The Rest of Us is a 2019 Canadian drama film, directed by Aisling Chin-Yee. It stars Heather Graham as a single mother (to Sophie Nélisse's character), who reluctantly takes in her ex-husband's second wife and their daughter (played by Jodi Balfour and Abigail Pniowsky) as houseguests after his untimely death leaves his new family homeless.
On the review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 92%, based on 12 reviews, with an average rating of 7.3/10.[4]
The Hollywood Reporter's Sheri Linden praised the film as "sharply written and sensitively played."[5]NOW Magazine's Norman Wilner called it "a small, delicate drama—maybe too small, since the 80-minute running time has the effect of compressing certain emotional beats," but concluded, "It’s not a bad thing when a film leaves you wishing it were longer."[6]Exclaim!'s Alex Hudson agreed that the short runtime didn't benefit the story, but wrote, "As a small-scale examination of a unique form of grief, it packs a lot of emotional complexity into a small package."[7]