Giehtaruohtas edo Käsivarsi Eremu Basatia (finlandieraz, Käsivarren erämaa-alue; ipar samieraz, Giehtaruohttasa meahcceguovlu) Enontekiö udalerriaren ipar-mendebaldean dagoen eremu basatia da. 2.206 km² dauzka, Bizkaia bezain handia, eta 1991. urtean sortu zen bertako natura berezia babesteko asmoz. Ipar Finlandiakoeremu basati honek, 1.000 metrotik gorako altuera dauka eta tundra eremuko animalia anitz aurki daiteke bertan. Mendixkek eta arrainez gainezka dauden aintzira eta ibaiek ibiltari eta arrantza zaleak erakartzen ditu.
Great mountains and the fish-rich lakes and rivers attract hikers, skiers can head to toward the wilderness area. The wilderness area is the starting point for excursions to choose Saana Fell in the cove located in the village of Kilpisjärven or distance can not leave armband passing the four winds along the road .
The wilderness area is the number of visitors in terms of Finland's most popular wilderness . There are many reasons , perhaps the most important area of unique natural environment . In the northwestern part of the fells in Finland is the only area which is part of the Scandinavian Mountains watershed of Skandeihin . Other than Saanatunturi Fell all of Finland's more than 1000 meters high mountains are located in the wilderness area.
The wilderness is Finland's second largest wilderness area . It is located in the north-west corner of the municipality had , and it covers an area of 220 630 hectares. The wilderness is impassable , but not uninhabited. The wilderness area is abstaining from alcohol Lapp village , where some families live there almost all year round .
Inguru fisikoa
Herrialde osoko eremu basati altuena da, non Halti mendia den sabaia 1.328 metrorekin. Eskualde altuena, Yliperä izeneko ipar-mendebaldeko eskualde menditsua da eta bertako batezbesteko altuera 1.000 metrotakoa da. Arroka asko eta zuhaitz gutxi daude, tundra eremu zabala baita nagusi. Zuhaitzak, aldiz, eremuaren hego-ekialdean daude; urkidiak, gehienbat. Ingurune naturala iparraldeko bisitatuena da, urtero, Finlandiako mendi altuena igotzera, 3.000 pertsona etortzen baita [1].