John F. Haught
John F. Haught (12. 11. 1942. – ), američki teolog, pisac i profesor, specijaliziran za sistematsku teologiju. Pohađao je katolički Univerzitet St. Mary's u Baltimoreu gdje je diplomirao 1964. godine, dok je doktorat obranio 1968. na Američkom katoličkom univerzitetu u Washingtonu (disertacija: "Temelji eshatološke hermeneutike"). Akademsku karijeru započeo je na teološkom odsjeku Univerziteta Georgetown gdje je radio kao profesor od 1969. do 2005. godine, a između 1990. i 1995. obnašao je i dužnost čelnika odsjeka. Također, radio je i kao predavač na Univerzitetu St. John's u New Yorku (2008) i Papinskom univerzitetu Gregoriana (2010). Autor je više nagrađivanih monografija na temu religije i teologije.
- The Cosmic Adventure: Science, Religion and the Quest for Purpose, 1984, Paulist Press, ISBN 0-8091-2599-4
- What Is God?: How to Think about the Divine, 1986, Paulist Press, ISBN 0-8091-2754-7
- What Is Religion: An Introduction, 1990, Paulist Press, ISBN 0-8091-3117-X
- Science & Religion: From Conflict to Conversation, 1995, Paulist Press, ISBN 0-8091-3606-6
- Science and Religion: In Search of Cosmic Purpose, 2000, Georgetown University Press, preštampano 2001: ISBN 0-87840-865-7
- God After Darwin: A Theology of Evolution, 2000, preštampano: Westview Press, 2001, ISBN 0-8133-3878-6
- Responses to 101 Questions on God and Evolution, 2001, Paulist Press, ISBN 0-8091-3989-8
- In Search of a God for Evolution: Paul Tillich and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, 2002, American Teilhard Association, ISBN 0-89012-088-9
- Deeper Than Darwin: The Prospect for Religion in the Age of Evolution, 2003, Westview Press, ISBN 0-8133-6590-2; ISBN 0-8133-4199-X
- The Promise of Nature: Ecology and Cosmic Purpose, 2004, Wipf & Stock Publishers, ISBN 1-59244-945-X
- Is Nature Enough?: Meaning and Truth in the Age of Science, May 2006, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-60993-3
- God and the New Atheism: A Critical Response to Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens, decembar 2007, Westminster John Knox Press, ISBN 978-0-664-23304-4
- Making Sense of Evolution: Darwin, God and the Drama of Life, februar 2010, Westminster John Knox Press, ISBN 978-0-664-23285-6
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