Fatboy Slim (kodanikunimega Quentin Leo Cook, tuntud ka kui Norman Cook; sündinud 31. juulil 1963) on Briti muusik.
Tema stiili nimetatakse big beatiks, mis on segu hiphopist, breakbeatist, rokkmuusikast ja R&B-st.
- "Better Living Through Chemistry" (1996)
- "On the Floor at the Boutique" (live) (1998)
- "You've Come a Long Way, Baby" (1998)
- "Halfway Between the Gutter and the Stars" (2000)
- "Live on Brighton Beach" (live) (2002)
- "Big Beach Boutique II" (live) (2002)
- "My Game" (live) (2002)
- "Palookaville" (2004)
- "I Think We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat" (2009)
- "Here Lies Love" (2010)