Hot Space Tour
Hot Space Tour
Hot Space Tour
Turnê mundial de Queen
Europa , América do Norte , Ásia
Álbum associado
Hot Space
Data de início
9 de abril de 1982 (1982-04-09 )
Data de fim
3 de novembro de 1982 (1982-11-03 )
N.º de apresentações
Cronologia de turnês de Queen
A Hot Space Tour foi uma turnê de shows da banda britânica de rock Queen , que ocorreu entre os meses de abril e novembro de 1982, em divulgação do álbum Hot Space . Foi a última turnê da banda tendo shows na América do Norte. Os músicos Morgan Fisher e Fred Mandel tocaram teclado como músicos convidados.[ 1] [ 2]
Em 2004 , o registro de uma das apresentações da turnê foi lançado, o álbum Queen on Fire - Live at the Bowl , o qual foi filmado durante o show no Milton Keynes Super Bowl , em Londres. Também foram filmados outros shows no Japão e Áustria que foram inclusos no DVD como extras.[ 3]
Lista de canções
Diferente de outras turnês, em que banda normalmente precisava apenas de poucas noites para ficar confortável com a lista, demoraria mais de um mês durante o inicio da turnê. Todos os shows em Abril foram únicos uma vez que a banda atravessava um período experimental, antes de encontrar a lista ideal em Maio. Durante o ano, era raro ver a mesma lista em mais de dois shows, em particular na fase europeia onde apenas dois shows tiveram a mesma lista de canções, e na fase japonesa em que cada show teve a sua própia lista individual de canções. A banda continuaria a experimentar durante o ano.
A fase europeia teve uma nova abertura com uma gravação de "Flash " a ser ouvida nos altifalantes aproximadamente durante um minuto, depois do qual a banda apareceria passando perfeitamente para uma versão energética de "The Hero". Normalmente o show continuaria com "Tie Your Mother Down ", "We Will Rock You (Fast)" ou "Sheer Heart Attack " dependendo da noite.
Para a fase norte americana a abertura foi modifica para a gravação de "Flash" tocando nos alto-falantes antes que a música se acalmasse e a banda começaria a tocar a introdução lenta de "Rock It (Prime Jive) ". Em Julho e Agosto, a banda tocava a versão completa de Rock It (Prime Jive) seguido de uma versão curta de "We Will Rock You (Fast)", enquanto que em Setembro tocavam apenas a introdução de Rock It (Prime Jive), tocando de seguida a versão completa de "We Will Rock You (Fast)".
Já a fase Japonesa veria a banda alternar entre "The Flash/The Hero/We Will Rock You (Fast)" e "The Flash/Rock It (Prime Jive)/We Will Rock You (Fast) para abrir cada show.
A versão rápida de "We Will Rock You ", que foi apresentada em quase todos os shows desde Novembro de 1977 até ao final de 1981, não foi tocada na maioria dos shows de Abril, estando em rotação nos shows de Maio, fazendo um retorno permanente em Junho. Tie Your Mother Down foi tocada no inicio da maioria dos shows de Abril, voltando para o final dos shows em Maio, onde normalmente ficava em todos os shows desde Novembro de 1977 até ao final 1981. Sheer Heart Attack , que desde a sua estreia em Novembro 1977 era tocada como um bis na maioria dos shows, também foi tocada no inicio de alguns shows em Maio, sendo eventualmente retirada completamente dos shows depois de Junho.
Muitas canções do álbum Hot Space foram tocadas nesta turnê, com "Action This Day " e "Under Pressure " sendo tocadas em todos os shows. Uma vez que o álbum foi lançado a 21 de Maio, os fãs dos primeiros shows ainda não estavam familiarizados com as canções "Staying Power ", "Back Chat " e "Action This Day ". "Body Language " foi introduzida no show em Maio sendo tocada poucas vezes, eventualmente passando a fazer parte da lista em definitivo em Julho, com "Calling All Girls " também sendo introduzida em Julho. "Life Is Real (Song For Lennon) " só foi tocada em alguns shows em Agosto, e "Put Out The Fire " foi introduzida em Setembro. "Dancer ", "Las Palabras de Amor (The Words of Love) " e "Cool Cat " nunca foram tocadas ao vivo (exceção para "Las Palabras de Amor (The Words of Love) " cuja introdução foi tocada antes de "Love of My Life " no show em Milton Keynes, Inglaterra).
Estocolmo, Suécia
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"Tie Your Mother Down"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Somebody To Love"
"Staying Power"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Keyboard/Guitar Solo"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Under Pressure"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Another One Bites The Dust"
"Sheer Heart Attack"
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Drammen, Noruega
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"Tie Your Mother Down"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Somebody To Love"
"Staying Power"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Guitar Solo"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Under Pressure"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Another One Bites The Dust"
"Sheer Heart Attack"
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Zurique, Suiça (Primeira Noite)
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"Tie Your Mother Down"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Somebody To Love"
"Staying Power"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Under Pressure"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Another One Bites The Dust"
"Sheer Heart Attack"
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Zurique, Suiça (Segunda Noite)
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"Tie Your Mother Down"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Back Chat"
"Under Pressure"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Another One Bites The Dust"
"Sheer Heart Attack"
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Paris, França (Primeira Noite)
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"Tie Your Mother Down"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Somebody To Love"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Under Pressure"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Back Chat"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Another One Bites The Dust"
"Sheer Heart Attack"
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Lyon, França / Bruxélas, Bélgica (Primeira Noite)
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"Tie Your Mother Down"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Somebody To Love"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Another One Bites The Dust"
"Sheer Heart Attack"
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Bruxélas, Bélgica (Primeira Noite)
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Tie Your Mother Down"
"Another One Bites The Dust"
"Sheer Heart Attack"
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Leiden, Holanda (Primeira Noite)
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"Tie Your Mother Down"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"
"Sheer Heart Attack"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Leiden, Holanda (Segunda Noite)
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"Tie Your Mother Down"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Back Chat"
"Somebody To Love"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"
"Sheer Heart Attack"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Frankfurt, Alemanha
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"Tie Your Mother Down"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Somebody To Love"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"
"Sheer Heart Attack"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Dortmund, Alemanha
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"Tie Your Mother Down"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Somebody To Love"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"
"Sheer Heart Attack"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Paris, França (Segunda Noite) / Colónia, Alemanha (Primeira Noite)
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"Tie Your Mother Down"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Somebody To Love"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Colónia, Alemanha (Segunda Noite)
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"Sheer Heart Attack"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Back Chat"
"Somebody To Love"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Würzburg, Alemanha
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Back Chat"
"Somebody To Love"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Vienna, Austria (Primeira Noite) / Edimburgo, Escócia (Primeira Noite)
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Somebody To Love"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Back Chat"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Vienna, Áustria (Segunda Noite)
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Somebody To Love"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Body Language"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"
"Sheer Heart Attack"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Berlim, Alemanha
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Somebody To Love"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Body Language"
"Back Chat"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Hamburgo, Alemanha
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Somebody To Love"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Kassel, Alemanha / Munique, Alemanha
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"Sheer Heart Attack"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Somebody To Love"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Leeds, Inglaterra / Milton Keynes, Inglaterra
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Somebody To Love"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Back Chat"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"
"Sheer Heart Attack"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Edinburgo, Escócia (Segunda Noite)
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Somebody To Love"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"
"Sheer Heart Attack"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
América do Norte
Montreal, Canadá
"Flash's Theme"
"Rock It"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Save Me"
"Calling All Girls"
"Back Chat"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Body Language"
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Boston, EUA
"'Queen Day' Introduction"
"Rock It"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Save Me"
"Calling All Girls"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Body Language"
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Philadelphia, EUA / New York City, EUA (Primeira Noite) / Toronto, Canadá
"Flash's Theme"
"Rock It"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Staying Power"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Save Me"
"Calling All Girls"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Body Language"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
New York City, EUA (Segunda Noite) / Detroit, EUA
"Flash's Theme"
"Rock It"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Somebody To Love"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Save Me"
"Calling All Girls"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Body Language"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
East Rutherford, EUA
"Flash's Theme"
"Rock It"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Somebody To Love"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Save Me"
"Calling All Girls"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Body Language"
"Under Pressure"
"Life Is Real"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Hoffman Estates, EUA
"Flash's Theme"
"Rock It"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Calling All Girls"
"Now I'm Here"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Body Language"
"Under Pressure"
"Life Is Real"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Oakland, EUA
"Flash's Theme"
"Rock It"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Calling All Girls"
"Now I'm Here"
"Put Out The Fire"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Body Language"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Fukuoka, Japão (Primeira Noite)
"Flash's Theme"
"Rock It"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Somebody To Love"
"Calling All Girls"
"Now I'm Here"
"Put Out The Fire"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Body Language"
"Back Chat"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Fukuoka, Japão (Segunda Noite)
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Calling All Girls"
"Now I'm Here"
"Put Out The Fire"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Body Language"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Nishinomiya, Japão
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Somebody To Love"
"Calling All Girls"
"Now I'm Here"
"Put Out The Fire"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Body Language"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"
"Jailhouse Rock"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Nagoya, Japão
"Flash's Theme"
"Rock It"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Calling All Girls"
"Now I'm Here"
"Put Out The Fire"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Body Language"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Sapporo, Japão
"Flash's Theme"
"Rock It"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Calling All Girls"
"Now I'm Here"
"Put Out The Fire"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Love Of My Life"
"Teo Torriatte"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Body Language"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Tokorozawa, Japão
"Flash's Theme"
"The Hero"
"We Will Rock You (Fast)"
"Action This Day"
"Play The Game"
"Calling All Girls"
"Now I'm Here"
"Put Out The Fire"
"Dragon Attack"
"Now I'm Here (Reprise)"
"Love Of My Life"
"Save Me"
"Get Down, Make Love"
"Guitar Solo"
"Body Language"
"Under Pressure"
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
"Tie Your Mother Down"Encore
"Teo Torriatte"
"Another One Bites The Dust"Encore
"We Will Rock You"
"We Are The Champions"
"God Save The Queen"
Datas dos shows
Ficha técnica
Músicos convidados