В 1978 году доцент, с 1987 года профессор кафедры дифференциальных и интегральных уравнений Бакинского государственного университета. Так же преподавал на курсах повышения квалификации на механико-математическом факультете для преподавателей университетов Азербайджана и других стран.
Автор 8 книг в разных областях математики, одного поэтического издания, более 150 научных статей изданных как в местных так и в зарубежных журналах, научный руководитель 12 кандидатов наук и и[что?] доктора наук. Был сопредседателем Совета докторов наук Бакинского государственного университета, заведующим кафедры общей математики (1966—2000).
Скончался 24 декабря 2024 года на 82-м году жизни[1].
Основные научные результаты
Для функционально-дифференциальных и абстрактных дифференциальных уравнений исследованы специальные краевые задачи с неизвестным параметром и предложены следующие методы решения таких задач:
a) метод зависимых переменных;
b) независимых переменных.
Кроме того, для дифференциальных уравнений в частных производных предложена специальная краевая задача со свободной границей и неизвестным параметром. Исследованы вопросы существования и отсутствия решения упомянутых задач.
Предложены новые обобщенные оптимизационные для энтропии методы МАХ МАХ ЕNT, MİN MAX ENT, MAX MİNX ENT, MİN MİN ENT, которые имеют важные приложения в математической статистике, теории информации в других областях.
В области стохастических дифференциальных уравнений получены важные результаты, которые опубликованы в соответствующих источниках .
По перечисленным областям осуществлял подготовку специалистов.
Научные статьи
Estimation of cumulative distribution function with spline functions
Survival Data Analysis by Minminxent and Maxminxent Methods
An Application of Generalized Entropy Optimization Methods in Survival Data Analysis
On Several New Generalized Entropy Optimization Methods
Minimum Cross Fuzzy Entropy Problem, The Existence of Its Solution and Generalized Minimum Cross Fuzzy Entropy Problems
Generalized Maximum Fuzzy Entropy Methods with Applications on Wind Speed Data
Information Worth of MinMaxEnt Models for Time Series
Generalized Entropy Optimization Distributions Dependent on Parameter in Time Series
Generalized entropy optimization problems with finite moment functions sets
On the identifiability of finite mixtures based on the union of logarithmic series and discrete rectangular families
Some relationships between entropy values of entropy optimization distributions for time series
A new method for estimating the missing value of observed time series and time series forecasting
A new concept of relative suitability of moment function sets
Use of MinMaxEnt distributions defined on basis of MaxEnt method in wind power study
Finite Mixtures of MaxEnt Distributions
Generalized Entropy Optimization Problems And The Existence Of Their Solutions
A Fano Huffman Based Statistical Coding Method
Parameter Estimation Using Different Information-Theoritical Divergence Measures
On a Functional Defined by Means of Kullback Leibler Measure and its Statistical Applications
Estimation by Combining MinxEnt Principle and time Series Analysis
Statistical Structure of Printed Turkish English German French Russian and Spanish
The Distribution of Minimizing Maximum Entropy Alternative to Weibull Distribution for Wind Speed
The Applications of Construction of MinxEnt Probability Distributions
Approach to Multimodal Distributions with Maximum Entropy
A Development of Entropy Optimization Methods
New method of obtaining probability distributions based on maximum entropy principle
A Method of Obtaining Distributions of Transformed Random Variables by Using the Heaviside and the Dirac Generalized Functions
On a new concept of generilized probability density function to systems of random variables
On Existence and Nonexistence of Classical Solution of Generilized Ballistical Problem for a Class of Nonlinear Elliptical Equations
On solvability generilized balistical problem for a class of nonlinear equations
Generalized Solution of Generilized Ballistical Problem for a Differential Equation of Elliptical Type
Computer Programming of a Numerical Integration Method and Some Applications
On the New Conditions For Solvablitly and nonsolvability of Generalized Ballistical Problem for an Elliptic Equation
On the theory of special values problems for non-linear abstract differential equations
On the theory of generalized ballistical problems for nonlinear abstract differential equations
K.T. Akhmedov about the applied methodical problems of mathematics
Preparing of the Bidding Cost Schedule Used to Optimum Estimation Curves in Construction Industry — An Application for TTL Using Curvefitting Methods
On theory of a ballistic problem for the nonlinear abstract differential equation with the main linear part
Ballistical problem with its generalizations and methods of their investigations
On special boundary value problems for abstract differential equations in Hilbert space
Special boundary value problems for differential equations in a Hilbert space
On global solvability of some variants of special boundary value problems for the second order elliptic equations
On solvability and nonsolvability of a variant of boundary value problems with a free bound for a second order abstract differential equations
Solvability and unsolvability of a certain boundary value problem with a free boundary for abstract second order differential equations
On solvability of a special boundary value problem for elliptic equations
On solvability of a special boundary value problem for abstract differential equations
Sufficient conditions of solvability for boundary value problems with a free bound
On existence and nonexistence of solutions of a special problem with a free bound for elliptic equations
On theory of special boundary problems for abstract differential equations
Solvability of a special boundary value problem for abstract differential equations
Solvability of a special problem with a free bound for elliptic equations
On a problem with unknown parameter and the additional functional restricuion
On existence and uniqueness of the solution of a problem for functional -differential equations of the n-th order
Solvability of a special problem for functional -differential equations of the n-th order
The theorems of existence and uniqueness of the solution of a special problem for functional-differential equations of a neutral type
On existence and nonexistence of the weak solutions of the generalized ballistic problem for an elliptic equation
On existence of the solutions of a ballistic problem for the second-order differential-deviating equations, depending on the unknown solutions and its derivative
Some Problems of theory equations with smooth operators
On existence and nonexistence of solutions of a ballistic problem for the second-order functional differential equations
The Newton-Kantorovich method applied to the problem with a parameter for the integral equation with a deviate
A problem for ordinary differential equations
On existence and uniqueness of the weak solution of a problem for the elliptic equation
Correction of a special problem for the elliptic equation with a chosen variable
Solvablity of a parametric problem for the integral-deviating equation in some functional spaces
A boundary value problem with a parameter for the nonlinear differential-deviating equation of a neutral type
Solvability of a parametric problem for the integral-deviating equation in some functional spaces
Conditions of solvability of a problem for the second order differential equations with a deviate depending on the unknown solution and its derivative
On existence and uniqueness of the solution of a problem for the second-order differential equations with a deviate .depending on the unknown solution and its derivative
Differentiability of some operators
Solvablity of a problem for the elliptic equations
Differentiable dependence on input data of solutions of the ballistic problem
On a problem for the elliptic equation and conditions of its solvability
On theory of a ballistic problem
On a problem for partial differential equations
Some new conditions of solvability of a boundary value problem for nonlinear differential-deviating equations
On theory of special boundary problems for the second-order differential-deviating equations
On the smoothness of some special operators
On the smoothness of some functionals given in an implict form by a functional equations
On sufficient conditions of solvability of a boundary value problem for nonlinear differential-deviating equations of neutral type
On a problem for differential equations
Conditions of solvability for a boundary problem
On an approach to solvability of special boundary problems
Necessary conditions ofoptimality for a dynmic system with control parameters
On existence of solutions of functional differential equations
On the boundedness of solutions of linear difference-differential equations of a neutral type
Application of the quasilinearization method for a system with nonlinear boundary conditions
On boundedness of solutions for a class of nonlinear equations with variable delays
On boundedness of solutions for linear differential equations with variable argument delays
In Advances in Sustainable Aviation, Bölüm Sayfaları: 177—187
Entropi, İnformasyon ve Entropi Optimizasyon, 183 s.
Kavramsal Yorumlar ve Uygulamalarla Olasılık Teorisi, 439 s.
Teori ve Çözümlü Problemlerle Diferansiyel Denklemler, 299 s.
Bir Gönül Sadası
Entropi İnformasyon ve Entropi Optimizasyon, 264 s.
Olasılıksal Dağılımların Karakteristik Fonksiyonları ve Uygulamaları, 214 s.
Ölçüm Teorisi Olasılık ve Lebesgue Integrali, 131 s.
Collection of exercise and examples for solving typical problems on differential equations, 100 s.
Special problems of theory of functional differential equations, 112 s.
Splayn Modeller ve Uygulamaları. Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi
Genelleştirilmiş Entropi Optimizasyon Yöntemleri ile Bulanık Veri Analizi. Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi
Yaşam Süreçlerine Entropi Optimizasyon Yöntemlerinin Uygulamaları
Genelleştirilmiş entropi optimizasyon yöntemleri ile bulanık veri analizi
Yaşam süreçlerine entropi optimizasyon yöntemlerinin uygulamaları
Stokastik diferensiyel denklemlerle modelleme
Moment kısıtlarına dayalı genelleştirilmiş entropi yöntemleri
Zaman serilerinde entropi optimizasyon yöntemleri
Olasılıksal karışım modelleri
MaxEnt ve MinxEnt optimizasyon presiplerine bağlı nümerik incelemeler ve istatistiksel uygulamalar