西段運河自雪城附近的歐內達湖開始,一路沿著瑟內佳河(英语:Seneca River (New York))西行,在蒙帝柱馬沼澤與瑟內佳河分開前往羅徹斯特。羅徹斯特以東的路線並沒有太多的困難,伊洛德闊伊特溪到羅徹斯特之間的路線輕易的在1822年美國獨立日兩天前完成[31]。1822年10月,從羅徹斯特到利特佛斯市之間290公里(180英里)長的伊利運河開通,代表著開始將紐約州西部正式的與哈德遜河谷連接起來。但是在羅徹斯特附近與以西的路線上,運河工程師必須要跨越三個困難的地點:跨越艾洛德闊伊特溪谷的深淵;渡過傑納西河;鑿穿洛克港附近的山瘠[32]。運河工程師为了跨越高深的艾洛德闊伊特溪谷提出了非常壯觀的設計,他們最初拋棄了填土築堤的方法而提出高架水道的方法。這個木製高架水道高18.3米(60英尺),長400米(0.25英里)。但是後來因為太過於危險而放棄高架水道,而最後他們決定建造一個75米(246英尺)高的水堤,並在提底以引水道引流艾洛德闊伊特溪溪水[33]。這座水堤在耗資八萬三千元之後於1823年9月完工,伊利運河亦順利的跨越傑納西河[34]。傑納西河以西地路線必須經過一道山瘠,工人必須要自平地挖出一條寬8公尺(27英呎)並最深處達9公尺(30英呎)的水道,除此之外伊利運河必須爬升海拔20公尺(66英呎)並經過五個水閘,並在1825年6月完工;而除了運河開通之外,這項工程亦造就了洛克港市的發展[35]。
位於羅徹斯特與奧本尼之間長402公里(250英里)的東段運河也在1823年9月10日落成,而位於瓦特弗李特與尚普蘭湖之間103公里(64英里)長的南北向運河也在同一天宣布啟用。甚至在運河開通之前的1824年,已經有人出版「旅行與觀光者的紐約州運河沿線內陸商業的導覽手冊」(Pocket Guide for the Tourist and Traveler, Along the Line of the Canals, and the Interior Commerce of the State of New York);這有可能是美國的第一本發行的導覽手冊。
Bernstein, Peter L.. Wedding of the Waters: The Erie Canal and the Making of a Great Nation., New York: W.W. Norton, 2005, ISBN 0-393-05233-8.
Goodrich, Cater, and others. Canals and American Economic Development. Ed. Goodrich, Cater. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. (also avail. Port Washington, N.Y.: I. J. Friedman Division, Kennikat Press, 1972, ISBN 0-804-61765-1)
Shaw, Ronald E.. Erie Water West: A History of the Erie Canal 1792-1854, Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1966. (Also avail. 1990, ISBN 0-81310801-2.)
Sheriff, Carol. The Artificial River: The Erie Canal and the Paradox of Progress, 1817-1862., New York: Hill and Wang, 1996, ISBN 0-8090-2753-4.
^Shaw, p. 95. "At the Governor's request, but on his own funds, [Canvass] White went to England to examine the hydraulic works there." and "In 1818, after repeated experiments with varieties of limestone, he found a type in Madison County that when made into a quicklime cement, had the particular virtue of hardening under water."
^Shaw, p. 98. "By 1820 the middle section was completed and the canal was navigable for a full ninety-four miles from Utica to Montezuma on the Seneca River."
^Shaw, p. 99. "The opening of navigation ushered in the canal ear. New Yorkers were introduced to the fascination of canal travel...." and "...the commissioners suggested the future meaning of the canal as the heart of the new style of society..."
^Shaw, p. 101. "Clinton repeated his admonition that while it cot $100 a ton to carry goods......legislature supported him and the completion of the canal was authorized in April of 1819."
^Shaw, p. 101. "Canal goods piles up at Utica and suffered spoilage for want of transportation to Albany."
^Shaw, p. 102. "In February of 1819 the Joint Committee on Canals...recommended the begging of the western section. Since the eastern section was in many respects the most difficult in would be well to have additional experience in the west." and "...the sooner the western section was completed the sooner commercial connections to Montreal would be severed and the tide of Western commerce would set towards New York."
^Shaw, p. 103. "Opposition from the southern counties continued to deplore the improvement of a route regarded as unnecessary and...could not benefit."與Shaw. p. 109-10. "...provided for the collection of the local tax on lands lying within twenty-five miles of the canal...directed that disbursements be made exclusively on the eastern section...until they were completed."
^Shaw, p. 122. "With the fresh infusiuon of canal appropriations after 1821, the Erie Canal came to its most cherished destination, western New York."
^Shaw, p. 127. "Genesee water flowed into the canal from Rochester...Rochester celebrated the forty-sixth anniversary of the nation's independence."
^Shaw, p. 126. "The canal must pass high in the air over...make water available for the long level from Lockport to the Genesee."
^Shaw, p. 126. "They therefore announced contracts in 1821...to sustain a semicircular culvert which cariied Irondequoit Creek 245 feet under the embankment."
^Shaw, p. 129. "The aqueduct was completed in September 1823 after an expenditure of $83,000."