ハロルド・J・バーマン(Harold Joseph Berman、1918年2月13日-2007年11月13日)は、アメリカの法学者。ハーバード大学ロースクール教授。ソビエト法が専門。、
- Law and Revolution vol.2: the impact of the protestant reformations on the western legal tradition, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2003.
- 『ドイツとイギリスの宗教改革が欧米の法制度に与えた影響』、宮島直機訳、中央大学出版部、2010年。
- Faith and order: the reconciliation of law and religion, Scholars Press, 1993.
- Law and Revolution vol.1: The formation of the Western legal tradition, Harvard University Press, 1983.
- The interaction of law and religion, Abingdon Press, 1974.
- The nature and functions of law: an introduction for students of the arts and sciences, Foundation Press, 1958.
- On the teaching of law in the liberal arts curriculum, The Foundation Press, 1956.
- Russians in focus, Little, Brown, 1953.
- Justice in Russia: an interpretation of Soviet law, Harvard University Press, 1950.
- 『ソヴエト法制度論』、明山和夫訳、朋文社、1956年。
- Basic laws on the structure of the Soviet State, translated and edited by Harold J. Berman and John B. Quigley, Jr., Harvard University Press, 1969.
- .Disarmament inspection under Soviet law, by Harold J. Berman and Peter B. Maggs, Oceana Publications, 1967.
- Soviet criminal law and procedure: the RSFSR codes, Harold J. Berman and James W. Spindler, Harvard University Press, 1966.
- Talks on American law: a series of broadcasts to foreign audiences by members of the Harvard Law School Faculty, edited by Harold J. Berman, Vintage Books, 1961.
- 『アメリカ法のはなし』石川吉右衛門ほか訳、有信堂、1963年。
- Soviet military law and administration, Harold J. Berman and Miroslav Kerner, Harvard University Press, 1955.
- Soviet law in action: the recollected cases of a Soviet lawyer, edited, with notes and commentary by Harold J. Berman, Harvard University Press, 1953.