Konsonan dwigigi, dilafazkan dengan kedua-dua gigi bawah dan atas, biasanya dijumpa hanya dalam speech pathology. Simbol Extensions to the IPA ialah dua jambatan superscript and a subscript bridge, [ ̪͆].
Di sampingkonsonan antargigi seperti [n̪͆], yang melibatkan lidah, terdapat sekurang-kurangnya satu confirmed attestation of a true konsonan dwigigi in normal language. The Black Sea sub-dialect of the Shapsug dialect of bahasa Adyghe has a geseran dwigigi tak bersuara where other dialects have [x], such as xə "six" and daxə "pretty". Therefore it might best be transcribed phonemically as /x̪͆/. However, there is no frication at the velum. The teeth themselves are the only constriction: "Bibir dibuka sepenuhnya, the teeth clenched and the tongue flat, udara mengalir diantara gigi; bunyinya diantara [ʃ] dan [f]" (L&M 1996:144-145). Ini boleh di transcribed phonetically as [h̪͆], since [h] tiada tempat artikulasi tersendirinya.
The Extensions to the IPA specify one other purely bidental consonant sound, the bidental percussive.