Envelizin (EC, proteina izleganja morskog ježa, enzim izleganja, horionaza, proteinaza varenja horiona, himostripsin) je enzim.[1][2][3][4] Ovaj enzim katalizuje sledeću hemijsku reakciju
- Hidroliza proteina oplodivog omotača i dimetilkazeina
Ovaj glikoprotein je prisutan u članovima klase Echinoidea.
- ↑ Barrett, D. and Edwards, B.F. (1976). „Hatching enzyme of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus”. Methods Enzymol. 45: 354-373. PMID 1012003.
- ↑ Lepage, T. and Gache, C. (1989). „Purification and characterization of the sea urchin embryo hatching enzyme”. J. Biol. Chem. 264: 4787-4793. PMID 2925668.
- ↑ Lepage, T. and Gache, C. (1990). „Early expression of a collagenase-like hatching enzyme gene in the sea urchin embryo”. EMBO J. 9: 3003-3012. PMID 2167841.
- ↑ Nomura, K., Tanaka, H., Kikkawa, Y., Yamaguchi, M. and Suzuki, N. (1991). „The specificity of sea urchin hatching enzyme (envelysin) places it in the mammalian matrix metalloproteinase family”. Biochemistry 30: 6115-6123. PMID 1711895.
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