – Maria Rosa Candido. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [29 April 2022]. 
  59. ^ Glenn Collins. Lois Kibbee Is Dead; Actress of Television And Stage Was 71需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 21 October 1993: D 24 [29 April 2022]. 
  60. ^ Salvador P. Lopez. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  61. ^ John Kerr Stats - Baseball-Reference.com. baseball-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  62. ^ Carsta Löck - filmportal.de. filmportal.de. [29 April 2022] (德语). 
  63. ^ Gaylord DuBois. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  64. ^ Milan Konjović. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  65. ^ Bob Olderman Stats - Pro-Football-Reference.com. pro-football-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  66. ^ Yasushi Sugiyama - Library of Congress. id.loc.gov. [29 April 2022]. 
  67. ^ Wayne Belardi Stats - Baseball-Reference.com. baseball-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  68. ^ William Grimes. James Leo Herlihy, 66, Novelist Who Wrote 'Midnight Cowboy'需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 22 October 1993: B 9 [29 April 2022]. 
  69. ^ Melchior Ndadaye. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  70. ^ Irv Torgoff Stats - Basketball-Reference.com. basketball-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  71. ^ Glenn Collins. Sam Zolotow, a Theater Reporter For Many Decades, Is Dead at 94需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 23 October 1993: 1 10 [29 April 2022]. 
  72. ^ Jiří Hájek. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27) (法语). 
  73. ^ Hans Walter Wolff. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [5 February 2023] (法语). 
  74. ^ Ulf Björlin. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (法语). 
  75. ^ Wilhelm Feldberg - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  76. ^ Olympedia – Shota Lomidze. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  77. ^ Jo Grimond. britannica.com. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-27). 
  78. ^ Olympedia – Přemysl Hajný. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  79. ^ Fritz Jüptner-Jonstorff - filmportal.de. filmportal.de. [29 April 2022] (德语). 
  80. ^ Heinz Kubsch. worldfootball.net. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  81. ^ Elena Nicolai - Library of Congress. id.loc.gov. [29 April 2022]. 
  82. ^ Roy Hampton Park - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. 
  83. ^ Peter B. Flint. Vincent Price, a Suave but Menacing Film Presence, Is Dead at 82需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 26 October 1993: B 11 [29 April 2022]. 
  84. ^ František Filipovský - filmportal.de. filmportal.de. [29 April 2022] (德语). 
  85. ^ Harold Rome - Broadway Cast & Staff - IBDB. ibdb.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  86. ^ Albert Zugsmith - filmportal.de. filmportal.de. [29 April 2022] (德语). 
  87. ^ Earl Banks, 69, Dies; Coach at Morgan State需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 28 October 1993: D 27 [29 April 2022]. 
  88. ^ Cloyce Box Stats - Pro-Football-Reference.com. pro-football-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  89. ^ Peter Quennell. britannica.com. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. [29 April 2022]. 
  90. ^ Eric Pace. Doris Duke, 80, Heiress Whose Great Wealth Couldn't Buy Happiness, Is Dead需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 29 October 1993: B 11 [29 April 2022]. 
  91. ^ Cal Koonce Stats - Baseball-Reference.com. baseball-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  92. ^ Juri Lotman. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  93. ^ Bob Seeds Stats - Baseball-Reference.com. baseball-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  94. ^ Wolfgang Saxon. Lipman Bers, 79, Mathematician And Champion of Human Rights需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 2 November 1993: B 10 [29 April 2022]. 
  95. ^ Herbert Lütkebohmert. worldfootball.net. [29 April 2022]. 
  96. ^ Masahiro Makino. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  97. ^ Olympedia – Stanisław Marusarz. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [29 April 2022]. 
  98. ^ Olympedia – Roger Turner. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [29 April 2022]. 
  99. ^ Donald Prentice Booth - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-28). 
  100. ^ Eric Pace. Louis Heller, a New York Justice And Congressman, Is Dead at 88需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 1 November 1993: D 9 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  101. ^ Maria Matray - Broadway Cast & Staff - IBDB. ibdb.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  102. ^ Margaret Vyner - Broadway Cast & Staff - IBDB. ibdb.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  103. ^ Ted Williams Stats - Pro-Football-Reference.com. pro-football-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  104. ^ Bob Atcher - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. 
  105. ^ Peter B. Flint. Federico Fellini, Film Visionary, Is Dead at 73需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 1 November 1993: A 1 [29 April 2022]. 
  106. ^ Olympedia – Lajos Papp. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [29 April 2022]. 
  107. ^ RIVER PHOENIX COLLAPSES AND DIES AT 23. The Washington Post. 1 November 1993 [29 April 2022]. 
  108. ^ Eric Pace. Gen. Edwin Walker, 83, Is Dead; Promoted Rightist Causes in 60's需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 2 November 1993: B 10 [29 April 2022]. 

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American production company Some of this article's listed sources may not be reliable. Please help this article by looking for better, more reliable sources. Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted. (February 2023) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Rooster Teeth Productions, LLCTypeLimited liability companyIndustryEntertainmentFoundedApril 1, 2003; 20 years ago (2003-04-01)FoundersBurnie BurnsMatt HullumGeoff RamseyJason SaldañaGus SorolaJoel He...


Technique in personality development This article is about the cognitive psychology tool. For the Fringe episode, see Johari Window (Fringe). Johari window The Johari window is a technique[1] designed to help people better understand their relationship with themselves and others. It was created by psychologists Joseph Luft (1916–2014) and Harrington Ingham (1916–1995) in 1955, and is used primarily in self-help groups and corporate settings as a heuristic exercise.[2][...

Spetsnaz unit of the National Guard of Russia For the Belarusian special police unit of the same name, see SOBR (Belarus). You can help expand this article with text translated from the corresponding article in Russian. (July 2015) Click [show] for important translation instructions. View a machine-translated version of the Russian article. Machine translation, like DeepL or Google Translate, is a useful starting point for translations, but translators must revise errors as necessary and...


قرص نينتندو البصرينينتندو غيم كيوب Game Disc (left) and وي Optical Disc (right)معلومات عامةالنوع Read-only قرص بصريالمطور نينتندوباناسونيكالاستخدام نينتندو غيم كيوبويوي يومعلومات تقنيةالأبعاد GameCube: 8 سـم (3.1 بوصة)Wii and Wii U: 12 سـم (4.7 بوصة)الترميز Digitalالمساحة GameCube: 1.46 GBWii: 4.7 GB / 8.54 ...


Pelabuhan Tanjung KalianMercusuar di Tanjung KalianLokasi di Bangka BelitungLokasiNegara IndonesiaLokasiMuntok, Kabupaten Bangka Barat, Bangka BelitungKoordinat2°5′2″S 105°7′58″E / 2.08389°S 105.13278°E / -2.08389; 105.13278UN/LOCODEID MUODetailOperatorASDP Indonesia FerryMenghubungkan kePelabuhan Tanjung Api-api, Kabupaten Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan Pelabuhan Tanjung Kalian adalah sebuah pelabuhan laut yang terletak di Kecamatan Muntok, Kabupaten Ban...

g.o.d discographyg.o.d performing in DaeguLeft to right: Danny Ahn, Son Ho-young, Park Joon-hyung, Yoon Kye-sang, Kim Tae-wooStudio albums8Compilation albums1Music videos22Single albums1 The discography of South Korean pop music group g.o.d includes eight studio albums, a compilation album and a single album. Debuting in 1999, the quintet released five studio albums before the departure of a member. The remaining members released another two albums as a quartet before going on an extended hia...


1991 single by Garth Brooks The Thunder RollsSingle by Garth Brooksfrom the album No Fences B-side Wolves (the Netherlands) Victim of the Game (U.S. 7-inch) ReleasedApril 30, 1991Recorded1989–1990GenreCountry, country rock[1]Length3:42LabelCapitol Nashville 44727Songwriter(s) Pat Alger Garth Brooks Producer(s)Allen ReynoldsGarth Brooks singles chronology Two of a Kind, Workin' on a Full House (1991) The Thunder Rolls (1991) Rodeo (1991) The Thunder Rolls is a song co-written and rec...


Traditional masquerade of the Igbo people, biggest masquerade in Sub-Saharan Africa This article includes a list of general references, but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (April 2018) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Ijele Umuleri in action Ijele Masquerade, known as the biggest Masquerade in Sub-Saharan Africa, is a tradition of the Igbo people of Nigeria and was listed in the ...

Provincia di Entre RíosprovinciaProvincia de Entre Ríos Provincia di Entre Ríos – Veduta LocalizzazioneStato Argentina AmministrazioneCapoluogoParaná GovernatoreGustavo Bordet TerritorioCoordinatedel capoluogo31°44′S 60°32′W / 31.733333°S 60.533333°W-31.733333; -60.533333 (Provincia di Entre Ríos)Coordinate: 31°44′S 60°32′W / 31.733333°S 60.533333°W-31.733333; -60.533333 (Provincia di Entre Ríos) Altitudine57 m s.l.m...


Lists of South Korean films by year ← 1986 1987 1988 → Korean Animation Full list . . Pre-1948 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 •00000•00...


Central Flying School RNZAFActive1939–presentCountry New ZealandBranch Royal New Zealand Air ForceRoleFlight instructor trainingBaseRNZAF Base OhakeaColorsBlack and WhiteEquipmentBeechcraft T-6 Texan IICommandersCurrentcommanderSquadron Leader James DavidsonAircraft flownTrainerBeechcraft T-6 Texan IIMilitary unit Central Flying School is the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) unit which is responsible for training the force's flight instructors. It was established at the start of Wo...

هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (نوفمبر_2010) مبادئ حقوق الإنسان هذه الصفحة توفر معلومات وفيرة حول حقوق الإنسان وكذلك دور الأمم المتحدة في حمايتها.[1] مفهوم حقوق الإنسان تعددت المفاهيم والمصطلحات ا...


Questa voce o sezione sull'argomento geometria non cita le fonti necessarie o quelle presenti sono insufficienti. Puoi migliorare questa voce aggiungendo citazioni da fonti attendibili secondo le linee guida sull'uso delle fonti. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. In matematica, in particolare in geometria, un'omotetia (composto dai termini greci omos, simile e tìthemi, pongo) è una particolare trasformazione geometrica del piano o dello spazio, che dilata o contrae i s...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!