Yôji Minamimaru, known as Nanmaru, is a college student with a supernatural ability that enables him to "generate small holes in anything." Despite this seemingly insignificant power, he must confront a crisis that threatens the entire world.
In January 2024, Disney+ revealed that they would be bringing Hitoshi Iwaaki's manga "Tanabata no Kuni" to life in a live-action series set to premiere on Disney+'s Star hub in July. Kanata Hosoda was cast in the lead role as Yôji Minamimaru. The series is being directed by Takahide Sano, Hayato Kawai, and Yūsuke Taki, with Taki, Akiko Miyoshi, and Mari Asato handling the scriptwriting, with contribution of Takamasa Ōe.[1]
In May, Disney+ released a new teaser trailer for the live-action series revealing new cast members. Ryōko Fujino, Hiroshi Mikami and Takayuki Yamada were cast as Sachiko Higashimaru, Masami Marukami and Yoriyuki Marukami, respectively.[2]
In June, Disney+ released a full trailer for the series, revealing new cast members such as Aya Asahina, Hoshi Ishida, and Satoshi Kanada.[3] Hulu is promoting the premiere of the series as an exclusive release on Hulu with a three-episode debut on July 5.[4][5]
In July, a main clip from the series was released. The video features the protagonist, Nanmaru, demonstrating his supernatural ability to 'create small holes in anything' to the other members of his college club.[6]
On July 5th, the official soundtrack composed by Yoshitaka Fujimoto was released.[7][8][9]