Ron's Gone Wrong is a 2021 computer-animated science fiction comedy movie. It was directed by Sarah Smith and Jean-Philippe Vine, co-directed by Octavio E. Rodriguez, produced by Karen Disher and Vicky Jenson, and written by Genndy Tartakovsky and Smith. The film features the voice of Jack Dylan Grazer as Barney, a socially awkward middle-schooler who befriends a defective robot he names Ron, voiced by Zach Galifianakis. Barney must find a way to protect Ron, who comes under danger from corporate employees. Additional voices include Ed Helms, Justice Smith, Rob Delaney, Kylie Cantrall, Ricardo Hurtado and Olivia Colman.
Ron's Gone Wrong was the first 20th Century animated movie to be released under 20th Century Studios.
Top Billed Cast
Additionally, Bentley Kalu voices a cop, John Macmillan voices Shayne the Biker, David Menkin voices Mr. Cleaver and Iara Nemirovsky voices Ellie. Liam Payne voices a B-bot who gets kicked by Andrew in a cameo appearance, respectively.
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