《阿依達》是一部著名歌劇,當年一上演已獲高度讚賞。《阿依達》經常被演出,並有多個錄音版本。其中一首樂曲《榮耀歸於埃及》(Gloria all´Egitto)或稱為《凱旋進行曲》(Triumphal March from Aida)在中華民國被作曲家李抱忱重新填詞為愛國歌曲《同唱中華》。在歐洲更成為歐洲的足球比賽時球迷經常詠唱的歌曲。
而音樂組合恰巴王八(英语:Chumbawamba)的歌曲《Top of the World(Ole, Ole, Ole)》亦於該樂曲其中一部份以小號演奏。
Budden, Julian. The Operas of Verdi, Vol. 3. London: Cassell. 1981. ISBN 0-304-30740-8.
Holden, Amanda(Ed.), The New Penguin Opera Guide, New York: Penguin Putnam, 2001. ISBN 978-0-14-029312-8
"Aida" in The Oxford Dictionary of Music, 2nd ed. rev., edited by Michael Kennedy.(Accessed 19 September 2010)
Melitz, Leo, The Opera Goer's Complete Guide, Dodd, Mead and Company, 1921 (Source of synopsis with updating to its language)
Phillips-Matz, Mary Jane, Verdi: A Biography, London & New York: Oxford University Press, 1993 ISBN 978-0-19-313204-7(Cited in Alexis Hamilton, Origins... Aida, Portland Opera, 2007)
Simon, Henry W. A Treasury of Grand Opera. Simon and Schuster, New York, New York. 1946.