3月12日,她告訴姊姊自己又看到了耶穌在橄欖山上被迫戴上荊棘冠冕(英语:crown of thorns)的異象,同時宣稱她心臟上方的傷口又浮現了。隔週的禮拜五,傷口再度出現。到了三月26日,她見證了耶穌背負十字架的異象,同樣的傷口也出現在她左手。鮮血浸透了她的衣裳,自此她不再保密到家。
而在聖週五,德雷絲在異象中見證了耶穌受難的完整情節。她的手腳都會出現聖痕,兩眼也會流血。鮮血從她傷口湧出,據Josef Hanauer的著作《科內爾斯羅伊特的騙局》[7]所載,旁觀者並未真的看到血流的過程,只看到鮮血沾滿她衣裳的結果。[8]到了那天下午3點,她的堂區神父Fr. Josef Naber被喚來為德雷絲做臨終聖禮。四點鐘,她的情況好轉。受浸禮時人們看到她手腳的傷口。
^原文 "It is said that the startling phenomenon of Konnersreuth is approved by God to be an impact that can't be argued away. Science will not be able to make out how the wonder happened and persist. Everyone should look into his heart for understanding and this will create various useful thoughts to understand the signs of the times. Because they consider it ungodly and amiss, some want dictate to God what to do, but God does what he wants and will achieve his goal at last. Blessed is he, who not gets annoyed at God." 摘自新塞勒姆斯公社,《太初有道》,1929, 頁172