A lingua atayal é unha lingua formosana falada polo pobo atayal de Taiwán. Pertence á familia das linguas austronesias. O squliq e o c'uli' (ts'ole') son os dous principais dialectos. As variedades mayrinax e pa'kuali' son únicas por ter distincións de rexistro para homes e mulleres no seu vocabulario.
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Outros artigos
- Huang, Lillian M. (1995). The syntactic structure of Wulai and Mayrinax Atayal: a comparison. Bull. National Taiwan Normal University, Vol. 40, pp. 261–294.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei (1980). The phonological rules of Atayal dialects. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology Academica Sinica, Vol 51(2), pp. 349–405.
- Rau, D. V. (1992). "A grammar of Atayal". Cornell University dissertation. Describes Squliq Atayal.
- Shih, P. (2008). Interrogative Constructions in Plngawan Atayal. MA thesis. Taiwan: National Taiwan Normal University.
- Valle, G. D. (1963). Handbook of Atayal, as it is spoken in Wufeng (Hsinchu hsien). Taichung: Kuangchi Press
- Mayrinax Atayal
- Huang, Lillian (2000a). "泰雅語參考語法" [Atayal language reference grammar]. Taipei: Yuanliou. Describes Mayrinax Atayal.
- Huang, Lillian M. (2000b). Verb Classification in Mayrinax Atayal. Oceanic Linguistics, Vol. 39, No. 2 (Dec., 2000), pp. 364–390.
- Huang, Lillian M. (2001). Focus system of Mayrinax Atayal: a syntactic, semantic and pragmatic perspective. Journal of Taiwan Normal University: Humanities and Social Science. 2001, 46(1,2), pp. 51–69.
- Huang, Lillian M. (2002). Nominalization in Mayrinax Atayal. Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University.
- Lu, Anne Yu-an (2005a). Order and Interaction of Prefixes in Mayrinax Atayal. Hsinchu, Taiwan: National Tsing Hua University.
- Lu, Anne Yu-an (2005b). Mayrinax Phonology: With Special Reference to UM Affixation. MA Thesis. Taiwan: National Tsing Hua University.