John Holt
Winston Holt (Kingston, Jamaika, 1947ko uztailaren 11 – Londres, Erresuma Batua, 2014ko urriaren 19a), John Holt izenaz ezagunagoa, reggae abeslari eta kantagilea izan zen. The Paragons taldearen kide gisa lortu zuen fama, eta ondoren, bakarlari moduan aritu zen.
- A Love I Can Feel (1971), Bamboo
- Like a Bolt (1971), Treasure Isle
- OK Fred (1972), Melodisc
- Holt (1973), Jaguar
- Still in Chains (1973), Trojan
- Pledging My Love (1972), Jackpot/Trojan
- Time Is The Master (1973), Moodisc
- Presenting the Fabulous John Holt (1974), Magnet
- The Further You Look (1974), Trojan
- Dusty Roads (1974), Trojan
- Sings For I (1974), Trojan
- A Love I Can Feel (1974), Attack
- Don't Break Your Promise (1974), Lord Koos
- Before the Next Tear Drop (1976), Klik
- Up Park Camp (1976), Channel One
- World of Love (1977), Justice
- Channel One Presents The Magnificent John Holt (1977), Channel One
- Roots of Holt (1977), Trojan
- Showcase (New Disco Style) (1977), Thunderbolt
- Holt Goes Disco (1977), Trojan
- In Demand (1978), Dynamic Sounds
- Let It Go On (1978), Trojan
- Super Star (1978), Weed Beat
- The Impressable John Holt (Disco Mix) (1978), Harry J
- Peace In the Sun (1978), Volt
- Just a Country Boy (1978), Trojan
- Introspective (1980), Dynamic Sounds
- My Desire (1980), Jackpot
- Children of the World (1981), VP
- A1 Disco Showcase (1981), Taurus
- Just the Two of Us (1982), CSA
- Sweetie Come Brush Me (1982), Volcano
- Gold (1983), Creole
- Police in Helicopter (1983), Greensleeves/Arrival
- For Lovers and Dancers (1984), Trojan
- Live in London (1984), Very Good
- Pure Gold (1985), Vista Sounds
- Wild Fire (1985), Natty Congo/Tad's (with Dennis Brown)
- Vibes (1985), Leggo Sounds
- The Reggae Christmas Hits Album (1986), Trojan
- From One Extreme to Another (1986), Beta
- Time Is The Master (1988), Creole
- Rock With Me Baby (1988), Trojan
- If I Were a Carpenter (1989)
- Why I Care (1989), Greensleeves
- Reggae, Hip House, R&B Flavor (1993)
- Reggae Peacemaker (1993), House of Reggae
- All Night Long (1997), MIL
- New Horizon (1998), VP
- John Holt in Symphony With The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra (2001), Jet Star
- Born Free (2001)
- Fist Full Of Holt (2009)