The Peanuts Movie is a 2015 computer-animated comedy movie made by 20th Century Fox and Blue Sky Studios. It was released on September 6, 2015 in the United States. It follows Charlie Brown and Snoopy in the movie. The Peanuts Movie was Blue Sky's final G-rated movie. The CGI animation of the movie resembles hand-drawn. This makes The Peanuts Movie the only Peanuts movie in CGI.
Voice cast (alphabetical)
Troy "Trombone Shorty" Andrews as Miss Othmar
Rebecca Bloom as Marcie
Troy "Trombone Shorty" Andrews as Mrs. Little Red-Haired Girl
Additional voices were provided by: Christopher Campbell, Holly Dorff, Tessa Netting, Kelly Michelle Mills, Al Nelson, Randall Thom, Randy Trager, Gabriela Yates Whittle, Gia Bravos, Nikolas Bravos, Kori Elmore, Ava Kramer, Ava Leslie, Frances Bella Kayser, Terrence D. Weller II, Marley Pearson, Aramé Scott, Ileanna Bravos, Nicole Wedel, Clayton Drier, Theodore Finn Kayser, Sam Lavagino, Jaiden A.M. Mathews, Nigel Pope, Dylan Naber, Eden Vietro and Allen Zyler.