Whiplash is a 2013 American drama short film written and directed by Damien Chazelle. It depicts the relationship between an impassioned and gifted jazz drummer (Johnny Simmons) and an abusive bandleader (J. K. Simmons; no relation to Johnny). It is the short film on which the feature film is based.
Andrew Neiman is a first-year student at the prestigious Shaffer Conservatory in New York City. He has been playing drums from a young age and aspires to become a world-class drummer. Fletcher, conductor and bandleader of Shaffer Conservatory Studio Band, invites him into the ensemble as an alternate for core drummer Carl. However, Andrew quickly discovers that Fletcher is strict and abusive to his students. When the band rehearses the Hank Levy piece "Whiplash" and Andrew struggles to keep the tempo, Fletcher hurls a chair at him, slaps him, and berates him in front of the band.
While attending Princeton High School, writer-director Damien Chazelle was in a "very competitive" jazz band and drew on the dread he felt in those years.[4] He based the conductor, Terence Fletcher, on his former band instructor (who died in 2003) but "pushed it further," adding elements of Buddy Rich and other band leaders known for their harsh treatment.[4] Chazelle said he wrote the film "initially in frustration" while trying to get his musical La La Land off the ground.[5]
Right of Way Films and Blumhouse Productions helped Chazelle turn 15 pages of his original screenplay into the short film. The short's acclaim after debuting at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival attracted investors to produce the complete version of the script.[6]
The short film was very well received at Sundance, being compared to Full Metal Jacket,[1] and winning the Short Film Jury Prize.[7]
^"Archived copy". oscar.go.com. Archived from the original on October 7, 2020. Retrieved October 7, 2020.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)