The Sea of Marmara, also known as the Sea of Marmora or the Marmara Sea, is the inland sea that connects the Black Sea to the Aegean Sea. It separates Turkey's Asian and European parts. The Bosphorus strait connects it to the Black Sea and the Dardanelles strait to the Aegean. The Sea has an area of 11,350 km² (280 km x 80 km)[1] with the greatest depth reaching 1,370 m.
The salinity of the sea averages about 22 parts per thousand. This is slightly greater than that of the Black Sea but only about two-thirds that of most oceans and the Mediterranean Sea. The water is much more saline at the sea-bottom, averaging salinities of around 38 parts per thousand — similar to that of the Mediterranean Sea. Water from the Susurluk, Biga (Granicus) and Gönen River rivers reduces the salinity of the sea.