



與主權下的領土屬土不同,宗主權下的屬國對內政仍擁最高權力。[3][4]個別例子中,屬國甚至具一定程度「國際法人」(International personality)的身份,能就通郵、通商、興建鐵路等非外交事宜,直接與外國簽訂條約[7]學者普遍認為,用現代國際法去解釋宗主和屬國的關係具一定難度。[8][9]


























清政府18世紀率军驱除入侵西藏的蒙古准噶尔汗国军队,从此继清朝后继续驻军西藏,并在西藏设有驻藏大臣进行实际上的管理,同时保留自治的甘丹颇章政权。虽然清朝政府长期地治理過西藏。[18][19]清政府并在19世纪与20世纪时與大英帝國簽定過《中英藏印條約》、《中英續訂藏印條約》等涉藏條約。由於噶廈政府並未參與《中英藏印續約》的談判,噶廈否認清廷所簽條約,拒絕開放與印度的貿易。1903年英軍由錫金入侵西藏。由於清廷無法迫使噶廈政府聽令,喬治·寇松侯爵1904年4月對國會表示,清廷對西藏的宗主權是「假裝的政治姿態」(英語:a constitional fiction, a political affectation)。[20][21]自由亞洲電台史學研究員華倫史密斯则指出1906年《中英續訂藏印條約》條文變相承認中國清朝對西藏的主權,[22]但其他同情藏獨人士認為中国对西藏只有宗主權,從未因此可以解释为西藏不是中國的一部份。1907年《英俄條約》雖有「承認中國對西藏宗主權」之條款,[23][24]但由於中國並非簽署國,條文對北京並沒有約束力。[25]


2008年10月29日,英国外交大臣戴维·米利班德David Miliband)正式宣布,英国承认中华人民共和国西藏的主权。美國與歐盟也承認中华人民共和国对西藏的主权。[28]









位於阿拉伯海上,喀拉拉邦西南方的拉克沙群島是印度最小的聯合屬地。蒂普蘇丹於1787年,統治雅敏迪維群島(Amindivi)(包含雅敏尼(Amini)、喀德馬(Kadmat)、契珥單(Kiltan)、察他喇(Chetlat)及比差(Bitra))。在第三次英禰戰爭(Third Anglo-Mysore(邁索爾)War)後治權轉移至英屬印度的南卡納達區。其他的島嶼成了肯諾(Cannanore)的阿剌克家族(Arakkal)的進貢國。之後英國因阿剌克的欠款接管了這些地區、依附在馬德拉斯省下的瑪拉巴(Malabar)區。印度1956年的國家重組法中,將這些島嶼從印度本島行政單位中劃出,結合所有小島成立新的領域聯盟。












主權代理國(大國) 受代理國(小國) 所屬情況 签署条约
 義大利  圣马力诺 國中國
 義大利  梵蒂冈 國中國 拉特朗条约
 法國  摩納哥 微型國家 s:法国-摩纳哥条约
 法國  安道尔 緩衝國 s:法国-安道尔条约
 西班牙  安道尔 緩衝國 s:西班牙-摩纳哥条约
 瑞士  列支敦斯登 微型國家 s:瑞士-列支敦士登条约
 新西兰  庫克群島 島國聯繫邦 s:庫克群島憲法修正法案
 新西兰  纽埃 島國聯繫邦 s:紐埃憲法修正法案
 美国  马绍尔群岛 島國聯繫邦 自由联合协定
 美国  帛琉 島國聯繫邦 自由联合协定
 美国  密克羅尼西亞聯邦 島國聯繫邦 自由联合协定
 澳大利亞  瑙鲁 島國 s:澳大利亚-瑙鲁条约
 印度  不丹 開發中國家 s:不印永久和平与友好条约
 越南  老挝 開發中國家 越老友好合作条约


  1. ^ Oppenheim, L., International Law: A Treatise (Volume I), p162页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), "Modern suzerainty involves only a few rights of the suzerain State over the vassal State which can be called constitutional rights. The rights of the suzerain State over the vassal are principally international rights, of whatever they may consist...One may correctly maintain that suzerainty is a kind of international guardianship, since the vassal State is either absolutely or mainly represented internationally by the suzerain State."
  2. ^ 《重編國語辭典修訂本》:宗主權. 國家教育研究院. [2022-04-05]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-05). 國家對於屬國的內政外交,具有干預的權利,此權稱為「宗主權」。 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Oppenheim, L., International Law: A Treatise (Volume I), p162页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), "Suzerainty is by no means sovereignty. If it were, the vassal State could not be sovereign in its domestic affairs and could never have any international relations whatever of its own."
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 suzerain.见:霍恩比,李北达.牛津高阶英汉双解词典(4).香港:牛津大学出版社,1997 ISBN 0-19-587421-8, ISBN 9780195874211
  5. ^ 《重編國語辭典修訂本》:宗主國. 國家教育研究院. [2022-04-05]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-11). 對屬國有宗主權的國家,通稱為「宗主國」。 
  6. ^ Oppenheim, L., International Law: A Treatise (Volume I), p162页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), "Suzerainty is a term which was originally used for the relation between the feudal lord and his vassal; the lord was said to be the suzerain of the vassal."
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Oppenheim, L., International Law: A Treatise (Volume I), p163页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), "Egypt, while she was still a vassal State of Turkey, could conclude commercial and postal treaties with foreign States without the consent of suzerain Turkey, and Bulgaria could, while she was under Turkish suzerainty , conclude treaties regarding railways, post, and the like."
  8. ^ Milner, Hashim, Mishra (Ed.), Asia and Europe in the 21st Century: New Anxieties, New Opportunities, p333, "It was difficult for "suzerainty" to be reconciled with the western concepts of international relations"
  9. ^ Oppenheim, L., International Law: A Treatise (Volume I), p161页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), "The union and the relations between a suzerain and its vassal State create much difficulty in the science of the Law of Nations."
  10. ^ 原田環. 東アジアの国際関係とその近代化-朝鮮と越南- (PDF). 日韓歴史共同研究委員会 第一期 第3分科報告書 (日韓文化交流基金). 2005-03: 73―102頁 [2023-08-09]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2015-09-10). 
  11. ^ Zhu, Yuan Yi. Suzerainty, Semi-Sovereignty, and International Legal Hierarchies on China's Borderlands. Asian Journal of International Law. 2020-07, 10 (2) [2023-08-09]. ISSN 2044-2513. doi:10.1017/S204425132000020X. (原始内容存档于2023-08-11) (英语). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 黃大受,《中國通史》,頁822
  13. ^ Singh, O.P.(1985), Strategic Sikkim, p43
  14. ^ Grousset, R., The Empire of the Steppes: A History of Central Asia, p488, "In 1758, Irdana or Erdeni, khan of Kokand, was compelled to recognize the suzerainty of China, whose armies had reached his frontiers. He tried to form a coalition against them with Armed the Durrani, king of Afghanistan, but a demonstration by Durrani between Kokand and Tashkent in 1763 had no effect."
  15. ^ Starr, S.F., Ferghana Valley: The Heart of Central Asia, p32, "In 1758, weakened by contact wars with his neighbors, Irdana Bey had to accept the suzerainty of China."
  16. ^ 繆鳳林,《中國通史要略》,頁429
  17. ^ 何函潔,《中共處理邊界爭議的戰略選擇(1949-2009) - 守勢現實主義的驗證》,頁164
  18. ^ Ahmed, Zahiruddin, China and Tibet, 1708-1959: A Résumé of Facts, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1960, p31, "Chinese Imperial authority in Tibet was, no doubt, indistinguishable from sovereignty."
  19. ^ Goldstein, Melvyn C., A History of Modern Tibet: 1913-1951, University of California Press, 1989, p44, "While the ancient relationships between Tibet and China are complex and beyond the scope of this study, there can be no question regarding the subordination of Tibet to Manchu-ruled China following the chaotic era of the 6th and 7th Dalai Lamas in the first decades of the eighteenth century."
  20. ^ Lezlee Brown Halper; Stefan A. Halper. Tibet: An Unfinished Story. Oxford University Press. 2014年: 15–16頁 [2017-09-18]. ISBN 978-0-19-936836-5. (原始内容存档于2019-05-13). 
  21. ^ Sam Van Schaik. Tibet: A History. Yale University Press. 2011年: 306頁 [2017-09-18]. ISBN 978-0-300-17217-1. (原始内容存档于2019-05-13). 
  22. ^ Smith, Warren, Tibetan Nation: A History of Tibetan Nationalism and Sino-Tibetan Relations, p157页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), "Negotiations were reopened in 1906 at Peking. The British Government was not interested in an alliance with Russia. A first step in that direction would be to alleviate Russian fears concerning British designs upon Tibet. An agreement was therefore quickly concluded. The Chinese agreed to accept the Lhasa Convention of 1904; the British agreed not to interfere in China's administration of Tibet if the Chinese would exclude all other foreign power. China was defined as not a foreign power in relation to Tibet, which implicitly recognized Chinese sovereignty over Tibet."
  23. ^ Goldstein, Melvyn C., A History of Modern Tibet: 1913-1951, University of California Press, 1989, pp829-830
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 西藏問題從何而來?. 德国之声. 2008-03-18 [2013-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-03). 
  25. ^ Brownlie, Ian, Principles of Public International Law (seventh edition), Oxford University Press, 2008, p627, "The maxim pacta tertiis nec nocent nec prosunt expresses the fundamental principle that a treaty applies only between the parties to it."
  26. ^ Proclamation Issued by His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIII (1913). 1913-01-08 [2013-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2019-02-04). (英文)
  27. ^ Bell, Charles (1924), Tibet Past and Present, pp150f, 228f, 304f, 商務印書館宮廷璋譯本:「達賴未嘗授德爾智以與蒙古訂立任何條約之權,遺德爾智之書,系屬普通信札,謹請其努力為佛教謀利益而已。」
  28. ^ Spencer, Richard. UK recognises China's direct rule over Tibet. The Daily Telegraph. 2008-11-05 [2010-07-12]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-03). 
  29. ^ Addy, P., Tibet: Pawn anf Pivot of the Great Game, pp321-322页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  30. ^ 張忠紱,《中華民國外交史(1911-1921)》,頁116
  31. ^ 《中蘇解決懸案大綱協定》第五條页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  32. ^ 其木格(Enkchimeg Baatarkhuyag). 蒙古獨立與蒙中俄關係 (1911-1945年). 幸福綠光出版社. 2016. ISBN 9789868582859. 
  33. ^ Keltie, J.S. (Ed.), The Statesman's Year-Book: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1892, p1030页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), "The Principality of Bulgaria was created by the Treaty of Berlin, signed July 13, 1878. It was ordered by Art. 1 of the Treaty that Bulgaria should he 'constituted an autonomous and tributary Principality under the suzerainty of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan. It will have a Christian Government and a national militia.'"
  34. ^ Pretoria Convention (1881)页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Article 2, "Her Majesty reserves to herself, her heirs and successors,(a) the right from time to time to appoint a British Resident in and for the said State, with such duties and functions as are hereinafter defined ; (b) the right to move troops through the said State in time of war, or in case of the apprehension of immediate war between the Suzerain Power and any Foreign State or Native Tribe in South Africa ; and (c) the control of the external relations of the said State"
  35. ^ Oppenheim, L., International Law: A Treatise (Volume I), p163页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  36. ^ London Convention (1884)页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Article IV, "Such approval shall be considered to have been granted if Her Majesty's Government shall not, within six months after receiving a copy of such treaty (which shall be delivered to them immediately upon its completion), have notified that the conclusion of such treaty is in conflict with the interests of Great Britain or any of Her Majesty's possessions in South Africa."


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