『我が秘密の生涯』(わがひみつのしょうがい、My Secret Life, The Sex Diary of a Victorian Gentleman)は、1884年‐1894年にベルギーで私家刊行された、英語による自伝風の官能小説、性愛文学である。オリジナル版は11巻、184章、116万6670語で、4,200ページに及ぶ。
一人の男性の50年にもわたる性描写を淡々と詳細に語るその内容について、開高健は田村隆一訳の『我が秘密の生涯』の解説で「ファーブルがヘミングウェイの文体でセックスを書いたらこうなるだろう」とまとめている。また、『我が秘密の生涯』の無削除版をインターネット上で公開するMy Secret Life by Walter[1]では、いかに即物的表現であるかの指標としてカント、ファック、プリックなどの表現をカウントしており、それぞれ、5,357回、4,032回、3,756回という値が提示されている[4]。
Chapter I. Earliest recollections ― An erotic nursemaid ― Ladies abed ― My cock ― A frisky governess ― Cousin Fred ― Thoughts on pudenda ― A female pedlar ― Baudy pictures ― A naked baby.
第2章 性のめざめゆく過程*
Chapter II. My godfather ― At Hampton-Court ― My aunt's backside ― Public baths ― My cousins cunts ― Haymaking frolics ― Family difficulties ― School amusements ― A masturbating relative ― Romance and sentiment.
第3章 下女たちとのたわむれ*
Chapter III. A big servant ― Two sisters ― Armpits ― A quiet feel ― Baudy reveries ― Felt by a woman ― Erections ― My prepuce ― Seeing and feeling ― Aunt and cousin ― A servant's thighs ― Not man enough.
第4章 自瀆の驚異*
Chapter IV. My first frig ― My godfather ― Meditations on copulation ― Male and female aromas ― Maid and gardener ― My father dies ― A wet dream ― Bilked by a whore.
第5章 大願成就―シャーロットとのいきさつ*
Chapter V. Our house ― Charlotte and brother Tom ― Kissing and groping ― Both in rut ― My first fuck ― A virginity taken ― At a baudy house ― In a privy ― Tribulations ― Charlotte leaves ― My despair.
第6章 母性的なメアリの愛*
Chapter VI. Mary the cook. ― A bloody nose and broken piss-pot. ― An involuntary spend. ― A feel and a poke. ― A new sensation. ― At a baudy house. ― Mary's history. ― She leaves.
第7章 百姓娘姉妹との交歓*
Chapter VII. At the Manor house ― Fred's amours ― Sarah and Mary ― What drink and money does ― My second virgin ― My first whore ― Double fucking ― Gamahuching ― Minette ― A Belly up and down.
第8章 天井舞台の興奮
Chapter VIII. Fanny Hill. ― Masturbation. ― Friend Henry. ― Under street-gratings at the gunmaker's. ― A frigging match. ― Sights from below. ― In a back street. ― A prick in petticoats. ― Evacuations. ― Ladies scared.
第9章 ある労働者の妻と街娼
Chapter IX. Mrs. Smith. ― A brutal husband. ― My second adultery. A chaste servant. ― Road harlots. ― A poke in the open. ― Use for a silk handkerchief. ― A shilling a tail. ― Clapped.
第10章 シャーロットとの邂逅と二人の女の奇妙な関係
Chapter X. A big cunted one. ― Sister Mary. ― A wet dream. ― CharIotte reappears. ― Consequences. ― My first child. ― Cook Brown, and housemaid Harriet. Masturbation and foolscap. ― A deaf relative. ― An uncomfortable pudendum. ― A lascerated penis. ― Sudden dismissals.
第11章 ウォータールー街娼の手管*
Chapter XI. Charwoman and daughter ― At a key-hole ― Cutting corns ― A shower and a barn ― A fat rumped Devonian ― Suggestive pictures ― A bum-hole offered ― Erotic madness ― Remorse.
第12章 新しき姉妹の同時妊娠のこと
Chapter XII. Sarah and Susan. ― At the key-hole. ― A village fair. ― Up against a wall. ― An unknown woman. ― Clapped again. ― My deaf relative. ― Some weeks felicity. ― Sarah's secret. ― Susan's history. ― Sarah with child. ― Amidst black berries. ― Susan's virginity. ― Susan with child. ― Sisters' disclosures. A row. ― A child born. ― Emigration.
第13章 ウォータールー街のフランス女*
Chapter XIII. Of age. ― Camille my first French woman. ― Lascivious delights. ― Harlots by the dozen. ― Baudy books. ― Tribades. ― A grey-haired cunt.
第14章 フランスから連れてこられた娘*
Chapter XIV. Piddlings. ― Posturings. ― Breast and arm-pit ― A turn over. ― Used up. ― Wanting a virgin. ― Camille departs. ― The Major's opinion. ― Camille returns. ― Louise.
第1章 『ファニー・ヒル』の挿画
Chapter I. Louise sapped. ― Suspicions. ― Lectures on virginity with live illustrations. ― Drugged for inspection. ― Camille's hesitation. ― Absents herself. ― The house in G..d.n Sq.. e. ― Baudy prints. ― A feel, a sniff and a kiss. ― Out shopping. ― Garters. ― Dinner and after.
第2章 咲ききったルイズ
Chapter II. Undressing. ― Silk stockings and garters. ― The attack. ― Foiled on the outside. ― A battery. ― A breech. ― A tough virginity. ― Triumphant. ― Sanguinary proofs. ― The second entry. ― My foreskin. ― Twenty-four hours fucking. ― Gamahuching. ― Six days pleasure. ― Camille returns.
第3章 合戦のあとの愉悦と安らぎ
Chapter III. Camille at home. ― Her little game. ― My greenness. ― The house in O. . d. n street. ― The glove shop. ― Louise fatigues me. ― Fred on the scent. ― A cigar shop. ― Three into one. ― A clap. ― Serious reflexions. ― The sisters disappear.
第4章 地主屋敷での冒険*
Chapter IV. Enforced chastity. ― A sticture. ― Health restored. Mrs. Pender. ― A peep from a hay-stack. ― In a cow-house. ― Stable and barn. ― Mother's satisfaction.
第5章 白い歯の農婦そのほか*
Chapter V. Aunt at the dairy. ― Morning amusements with Pender. ― Female hay-makers. ― Mrs. Whiteteeth. ― An exhibition of cock. ― Against a field-gate. ― A night on the grass. ― A sight from the barn-loft. ― Robert the page. ― Molly.
第6章 岩屋づくりのサマーハウス*
Chapter VI. Joey and nursemaid. ― The privy in the laui-el-walk. ― Scared. ― Whiteteeth in the ditch. ― The nurse-maid's bed-room. ― Robert amusing her. ― A lost virginity. ― Aunt and Joey. ― Nearly caught. ― Amatory instructions to nursemaid.
第7章 ペンダーを連れだす*
Chapter VII. Molly and Giles. ― A country ale-house. ― Pender's history. ― How her virginity was taken. ― Whiteteeth's ailment. ― Molly in the loft. ― Interrupted. Molly tailed.
第8章 雌どりの群の雄鳥*
Chapter VIII. Field women. ― Fred at home. ― Smith, the field foreman. ― A rape of a juvenile. ― Funking consequences. ― Nelly consents. ― Fred looks on.
第9章 ヴォクソールの幼女*
Chapter IX. Laura and Fred: Vauxhall amusements. ― A juvenile harlot-A linen stopper. ― The hairless and the hairy: Ten and forty. ― A snub: At my aunt's. ― Nursemaid and page missing. ― Pender with child. ― Molly and Giles caught. ― Mr. Pender's letch.
第10章 またしても姉妹相手に*
Chapter X. Nelly and Sophy. ― The beer-house again. ― Sophy's belly. ― On the road. ― Against a tree. ― At the baudy house with Sophy. ― Her narrative. ― Tom and the three sisters. ― Fred on the scent.-Pender's troubles.
第11章 従兄フレッドとのさやあて*
Chapter XI. Out shooting. ― A female carter. ― A feel in the train. ― Molly in London. ― Giles in town.-Fred on the scene. ― Molly at the Hall. ― Copulation in uniform. ― A sham illness. ― An afternoon with Molly. ― She turns harlot. ― Gets clapped.-Her baby.
第12章 天女入浴図の拝観*
Chapter XII. Nelly and Sophy. ― Nelly at the Argyle. ― In town with Fred. ― On the sofa with Mabel. ― The effect of black stockings. ― Interference. ― In bed. ― Mabel's bad habits. ― A ladies' school. ― The bathroom. ― My cousins naked. ― Maria the curate's wife. ― Cunt inspection. ― Servants washing. ― Flat fucking.
第13章 マリア夫人秘話*
Chapter XIII. Fred on flat-fucking. ― In town with Laura. ― Back at the school. ― Pictures for young ladies. ― Fred's ankle.-Mrs. Maria's weakness. ― To London alone. ― Laura and Mabel. Three in a bed. ― A risky poke. ― Groping for the pot. ― Nearly caught. ― Fred joins us.
第14章 思いもかけぬ乱交パーティー*
Chapter XIV. My cousin at home. ― Pender's belly. ― A lawyer's letter. ― Action for crim-con threatened. ― Suspicions. ― A compensation. ― The Penders leave. ― Wholesale whorings. ― A frolic at Lord A...'s. ― After dinner. ― Newspaper readings. ― A strange rape. ― Bets on pricks. ― Pricks felt. ― Fred on his head. ― Beds on the floor. ― Free fucking. ― End of the orgie.
第15章 ローラをめぐって*
Chapter XV. Morning headaches. ― An indignant housekeeper. ― A saucy valet.-Consequences. ― Fred leaves England. ― Lady A...'s invitation. ― Laura a widow. ― Farewell Laura. ― Adieu Mabel. ― My guardian's remonstrances. ― Parental advice. ― Ruined. ― Reflexions. ― My relations.
第16章 貧乏ぐらしと安物買い*
Chapter XVI. Married, and miserable. ― Virtuous intentions. ― Consequences. ― Mary Davis. ― A virtuous child. ― Low class fucksters. ― A concupiscent landlady. ― Reflexions on my career. ― On the sizes of pricks.. ― My misconception.
第17章 アイルランド女ケイト*
Chapter XVII. Irish Kate.-Drink, heat, fleas, and French letters. ― The bricklayer afterwards. ― I give luck. The lost breast-pin. ― The cholera's victim.
第18章 惨苦から救ってくれたのは女々々*
Chapter XVIII. Costermongers children. ― A small girl, mother, and mangie. ― A French letter fetched. ― Young Gallows' exploits. ― The customers' linen. ― A hard-fleshed bum. ― Invitation to anus. ― A strange letch. ― One big with child. ― Fucked for a sovereign and pleasure. ― A creole. ― My misery. ― Reflections.
第19章 わが救い主メアリ*
Chapter XIX. My home life. ― Heart-broken.-In the parlour. ― Maid Mary's sympathy. ― Don't cry master. ― On the sofa.-Both in lust. ― Impotent.
第20章 麗人メアリとの交歓*
Chapter XX. The next day. ― On the door-mat ― On the sofa. ― On her belly. ― Eight hours fucking. ― At a brothel. ― An afternoon's amusement.
第21章 妙香とのわかれ*
Chapter XXI. Preliminary. ― Maid Mary's seduction. ― Flight. ― Desertion. ― Going to the post-office. ― A halfpenny signal. ― Against an arm-chair. ― The privy watched. ― Nearly caught. ― Mary suspected. ― Dismissed.-In lodgings. ― Service again. ― My cousin sir. ― Letters lost ― Mary disappears. ― Seven years afterwards. ― Sequel.
第1章 その手にはこの手で
Chapter I. Straightened circumstances. ― Promiscuous whorings. ― The garden privies. ― Our neighbour's daughters. ― Effects of a hard turd. ― Masturbation. ― Bum-trumpeting. ― Seeing and hearing too much. ― A pock-marked strumpet. ― A neighbour's servant. ― Don't wet inside. ― On the road home. ― Cheap amusements. ― Bargains. ― Watching brothels. ― Cunt in the open. ― Clapped again. ― French letters, and effects. ― Income improved. ― Piddle in the bye-streets. ― An uprighter. ― My pencil-case. ― A female bilker. ― A savage frig. ― A silk dress soiled.
第2章 ストランド街の十七娘
Chapter II. Preliminary remarks. ― A dress-lodger. ― Lucy. ― Sweet seventeen. ― An impudent demand. ― A row. ― The bawd. ― My watch requisitioned. ― Exit barred. ― Bill. ― Funking. ― Determination. ― The poker and window. ― Vici. ― Apologies. ― A cautious retreat. ― My revenge. ― Lucy scared away. ― Brighton Bessie. ― Washing by fire-light. ― Friendly intimacy. ― The house in B.W Street. ― Lascivious evenings.
第3章 娘たちもおふくろも*
Chapter III. A change in taste. ― A small cunt longed for. ― Hunting in the Strand. ― Yellow-haired Kitty. ― Her little companion. ― Oh! you foule. ― The house in E...t.r Street. ― Double fees. ― Kitty's pleasure. ― Objections to washing. ― Have the other gal. ― Cleanliness. ― Home occupations. ― I ain't gay. ― Kitty's males.
第4章 昼さがりの情事*
Chapter IV. Little Pol consents. ― Arsy-versy. ― Broached, and howling. ― Kitty's vocalization. ― A cheap virginity. ― Two hours after. ― Love's money lost. ― The street-gully. ― Kitty pleases. ― Pol tires. ― Kitty's habits. ― Friendliness and frankness. ― Sausage rolls. ― Confessions of lust.
第5章 現場露顕
Chapter V. Kitty's antecedents. ― The fishmonger's. ― Jim the shopman. ― Betty the maid. ― Females in bed. ― Mutual curiosity. ― Letchery and frigging. ― Educated in coition. ― Against the kitchen-wall. ― Jim in bed. ― Betty's cunt washed out. ― A look in the basin. ― Cousin Grace, and cousin Bob. ― Bob on the spree. ― A scuffle. ― Topsy-turvy. ― Arsyversy. ― Bob's semen. ― A masturbating duet. ― Caught in the act ― Kicked out.
第6章 キティの新鮮さと率直さ
Chapter VI. Sausage-rolls, and consequences. ― Kitty's home. ― The little ones. ― A saucy cabman. ― Catamenia. ― Fucking economies. ― Changing money. ― Pol and the bargee. ― Kit implicated. ― A black eye and bruised rump. ― A little boy's cock. ― Preparation for travel. ― Kit's regret. ― Bessie in tears. ― Amusements abroad. ― Home again. ― Kitty a strumpet. ― An evening at B.w Street. ― Kitty's eight months doings.
第7章 受けいれられぬ愛情
Chapter VII. Brighton Bessie. ― Change irresistable. ― Bessie in quod. ― Lewd effects. ― Spooning. ― Her home. ― Her cabman. ― Reflexions. ― Two years after. ― Five years later on. ― The mouse's promenade. ― Bessie disappears.
第8章 白ストッキングの洗濯娘たち
Chapter VIII. Washerwomen. ― Matilda and Esther. ― A peep over a wall. ― Eaves dropping. ― A girl's wants. ― Shaking a tooleywag. ― A promenade by a barrow. ― Disclosures. ― A snatch and a scuffle. ― An assignation.
第9章 教会墓地での即発的結合
Chapter IX. Returning home. ― In the church-yard. ― Two female laborers. ― Among the tombs. ― A sudden piss. An arse on the weeds. ― Torn trowsers, and a turd. ― In front of the public-house.
第10章 頬にうけた一撃
Chapter X. The washerwoman's lane. ― An intention frustrated. ― A slap in the face. ― Choice language and temper. ― A dinner in the Haymarket. ― The rockingchair. ― A lucky shove. ― Up, and out in a second. ― A quarrel, and flight ― An enticing laugh. ― The house in O...d. Street.
第11章 洗濯物にのこる痕跡
Chapter XI. Esther meets me. ― Vauxhall. ― Ex-harlot Sarah. Esther succumbs. ― Big-arsed and bandy-legged. ― Periodic fucking. ― Matilda invincible. ― I part with Esther. ― Her fortune.
第12章 サラ・メイヴィスの魅力*
Chapter XII. Preliminary. ― My taste for beauty of form. ― Sarah Mavis. ― Midday in the Quadrant. ― No. 13 J...s Street. ― A bargain in the hall. ― A woman with a will. ― Fears about my size. ― Muck. ― Cold-blooded. ― Tyranny. ― My temper. ― Submission. ― A revolt. ― A half-gay lady. ― Sarah watches me. ― A quarrel. ― Reconcilliation.
第13章 うちとけてくるサラ*
Chapter XIII. Sarah's complaisance. ― Mistress Hannah. ― About Sarah. ― Sexual indifference. ― After dinner. ― Stark naked at last. ― Her form. ― The scar. ― Hannah's friendship. ― The baudy house parlour. ― The Guardsman. ― Sarah's greed. ― A change in her manner. ― A miscarriage. ― Going abroad. ― I am madly in love. ― Sarah's history.
第14章 ミス・メイヴィスの友人たち*
Chapter XIV. Poses plastiques. ― Sarah departs. ― My despair. ― Hannah's comfort. ― Foolscap and masturbation. ― Cheap cunt. ― A Mulatto. ― The baudy house accounts. ― Concerning Sarah. ― The parlour. ― The gay ladies there. ― My virtue. ― Louisa Fisher. ― A show of legs. ― The consequence on me. ― Effect on Mrs. X..i.
第15章 愛と欲情と刺激と言葉*
Chapter XV. Louisa Fisher. ― Chaffing. ― Her form and fucking. ― A supper in bed. ― A lascivious night ― Meetings a fterwards. ― Hannah's legs. ― Intruders in the bed-room. ― Louisa's voluptuousness. ― Enceinte. ― Her husband. ― Her gentleman friend. ― About herself. ― Illness. ― Mrs. A...y.
第16章 最後の瞬間に悔いを残す*
Chapter XVI. A friend's maid-servant. ― Jenny. ― Initial familiarity. ― A bum pinched. ― Jenny communicative. ― Her young man. ― An attempt, a failure, a faint, a look, and a sniff. ― Restoratives.
第17章 艶道奥義*
Chapter XVII. When are women most lewd. ― Garters, money, and promises. ― About my servant. ― The neckerchief. ― Armpits felt ― Warm hints. ― Lewd suggestions. ― Baudy language. ― Tickling. ― "Fanny Hill". ― Garters tried. ― Red fingers. ― Struggle, and escape. ― Locked out. ― I leave. ― Baudy predictions, and verifications.
第18章 雷鳴と欲情*
Chapter XVIII. "Fanny Hill" sent to Jenny. ― My next visit. ― Thunder, lightning, sherry, and lust ― A chase round a table. ― The money taken. ― Tickling and micturating. ― A search for "Fanny Hill". ― A chase upstairs. ― In the bed-room. ― Thunder, funk, and lewdness. ― Intimidation and coaxing. ― Over and under. ― A rapid spender. ― Virginity doubtful. ― Fears, tears, and fucking.
第19章 調教作業*
Chapter XIX. My soiled shirt. ― Jenny's account of herself. ― Fucking and funking. ― Poor John ! ― Of her pudenda. ― It's sensitiveness. ― Erotic chat. ― Startled by a caller. ― Her married sister's unsatisfied cunt. ― How she prevented having children. ― Doubts her husband's fidelity. ― Jenny taught the use of a French letter. ― Hickery-pickery, and catamenial irregularities.
第20章 鼻から六インチの芳香源*
Chapter XX. A Saturday afternoon. ― Copulation interrupted. ― Retreat cut off. ― Under the bed. ― Enter sister. ― The new dress. ― Heat and sweat. ― Undressing. ― Jenny's anxiety. ― Sweating much, and stripping. ― Nature in its simplicity. ― Nature in its vulgarity. ― Delicious peeps. ― A cunt near my nose. ― Erotic recklessness. ―Fist-fucking.
第21章 危機一髪*
Chapter XXI. Further undressing. ― Slippers wanted. ― Toilet operations. ― The effects of hash and beer. ― A windy escape. ― Feeling for the pot.--Sisters exeunt. ― A crushed hat, and soiled trowsers. ― A narrow escape. ― My benevolent intentions towards Jenny's sister.
第22章 濡れそぼつ花弁*
Chapter XXII. The Sunday following. ― Chaste calculations. ― The sister alone. ― My embarrassement. ― Ale fetched. ― Warm conversation. ― Stiffening. ― Bolder talk. ― An exhibition of masculinity. ― A golden promise. ― Lust creeping. ― Baudy dalliance. ― Cock and cunt in conjunction.
第23章 ほこりまみれのバター*
Chapter XXIII. Jenny's bed-room. ― The money hid. ― On the bed. ― Fears of maternity. ― Inspection of sex. The use of a husband. ― Another Sunday. ― Regrets and refusal. ― Resistance overcome. ― Jenny's ignorance. ― Her Master returns. ― Difficulty in getting at Jenny. ― Her sister waylaid: Against a fence. ― Jenny's marriage, and rise in life.
第1章 サラと再会、交歓、別離*
Chapter I. Sarah returns. ― My love revives. ― Her tour, and poverty. ― My aid. ― Old habits again. ― Sarah jealous. ― Lewed and lushy. ― Her shop and her man. ― A quarrel. ― Yellow-haired Kitty. ― At Cafe de P**v***e. ― Kitty's luck. ― About Bob and Grace. ― Kitty disappears. ― Reconciled to Sarah. ― Sarah with child. ― Who is father? ― Hannah's sister. ― Near it, but not quite. ― Sarah's luck. ― A noble friend. ― The Casino. ― A failure. ― Sarah's home. ― Troubles. ― Her sister's intrigue. ― A hard life. ― Sequel.
第2章 一期一会の誓い*
Chapter II. Louisa reappears. ― Crabs. ― My despair. ― A friend's advice. ― Promiscuous harlotting. ― Fucked out. ― My friend's little woman. ― Lizzie Stanley. ― The hole by the back-bone. ― The little woman's sister. ― Many naked ladies. ― Operations in a four-wheeler. ― A she on the top. ― The cunts in two houses. ― Slandered. ― A sodomitic offer. ― Nonacceptance.
第3章 忘れてきた雨傘*
Chapter III. A sailor, a whore, and a garden-wall. ― The newly-made road. ― Windy and rainy. ― Bargaining overheard. ― Offer to pay. ― Against a garden-wall. ― A feel from behind. ― A wet handful. ― Blind lust. ― Into the sperm. ― The policeman. ― A lost umbrella. ― A new sort of washing-basin. ― Fears of ailment.
第4章 新局面打開*
Chapter IV. Lucy without place. ― Fausse couches. ― Goes home. ― James leaves. ― A confession. ― Lucy's marriage. ― My wedding gift. ― An anonymous letter. ― James' amourous exploits. ― The use of a dining-room table. ― Camille again. ― Erotic literature. ― Erotic anticipations. ― Camille's opinion thereon. ― Ill. ― Memoirs arranged. ― Frail fair ones. ― My gratitude. ― My unhappiness. ― A visit to the manor house. ― Joey a hobble-de-hoy. ― Tomlin the parlour maid. ― Joe and Tomlin. ― Sly looks. ― On the watch. ― The garden grotto. ― A peep hole in the roof. ― The couple there. ― Their amusements. ― An unintended spend. ― An uprighter. ― Joey's cunning.
第5章 トムリンとジョーイ*
Chapter V. The boudoir next day. ― On the sofa. ― A dull dinner. ― Assignations. ― The linendraper's shop with two fronts. ― The house in T***f***d Street with two entrances. ― Consummation. ― A chaste-minded adultress. ― The consequences.
第6章 みそかごと*
Chapter VI. Copulation refused me. ― Unto us a child is born. ― Flight suggested. ― Affection unrequited. ― Her husband dies. ― Narrowed circumstances. ― In a foreign land. ― She marries again. ― Hearsay, fifteen years afterwards.
第7章 田舎なまりの大女*
Chapter VII. A big maid-servant. ― A peep up from below. ― Home late, dusty and stupid. ― Chastity suspected. ― Consequences. ― Dismissed. ― My sympathy. ― The soldier lover. ― Going to supper. ― At the Café de l'E*r**e. ― In the cab returning. ― Wet feet. ― On the seat. ― Mutual grasping and gropings.
第8章 激怒のあとの調教*
Chapter VIII. The next day. ― At the Tower. ― In tears. ― "The wretch is married." ― At T***f***d Street. ― After dinner. ― On the chamber-pot. ― My wishes refused. ― An attack. ― Against the bed. ― A stout resistance. ― I threaten to leave her. ― Tears and supplications. ― On the sofa. ― Reluctant consent. ― A half-virgin.
第9章 生まれてはじめて見た紙幣*
Chapter IX. The big servant's history. ― The soldier at the railway station. ― Courting. ― In the village lane. ― On the grass. ― At the pot-house. ― Broached partially. ― Inspection of her privates refused. ― Lewed abandonment. ― Her first spend. ― A night with her. ― Her form. ― Sudden effects of a looking-glass. ― The baud solicits her. ― Sexual force and enjoyment. ― She gets a situation. ― We cease meeting. ― The butcher's wife. ― An accidental meeting. ― She was Sarah by name.
第10章 海岸の夏宿での出来ごと
Chapter X. Sally at the sea-coast. ― Our lodgings. ― The land-lady and family. ― A quarrel, and change of rooms. ― My top bed-room. ― Advances towards Sally. ― Small liberties. ― On the sands with her. ― Cheap fingerings. ― The sands by day. ― Ladies bathing. ― What the sad sea-waves exposed. ― An incomprehensible lady. ― Enticed by her, and snubbed. ― Wanting fornication. ― Masturbation on the sands. ― Alone in the lodgings. ― A journey to town. ― Baulked. ― From Saturday to Monday. ― My return unexpected. ― Sally alarmed. ― Her cunning. ― My caution. ― Waiting expectant. ― Sally upstairs. ― Hesitation and determination. ― Whisky and water. ― I enter her bed-room.
第11章 サリーとすごした三十時間
Chapter XI. In bed with Sally. ― The children. ― Sally's devices. ― Fears of alarm. ― An hour's siege. ― The citadel taken. ― Thirty hours of delight. ― Fucking under difficulties. ― My devices. ― A cunt inspection in the looking-glass. ― Sally's account of herself. ― The bathing lady again. ― Checked and threatened. ― I give up the chase.
第12章 花の都での蒸発
Chapter XII. Sally's antecedents. ― Her female friend. ― How to get shillings on the sands. ― How her friend lost her virginity. ― Turns gay and goes to London. ― Her invitation to Sally. ― My advice. ― I return to London. ― Sally in London. ― The house in U*p*r N**t*n street. ― Sally's discontent. ― Mrs. Melvelle. ― I sleep with her. ― Confessions of a hotcunted one. ― Sally goes home.
第13章 バイロン夫人の場合
Chapter XIII. Many miscellaneous whorings. ― Mr. McCabe. ― The warehouse in the City ― Tenants paying rent. ― McCabe's jocosity. ― Suggestions for getting bairns. ― Mrs. ***. ― The Scotch wife. ― The four-roomed cottages. ― Repairs needed. ― At her cottage. ― Easy conversation. ― The steep staircase. ― The bed stood upon. ― The hole in the roof. ― The hole in the flesh. ― Carnal wants and weakness. ― Against the bed, and on it. ― Against the dresser. ― An alarm. ― The amour terminates. ― Reflexions, regrets, and weakness. ― On the sin of adultery. ― On the power of lust.
第14章 中欧諸国艶道行脚*
Chapter XIV. A gap in the narrative. ― A mistress. ― A lucky legacy. ― Secret preparations. ― A sudden flight. ― At Paris. ― A dog and a woman. ― At a lake-city. ― A South American lady. ― Mrs. O*b***e. ― Glimpses from a bed-room window. ― Hairy arm-pits. ― Stimulating effects. ― Acquaintance made. - The children. ― "Play with Mamma like Papa." ― A water excursion. ― Lewed effects. ― Contiguous bed-rooms. ― Double doors. ― Nights of nakededness. ― Her form. ― Her sex. ― Carnal confessions. ― Periodicity of lust.
第15章 男の奔流をあびる彼女*
Chapter XV. Frantic coiton. ― A priapus. ― Purging and resting. ― Priapus humbled. ― Carnal exercises resumed. ― The governess. ― A peep through a key-hole. ― Bathing. ― The after-frig. ― My politeness. ― The silk mantle. ― Travelling resumed. ― The new hotel. ― Felt, and all but. ― Unproductive seed. ― A thin partition. ― Scared by a laugh. ― Unsuccessful. ― The mantle given. ― Still no success. ― I leave.
第16章 駅の便所ののぞき穴
Chapter XVI. At the town of A***n*n. ― At the railway. ― The station rebuilding. ― Diarrhoea. ― The closet-attendant. ― The temporary shed. ― Ladies' closets. ― A peep-hole. ― Women on the seat. ― Peasants. ― Piddlers outside. ― At the peep-hole again. ― Onanism. ― A male intruder. ― The letter-box. ― An infantine pudenda. ― An impatient male. ― The soiled seat. ― Sisters. ― A succession of backsides. ― The female attendant. ― Bribed and kissed. ― Her husband's occupation. ― Next day. ― The peep-hole plugged. ― Two young peasants. ― Private inspections.
第17章 手洗所の女管理人の話
Chapter XVII. The lady's drawers. ― Weary of peeping. ― With the closet-keeper. ― She consents. ― The mail-train in. ― A rush for the closets. ― Piddlers in succession. ― The knowing one. ― A mother and daughters. ― The closet-keeper again. ― Connubial habits. ― An ugly backside. ― Two Americans. ― The closet-keeper's anxiety. ― In the woods. ― "C'est une sale putain." ― Punished for peeping. ― Unpleasant reminiscences. ― A young lady recognized.
第18章 いつに変わらぬ臨戦態勢*
Chapter XVIII. A grand-Duchess. ― At the town of C**s*l. ― Travelling with a friend. ― Early morning. ― A peep through a key-hole. ― A big woman and bed. ― Naked. ― Making up her mind. ― Titillation. ― Hesitation. ― Masturbation. ― On the bidet. ― Frigging again. ― Who is she? ― At M****n. ― On outskirts of the town. ― In search of a harlot. ― The beer-garden. ― The peasant woman. ― A drink and a wink. ― A kiss and a feel. ― A talk and a walk. ― The cottage. ― Nein, nein. ― Brown legs and white thighs. ― A flaxen motte. ― Both gratified.
第19章 早春賦組曲*
Chapter XIX. Clapped, and reflexions thereon. ― Change in taste for condition of pudenda. ― Change again. ― Later on in life. ― On bricks in a hail-shower. ― An unknown quarter. ― A little lady. ― "You can't come home." ― The bricks. ― The hail-stone ― A canny policeman ― A servant for a change. ― Sexual charms of servants. ― Catherine. ― A stumble on the stairs. ― A well-timed visit. ― Unchaste questions, and chaste replies ― Preliminaries. ― Con-summation. ― Ugly stockings. ― The dining-room table.
第20章 アーガイル全盛期*
Chapter XX. Catherine at a baudy house. ― My anatomical studies. ― Catherine's hymen wanting. ― Her explanation. ― Servants in bed. ― The sham-cock used. ― Gamahuched. ― Catherine with kid. ― A charming widow. ― The ball. ― The cab home. ― Rapid per-suasion. ― At J***s Street. ― "Don't rumple my dress." ― Cunt in full dress. ― A ginger-coloured motte. ― The tipsy coachman. ― Catherine, and widow alternately. ― The widow enceinte. ― Remedies. ― Catherine goes home. ― The widow marries. ― Indiscriminate womaning.
第21章 麗人カミーユ登場
Chapter XXI. Camille the second. ― Stripping. ― The divan. ― Cock-washing. ― Camille's antecedents. ― Face, form, and cunt. ― Mode of copulating. ― Avaricious. ― Free fucking offered. ― Gabrielle. ― Cunt, form, and face. ― Minette. ― My daily dose of doxies. ― At M**g**e. ― Lodgings at the green-grocer's. ― Louisa the red-haired. ― The lodging-house servant. ― The shop-boy. ― My friend's daughter. ― Piddling, and presents. ― Loo's bum pinched. ― The servant kissed. ― A stroke on the sands. ― With Loo on the beach. ― Chaff, and cunt-tickling. ― A declaration of love. ― The virtuous servant.
第22章 ルウの秘仏開帳
Chapter XXII. Loo on the beach. ― The shop-boy' sattempt. ― Caught at the water-closet. ― A knowing one. ― The gay sister. ― Success despairs of. ― Over the china-shop. ― Virginity slaughtered. ― Alone in the lodgings. ― The bed-room on the stairs. ― Poking like blazes. ― A gamahuche. ― Aunt at market. ― Clever dodges. ― Naked in bed. ― Homage to Priapus. ― Belly to belly. ― Belly to bum. ― She on he. ― The hand-glass. ― Am I with child? ― I leave M**g**e. ― Sequel.
第1章 パリへの道すがら
Chapter I. Camille. ― Gabrielle and a female. ― Temporary impotence. ― After supper. ― Minetting. ― Gamahuching. ― Flat-fucking. ― Screwed and lewed. ― Libidinous posing. ― A triad of debauchees. ― Next day recollections. ― At Naples. ― An agent for pederasts. ― Reflexions about sodomy. ― At Milan. ― At a bagnio. ― Cheap women. ― In a diligence. ― Mother and child. ― At G**n*b*e. ― The chambermaid's mistake. ― Noisy incitements. ― Through a door. ― Invitation and surprize. ― A warm room. ― Warm suggestions. ― Warm actions. ― A hot pudendum. ― A scorching hot penis. ― A burning conjunction. ― A moist conclusion. ― A good night's work. ― A hairy bum furrow.
第2章 ホテルの部屋での密儀
Chapter II. False names. ― Mrs. M***l**d. ― Baudy tales. ― Naked by a trick. ― My smooth flesh. ― The child's mother. ― The hairy bum furrow. ― I leave G**n*b*e. ― Who was she. ― At the town of N*v*s. ― Spy holes. ― Marital frolics under the bed clothes. ― Husband and chambermaid. ― Chambermaid and self. ― The brooch. ― Conflicting emotions, desire, and disgust. ― Suzanne's complaisance. ― I leave N*v*s. ― At Paris. ― The Bal Masque. ― Gabrielle and Violette. ― Baudy exercises and groupings. ― An orgy to exhaustion. ― To London.
第3章 回顧と考察*
Chapter III. Explanations. ― Reflexions, and observations about my-self. ― My private establishment. ― Easy circumstances. ― My new house. ― James the footman. ― Lucy the parlour maid. ― Love exercises in the dining room. ― Two dismissals. ― The cook and James. ― Kitchen and housemaid. ― A general turn-out. ― Lucy's despair. ― My kind intentions. ― At her lodgings. ― A dinner with her. ― On the sofa. ― On the notch. ― Her confession. ― At J***s St. ― Her form and features. ― Gamahuching intervals. ― Frig precedent. ― Fuck sequential. ― Paradisiacal copulation. ― Instructions in oral obscenity. ― An exquisite cunt. ― My gamahuching letch.
第4章 とりもどしたカミーユとの交情*
Chapter IV. Mrs. Y***s***e. ― A neglectful husband. ― Domestic unhappiness. ― At a ball. ― Longings for maternity. ― The wish expressed. At supper. ― Hands under the table-cloth. ― On the road home. ― The family carriage. ― Premonitory touches. ― No coach on the stand. ― The attempt. ― On my knees. ― Jolting difficulties. ― The trick done.
第5章 トムリンとジョーイ*
Chapter V. My letch for Tomlin. ― An assault. ― Slight resistance. ― What's for dinner? ― Cook this. ― Sham displeasure. ― Aunt out. ― After dinner. ― My bed-room. ― Tail in tail. ― The grotto again. ― The dog's food. ― Joey's fears and regrets. ― Against the table. ― A holiday out. ― The brothel at ***. ― Complete enjoyment. ― Tomlin's widow-hood. ― Confession of lust. ― Her husband's lechery. ― No fears. ― Joey's future. ― A round of visits. To London.
第6章 またも危機一髪*
Chapter VI. My uncle's in the North. ― Cousin Hannah. ― Mop-sticks. ― The peep in the hayfield. ― At a ball. ― The drive next day. ― After dinner. ― The drawing-room sofa. ― A tale told. ― Solitude, twilight, and opportunity. ― Consequences. ― Fear of detection. ― Cunning devices. ― Hannah's bed room. ― Aunt returns. ― A night's pleasure. ― Morning regrets. ― At breakfast. ― Against the wall. ― Bates, the maid. ― Gesticulations and indications. ― Hannah's dream. ― Nearly caught.
第7章 ハナの場合とベイツの場合*
Chapter VII. Bates in deshabille. ― Caught and taught. ― In rut. ― Hannah again. ― A mixture of juices. ― Erotic reveries. ― My luck. ― Hannah's monthlies. ― In the summer house. ― Hannah ill. ― "What's impregnation?" ― Bates surprizes me. ― Her disclosures. ― With child. ― Preparing to leave. ― Uncle returns. ― Bates' sister. ― Hannah in London. ― My mother's dining table. ― Hannah Fitzgerald departs.
第8章 アーガイルの女たち
Chapter VIII. Argyle women. ― Curiosity. ― Female spite. ― A lover of athletes. ― Artistic libidinosity. ― Reminiscences of the widow in ball dress. ― A lovely blonde. ― N**l**e H****s. ― A perfect fit. ― Sympathetic embraces. ― My restlessness. ― Her coolness. ― Nascent affection. ― Her absence and return. ― Her funny little maid. ― Refusal, and insistence. ― Clapped. ― A month after. ― A gamahuching frig. Her disappearance. ― Four years after. ― At a ball. ― Ten years after.
第9章 大女のホテルメイド
Chapter IX. Five days' amusement at B***f**d. ― The big chamber-maid. ― A sovereign promised. ― A pego produced. ― The superintendent on the watch. ― The corridor out of her sight. ― The lamp closet. ― The water closet. ― An uprighter. ― Fucking in fear. ― The servants' staircase. ― A baudy house sought. ― At 5 o'clock a.m. ― An hour's felicity with her. ― Three hours' delight in a brothel. ― The chamber-maid's antecedents. ― I leave the town.
第10章 解説・性器と性交
Chapter X A convalescent amusement. ― On copulation, and the copulative organs.
第11章 女王さまそっくりの発音をする女*
Chapter XI. Camille again. ― Intentions of fidelity broken. ― About myself and good fortunes. ― Shall I print my liaison with Victoria? ― Miss Victoria B*c*n. ― About omnibuses generally. ― A foggy night. ― The late omnibus. ― Dark inside. ― Vic's hurry. ― Her friskiness. ― The end seat. ― The unknown lady on my right. ― Thighs felt. ― Cunt touched. ― Vic's garters. ― Risky gropes. ― With Vic in the fog. ― Against the railings. ― Baulked. ― Her convenient cousin. ― Two assignations. ― The unknown lady at J***s St. ― Her form. ― Cunt. ― Large clitoris. ― Belly indications. ― Hot arsed. ― The gin bottle. ― Views in the looking glasses.
第12章 好奇心から生まれた間奏曲*
Chapter XII. Vic at J***s St. ― Inspection refused. ― The unknown. ― An unlucky meeting. ― A disappointed prick. ― Sperm on a looking glass. ― A red night. ― Lessons in music. ― A sloppy cunt. ― Vic's antecedents. ― A dark night in the park. ― Miscellaneous gropings on chairs. ― A fresh fucked cunt. ― A Scotchman's sperm. ― Erotic recklessness. ― A young lass. ― On the grass. ― The lady and soldier. ― Sister Peg. ― Sitting on a chair. ― My fingers. ― Fears. ― The doctor.
第13章 匿名の通報をつきつけられて
Chapter XIII. In the Haymarket. ― Cunt struck suddenly. ― Sweet young Hefty. ― An impatient couple. ― A happy meeting. ― Almost in love. ― Mary S****s. ― A servant by chance. ― In Cockspur St. ― Luncheon and lust. ― Stared at. ― At the accommodation house. ― Nakedness. ― Anonymous letters. ― Fe-male spite. ― A quarrel with Vic. ― With Mary at F***f*** St. ― Confessions.
第14章 武者修業スイス道中
Chapter XIV. Thoughts about myself, my skin and prick ― At a Swiss village. ― The hotel full. ― A thin partition. ― An amorous couple. ― Ach mein Liebchen. ― The chambermaid listens. ― Consequences to her. ― Against the window ledge. ― The maid's occupation. ― The loft. ― A splintered foot. ― A peep-hole made. ― Young ladies bathing. ― Three times a day. ― Departure.
第15章 アメリカ人一家の色好み
Chapter XV. At L***s. ― An useful keyhole. ― A middle aged couple. ― An American family. ― Eighteen and naked. ― Forty in chemise. ― Family jars. ― The confectioner's shop girl. ― Her sister. ― Two at a time. ― Nervous impotency. ― The sponging bath. ― Aunt and niece. ― At the musuem. ― The mutilated statue. ― Is it male or female? ― Are Americans hairy? ― The aunt's bed room. ― Coy but willing. ― Amy undressing. ― A voluptuous night. ― Fat, fair, and forty. ― A mature cunt. ― Wise precautions. ― To Paris. ― To England. ― My abstinence from women.
第16章 豚に真珠をやるような
Chapter XVI. A letch for juveniles. ― On big and little cunts. ― In L**c**t*r S****e. ― Polly Carter, the young box-maker. ― The brothel. ― "Show us yer thing." ― Willing for half a crown. ― Free, easy, and lewed. ― My quick spend. ― Her disappointed cunt. ― Re-medial frig. ― Hot cunted. ― Her occupation and habits. ― Of female boxmakers. ― A father eluded. ― Jemima Smith. ― A chance virginity. ― I personate a doctor. ― Split up and spit up. ― A friend's experiences. ― Who first fucks poor girls. ― Jemima on boxmakers' morals. ― A mother dodged. ― A cheated gin bottle.
第17章 疎林にかこまれたあかずの門
Chapter XVII. Jemima's first pleasure. ― "Get me a young virgin." ― Eva Kelly. ― A cunt with five black hairs. ― Jemima fucked. ― Eva a witness. ― She refuses me. ― Departs a virgin. ― Polly Carter again. ― Re-view of my year's amours. ― My taste for women piddling gratified.
第18章 威風堂々たるアイルランド女
Chapter XVIII. Camille again. ― The philosophy of fornication. ― My plentitude of sperm. ― A discharge on writing pa-per. ― A woman in a hurry. ― Light haired and veiled. ― "Mind my chemise." ― A crop of crabs. ― The effects of a good dinner. ― The Haymarket at 1:30 a.m. ― A cab fare asked for. ― Half a crown for a hick. A frig for love in the street. ― A fuck to follow. ― A big Irishwoman. ― Hairy as a King Charles. ― A free examination. ― A cunt of wondrous hirsuteness. ― The Irishwoman is a riddle.
第19章 教会堂で歓喜のすすり泣き
Chapter XIX. Part of my manuscript destroyed. ― Sunday night at a country church. ― A pretty parlour-maid. ― The dark pew. ― A furious pego. ― A grope, a frig, a spend and a sob. ― Fist-fucked by a female hand. ― No copulation. ― A servant at a baudy house. ― Mrs. Eliza F***m**g. ― Supper at the Café de l'E*r**e. ― A swell and his mistress. ― A quarrel. ― His rudeness. ― Her silent contempt. ― Left alone. ― My politeness and reward at J***s St. ― My morning's fuck. ― Fears about my virility. ― Momentary impotency. ― Her blandishments. ― Cunt seen, kissed, and smelt. ― Immediate erection. ― Her voluptuousness. ― In the park. ― The Lady Equestrian.
第20章 手紙の返事はイエスの一語
Chapter XX. At ***** Hotel. ― Before dinner. ― Her hidden beau-ties. ― Reptitions after dinner. ― Intervening amusements. ― "Are you rich?" ― She mounts me. ― Subsequent assignations. ― Her letch. ― About Jemima mounting me. ― Her disgust. ― Her protector. ― Her beautiful form. ― She leaves London. ― I go to Paris.
第1章 パリのホテルとスイスの牛小屋
Chapter I. A Paris Hotel. ― Big key hole, and spy hole. ― A newly married couple. ― Unsuspicious. ― "Hush Charles." ― Marriage rights exercised. ― "Are you awake Emma." ― A noble prick. ― They fuck and I frig. ― Da capo. ― Thighs up, cunt paddled in. ― She on the pot. ― The key hole suspected. ― My prick exhibited. ― I make their acquaintance. ― My voluptuous thoughts. ― They change their room. ― I leave Paris. ― Switzerland. ― At a smallish village. ― A woman washing linen. Naked wet legs. ― Suggestive conversation. ― A Louis for a feel. ― The Chalet off the track. ― On the hay with her. ― A hurried grope and rapturous fucking. ― The Chapel. ― The dancing barn. ― Against a fence. ― At the Chalet again. ― The Brothel at B***e.
第2章 イタリア三人姉妹
Chapter II. A middle-aged masturbatrix. ― At a French sea-port. ― Mrs. C**p**n. ― Introduced. ― Her voluptuous looks. ― "Where do you garter?" ― A kiss on the stairs. ― In her bed-room. ― Frank impudicity. ― Not quite a gamahuche. ― What's her little game? ― Mutual masturbation. ― Her maid. ― "You won't do it now." ― Both naked. ― My reflections about her behaviour. ― Our second amusements. ― Masturbation resumed. ― Her taste for it. ― Her half promise not kept. ― Her sudden departure. ― At F**r***e. ― A moral Valet-de-place. ― An immoral one. ― A female establishment. ― Maria alone. ― With Maria and Antonia. ― With Francesca. ― With the three sisters to-gether. ― Frolics voluptuous, salacious, libidinous. ― Empty testicles.
第3章 侯爵夫人をお相手の情事
Chapter III. At R**e. ― The Marchesa di R**p*l*. ― A flirt. ― At the Palaazzo. ― Inspecting fine silk stockings. ― Results, on two sofas and one bed. ― The Marchesa's cunt, thin thighs, and small bum. ― Marietta, the Lady's maid and Valet's wife. ― Waiting for a letter. ― Marchesa at my hotel. ― A night in the attic with Marietta. ― At a bagnio with her. ― Impatient attorneys. ― Back to London in haste. ― On the Messageries Imperiales. ― The ballet dancer. ― Amusements in her cabin and in mine. ― At luncheon afterwards. ― Fucking for love.
第4章 晩秋の宿で愉しむ少女
Chapter IV. A piece of luck. ― In a dull street. ― A violent step-mother. ― Rosa W***e. ― A runaway. ― My good advice. ― In the Cab. ― "I'm so hungry." ― At J***s St. ― Sullen, staring, and taciturn. ― Fed, felt, and fucked. ― The bloody chemise. ― Her fears. ― "You can't set things right." ― Stern intentions. ― A new night-gown. ― Oysters and Champagne. ― Taciturnity gone. ― Making a clean breast. ― Her history. ― Her misfortune. ― The music hall. ― Liquoring after. ― Drunk or drugged? ― Virginity taken. ― Forsaken. ― Her misery, wanderings, and return home.
第5章 さながら蜜月のように
Chapter V. After breakfast. ― An inspection of Rosa. ― Her figure, face, and pudenda. ― An expensive room. ― A frig stopped. ― Looking-glasses not appreciated. ― She feels my sperm. ― Fresh lodgings. ― Conversations on fucking. ― Her youthful knowledge. ― Stiff pricks in little boys. ― Precocity in young girls. ― Opportunities in the humble classes. ― I make notes of the intrigue. ― Her suspicions. ― Clothes bought her. ― My pleasure with her, and her indifference. ― Her relatives written to. ― She goes to them. ― Her brief letter. ― Full-grown Paphians ― Their cunts compared with Rosa's.
第6章 大理石の乳棒で不気味な芸当*
Chapter VI. Big-eyed Betsy Johnson. ― Early acquaintance. ― Brothels closed. ― Ten years later. ― It's you Betsy! ― Her huge nymphet. ― Protuberant eyes. ― Witty baudiness. ― My erotic requests. ― Her help. ― With Betsy and a man. ― Hesitations. ― His offers. ― I frig him. ― His arsehole offered. ― No erection available. ― Pestles and bumholes. ― Spunk and a toothpick. ― I poke Betsy. ― His thumb on my bum. ― A little virgin wanted. ― One found. ― At J***s St. with her. ― Another Molly. ― Betsy's baudy antics. ― Molly modest, stripped, and liquored up. ― Pitching shillings at cunts. ― Molly refuses my amatory advances. ― Betsy's threats.
第7章 浴槽の苦戦*
Chapter VII. Molly's virginity verified. ― All three on the bed. ― Molly refuses me. Betsy's rage. ― My prick up Betsy temporarily. ― Molly convinced. ― I mount her. ― A wriggler and screecher. ― The bed pillow employed. ― Stroke number one. ― The bloody sequel. ― Stroke number two. ― Betsy screwed. ― Stroke number three. ― Molly spends. ― A night's cock-work. ― Three in a bed. ― Three weeks with Molly. ― My erotic whims. ― Difficult postures. ― Betsy's assistance. ― Molly on Betsy. ― I fuck Betsy. ― Molly jealous. ― Betsy frigging herself. ― Sudden disappearance of the two. ― Reasons months after. ― The washerwoman in quod. ― The Priest's interference. ― With Betsy in a Bath. ― Fucking under water. ― The Brothel in J***s St. closed.
第8章 たえて艶語を口にせぬ美女
Chapter VIII. Promiscuous whorings. ― Mrs. Eliza F***m**g. ― Her fling. ― An expensive establishment. ― Mutual likings. ― I am her fancy. ― Lord E**t*r. ― Caught by her with a woman. ― My gift. ― She marries. ― A Rotterdam saloon. ― A flaxen-haired North Hollander. ― The young Englishman. ― An Amsterdam bitch. ― A difficult poke and queer cunt. ― A Dutch sailor's whore. ― Polyglot baudiness. ― A pomatum pot. ― At B***s**s. ― Mrs. W***t*r again. ― Acquaintance renewed. ― A shallow cupboard. ― A cough and a fart. ― Four brothels and eight whores. ― A larkish maid-servant. ― Unsuccessful attempts.
第9章 丘陵頂上の物見塔
Chapter IX. Fornication on a prospect tower. ― At a Restaurant. ― Two sisters, shop-women. ― The drive to the tower. ― A randy quartette. ― On the tower stairs. ― Legs felt and prick produced. ― Fucking near the sky. ― The second ascent. ― The half-way landing. ― Adultery at night. ― A woman's intentions. ― At Paris. ― A creole for variety. ― Tobacco versus fucking. ― A negress for a change. ― Amusements with a comb. ― A recusant prick. ― A determined entry. ― Black on white, and white on black. ― Fucked at last. ― A sudden summons. ― Free! Hurrah!
第10章 この道は大差も小異もないもの
Chapter X. My social conditions. ― Dainty whoremongering. ― Difficulties in selection of women. ― Eccentric fucking attitudes. ― Writing my narrative. ― The uniformity of fucking. ― A peep over folding doors. ― Amorous Americans. ― The swain's lecture. ― An obstructive table. ― The lady's legs. ― The swain's prick. ― An inquisitive look. ― I hear but see not. ― Sobs and tears. ― Momentary nudity. ― Next day's repetition. ― Conjectures. ― A semi-eastern harem. ― Beautiful courtezans. ― A beauty selected. ― "I've no hair there." ― Other beautifuls. ― A noisy neighbour. ― Male inspection of male erection. ― England again. ― Many expensive mercenaries.
第11章 美神ヴィーナスのおみちびき
Chapter XI. At Cremorne. ― Amelia German. ― A fair-haired beauty. ― A voluptuous bed-fellow. ― Tongues and lips. ― Small entrance, large interior. ― Her house and her captain. ― Mrs. A*t*n the house-keeper. ― The house-keeper alone. ― Why does she sleep with Amelia. ― Reasons suggested. ― Mrs. A., on the sofa. ― Hesitation and consummation. ― Regrets after fucking. ― Mrs. A's history. ― On Sapphic tasts. ― Mrs. A*t*n at a brothel. ― A telltale belly. ― Amelia with child. ― A*t*n's produce. ― Still-born or murdered? ― House-keeper departs. ― Gamahuching in a new attitude. ― Repetition. ― Liking and disliking. ― Amelia's accouchement. ― She disappears.
第12章 荒天の船室での情事
Chapter XII. Reasons for omitting dates and places at this period. ― A sea voyage. ― Brother and sister. ― Effects of sea air. ― Nursemaid. ― Mary's cabin. ― A poke interrupted. ― The brother's illness. ― Bella on heat. ― Nearly caught. ― Mary's suspicions. ― Arrival at * * * *. ― A week at an hotel. ― Brother and sister depart. ― The voyage home. ― The emigrant's daughter.
第13章 ドイツ港町の時間きざみの料金*
Chapter XIII. London again. ― Reckless whoring. ― Cheap but wholesome. ― At the back of the turnpike. ― Against area railings. ― Near the docks. ― A sailor's taproom. ― A sailor's woman. ― A Ratcliffe high-way whore. ― The landlady's little child. ― What gin and ten shillings will do. ― An infants pudenda. ― At H**b**g. ― Love by the hour. ― The sailor's doxies. ― An unlooked for exhibition of penis. ― A rapid poke.
第14章 追跡数マイルの成果
Chapter XIV. At B**I*n. ― A meet in a street. ― A mysterious lady. ― A long walk. ― The carpet hung out. ― "You are Englishman." ― My reward. ― To Scotland. ― The G***c*w dye-works. ― The bare legged fore-woman. ― In search of a brothel. ― My noble spout. ― White flesh and red hair. ― Private instructions in dyeing. ― A horse collar cunt. ― Unusual continence. ― At D**d*e. ― A mill-hand with naked feet. ― "By the sodjers' barracks." ― The old mon's hut. ― Janet in bed, simple and indecent. ― "The sodgers' Whures." ― Sister Ruth in the fog. ― A convenient wall. ― An uprighter.
第15章 退役将校夫人の過去の秘密*
Chapter XV. With Janet next day. ― On the Quays at night. ― Very cheap amusements. ― Chaffing the "Whures." ― A feel for sixpence. ― A fuck for a shilling. ― I give luck. ― Reckless whoring. ― Two sisters again. ― Bonnetless and barefooted. ― Uprighters. ― Sukey holds the stick. ― Adjacent copulators. ― "Our claes air nae clan." ― Sukey on the bed. ― More finger-stinking. ― Bilked at E***b***h. ― Introduction and explanation. ― An episode of war. ― A Paris acquaintance. ― The lady of the captain. ― Lushing and blabbing. ― His disclosures. ― My lust for her. ― The lady's suspicions and anger. ― Her interrogatories. ― My admissions. ― Her revenge. ― On the sofa. ― A clandestine visit. ― The captain's country visit. ― A locum tenens. ― Sixty hours of love. ― Difficulties with the servant. ― The lady's beauties.
第16章 留守部隊の集団暴行*
Chapter XVI. Gertrude's history. ― Birthplace and parentage. ― Her seduction. ― Sister Margaretta. ― Antonio's farm near Solferino. ― Soldiers quartered on the farm. ― The women hear and fear. ― Before the battle. ― Officers leave. ― The soldiers lust. ― The sisters ravished. ― Twelve fucks in an hour. ― The spend outside. ― Gertrude's pleasure. ― The gift of the watch. ― The flight. ― The battle. ― Farm burnt. ― The refugees in town.
第1章 ソルフェリーノ合戦後日譚*
Chapter I. Gertrude's history continued. ― Lusts roused. ― The sister's confidences. ― The wounded Captain. ― Gertrude's nursing. ― Antonio's greed. ― Margaretta's moral views. ― The Captain's lust. ― The price of the watch. ― Gertrude reckless. ― The Captain's exhibition. ― Success by the bedside. ― Margaretta with child. ― Gertrude and Captain at Paris. ― Her disappointment. ― Her love for me. ― Our secret meetings. ― The Captain's sodomitic wishes. ― They separate. ― She marries. ― His death. ― Her fine qualities. ― Of my treachery.
第2章 郵便切手一枚が事の発端
Chapter II. At Aldershot. ― The postage stamp. ― The Major's mistress. ― The Railway carriage. ― Carnal hints. ― Carnal practice. ― A pretty foot. ― At the garters. ― Head near tail. ― A seductive priapus. ― Upon the floor. ― Upon the seat. ― After dinner. ― The Major's tool. The lady's vulva. ― A screaming gamahuche. ― Good bye. ― Madeline the milliner. ― My amatory career. ― The sexual law. ― The Crystal Palace. ― After the dinner. ― A brooch and garters. ― A thigh recipient. ― Overflowing testicles.
第3章 必開の妙呪―『開け、ごま!』
Chapter III. Madeline's lover Richard. ― Mrs. B**t*n's mischief. ― Complaisance in cab and house. ― Bertha the fruitress. ― Male chaffing. ― An erotic vision in the shop. ― Is she virtuous? ― Madeline again. ― A ruptured membrane. ― Mutual fucking sensations. ― Inheritance of a marbly rump. ― A woman's virgin spend. ― Absent at Paris. ― Madeline's lover is reconciled. ― Onanistic emissions. ― French letters and cunt sponges. ― The influences leading women to copulate. ― Madeline's intentions and admissions.
第4章 商売女と堅気女
Chapter IV. Notable courtesans. ― My amorous sexual habits and care. ― A Paphian's ball. ― Mixed female aromas. ― Liz M***d*n at B****t*n S****e. ― Nelly ****, and Captain Blank. ― The Captain's caprice. ― Four in the dark. ― In the Captain's leavings. ― Three in a bed. ― The next day and night. ― Amorous tricks. ― The Paphian bedfellows described. ― Bertha visited. ― The Glover's shop at Paris. ― Dinner with Bertha. ― At the Argyle. ― In the cab. ― An unfortunate maid of all work. ― Bertha dines with me again. ― Vanquished. ― A story broken off.
第5章 医者と信じて城門を開く
Chapter V. A hairless cunted Moslem. ― A shaven cunted Greek. ― Three apprentice girls in a cab. ― Alone with Winifred. ― A sovereign bribe. ― Cab riding. ― The stationer's shop. ― Sister Lydia. ― The Gentleman lodger. ― Piety against a wall. ― Winifred on the watch. ― The couple detected. ― Sisterly arrangements. ― The help of a book. ― Winifred at a baudy house. ― Verification of her sex. ― Hands crossing, fingers active. ― Lydia's advice. ― Winifred consents. ― A commonplace termination. ― Utility of a medical title.
第6章 カミーユと再会―愛欲談義、漁色随想
Chapter VI. Change in social conditions. ― Fifteen months' fidelity. ― Virtuous struggles with self. ― Fornication resumed. ― Lucubrations on sexualities. ― Recurrent lusts. ― Copulative power. ― Knowledge of the art of love. ― Girls surprized. ― Influence over women. ― Age guessed by pudenda. ― Novel lusts. ― Female humbugging. ― Men deceived. ― Impetutous stroking. ― Camille revisited. ― Promiscuity. ― Clapped. ― On lubricity in cunts. ― My ways with Cyprians. ― Notes on temporary connections.
第7章 娼婦サラとの特異な交歓*
Chapter VII. Caroline the ex-chambermaid. ― Her lewed moment. ― Handsome backside. ― Acquaintance claimed. ― Prologue, copulation, Epilogue. ― I am known. ― Caroline's history. ― She disappears. ― Madeline again. ― The street, the cab, the brothel. ― A solemn promise. ― Sarah F**z*r. ― Form, face, cunt, and tongue. ― Micturating frolics. ― Spending indications. ― Her dress. ― A poke in the open. ― Legs in the street. ― A male competitor. ― He after me. ― A titanic prick. ― Sarah on gamahuching. ― Her nose.
第8章 大女の愉しみ、覗きの愉しみ*
Chapter VIII. A fair haired giantess. ― Face, form, and cunt. ― Two big ones together. ― Sarah upon Eliza. ― Who was Eliza? ― Sarah's agile tongue. ― Listening at a brothel. ― A hole bored uselessly. ― The donkey-hung one. ― His letches. ― A brothel with a spy-hole. ― A hundred couples fucking. ― A young couple. ― Involuntary onanism. ― Five shillings extra. ― Sarah's curiosity. ― A lady and gentle-man. ― The lady's fears. ― The rickety sofa. ― The scare. ― The baud's cautions. ― Common coitions.
第9章 覗き穴の向こうの世界の諸相*
Chapter IX. Penis in excelsis. ― Pride in his Priapus. ― A whack on a bum. ― A whack on a table. ― Between two chairs. ― Over silk stockings. ― A male sixteen and female fifty. ― "My little cunny." ― An old man and his servant. ― A virginity taken. ― Tooth brush, anus, and suction. ― The omnibus next day. ― My letch for minette. ― A sodomitic parson and catamitic harlot. ― A bum hole licked. ― A bum hole plugged. ― The pains and pleasures of sodomy. A digital anal experiment. ― One stumpy, frousy, and middle-aged. ― Fruitless exercise on a stomach. ― "You'll fuck my bottom out."
第10章 覗き見と舌戯*
Chapter X. The baud's avarice. ― The couples hurried. ― Cyprians remuneration. ― A tight cunted one. ― One who knew the spy hole. ― A loving, handsome couple. ― The mother's maid. ― Amorous impatience. ― His lustful power. ― Varied postures. ― Copulations reckoned. ― Brother John's cock exhibited. ― Gossip with Sarah on gamahuching. ― The fourth poke. ― The pocket handkerchief. ― Laxities with Sarah. ― Heads to tails. ― Sarah's letch for gamahuching. ― On female cunilingers.
第11章 四輪馬車の艶笑的効用
Chapter XI. A juvenile strumpet. ― Two saucy little bitches. ― One selected. ― Sexual manipulations on the high-way. ― Omnibus riding and jam tarts. ― My moral compunctions. ― Sarah dissipates them. ― An unsuccessful assault. ― On the fornicating facilities of four wheel cabs.
第12章 にせ医者物語
Chapter XII. My letch for a little one. ― Sarah's lodgings. ― A new dress wanted. ― A virgin proffered. ― The deaf little Emma. ― The tailor's family arrangements. ― The price of the hymen agreed. ― Doctor H**m**d. ― Sham medical investigations. ― Aperiant pills. ― Sarah's advice. ― An aperient Priapus. ― Emma leaves Sarah. ― The grocer's in B**w**k Street. ― On the fucking facilities a little bum gives.
第13章 回顧と展望、記録の愉悦と苦悩
Chapter XIII. The Christmas cattle show. ― Mrs. Winifred P* * * *e. ― Recognition. ― Assignation. ― A conversation in a cab. ― Talking and groping at a brothel. ― Both on heat. ― Winifred's marriage night. ― The utility of the monthlies. ― The husband humbugged. ― An explicit account of marital habits. ― Her husband's tool and toolings. ― A gamahuche. ― A lick of a prick. ― Our last meeting. ― Fifteen minutes' hard ramming. ― We part for ever. ― About my remaining manuscript.
第1章 小間使の処女性について
Chapter I. Sarah's jealousy. ― Her ballet posturings. ― My postures. ― An escape of wind. ― Wheelbarrow fashion. ― A young lass suggested. ― Harriet, sweet sixteen. ― Financial arrangements. ― Doctor H**m**d again. ― Tooth brush and tooth powder. ― Virginity doubtful. ― Harriet, screwed, unscrewed, and opened. ― A tight vagina. ― Sarah's strange behaviour. ― Three in a bed. ― Harriet jealous. ― Runs away. ― The baudy-house with spyhole closed. ― On the size of my prick and others. ― On the capacity, elasticity, and receptivity of cunts.
第2章 男―女―男、果てしない愉悦*
Chapter II. Recherché eroticisms. ― An outcome of the brothel spy-hole. ― An abnormal letch. ― A man for a month. ― Alone with him. ― Mutual nervousness. ― The ice broken. ― Pricks produced. ― An exiguous tool. - - Unavailing masturbation. ― Sarah's participation. ― Cuntal incitation. ― Prompt rigidity. ― Onanistic operation. ― Spermatic ejaculation. ― Instantaneous copulation. ― One on and one off. ― A gorged cunt. ― Masculine minetting. ― A gristly mouthful. ― Sucking cum fucking. ― After supper. ― Sarah's oration. ― The end of the orgy.
第3章 狂乱昂じて稚児狂い*
Chapter III. Unavailing repentance. ― Gemini frolics. ― Pricks between bellies. ― I on him. ― He on me ― tip to tip. ― Boots and stockings. ― A lascivious triad. ― Gamahuching all round. ― A looking-glass got. ― Genital manipulations. ― Simultaneous fuckings and friggings. ― I fuck, she sucks. ― Variations on the same tune. ― She on my prick sits. ― He her clitoris licks. ― Three on our sides together. ― Amatory exercises with ropes. ― Sarah's pudendal capacity. ― An assault of two pegos. ― Finger and penis co-operating. ― Miscellaneous lascivities. ― A scare in the street. ― A scare at Sarah's. ― A suggestive question. ― Desires excited. ― Heavy pay for an anus. Sodomy cum onanism. ― Fear, disgust, and hasty retreat.
第4章 嫌悪と執着、偶然の情事
Chapter IV. Sodomitically complaisant Paphians. ― Conversations on sodomy with Sarah. ― I suggest. ― She refuses. ― Mutual incitements. ― Mutual consents. ― Trials and failures. ― Successful at last. ― Her sensations. ― Effects on her bum hole. ― Another trial suggested. ― I decline. ― A lewed evening. ― Fucking, minetting, and masturbating. ― Candle and fundament. ― A railway carriage on a frosty day. ― An old love acquaintance. ― Fanny G***d*n. ― Amatory advances. ― I threaten onanism. ― Cushions on the floor. ― We on the cushions.
第5章 黒人の逸物・好奇と厭悪*
Chapter V. Two years back. ― Harriet's lust. ― At a B***s**s lapunar. ― Cunt inspections. ― The way ladies go up stairs. ― A large clitoris. ― Flat fuckers. ― Gay ladies' letches. ― A stercoraceous letch. ― A fat Jewess. ― A large prick needed. ― Libidinous attitudes tried. ― A brown bum valley. ― Age guessed by it. ― A piddle in a basin. ― A game at sixty-nine. ― Choked by cunt. ― Cunt soaping and washing. ― A flaxen haired, plump Dutch wench. ― The two cunts meeting. ― Why did I select a big fat woman? ― An-other lapunar and other whores. ― My habit of questioning women. ― My lascivious questions. ― A year later on. ― At B * * * s* * s. ― At a lapunar. ― A woman selected. ― My indifference. ― Her dislike. ― The chemise on fire. ― Gratitude, lust, and voracious fucking. ― The ocean crossed. ― Negro and Negress copulating. ― Her cunt and his prick ― I frig him. ― A white woman's opinion of a Negro. ― About Negroes' pricks.
第6章 絹のドレスの甘美な代償*
Chapter VI. Sarah suggests a juvenile. ― My indifference. ― She impecunious. ― My fears. ― She allays them. ― I consent. ― Fair haired Lizzie. ― "Don't call me aunt." ― Smitten. Sarah advises Lizzie. ― Ad-vises me. ― Sarah stroked. ― Lizzie peeps. ― Lewed frolics. ― Stockings and boots again. ― Sarah in bed with Lizzie, stockings put on and legs felt. ― Garters and cunt. ― A silk dress bait. ― Hooked. ― Pudenda exhibited. ― Simultaneous masturbations and gamahuching. ― My sudden letch. ― Lizzie a witness.
第7章 小さなカントの破瓜物語*
Chapter VII. "The dress is mine." ― How to get it made up. ― Sarah's advice. ― Sarah's greed. ― Change withheld. ― The girl's disappointment. ― Shilling seductions. ― A maker promised. ― Conditions of payment. ― A strange cunt in the dark. ― Funking and bolting. ― A broken bottle. ― Who was she? ― Sarah's device. ― Three in a bed. ― An assault resisted. ― Between thighs. ― Virginity ruptured. ― Baudy blasphemy. ― A sore cunt. ― Sanguinary proofs. ― Second entry and first pleasure. ― Three hours' felicity. ― On the devine nature of human genitals. ― The sanctity of copulation. ― Phallic statues. ― Wisdom, worship, and reverence. ― I leave my shirt.
第8章 サラの隠された歓喜*
Chapter VIII. Lizzie's form and cunt. ― Our next meeting. ― Sarah frigs Lizzie. ― The second gamahuche. ― "What-ever is it." ― The dress made up. ― A dog fashion poke. ― A stercoraceous furrow. ― My disgust. ― Lizzie's relations and antecedents. ― About little boys' cocks. ― Sarah's impecuniosity. ― Lizzie's disclosures. ― Sarah's Lesbian tastes. ― "I don't like her thinging me." ― A lapunar reminiscence. ― A flat fucking baud. ― Lizzie on Sarah. ― Sarah's admissions. ― Sarah drinks. ― A flat fucking baud. ― Lizzie on Sarah. ― Sarah's admissions. ― Sarah drinks. ― A flat fucking exhibition. ― Lizzie's sexual ignorance. ― A masturbating essay. ― "It spits."
Chapter IX. Cuntal contrasts. ― Feminine friggings. ― Cuntal trials. ― Pleasure-giving capabilities of different pudenda. ― Baudy lessons to Liz. ― Double gamahuching. ― Liz gamahuches me. ― A mouthful. ― Micturating oddities. ― The cunt funnel. ― Bum slappings and fustigations. ― The organs ministering to sexual pleasures. ― Aunts and nieces. ― Young virginities sold. ― Fornication philosophy of the poor. ― Absence. ― Four months later. ― Both on the pavé. ― "She would turn out." ― Sarah's efforts and kindness. ― They disappear suddenly. ― Fruitless enquiries.
第10章 フランス式芸術の極致
Chapter X. A light-haired Irish bitch. ― Foul-tongued and hotarsed. ― Recondite expressions. ― "D'ye loike me." ― Her bolt from Dublin. ― Baggage detained. ― A suspicious tale. ― My regrets at losing Sarah. ― Camille revisited. ― Her brothel venture. ― About sodomites and catamites. ― Buggers' sphincters. ― Her friend's catamitic tastes. ― Sodomy cum gamahuche. ― Lolotte the young Belgain. ― On the qualities of different cunts. ― Lolotte's gamahuche. ― Reflexions on the change in my erotic tastes. ― An artist in lewedness. ― French, fat, white-skinned, red-haired and thirty-five. ― Refined ministrations. ― Anal fingering. ― A sphincter dilated. ― Lingual delicacies. ― Kid gloves and cold cream. ― The curious chair. ― Erotic suggestions. ― Dildo buggery. ― A second harlot ― two pleasures at once. ― Anus and pudenda in simultaneous action.
第11章 金髪と亜麻色、二人の商売女
Chapter XI. Change in style in writing this narrative. ― Reckless amours. ― Nelly L**l*e and Sophy S***h. ― Neophyte harlots. ― A first night out. ― Madame S***k*n*us. ― Cuntal contrasts. ― A lascivious evening. ― Their antecedents and future. ― Nelly's face, form, and quim. ― Voluptuous complacency. ― Her after life. ― My tastes for being gamahuched. ― Externals of sodomites. ― Fantastic male lascivieties. ― Champagne and sperm. ― Dildo and arse-hole. ― Birching tried on me. ― Policemen's forbearance. ― One in plain clothes. ― Nelly's illness and my aid. ― Sophy's face, figure, and colour. ― Her sliggery pudenda. ― Vulgarity and voice. ― Married, mother, and widowed. ― Harlotting resumed. ― Drunken and degraded. ― Love in her armpits.
第12章 放水遊びのトリオ
Chapter XII. Sophy's lubricious vagina. ― My sensitive propagator. ― Need for mucilaginous cunts. ― In another man's semen. ― Sophy's vocabulary. ― Her love of the scrotum. ― Pissing bouts with Nell, and Sophy. ― Both with kid. ― Nelly later on. ― My procuress. ― Miscellaneous and many Paphian peripatetic whores. ― Martha. ― A female life-guard. ― Two little ones on a hot day. ― In a cab. ― Carry and Sally. ― Feeling and felt. ― Half-sitting fornication. ― Carry in a bedroom. ― "Who first fucked you?" ― Sally's home experiences. ― Brother Jack's onanism. ― A trio of mutual exhibitions. ― Jack and the pail of water. ― Carry cum Jack at 6:30 a.m. ― Luck of a lad of fifteen. ― Jack's fraternal intentions. ― Sally's sisterly anticipations of Jack.
第13章 生娘漁りの愉しみ
Chapter XIII. The Great Eastern. ― Our first meeting. ― Her form, size, and history. ― Bottled ale. ― A lightweight on the top. ― The landlady's daughter Betsy. ― Virginity inspected. ― Maternal cant. ― Two back-sides to the front. ― Da capo. ― A treat for Betsy. ― A spend on a bum. ― A bid for a virginity. ― The G E disappears, ― Nelly L**l*e's help. ― Friend Martha. ― Her skinny, bare-cunted niece. ― A vigorous evening. ― Virginity taken. ― A trap escaped. ― The bare-cunted one again. ― A shindy at a brothel.
第14章 堅気な人妻との密通
Chapter XIV. Females ready, and male opportunities. ― Another adultery. ― On the highway. ― Costermongers and hucksters. ― Mrs. * * * met. ― Suggestive talk in a quiet street. ― The servant sent out. ― Myself let in. ― On the sofa. ― Up the lady. ― On the bed. ― A flaccid doodle. ― A gamahuche. ― Penis redivivus. ― Alarmed ― At a house soon after. ― Fears ― tears ― feeling ― fucking ― frigging ― and gamahuching. ― The lady's history. ― A middle-aged husband. ― Face, form, and cunt. ― My liking for gamahuching. ― Sequel.
第1章 至純完美の聖娼婦
Chapter I. Introductory. ― A thin female. ― Plaintive address. ― Lodgings. ― Thinness. ― "I can't do it." ― Do it twice. ― Suicidal intentions. ― A lark in a park. ― Alice T****h**l of Middleborough. ― Loving couples in the open. ― "Let's feel it." ― Reflexions on fucking. ― Idealities. ― Two little sisters. ― At a German bath. ― An exquisite Austrian Paphian. ― Delicious fuckstress. ― A forgotten appointment. ― Enter male. ― Mein schwester's bedroom. ― A treat at a peephole. ― Up a lubricious cunt. ― Mein schwester washing herself. ― Fraulein gamahuched. ― Groping and fucking. ― On my gamahuching tendencies. ― A family of harlots. ― Two sister dress makers. ― Anne and Maria. ― Feeling cunts. ― Forms, features, and cuntal resemblances. ― A fart in a fire place. ― On harlots farting. ― Cunt farts.
第2章 悲恋、遺品は艶笑画帖一巻
Chapter II. Jessie C**t*s. ― A male friend at the Argyle. ― Big breasts. ― Friendly intimacy established. ― Her first lodger. ― Julia R**l***s. ― A chubby beauty. ― "How many times has he done you?" ― At the staircase window. ― Two bums felt. ― Three on the bed. ― Julia pierced. ― Jessie's complaisance. ― The man in the bed room below. ― "Where are you Julia?" ― Jessie goes home. ― A fuck during dinner. ― Full dressed at the bed side. ― In the cab after. ― Between breasts. ― In armpit. ― Jessie marries and departs. ― Julia R**l***s visited. ― At home to no one. ― Exercises on sofa and table. ― The baudy album.
第3章 銀時計秘話
Chapter III. Alice the unknown. ― A street meeting. ― Beauty struck. ― And cunt struck. ― A slip. ― The missing reticule. ― Walking and talking. ― "Are you married?" ― Lust rising. ― My sister's watch. ― A long waiting. ― The accommodation house. ― Willing, wanting, and fucking. ― Submission. ― Troublesome drawers. ― Copulation in excelsis. ― The watch given. ― Her secret charms. ― A heavenly gamahuche. ― Her beauty. ― Lovely pudenda. ― Good bye for ever.
第4章 ズロースの着用ひろまる
Chapter IV. Nelly's servant Agnes. ― Sweet sixteen. ― Three nights preliminaries. ― Tactics. ― Baudy pictures and tickling. ― Garters and champagne. ― Temporary limpness. ― Drawers in the way. ― Virginity slaughtered. ― A week's felicity. ― On the wearing of drawers by women. ― Some months after. ― Two years later on. ― She marries.
第5章 処女フランシスの述懐
Chapter V. Frances the tailor's daughter. ― Struck with me. ― My indifference. ― A Priapean exposure. ― Nelly's disappearance. ― That night's meeting. ― Easy victory, willing virgin. ― Her history. ― Father in hospital. ― The wages of sin useful. ― Parental obliviousness. ― Frances in service. ― In keeping. ― H*l*n M***w**d. ― Our first meeting. ― Her physical perfections. ― Money differences. ― My promise kept. ― A year's interval. ― Friendship established. ― Mutual meretriciousness. ― Unrestrained sexual amusements. ― Erotic tastes gratified. ― Arcades ambo.
第6章 アルハンブラでの艶楽
Chapter VI. A chapter on gamahuching. ― The taste cultivated with girls not gay. ― A swarthy French woman. ― In a Russian bordel. ― The red haired French woman. ― At the Alhambra. ― Miss E*w***s met. ― Plain face, perfect form. ― Our silent supper. ― Nudities complete. ― Fucking and sweating. ― Pale ale in bed. ― Gamahuching preliminaries. ― Her lovely cunt. ― Lewedness. ― Double minetting. ― I'm deceived. ― Her Spanish lover. ― Her baudy talk and lascivity. ― Friend Eliza. ― My narrow escape. ― Reciprocating enjoyments. ― Frigging herself. ― The first floor lodger. ― Her opinion of Miss E*w* *s who disappears. ― A Saxon Paphian. ― A hirsute cunt. ― At the sea coast. ― The shell box seller. ― A very risky poke. ― On the beach at night.
第7章 裸女群像の眼福
Chapter VII. Preliminary. ― Initials. ― My age, physical force and adventures. ― A provincial giantess. ― An ugly aperture. ― Nutcracking demanded. ― Pego evicted. ― Cuntal introspection. ― Second erection. ― Shagging cum bum-whacking. ― A dwarf for contrast. ― French women on tribadism. ― A tribadic evening. ― Nelly's rage. ― Nelly and Rosa B. ― Beef and brandy. ― Erotic fury. ― "Where's the dildo?" ― A volley of farts. ― Rosa's antecedents. ― Brother with sister. ― Rosa's death. ― A morning performance. ― Pedal exercises on a prick. ― A cunt parade. ― Three rumps of a row. ― A dildoing, cunt licking, cock sucking, frigging, and fucking orgy. ― H*l*n M***w**d revisited. ― A carnal paradise.
第8章 「貸し間」を舞台のみそか事
Chapter VIII. About flagellation. ― A peep thro a key hole at Nelly's. ― A lubricious poke in an overflowing cunt. ― A little bitch missed. ― Two little cunts in a fog. ― In a brothel. ― Varied amusements. ― Juvenile experiences detailed. ― By a canal bridge. ― A lady in black. ― In her rooms. ― Frisky and risky. ― Twice in thirty minutes. ― My luck in winter months. ― More manuscript destroyed. ― Retrospective and prospective. ― Doings at a French lapunar. ― Luxembourg Elaine. ― The sous-maitresse.
第9章 シャンペンを餌に双子姉妹と
Chapter IX. H*l*n M***w**d revisited. ― Curiosity and plain words. ― Confidence begun. ― Fucking on trust. ― Cuntal essentials to a sensitive penis. ― Nelly's assistance. ― The cabinet maker naked. ― Masks. ― Masturbations and copulations. ― The naked steel pen hawker. ― Nipple and quim. ― Sophy's white shoulders and onanism. ― Pudenda's piddling. ― A fuck for a half crown. ― A cuntal purse. ― Twin sister harlots, Cissy and Amy. ― A fuck for champagne. ― My confessions to H*l*n. ― On cuntal physiognomies.
第10章 愉悦の女神と大鏡の前で
Chapter X. A dancing demirep. ― An admiring crowd. ― The landlady's bonnet. ― Flight prevented. ― Miss B**h*m. ― The effects of smooth flesh on her. ― My confessions to H*l*n. ― Financial proposals. ― Aboard. ― At peepholes again. ― The English woman bathing.
第11章 旅荘の給仕女と人目忍んで
Chapter XI. A big Kellnerin in the mountains. ― The privy in the barn yard. ― Her bedroom at midday. ― A sleepless night of love.
第12章 性烈、娼館のサッフィスト達
Chapter XII. My sensitive pego and consequences. ― Wanting yet revolting. ― At P*r*s. ― At the lapunar. ― Alexandrine the new chambermaid. ― Her useful information ― An erotic evening. ― Sappho. ― A limp doodle. ― A second Paphian suggested. ― Raffaella in the adjoining room ― In my room after-wards. ― The German's semen. ― My dislike to it. ― Dislike forgotten. ― Tribadic exercises. ― The Paphian's opinion of me. ― A lewed triad. ― Flat fucking and gamahuching galore.
第13章 顔より脚が魅惑の年齢
Chapter XIII. H*l*n again. ― Financial arrangements. ― Mutual erotic tastes. ― Hers for gamahuche. ― Her sexual strength. ― Baudy books in bed. ― Varied amorosities there. My smooth skin. ― Animalism cum ideal-ism. ― Needless repetitions in this narrative. ― On a metropolitan railway. ― Female costermonger in wrong class. ― A stern guard. ― My aid and recompense. ― At the terminus. ― In the half formed road. ― Against a wooden fence. ― The voice in the dark. ― Rapid flight. ― Voluptuous sensations in a lusting quim. ― White stockings in a fog. ― "Ain't you got cheek." ― Favours in the mews. ― Fucking con amore solamente. ― We separate as strangers.
第14章 「けだもの」―人間の密かな営み
Chapter XIV. An error in dates corrected. ― H. and I get confidential. ― Her voluptuous abandonment. ― Our erotic philosophy in practise. ― My sensitive pego avowed. ― My seminal ejaculations. ― H. likes a big pego. ― A big one up her. ― I up after the big one. ― Mutual delight in a semenalized vagina. ― Reflexions thereon.
第1章 フランス宿のノゾキ穴
Chapter I. Letches for spermatized quims. ― The French Lapunar. ― Selected amusements. ― Six feet high, eight inches pego. ― A broken capote. ― A jocular man. ― Two using condoms. ― Frenchmen's habits. ― Stripping for fucking. ― Tonguing with tongue. ― Marguerite the favourite. ― One scrubby and big bellied. ― A hirsute male. ― Blonde Martha. ― Broad handed, cunt frigging. ― Against a thigh. ― I, on her, she on me. ― Salon des dames. ― Martha re-appears. ― Fresh, hairy-arsed Carmen. ― Her curiosity. ― Knows my letch. ― Her enjoyment. ― Muscular motions when copulating. ― Fat, tall Egyptienne. ― Mignon the little. ― Vertical and horizontal. ― H*l*n and her lover. ― Four libations without washing. ― H*l*n's lubricious letch.
第2章 ディアーヌの色好み
Chapter II. Crabs. ― At a Swiss village. ― The casino garden. ― The half-veiled lady. ― The path by the torrent. ― The lonely chalet. ― Fears and fucking. ― Clapped. ― At the lapunar. ― Chambermaid tipped. ― Exhibition of wet quims. ― My choice. ― The un-chaste Diane. ― A lithesome bougresse. ― Invitation to anus. ― Erotic madness in Paphians. ― Nymphomaniacs, Sappho and Wanda. ― Ray-monde. ― One with a curved pego. ― Copious se-men. ― A strange fucking attitude. ― Outside a metropolitan railway station. ― A Paphian's first night out. ― Her sexual enjoyment. ― Her history. ― The railway station bar. ― Two lovers and a swelling belly. ― Flight to London.
第3章 神酒に濡れそぼつ女たち
Chapter III. H*l*n's poor lover. ― More lapunarial experiences. ― The three graces. ― Isabel selected. ― The lavabo. ― Isabel, Zora, Theo, Eugenie and Leda. ― Hands, prick, and three cunts occupied. ― A spermatic orgy. ― Two giantesses. ― Egyptienne and Judith. ― An overflowing ballocks.
第4章 建築現場でのおかしな冒険
Chapter IV. H*l*n's difficulties. ― Poor lover ill. ― A little un-fledged virgin. ― Antecedents and lewedness. ― I want her. ― H.'s assistance. ― Virginity verified. ― A ready quim. ― Sudden impotence. ― Essays and varieties. ― Pego potential. ― Hymenial rupture. ― In an empty house. ― A bricklayer's woman. ― Pissing on the footway. ― Frigging suggested. ― The carpenter's bench. ― An inconvenient meeting. ― Washing in a watercloset basin. ― Reminiscences thereon.
第5章 のぞき見された巨根
Chapter V. H.'s protector. ― His absence. ― Her voluptuous needs. ― A donkey-prick'd lover. ― Caution advised. ― Her excuses. ― Donkey prick exercising. ― The pleasure given by large pricks. ― Harry's first sight of a pudenda. ― Masturbated by his master. ― Protector impecunious. ― My visits permitted. ― A looking-glass bought. ― Miss Def, the ex-harlot. ― About Magdalenes. ― Foot frigging. ― A garden party. ― The swing. ― A frisky spinster. ― Baudy books lent. ― Free and easy conversations. ― Donkey prick in the garret. ― His limp tool. ― H.'s anger and objurgation. ― She on him. ― Energetic buttocks. ― They in the best bed room. ― The trick with the door. ― Mutual pleasure in the lubricated channel. ― The aesthetic aspects of fucking.
第6章 カミーユとヘレンを交えて
Chapter VI. In Spain. ― Two very small juveniles. ― At the bull ring. ― The Count's mistress tailed. ― An immoral family. - Choice of two cunts and one rectum. ― The young lass selected. ― The young bugger rejected. ― A little prick felt. ― Fucking on the floor. ― Soldiers' women at Gib. ― Groping at C*d*z. ― H.'s lascivity and confidences. ― An evening with Camille and H*l*n. ― A cuntal purse again.
第7章 疲労を知り始めた人性行脚
Chapter VII. Frisky spinster Edith again. ― Pitch and toss at pudendas. ― Naked harlots scrambling. ― A Hylas suggested. ― Eugene, the used-up sodomite. ― Naked amusements. ― Curiosity gratified. ― Mutual feebleness. ― A masculine sixty-nine. ― Sappho. ― An erotic triad. ― Double minetting. ― Eugene dismissed as not fit. ― Pleasant conversation. ― Thumb-frigging a clitoris. ― My erotic philosophy. ― Foolish prejudices. ― A demi-mondaine on cock sucking. ― Three men to one woman. ― An orgy. ― About baudy house peepholes. ― A hairy-rumped Spanish equestrienne.
第8章 ナンシー号の処女航海
Chapter VIII. My heroic resolution. ― The whore and the railway porter. ― Against a viaduct. ― Michael's prick and Michael using it. ― On the early fucking of poor girls. ― Another juvenile virgin. ― Her antecedents and harloting sisters. ― Her salacity and taste for minetting. ― Nervous impotency again. ― Virility restored. ― Virginity ruptured. ― Female pleasures at their first fucking. ― On the way virginities are lost and won.
第9章 艶門にも五つの相
Chapter IX. A small cunt on the Derby day. ― Under a portico at midnight. ― The brothel afterwards. ― A harlot's history. ― On cunts generally. ― Nationalities of the women I have fucked. ― The beauty of cunts. ― Their fucking qualities. ― Ignorance on this head. ― Ages of the women I have fucked. ― How the sight of cunts affects men. ― Physiognomy of cunts. ― Their classification.
第10章 子連れ女と偶然の出会い
Chapter X. A small-cunted lady's maid. ― The courier's good for-tune. ― Fucked and forsaken. ― A public house and a hot clay. ― Child, mother, and grandmother. ― Lust communicated by touch of flesh. ― Effects of hot weather and sherry on a rutting cunt. ― In the cab. ― In the brothel. ― Pleasure and repentance. ― Adultery alas!
第11章 夢幻・ヘレンの妖艶と極致
Chapter XI. Luck. ― Harry masturbated. ― An orgy. ― Two males and one female. ― Bum-fucking intentions. ― H. gamahuched by both. ― Simultaneous masturbations. ― Confession of sodomy. ― Anus and pudenda plugged. ― Sphincter and thumb. ― Fucking cum cock-sucking. ― H.'s unsated lust. ― Champagne and repose. ― Amorous exercises resumed. ― Baudy ejaculations. ― Fucked out. ― Voluptuous eyes. ― Balls handled. ― Prolonged conjunction. ― Finger and bumhole. ― More repose and more champagne. ― Erotic fury. ― All exhausted. ― Finis. ― Reflexions.
第12章 思いもうけぬお初穂頂戴
Chapter XII. On a metropolitan railway. ― A conceited neophyte in harlotry. ― Three males on the scent. ― The assignation. ― Lucy in despair. ― Addressed, con-soled, fed, fucked, and compensated. ― An assignation not kept. ― The hairdresser's servant. ― Phoebe dismissed. ― Dinner with me. ― Atack on pudenda. ― Pudenda stockaded. ― The second dinner. ― Second attack. ― An unexpected portcullis. ― The citadel taken and inundated. ― Festivities therein afterwards.
第13章 異郷で求めたスリルと情炎
Chapter XIII. Fucking on chairs. ― Condoms tried. ― Blowpipe, condom, and cunt. ― My ill health. ― H.'s sexual strength. ― Cunts felt in the streets. ― A peculiar piddling performance. ― L**l*e again. ― A sweet seventeen harlot. ― A sea voyage. ― A young plain-faced widow. ― Masturbation of a circumcized. ― A harlot's naked street antics. ― Fucking against bamboo. ― A comedy of donkies. ― Lewed effect on the widow. ― An aperient applied to her pouters.
第14章 強弱・長短、人性の壮年期
Chapter XIV. The plain-faced widow. ― A plain-faced backside. ― An Oriental bagnio. ― A circumcized cunt. ― Terpsichorean bum-vibrating whores. ― Cunts in the street. ― Penis sine praeputium. ― The physiognomies and sizes of pricks. ― Female admiration of big ones. ― The time consumed in a fuck. ― The number of thrusts. ― Quantity of sperm injected. ― Amorous ejaculations whilst fucking. ― Abnormal erotic whims and fancies.
第15章 エリゼとジュリアの艶美な物語り
Chapter XV. At a French seaport. ― A café chantant. ― Next day after luncheon. ― Giulia and Elise. ― Confessions of tribadism. ― A tribadic orgy. ― Erotic investigations. ― Sodomy offered and declined.
第16章 じゃじゃ馬娘、イーディスと再会
Chapter XVI. At a big Italian City. ― Edith the frisky again. ― My luck and opportunities. ― The sick mother. ― The table at dinner. ― Baudy photographs bought. ― Exhibition in a church.
第1章 淑女同罪―イーディスの場合
Chapter I. Edith the frisky. ― My bedroom. ― Exhibition of a stiff prick. ― Exhibition of a bleeding cunt. ― My regrets. ― Next day's amusements. ― A week's work. ― Departure. ― Edith's grief. ― Her history partly.
第2章 左右両穴双感共悦の怪
Chapter II. At the lapunar and peephole. ― Alexandrine's advice. ― Katie's instruction. ― Marguerite's fornication. ― Profits and losses. ― A hairy arsed harlot. ― About the propriety of seeing and feeling other men's pricks. ― A double cunted strumpet. ― Katie's eventful history. ― England again. ― Alteration in the arrangement of my narrative. ― The philosophy of fucking virgins and juveniles. ― H. lost and found. ― Mutual friggings in a cab. ― The snug accommodation house. ― Baudy books and prints. ― H.'s pleasure in meeting me. ― Minetted by Misses R and Black. ― Baudy triads. ― A flagellation spectacle. ― Three women and self. ― An orgy. ― Black becomes favourite.
第3章 連続八時間の悦楽
Chapter III. On the Thames Embankment. ― A woman's letch. ― Lilian the actress. ― Invitation to dinner. ― Invitation to fucking. ― Eight hours' amusements.
第4章 降ればかならず土砂降り
Chapter IV. An idle day in the outer suburbs. ― Bread and cheese at the public house. ― The showman's daughter Kit. ― On the road. ― Against a field gatepost. ― On straw in a calf shed. ― In a barn. ― A masturbating miller's boy. ― Epitome of voluptuous amusements with H. ― A female trio and myself. ― Copulation, fornication, irrumination. ― Bum-digitation, cunnitonguing, and cunni-dildoing.
第5章 四つ巴登頂狂想曲
Chapter V. A virgin youth with a harlot. ― Questions in a cab. ― A frisky triad at her lodgings. ― A carroty cunted one. ― A lescivious quartette at the abbess'. ― Miscellaneous, meretricious, merrymakings. ― An orgy.
第6章 四部からなる艶笑組曲
Chapter VI. At a Lancashire seaport. ― A millhand. ― The last night of harlotting. ― At the brothel. ― Singular beauty. ― Singular history. ― Two frisky workmen. ― Caught by a rope. ― Lewed talk. ― Lewed wants. ― A handy coffee shop. ― One pleasured, one pained. ― Another flagellation at the Abbess's. ― A straight haired cunt tonsured. ― H.'s letch for novelty. ― The barrister gratified. ― Fucking in masks.
Chapter VII. Termination of narrative. ― Remarks thereon. ― Disjecta membra. ― In a country church. ― The bouzy sexton. ― His daughter Selena. ― In a pew. ― In the Rector's robing room. ― On his carpet. ― On his table. ― Three wives with full bladders in a dark street. ― Micturating civilities. ― Genital handlings. ― Fucking among the carts. ― In a German city. ― A bald cunted Cyprian.
第8章 地獄の沙汰もなんとやら
Chapter VIII. The potentiality of gold in seducing women. ― Sudden letches quickly gratified. ― A small cunted ballet girl. ― Sweet sixteen. ― Jenny the coster girl. ― On the high road to harlotry.
第9章 霧の夜道のたわむれ
Chapter IX. Foggy nights' street-amusements. ― Cunts hairy and hairless felt. ― Amusements in the house afterwards. ― Little Di thirteen with sister Sarah twenty. ― Flat fucking, alias "fucking Nanny." ― Homage to little Di's sexual orifice. ― A buxom landlady. ― My friend's lodgings. ― Cunt struck and cock struck. ― Conversational incitements. ― Opportunity on the drawing room floor. Dogs fucking. ― We fucking. ― Enceinte. ― A travelling procuress. ― The milliner's shop. ― Her work women. ― On the first floor front with Sophy. ― Price and place arranged. ― A preliminary grope. ― Differences with the mil-liner. ― Fifty pounds for a virgin. ― An assignation not kept.
第10章 黒いヴィーナスとの出会
Chapter X. Disjecta membra. ― Negress di Medicis. ― Black and white pictures. ― "You don't fuck much." ― Eight o'clock in the morning. ― Two women talking in a street. ― One taken and one left. ― A train missed. ― A cunt hit. ― Three weeks without fucking. ― A prisoner's wife or mistress? ― An experienced har-lot of fifteen. ― An ugly cunt. ― Frig, fuck, bugger, and suck, seriatim. ― Her erotic experiences and curious history.
第11章 農場艶景
Chapter XI. Disjecta membra continued. ― A fair haired Dane. ― A semi-hairless quim. ― About harlots' lusts and pleasures. ― The Misses P***l**s*n. ― Agatha and Helen. ― Masturbating predilections. ― A frig in a summer house. ― A frig in a grotto. ― At a road-side inn. ― A tipsy wife. ― Lewed per saltum. ― Fucking with hat on. ― A scare. ― Twice in twenty minutes. ― Reflexions.
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You can help expand this article with text translated from the corresponding article in Lithuanian. (September 2013) Click [show] for important translation instructions. View a machine-translated version of the Lithuanian article. Machine translation, like DeepL or Google Translate, is a useful starting point for translations, but translators must revise errors as necessary and confirm that the translation is accurate, rather than simply copy-pasting machine-translated text into the Engl...
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Public university in Afghanistan This article includes a list of general references, but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (October 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) This article contains weasel words: vague phrasing that often accompanies biased or unverifiable information. Such statements should be clarified or removed. (October 2019) Ghazni UniversityTypePublicEstablished20...
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This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Inter-city rail in the United Kingdom – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (April 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) The InterCity 125 is the world's fastest diesel train Eurostar services are one of only two international rail ...
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