Мексичка револуција

Овај чланак је о политичким превирањима и грађанском рату у Мексику 1910-их. За мексичку борбу за независност почетком 19. века погледајте Мексички рат за независност.
Призори из Мексичке револуције.

Мексичка револуција (шп. Revolución mexicana) је израз којим се описују политичка превирања, пучеви и серија грађанских ратова у Мексику који су оквирно трајали од 1910. до 1920. године.

Отпочео је као настојање мексичких либерала на челу са Франсиском Мадером да се свргне вишедеценијски аутократски режим председника Порфирија Дијаза; године 1911. је Дијаз био присиљен да одступи, те је нови председник постао Мадеро. Његово оклевање да спроведе популарне социјалне и економске реформе је изазвало нове побуне од радикалних револуционара, а почетком 1913. пуч у коме га је свргнуо и убио генерал Викторијано Уерта.[1][2] Њега је, пак, године 1914. уз помоћ Панча Виље и Емилијана Запате свргнуо Венустијано Каранза; одмах потом су се Виља и Запата сукобили са Каранзом, који их је постепено успео војнички поразити и прикупити довољно политичке подршке да почетком 1917. исходи доношење новог устава са бројним реформама које су укључивале расподелу земље сиромашним сељацима и секуларизацију државе. Тај се догађај понекад наводи као крај револуције, иако су се оружани сукоби наставили још три године, а сам Каранза 1920. био свргнут у пучу који је извео његов дотадашњи присталица Алваро Обрегон.[3][4]

Нови режим је, међутим, тековине Устава оставио нетакнутим и, упркос повременим мањим устанцима и побунама до краја 1920-их, омогућио постепено претварање Мексика у једну од политички најстабилнијих земаља Латинске Америке. Тековине Мексичке револуције су представљале политичку платформу Националне револуционарне партије, данас познате као Институционална револуционарна партија, а која је Мексиком формално владала од оснивања 1929. до 2000. године.

Види још


  1. ^ John Tutino (1986). From Insurrection to Revolution: Social Bases of Agrarian Violence, 1750–1940. Princeton: Princeton University Press. стр. 327. ,.
  2. ^ Friedrich Katz (1981). The Secret War in Mexico: Europe, the United States and the Mexican Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. стр. 35. ,.
  3. ^ McLynn, Frank (2001). „The Revolt Against Huerta”. Villa and Zapata: A History of the Mexican Revolution. United States: Carroll & Graf Publishers. ISBN 0-7867-1088-8. 
  4. ^ McLynn, Frank (2001). „Villa at His Zenith; The End of Huerta; The Convention of Aguascalientes”. Villa and Zapata: A History of the Mexican Revolution. United States: Carroll & Graf Publishers. ISBN 0-7867-1088-8. 


Мексичка револуција - општа историја

  • Brenner, Anita. The Wind that Swept Mexico. New Edition. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1984.
  • Brewster, Keith. "Mexican Revolution: October 1910 – February 1913" in Encyclopedia of Mexico, vol. 2, pp. 850–855. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997.
  • Crossen, John F. "Mexican Revolution: October 1915 – May 1917" in Encyclopedia of Mexico, vol. 2, pp. 859–862. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997.
  • Cumberland, Charles C. (1952). Mexican Revolution: Genesis under Madero. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. .
  • Cumberland, Charles C. (1972). Mexican Revolution: The Constitutionalist Years. Austin, T: University of Texas Press. .
  • Gilly, A. The Mexican Revolution. London, 1983.
  • Gonzales, Michael J. (2002). The Mexican Revolution: 1910–1940. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press. .
  • Hart, John Mason. (1987). Revolutionary Mexico: The Coming and Process of the Mexican Revolution. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. .
  • Katz, Friedrich. The Secret War in Mexico: Europe, the United States, and the Mexican Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981.
  • Knight, Alan. The Mexican Revolution, Volume 1: Porfirians, Liberals, and Peasants (1986); The Mexican Revolution, Volume 2: Counter-revolution and Reconstruction. University of Nebraska Press, 1986.
  • Krauze, Enrique. (1997). Mexico: Biography of Power. New York: HarperCollins. .
  • Matute, Alvaro. "Mexican Revolution: May 1917 – December 1920" in Encyclopedia of Mexico, vol. 2, pp. 862–864. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997.
  • Niemeyer, Victor E. (1974). Revolution at Querétaro: The Mexican Constitutional Convention of 1916–1917. Austin: University of Texas Press. .
  • Quirk, Robert E. (1981). The Mexican Revolution, 1914–1915: The Convention of Aguascalientes. New York: The Citadel Press. .
  • Quirk, Robert E. (1973). The Mexican Revolution and the Catholic Church 1910–1919. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 
  • Ruiz, Ramón Eduardo. (1980). The Great Rebellion: Mexico, 1905–1924. New York: Norton. .
  • Tuñon Pablos, Esperanza. "Mexican Revolution: February 1913 – October 1915," in Encyclopedia of Mexico, vol. 2, pp. 855–859 . Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997
  • Tutino, John. From Insurrection to Revolution. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985.
  • Wasserman, Mark. The Mexican Revolution: A Brief History with Documents. (Bedford Cultural Editions Series) first edition, 2012.
  • Wilkie, James. (1967). The Mexican Revolution: Federal Expenditure and Social Change since 1910. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. .
  • Womack, John, Jr. "The Mexican Revolution" in The Cambridge History of Latin America, vol. 5, ed. Leslie Bethell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.

Биографија и друштвена историја

  • Baldwin, Deborah J. Protestants and the Mexican Revolution: Missionaries, Ministers, and Social Change. Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1990.
  • Beezley, William H. Insurgent Governor: Abraham González and the Mexican Revolution in Chihuahua. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1973.
  • Brunk, Samuel. Emiliano Zapata: Revolution and Betrayal in Mexico. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press 1995.
  • Buchenau, Jürgen, Plutarco Elías Calles and the Mexican Revolution. Lanham MD: Rowman and Littlefied 2007.
  • Buchenau, Jürgen. The Last Caudillo: Alvaro Obregón and the Mexican Revolution. Malden MA: Wiley-Blackwell 2011.
  • Caballero, Raymond (2015). Lynching Pascual Orozco, Mexican Revolutionary Hero and Paradox. Create Space. ISBN 978-1514382509. 
  • Cockcroft, James D. Intellectual Precursors of the Mexican Revolution. Austin: University of Texas Press 1968.
  • Fisher, Lillian Estelle. "The Influence of the Present Mexican Revolution upon the Status of Mexican Women," Hispanic American Historical Review. 22  (1):  211–228.
  • Garner, Paul. Porfirio Díaz. New York: Pearson 2001.
  • Guzmán, Martín Luis. Memoirs of Pancho Villa. Translated by Virginia H. Taylor. Austin: University of Texas Press 1966.
  • Hall, Linda. Alvaro Obregón, Power, and Revolution in Mexico, 1911–1920. College Station: Texas A&M Press 1981.
  • Henderson, Peter V.N. (2000). In the Absence of Don Porfirio: Francisco León de la Barra and the Mexican Revolution. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources. 
  • Katz, Friedrich. The Life and Times of Pancho Villa. Stanford: Stanford University Press 1998.
  • Lomnitz, Claudio. The Return of Comrade Ricardo Flores Magón. Brooklyn NY: Zone Books 2014.
  • Lucas, Jeffrey Kent. (2010). The Rightward Drift of Mexico's Former Revolutionaries: The Case of Antonio Díaz Soto y Gama. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press. .
  • Macias, Anna. „Women and the Mexican Revolution, 1910–1920”. The Americas. 1: 53—82. јул 1980. , 37: .
  • Meyer, Michael. (1972). Huerta: A Political Portrait. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. .
  • Meyer, Michael. (1967). Mexican Rebel: Pascual Orozco and the Mexican Revolution, 1910–1915. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. .
  • Poniatowska, Elena. Las Soldaderas: Women of the Mexican Revolution. Texas: Cinco Puntos Press; First Edition, November 2006
  • Reséndez, Andrés. "Battleground Women: Soldaderas and Female Soldiers in the Mexican Revolution." The Americas 51, 4 (April 1995).
  • Ross, Stanley R. Francisco I. Madero: Apostle of Democracy. New York: Columbia University Press 1955.
  • Richmond, Douglas W. (1983). Venustiano Carranza's Nationalist Struggle: 1893–1920. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. .
  • Shadle, Stanley F. Andrés Molina Enríquez: Mexican Land Reformer of the Revolutionary Era. Tucson: University of Arizona Press 1994.
  • Smith, Stephanie J. (2009). Gender and the Mexican Revolution: Yucatán Women and the Realities of Patriarchy. North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press. 
  • Womack, John, Jr. Zapata and the Mexican Revolution. New York: Vintage Press 1970.

Регионалне историје

  • Benjamin, Thomas and Mark Wasserman, eds. (1990). Provinces of the Revolution. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. .
  • Blaisdell, Lowell. (1962). The Desert Revolution, Baja California 1911. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. .
  • Brading, D.A., ed. Caudillo and Peasant in the Mexican Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980.
  • Joseph, Gilbert. (1982). Revolution from Without: Yucatán, Mexico, and the United States, 1880–1924. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. .
  • Harris, Charles H. III. (2009). The Secret War in El Paso: Mexican Revolutionary Intrigue, 1906–1920. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. .
  • Jacobs, Ian. (1983). Ranchero Revolt: The Mexican Revolution in Guerrero. Austin: University of Texas Press. .
  • LaFrance, David G. (1989). The Mexican Revolution in Puebla, 1908–1913: The Maderista Movement and Failure of Liberal Reform. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources. .
  • Snodgrass, Michael. (2003). Deference and Defiance in Monterrey: Workers, Paternalism, and Revolution in Mexico, 1890–1950. Cambridge University Press. .
  • Wasserman, Robert. (1984). Capitalists, Caciques, and Revolution: The Native Elites and Foreign Enterprise in Chihuahua, Mexico, 1854–1911. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. .

Међународне димензије

  • Buchenau, Jürgen, "Mexican Revolution: Foreign Intervention" in Encyclopedia of Mexico, vol. 2, pp. 865–869. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997.
  • Clendenin, Clarence C. The United States and Pancho Villa: A study in unconventional diplomacy. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1981.
  • Cline, Howard F. The United States and Mexico. 2nd edition. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961.
  • Gilderhus, M.T. (1977). Diplomacy and Revolution: U.S.-Mexican Relations under Wilson and Carranza. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. .
  • Grieb, K.J. The United States and Huerta. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1969.
  • Haley, P. E. Revolution and Intervention: The diplomacy of Taft and Wilson with Mexico, 1910–1917. Cambridge, 1970.
  • Hart, John Mason. (2002). Empire and Revolution: The Americans in Mexico since the Civil War. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. .
  • Katz, Friedrich. The Secret War in Mexico: Europe, the United States, and the Mexican Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981.
  • Meyer, Lorenzo. The Mexican Revolution and the Anglo-Saxon Powers. LaJolla: Center for U.S.-Mexico Studies. University of California San Diego, 1985.
  • Quirk, Robert E. An Affair of Honor: Woodrow Wilson and the Occupation of Veracruz. Louisville: University of Kentucky Press 1962.
  • Stefan Rinke, Michael Wildt (eds.): Revolutions and Counter-Revolutions. 1917 and its Aftermath from a Global Perspective. Campus 2017.
  • Smith, Robert Freeman. (1972). The United States and Revolutionary Nationalism in Mexico 1916–1932. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. .
  • Teitelbaum, Louis M. (1967). Woodrow Wilson and the Mexican Revolution. New York: Exposition Press. .

Сећање и културне димензије

  • Benjamin, Thomas. (2000). La Revolución: Mexico's Great Revolution as Memory, Myth, and History. Austin: University of Texas Press. .
  • Brunk, Samuel. (2008). The Posthumous Career of Emiliano Zapata: Myth, Memory, and Mexico's Twentieth Century. Austin: University of Texas Press. .
  • Buchenau, Jürgen. "The Arm and Body of a Revolution: Remembering Mexico's Last Caudillo, Álvaro Obregón" in Lyman L. Johnson, ed. Body Politics: Death, Dismemberment, and Memory in Latin America. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. 2004. стр. 179—207. ,
  • Foster, David, W., ed. (1994). Mexican Literature: A History. Austin: University of Texas Press. .
  • Hoy, Terry (јул 1982). „Octavio Paz: The Search for Mexican Identity”. The Review of Politics. 44 (3): 370—385. .
  • Gonzales, Michael J. "Imagining Mexico in 1921: Visions of the Revolutionary State and Society in the Centennial Celebration in Mexico City", Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos vol. 25. No 2, summer 2009, pp. 247–270.
  • Herrera Sobek, María, (1990). The Mexican Corrido: A Feminist Analysis. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. .
  • Oles, James, ed. (1993). South of the Border, Mexico in the American Imagination, 1914–1947. New Haven: Yale University Art Gallery. .
  • O'Malley, Ilene V. (1986). The Myth of the Revolution: Hero Cults and the Institutionalization of the Mexican State, 1920–1940. Westport: Greenwood Press. 
  • Ross, Stanley, ed. (1975). Is the Mexican Revolution Dead?. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. .
  • Rutherford, John D. (1971). Mexican society during the Revolution: a literary approach. Oxford: Oxford University Press. .
  • Simmons, Merle. (1957). The Mexican corrido as a source of interpretive study of modern Mexico, 1900–1970. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. .
  • Vaughn, Mary K. (1997). Negotiating Revolutionary Culture: Mexico, 1930–1940. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. .
  • Weinstock, Herbert. „Carlos Chavez”. The Musical Quarterly. 4: 435—445. октобар 1936.  22: .

Визуелна култура: графике, слика, филм, фотографија

  • Barajas, Rafael. Myth and Mitote: The Political Caricature of José Guadalupe Posada and Manuel Alfonso Manila. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2009
  • Britton, John A. (1995). Revolution and Ideology Images of the Mexican Revolution in the United States. Louisville: University Press of Kentucky. .
  • Coffey, Mary. (2012). How a Revolutionary Art Became Official Culture: Murals, Museums, and the Mexican State. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. .
  • Doremus, Anne T. Culture, Politics, and National Identity in Mexican Literature and Film, 1929–1952. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2001.
  • Elliott, Ingrid. "Visual Arts: 1910–37, The Revolutionary Tradition." Encyclopedia of Mexico. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn. 1997. стр. 1576—1584. ,.
  • Flores, Tatiana. (2013). Mexico's Revolutionary Avant-Gardes: From Estridentismo to ¡30–30!. New Haven: Yale University Press. .
  • Folgarait, Leonard. Mural Painting and Social Revolution in Mexico, 1920–1940. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
  • Ittman, John, ed. (2006). Mexico and Modern Printmaking, A Revolution in the Graphic Arts, 1920 to 1950. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art. .
  • McCard, Victoria L. Soldaderas of the Mexican revolution (The Evolution of War and Its Representation in Literature and Film), an article from West Virginia University Philological Papers 51 (2006), pgs. 43–51.
  • Mora, Carl J., Mexican Cinema: Reflections of a Society 1896–2004. Berkeley: University of California Press, 3rd edition, 2005
  • Myers, Bernard S. (1956). Mexican Painting in Our Time. New York: Oxford University Press. .
  • Mraz, John. Photographing the Mexican Revolution: Commitments, Testimonies, Icons. Austin: University of Texas Press 2012.
  • Noble, Andrea (2010). Photography and Memory in Mexico: Icons of Revolution. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 
  • Noble, Andrea (2005). Mexican National Cinema. London: Routledge. 
  • Orellana, Margarita de (2007). Filming Pancho Villa: How Hollywood Shaped the Mexican Revolution: North American Cinema and Mexico, 1911–1917. New York: Verso. 
  • Ortiz Monasterio, Pablo. Mexico: The Revolution and Beyond: Photographs by Agustín Victor Casasola, 1900–1940. New York: Aperture 2003.
  • Paranagua, Paula Antonio. (1995). Mexican Cinema. London: British Film Institute. .
  • Pick, Zuzana M. (2010). Constructing the Image of the Mexican Revolution: Cinema and the Archive. Austin: University of Texas Press. .
  • ¡Tierra y Libertad! Photographs of Mexico 1900–1935 from the Casasola Archive. Oxford: Museum of Modern Art. 1985. ISBN 978-84-934426-51. 
  • Pineda, Franco, Adela. The Mexican Revolution on the World Stage: Intellectuals and Film in the Twentieth Century, SUNY Press. 2019. ISBN 978–1-4384-7561-5 неважећи ISBN.


  • Bailey, D. M (1978). „Revisionism and the recent historiography of the Mexican Revolution.”. Hispanic American Historical Review. 1: 62—79. .
  • Brunk, Samuel (2008). The Posthumous Career of Emiliano Zapata. University of Texas Press. 
  • Golland, David Hamilton. "Recent Works on the Mexican Revolution." Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe 16.1 (2014). online
  • Knight, Alan. "Mexican Revolution: Interpretations" in Encyclopedia of Mexico, vol. 2, pp. 869–873. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn 1997.
  • Knight, Alan. „The Mexican Revolution: Bourgeois? Nationalist? Or Just a 'Great Rebellion'”. Bulletin of Latin American Research. 4 (2): 1—37. 1985. JSTOR 3338313. 
  • Knight, Alan. "Viewpoint: Revisionism and Revolution", Past and Present 134 (1992).
  • McNamara, Patrick J. „Rewriting Zapata: Generational Conflict on the Eve of the Mexican Revolution.”. Mexican Studies-Estudios Mexicanos. 30 (1): 122—149. 2014. .
  • Tannenbaum, Frank (1930). „Land Reform in Mexico”. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 150: 238—247. JSTOR 1017079. doi:10.1177/000271623015000131. 
  • Van Young, Eric. „Making Leviathan Sneeze: Recent Works on Mexico and the Mexican Revolution”. Latin American Research Review. 34 (2): 143—165. 1999. JSTOR 2503966. 
  • Wasserman, Mark (2008). „You Can Teach An Old Revolutionary Historiography New Tricks: Regions, Popular Movements, Culture, and Gender in Mexico, 1820–1940”. Latin American Research Review. 43 (2): 260—271. 
  • Womack, John Jr. "Mexican Revolution: Bibliographical Essay" in Mexico Since Independence, Leslie Bethell, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp. 405–414.

Примарни извори

  • Angelini, Erin. "The Bigger Truth About Mexico"
  • Bulnes, Francisco. The Whole Truth About Mexico: The Mexican Revolution and President Wilson's Part Therein, as seen by a Cientifico. New York: M. Bulnes Book Company 1916.
  • O'Shaunessy, Edith. A Diplomat's Wife in Mexico. New York: Harper 1916.
  • Reed, John. (1969). Insurgent México. New York: International Publishers. .
  • Turner, John Kenneth. Barbarous Mexico. Austin: University of Texas Press 1984.
  • Wasserman, Mark. The Mexican Revolution: A Brief History with Documents. (Bedford Cultural Editions Series) first edition, 2012.


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