

癌症替代疗法Alternative cancer treatment)是指宣称可以治疗癌症、有异于现代医学通行的治疗癌症方法英语Treatment of cancer替代医学疗法[2],例如特殊的饮食、运动,或服用某些药物、药草,使用特定的设备,或是接受手疗等等。绝大部分癌症替代疗法都没有循证医学证据的有力支持,因此又常常被归入伪科学之列[3][4][5][6]。一篇2006年的综述回顾了196项癌症替代疗法的临床试验,发现这些试验大都存在严重的方法学问题[7]。一项回溯性研究英语Retrospective cohort study表明,接受癌症替代疗法者在五年内死亡的概率比接受通行的癌症疗法者高2.5倍[8]





替代疗法名称 说明 科学证据
芳香疗法 使用精油等芳香物质,用按摩、泡澡、熏香等方式使其得到人体吸收。支持者认为闻到芳香味能使人变得健康 美國癌症協會认为没有证据表明芳香疗法对癌症有疗效[15]
阿育吠陀 印度的传统医学 英国癌症研究基金会认为没有证据表明阿育吠陀的疗法对癌症有疗效[16]
食疗 一些支持者认为如碱性饮食[17]巴德维饮食疗法英语约翰娜·巴德维[18]、吃粗粮[19]等饮食方式有助于治疗癌症 没有科学证据表明饮食疗法能治疗癌症,一些食物疗法甚至可能对人体有害[18][20][21]
禁食疗法 又称为“饥饿疗法”,一些支持者认为禁食能“饿死癌细胞”[22] 美国癌症学会认为禁食疗法对癌症治疗没有助益[23]。英国与法国的癌症研究机构也持同样看法[24][25][26]。甚至有使用饥饿疗法导致病人病情进一步恶化的个案[27]
中草药疗法 不少中国的癌症患者会将传统中草药疗法作为癌症治疗的选项之一 尽管确实有一些主流的抗癌药物(如紫杉醇)最初是从植物中发现的,目前没有明确的证据表明中草药等草药疗法对治疗癌症有作用。支持中草药能治疗癌症的证据大都源自中国的研究[28]
顺势疗法 顺势疗法认为小剂量使用一些能让健康人致病的物质反而有治疗效果,也就是所谓的“以毒攻毒”[29] 没有严谨的科学证据表明顺势疗法有效[30]
针灸 中医传统疗法,以针灸针对穴位进行刺激 针灸疗法对癌症本身的治疗没有帮助。一些证据表明针灸能缓解癌症带来的恶心,但学界对针灸是否能缓解恶心尚有争议[31][32][33]
电疗 使用电击的方法治疗癌症 没有任何证据表明电疗对癌症治疗有效。一些销售癌症电疗设备的经销商已遭美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)起诉[34]



  1. ^ Beware the cancer quack A reputable physician does not promise a cure, demand advance payment, advertise. Library of Congress. [15 August 2013]. 
  2. ^ Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for Patients. National Cancer Institute. 2015-04-10 [2019-11-13]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-21) (英语). 
  3. ^ Green S. Pseudoscience in Alternative Medicine: Chelation Therapy, Antineoplastons, The Gerson Diet and Coffee Enemas. Skeptical Inquirer. 1997, 21 (5): 39. 
  4. ^ Vickers, AJ; Cassileth, BR. Living proof and the pseudoscience of alternative cancer treatments.. Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology. 2008, 6 (1): 37–40. PMC 2630257可免费查阅. PMID 18302909. 
  5. ^ Grimes, David Robert. The Struggle against Cancer Misinformation. Cancer Discovery. 1 January 2022, 12 (1): 26–30. ISSN 2159-8274. PMID 34930788. S2CID 245373363. doi:10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-1468. eISSN 2159-8290. This dubious amplification of pseudoscience diminishes trust in the medico-scientific sphere. Cancer misinformation is harmful even when it is not fully embraced or believed, precisely because it creates a lingering impression that no medical consensus exists on the topic or that official sources of information lack credibility. 
  6. ^ Ernst, E. Alternative cancer cures. British Journal of Cancer. August 2001, 85 (5): 781–782. ISSN 0007-0920. PMC 2364136可免费查阅. PMID 11531268. doi:10.1054/bjoc.2001.1989. eISSN 1532-1827. Alternative cancer cures (ACCs) typically have a common life cycle (Ernst, 2000). At the origin of almost every ACC is a charismatic individual who claims to have found the answer to cancer. He (the male sex seems to dominate) often supports his claims with pseudoscientific evidence referring to (but rarely presenting) many cured patients. Thus he soon gathers ardent supporters who lobby for a wider acceptance of this ACC. The pressure on the medical establishment increases to a point where the treatment is finally submitted to adequate testing. When the results turn out to be negative, the ACC’s proponents argue that the investigations were not done properly. In fact, they were set up to generate a negative result so that the commercial interests of orthodoxy would not be threatened. A conspiracy theory is thus born, and the ACC lives on in the ‘alternative underground’. 
  7. ^ Vickers AJ, Kuo J, Cassileth BR. Unconventional anticancer agents: a systematic review of clinical trials. Journal of Clinical Oncology. January 2006, 24 (1): 136–40. PMC 1472241可免费查阅. PMID 16382123. doi:10.1200/JCO.2005.03.8406. 
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  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Mao, Jun J.; Pillai, Geetha Gopalakrishna; Andrade, Carlos Jose; Ligibel, Jennifer A.; Basu, Partha; Cohen, Lorenzo; Khan, Ikhlas A.; Mustian, Karen M.; Puthiyedath, Rammanohar; Dhiman, Kartar Singh; Lao, Lixing; Ghelman, Ricardo; Cáceres Guido, Paulo; Lopez, Gabriel; Gallego‐Perez, Daniel F. Integrative oncology: Addressing the global challenges of cancer prevention and treatment. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. March 2022, 72 (2): 144–164. ISSN 0007-9235. PMID 34751943. S2CID 243862088. doi:10.3322/caac.21706 (英语). 
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  12. ^ Overview of CAM in the United States: Recent History, Current Status, And Prospects for the Future. White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy. March 2002. (原始内容存档于2 September 2011). 
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  15. ^ Aromatherapy. American Cancer Society. (原始内容存档于5 September 2010). 
  16. ^ Ayurvedic medicine. Cancer Research UK. 3 December 2018 [2023-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-16). 
  17. ^ Aletheia, T.R. Cancer : an American con$piracy. 2010: 43 [2023-03-27]. ISBN 9781936400553. (原始内容存档于2023-03-27). In the long run, the best diet to follow is one that promotes an alkaline pH using the 80/20 rule. The diet that best epitomizes this rule is the Edgar Cayce diet. 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 What is the Budwig diet?. Cancer Research UK. 12 June 2015. (原始内容存档于9 May 2017). 
  19. ^ Lubkin, Ilene Morof. Chronic Illness: Impact and Interventions. Jones and Bartlett. 1998: 415. 
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  21. ^ Hübner, J; Marienfeld, S; Abbenhardt, C; Ulrich, CM; Löser, C. How useful are diets against cancer?. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift. 2012, 137 (47): 2417–22. PMID 23152069. S2CID 76124925. doi:10.1055/s-0032-1327276. 
  22. ^ 青少年近视可治愈、饥饿疗法治癌症…这些谣言被终结. 新华报业网(科技日报). [2023-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-27). 
  23. ^ Russell J, Rovere A (编). Fasting需要免费注册. American Cancer Society Complete Guide to Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapies 2nd. American Cancer Society. 2009. ISBN 9780944235713. 
  24. ^ Réseau NACRe - Réseau National Alimentation Cancer Recherche - Rapport NACRe jeûne regimes restrictifs cancer 2017. www6.inra.fr. November 2017 [19 September 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-09-20) (fr-FR). 
  25. ^ Régime et évolution d'un cancer. Rev Prescrire. 1 October 2018: 773 [2023-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-06). 
  26. ^ No proof 5:2 diet prevents cancer. nhs.uk. 3 October 2018 [2023-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-17) (英语). 
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  30. ^ Homeopathy. American Cancer Society. 1 November 2008. (原始内容存档于16 March 2013). 
  31. ^ Paley, CA; Johnson, MI; Tashani, OA; Bagnall, AM. Acupuncture for cancer pain in adults.. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 15 October 2015, 2021 (10): CD007753. PMC 6513493可免费查阅. PMID 26468973. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD007753.pub3. 
  32. ^ Lu, Weidong; Rosenthal, David S. Acupuncture for Cancer Pain and Related Symptoms. Current Pain and Headache Reports. March 2013, 17 (3): 321. ISSN 1531-3433. PMC 4008096可免费查阅. PMID 23338773. doi:10.1007/s11916-013-0321-3. 
  33. ^ Deng, Gary. Integrative Medicine Therapies for Pain Management in Cancer Patients. The Cancer Journal. 2019, 25 (5): 343–348. ISSN 1528-9117. PMC 6777858可免费查阅. PMID 31567462. doi:10.1097/PPO.0000000000000399. 
  34. ^ BioResonance Therapy. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. 29 May 2012 [2023-03-28]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-02). 
  35. ^ ALYSSA ABKOWITZ. 百度搜索在魏则西事件後受到特别关注. 华尔街日报. [2023-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-27). 

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