
Suprabhatam (Sanskrit: सुप्रभातम्, romanizedSuprabhātam, lit.'auspicious dawn')[1] is a Sanskrit prayer[2][3] of the Suprabhātakāvya genre. It is a collection of hymns or verses recited early morning to awaken the deity in Hinduism. The metre chosen for a Suprabhātam poem is usually Vasantatilaka.

The most well-known Suprabhātam work is the Veṅkaṭeśvarasuprabhātam recited to awaken the deity Venkateswara. A rendition of the poem by renowned Carnatic vocalist M. S. Subbulakshmi is extremely popular[4][5] which is played daily in many homes and temples (especially Tirumala Tirupati) in the wee hours of morning.


The genre of Suprabhātakāvya traces its origin to a single verse (1.23.2) in the Bālakāṇḍa of Vālmīki's Rāmāyaṇa, where Viśvāmitra calls out to Rāma to wake up.[4][6]

O Rāma, the noble son of Kausalyā! The Sandhyā of the East commences. O! best of men (Purushottama)! Wake up, the daily duties have to be performed.

The Veṅkaṭeśvarasuprabhātam begins with this very verse.

Suprabhatam Works

The Veṅkaṭeśa Suprabhātam is by far the most popular and iconic work composed in the Suprabhātam format.

There are many other lesser-known Suprabhātam works apart from the Veṅkaṭeśasuprabhātam. Some of these are -

Śrī Venkaṭeśa Suprabhātam

The Veṅkaṭeśvarasuprabhātam was composed sometime between 1420 and 1432 C.E. by Prativādibhayaṅkaram Śrī Annan (also known as Hastigirinathar Anna, and P B Annan).[4][9][10][11] The poet was a disciple of Swami Manavala Mamuni, who was himself a disciple of Ramanuja.[11]

The Venkaṭeśvara Suprabhātam consists of four sections: Suprabhātam, Śrī Venkaṭeśvara Stotram, Prapatti, and Mangalāśāsanam.[12][13]

Suprabhātam and meaning

Verse IAST Devanagari Translation

kausalyāsuprajā rāma pūrvā sandhyā pravartate ।
uttiṣṭha naraśārdūla karttavyaṃ daivamāhnikam ॥

कौसल्यासुप्रजा राम पूर्वा सन्ध्या प्रवर्तते ।
उत्तिष्ठ नरशार्दूल कर्त्तव्यं दैवमाह्निकम् ॥१॥

O Rama! Kausalya's auspicious child! Sunlight is approaching in the east. O best of men! Wake up, the divine daily rituals have to be performed.

uttiṣṭhottiṣṭha govinda uttiṣṭha garuḍadhvaja ।
uttiṣṭha kamalākānta trailokyaṃ maṅgalaṃ kuru ॥

उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ गोविन्द उत्तिष्ठ गरुडध्वज ।
उत्तिष्ठ कमलाकान्त त्रैलोक्यं मङ्गळं कुरु ॥२॥

O Govinda, wake up! O he who has Garuda on his flag wake up. O husband of Kamala! Arise, and render the three worlds auspicious.

mātassamastajagatāṃ madhukaiṭabhāreḥ
vakṣovihāriṇi manoharadivyamūrte ।
śrīsvāmini śritajanapriyadānaśīle
śrīveṅkaṭeśadayite tava suprabhātam ॥

मातस्समस्तजगतां मधुकैटभारेः
वक्षोविहारिणि मनोहरदिव्यमूर्ते ।
श्रीस्वामिनि श्रितजनप्रियदानशीले
श्रीवेङ्कटेशदयिते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥३॥

May it be an auspicious dawn to thee, O Lakshmi, the mother of the worlds, who dwells on the chest of Vishnu, the enemy of Madhu and Kaitabha, of attractive and divine form, with the nature of granting what is desired by those seeking refuge!

O beloved of Venkatesha, an auspicious dawn to thee.


tava suprabhātamaravindalocane bhavatu prasannamukhacandramaṇḍale ।
vidhiśaṅkarendravanitābhirarcite vṛṣaśailanāthadayite dayānidhe ॥

तव सुप्रभातमरविन्दलोचने
भवतु प्रसन्नमुखचन्द्रमण्डले ।
वृषशैलनाथदयिते दयानिधे ॥४॥

May it be an auspicious dawn to thee, O Lakshmi, the beloved of the Lord of Vishnu, with eyes like lotus petals, with a bright face like the moon, who is worshipped by Vani, Girija, and Pulomaja (Saraswati, Parvati, and Shachi) and who is very compassionate.

atryādisaptaṛṣayassamupāsya sandhyām
ākāśasindhukamalāni manoharāṇi ।
ādāya pādayugamarcayituṃ prapannāḥ
śeṣādriśekharavibho tava suprabhātam ॥

अत्र्यादिसप्तऋषयस्समुपास्य सन्ध्याम्
आकाशसिन्धुकमलानि मनोहराणि ।
आदाय पादयुगमर्चयितुं प्रपन्नाः
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥५॥

Having worshipped the morning twilight and said their morning prayers, called sandhyavandana, the seven sages like Atri, bringing the beautiful lotuses from the divine Ganges, have arrived to worship thy feet.

O lord of Sheshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to thee.


traivikramādicaritaṃ vibudhāḥ stuvanti ।
bhāṣāpatiḥ paṭhati vāsaraśuddhimārāt
śeṣādriśekharavibho tava suprabhātam ॥

त्रैविक्रमादिचरितं विबुधाः स्तुवन्ति ।
भाषापतिः पठति वासरशुद्धिमारात्
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥६॥

The gods, like the five-headed Shiva, Subrahmanya, Brahma, and Indra are praising the deeds of your incarnation as the Trivikrama (Vamana). Brihaspati reads the planetary positions (Panchangam) of the day beside you. O lord of Sheshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to thee.

pūgadrumādisumanoharapālikānām ।
āvāti mandamanilaḥ saha divyagandhaiḥ
śeṣādriśekharavibho tava suprabhātam ॥

पूगद्रुमादिसुमनोहरपालिकानाम् ।
आवाति मन्दमनिलः सह दिव्यगन्धैः
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥७॥

The breeze, carrying the wonderful fragrance of the partly opened lotuses, and the beautiful trees like the areca and coconut, is blowing gently. O lord of Sheshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to thee.

unmīlya netrayugamuttamapañjarasthāḥ
pātrāvaśiṣṭakadalīphalapāyasāni ।
bhuktvā salīlamatha keliśukāḥ paṭhanti
śeṣādriśekharavibho tava suprabhātam ॥

उन्मील्य नेत्रयुगमुत्तमपञ्जरस्थाः
पात्रावशिष्टकदलीफलपायसानि ।
भुक्त्वा सलीलमथ केलिशुकाः पठन्ति
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥८॥

The parrots in their cages are opening their eyes, and graciously singing, after eating the remains of the plantain fruits and the payasam in the vessels. O lord of Sheshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to thee.

tantrīprakarṣamadhurasvanayā vipañcyā
gāyatyanantacaritaṃ tava nārado'pi ।
śeṣādriśekharavibho tava suprabhātam ॥

तन्त्रीप्रकर्षमधुरस्वनया विपञ्च्या
गायत्यनन्तचरितं तव नारदोऽपि ।
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥९॥

The sage, Narada, is playing sweet music with his veena, and, in fine language, is singing praises of Thy endless deeds, gracefully waving his other hand. Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

bhṛṅgāvalī ca makarandarasānuviddhā-
jhaṅkāragītaninadaiḥ saha sevanāya ।
śeṣādriśekharavibho tava suprabhātam ॥

भृङ्गावली च मकरन्दरसानुविद्ध-
-झङ्कारगीतनिनदैः सह सेवनाय ।
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१०॥

The humming swarm of bees are sucking honey and emerging from the interiors of the lotuses of the adjoining pools, in order to serve Thee. Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

yoṣāgaṇena varadadhnivimathyamāne
ghośālayeṣu dadhimanthanatīvraghoṣāḥ ।
roṣātkaliṃ vidadhate kakubhāśca kumbhāḥ
śeṣādriśekharavibho tava suprabhātam ॥

योषागणेन वरदध्निविमथ्यमाने
घोषालयेषु दधिमन्थनतीव्रघोषाः ।
रोषात्कलिं विदधते ककुभाश्च कुम्भाः
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥११॥

While the womenfolk of the hamlet of cowherds churn the curds, the loud sounds and echoes emanating from the pots seems like as if the pots and (the ten) directions are quarreling. Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

hartuṃ śriyaṃ kuvalayasya nijāṅgalakṣmyā ।
bherīninādamiva bibhrati tīvranādaṃ
śeṣādriśekharavibho tava suprabhātam ॥

हर्तुं श्रियं कुवलयस्य निजाङ्गलक्ष्म्या ।
भेरीनिनादमिव बिभ्रति तीव्रनादं
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१२॥

The swarm of bees in the lotuses are friends of the sun, and are making loud sounds with a view to surpassing the splendour of the lustrous blue lotuses. Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

śrīśrīnivāsajagadekadayaikasindho ।
śrīveṅkaṭācalapate tava suprabhātam ॥

श्रीश्रीनिवासजगदेकदयैकसिन्धो ।
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१३॥

One with Lakshmi! One who grants boons! Friend of all the worlds! Abode of Sri Lakshmi! The matchless ocean of compassion! One having a charming form on account of the chest which is the abode of Sri Lakshmi! Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

śreyo'rthino haravirañcisanandanādyāḥ ।
dvāre vasanti varavetrahatottamāṅgāḥ
śrīveṅkaṭācalapate tava suprabhātam ॥

श्रेयोऽर्थिनो हरविरञ्चिसनन्दनाद्याः ।
द्वारे वसन्ति वरवेत्रहतोत्तमाङ्गाः
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१४॥

Brahma, Shiva, Sanandana and several others have bathed in purified water. They are at your doorstep eager to see you, for their own well-being, though they have been hit with canes by your gods. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

nārāyaṇādrivṛṣabhādrivṛṣādrimukhyām ।
ākhyāṃ tvadīyavasateraniśaṃ vadanti
śrīveṅkaṭācalapate tava suprabhātam ॥

नारायणाद्रिवृषभाद्रिवृषाद्रिमुख्याम् ।
आख्यां त्वदीयवसतेरनिशं वदन्ति
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१५॥

Lord of Venkatachala! Thy abode is always called by several names, such as Sri Sesasaila, Garudachala, Venkatadri, Narayanadri, Vrsabhadri, Vrsadri. May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

sevāparāḥ śivasureśakṛśānudharma-
rakṣombunāthapavamānadhanādināthāḥ ।
śrīveṅkaṭācalapate tava suprabhātam ॥

सेवापराः शिवसुरेशकृशानुधर्म-
रक्षोम्बुनाथपवमानधनादिनाथाः ।
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१६॥

Siva, Indra, Agni, Yama, Nairuti, Varuna, Vayu and Kubera, with folded hands placed on their heads, are desirous of offering service to thee. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

dhāṭīṣu te vihagarājamṛgādhirāja-
nāgādhirājagajarājahayādhirājāḥ ।
śrīveṅkaṭācalapate tava suprabhātam ॥

धाटीषु ते विहगराजमृगाधिराज-
नागाधिराजगजराजहयाधिराजाः ।
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१७॥

The modes of Thy conveyance - Garuda, the Lord of Birds, the Lion, Lord of Animals, Adisesa, the Lord of Serpents, Airavata, the Lord of Elephants and Uccaissravas, the Lord of Horses - are begging Thee to grant them their respective authority and power to server Thee better, on your pleasure trips. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

svarbhānuketudiviṣatpariṣatpradhānāḥ ।
śrīveṅkaṭācalapate tava suprabhātam ॥

स्वर्भानुकेतुदिविषत्परिषत्प्रधानाः ।
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१८॥

The main deities of the Assembly of Gods - the nine planets - the Sun, the Moon, Mars (Angaraka), Mercury (Budha), Jupiter (Brhaspati), Venus (Sukra), Saturn (Sani), Rahu and Ketu are happy to serve even your servants and remain most obedient to Thee. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

svargāpavarganirapekṣanijāntaraṅgāḥ ।
kalpāgamākalanayākulatāṃ labhante
śrīveṅkaṭācalapate tava suprabhātam ॥

स्वर्गापवर्गनिरपेक्षनिजान्तरङ्गाः ।
कल्पागमाकलनयाकुलतां लभन्ते
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१९॥

Lord of Venkatachala! Thy devotees, whose heads are sanctified by the dust of Thy feet, being in Thy presence, do not desire Heaven or Liberation, but are worried that another kalpa will start, when there will be no such glory to Venkatachala! Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

tvadgopurāgraśikharāṇi nirīkṣamāṇāḥ
svargāpavargapadavīṃ paramāṃ śrayantaḥ ।
martyā manuṣyabhuvane matimāśrayante
śrīveṅkaṭācalapate tava suprabhātam ॥

त्वद्गोपुराग्रशिखराणि निरीक्षमाणाः
स्वर्गापवर्गपदवीं परमां श्रयन्तः ।
मर्त्या मनुष्यभुवने मतिमाश्रयन्ते
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२०॥

On seeing the crests of Thy temple tower, the mortals, who are attempting to attain the exalted paths of Heaven and Liberation, feel like living on in the mortal world, as it gives them the opportunity of worshipping Thee. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

śrībhūmināyaka dayādiguṇāmṛtābdhe
devādhideva jagadekaśaraṇyamūrte ।
śrīveṅkaṭācalapate tava suprabhātam ॥

श्रीभूमिनायक दयादिगुणामृताब्धे
देवाधिदेव जगदेकशरण्यमूर्ते ।
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२१॥

Lord of Sridevi and Bhudevi! The ocean of nectar of compassion and other virtues! The chief of the Gods! The sole refuge of the Universe! The possessor of Sri (wealth)! One whose feet are worshipped by Ananta and Garuda! Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

śrīpadmanābha puruṣottama vāsudeva
vaikuṇṭhamādhava janārdana cakrapāṇe ।
śrīvatsacihna śaraṇāgatapārijāta
śrīveṅkaṭācalapate tava suprabhātam ॥

श्रीपद्मनाभ पुरुषोत्तम वासुदेव
वैकुण्ठमाधव जनार्दन चक्रपाणे ।
श्रीवत्सचिह्न शरणागतपारिजात
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२२॥

Padmanabha! Purushottama! Vasudeva! Vaikunta! Madhava! Janardana! Chakrapani! Bearer of the mole Srivatsa! Celestial tree (parijata) under whom refuge is sought! Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

kandarpadarpahara sundara divyamūrte
kāntākucāmburuhakuḍmalaloladṛṣṭe ।
kalyāṇanirmalaguṇākara divyakīrte
śrīveṅkaṭācalapate tava suprabhātam ॥

कन्दर्पदर्पहर सुन्दर दिव्यमूर्ते
कान्ताकुचाम्बुरुहकुड्मललोलदृष्टे ।
कल्याणनिर्मलगुणाकर दिव्यकीर्ते
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२३॥

Bearer of the charming and divine form surpassing the pride of Cupid (Manmatha)! One whose sight is fondly centred on the lotus bud like breasts of His beloved! The abode of auspicious and pure virtues! The possessor of Divine fame! Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

mīnākṛte kamaṭhakolanṛsiṃhavarṇin
svāmin paraśvadhatapodhana rāmacandra।
śeṣāṃśarāma yadunandana kalkirūpa
śrīveṅkaṭācalapate tava suprabhātam ॥

मीनाकृते कमठकोलनृसिंहवर्णिन्
स्वामिन् परश्वधतपोधन रामचन्द्र।
शेषांशराम यदुनन्दन कल्किरूप
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२४॥

Lord in ten incarnations of Matsya (Fish), Kamatha (Tortoise), Kola (Boar), Narasimha (Man-lion) Trivikrama (Dwarf), Parasurama, Rama, Balarama, Krishna and Kalki! Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

divyaṃ vihatsariti hemaghaṭeṣu pūrṇam ।
dhṛtavādyavaidikaśikhāmaṇayaḥ prahṛṣṭāḥ
tiṣṭhanti veṅkaṭapate tava suprabhātam ॥

दिव्यं विहत्सरिति हेमघटेषु पूर्णम् ।
धृतवाद्यवैदिकशिखामणयः प्रहृष्टाः
तिष्ठन्ति वेङ्कटपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२५॥

The Brahmins, well-versed in the Vedas, are now joyfully waiting to worship you. They are carrying golden pots on their heads that are filled with the water of the Divine Ganges (Akasa Ganga), which has been rendered fragrant by mixing cardamom, cloves and camphor in it. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

bhāsvānudeti vikacāni saroruhāṇi
sampūrayanti ninadaiḥ kakubho vihaṅgāḥ ।
śrīvaiṣṇavāḥ satatamarthitamaṅgalāste
dhāmāśrayanti tava veṅkaṭa suprabhātam ॥

भास्वानुदेति विकचानि सरोरुहाणि
सम्पूरयन्ति निनदैः ककुभो विहङ्गाः ।
श्रीवैष्णवाः सततमर्थितमङ्गलास्ते
धामाश्रयन्ति तव वेङ्कट सुप्रभातम् ॥२६॥

The Sun is rising; the lotuses have blossomed; the birds are twittering; the Sri Vaishnavas, always imploring auspiciousness, are waiting at Thy abode. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

santassanandanmukhāstava yogivaryāḥ ।
dhāmāntike tava hi maṅgalavastuhastāḥ
śrīveṅkaṭācalapate tava suprabhātam ॥

सन्तस्सनन्दन्मुखास्तव योगिवर्याः ।
धामान्तिके तव हि मङ्गलवस्तुहस्ताः
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२७॥

Brahma,the great sages and the good Yogins as Sanandana are waiting at Thy abode, with auspicious offerings in their hands. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

lakṣmīnivāsa niravadya guṇaikasindho
saṃsārasāgarasamuttaraṇaikaseto ।
vedāntavedya nijavaibhavabhaktabhogya
śrīveṅkaṭācalapate tava suprabhātam ॥

लक्ष्मीनिवास निरवद्य गुणैकसिन्धो
संसारसागरसमुत्तरणैकसेतो ।
वेदान्तवेद्य निजवैभवभक्तभोग्य
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२८॥

Abode of Lakshmi! Ocean of faultless and auspicious virtues! Bridge to cross the ocean of transmigration (samsara)! One whose glory is known through the Upanishads! One who is enjoyed by devotees! Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

itthaṃ vṛṣācalapateriha suprabhātaṃ
ye mānavāḥ pratidinaṃ paṭhituṃ pravṛttāḥ ।
teṣāṃ prabhātasamaye smṛtiraṅgabhājāṃ
prajñāṃ parārthasulabhāṃ paramāṃ prasūte ॥

इत्थं वृषाचलपतेरिह सुप्रभातं
ये मानवाः प्रतिदिनं पठितुं प्रवृत्ताः।
तेषां प्रभातसमये स्मृतिरङ्गभाजां
प्रज्ञां परार्थसुलभां परमां प्रसूते ॥२९॥

Thus here is the Suprabhatam of the Lord of Vrishachala! Within the humans who are engaged in reciting it every day, the remembrance (स्मृति:) gives birth to superior intellect, which makes the supreme goal (of attaining moksha) easy to achieve.

Venkaṭeśvara Stotram

Verse IAST Devanagari

kamalākuca cūcuka kuṅkumato
niyatāruṇi tātula nīlatano ।
kamalāyata lochana lokapate
vijayībhava veṅkaṭa śailapate ॥

कमलाकुच चूचुक कुङ्कुमतो
नियतारुणि तातुल नीलतनो ।
कमलायत लोचन लोकपते
विजयीभव वेङ्कट शैलपते ॥


sacaturmukha ṣaṇmukha pañchamukha
pramukhā khiladaivata mauḻimaṇe ।
śaraṇāgata vatsala sāranidhe
paripālaya māṃ vṛṣa śailapate ॥

सचतुर्मुख षण्मुख पञ्चमुख
प्रमुखा खिलदैवत मौलिमणे ।
शरणागत वत्सल सारनिधे
परिपालय मां वृष शैलपते ॥


ativelatayā tava durviṣahair
anuvelakṛtair aparādhaśataiḥ ।
bharitaṃ tvaritaṃ vṛṣa śailapate
parayā kṛpayā paripāhi hare ॥

अतिवेलतया तव दुर्विषहै
रनु वेलकृतै रपराधशतैः ।
भरितं त्वरितं वृष शैलपते
परया कृपया परिपाहि हरे ॥


adhi veṅkaṭa śaila mudāramater
janatābhi matādhika dānaratāt ।
paradevatayā gaditānigamaiḥ
kamalādayitānna paraṅkalaye ॥

अधि वेङ्कट शैल मुदारमते
र्जनताभि मताधिक दानरतात् ।
परदेवतया गदितानिगमैः
कमलादयितान्न परङ्कलये ॥


kala veṇura vāvaśa gopavadhū
śata koṭi vṛtātsmara koṭi samāt ।
prati pallavikābhi matāt-sukhadāt
vasudeva sutānna paraṅkalaye ॥

कल वेणुर वावश गोपवधू
शत कोटि वृतात्स्मर कोटि समात् ।
प्रति पल्लविकाभि मतात्-सुखदात्
वसुदेव सुतान्न परङ्कलये ॥


abhirāma guṇākara dāśarathe
jagadeka dhanurdhara dhīramate ।
raghunāyaka rāma rameśa vibho
varado bhava deva dayā jaladhe ॥

अभिराम गुणाकर दाशरथे
जगदेक धनुर्धर धीरमते ।
रघुनायक राम रमेश विभो
वरदो भव देव दया जलधे ॥


avanī tanayā kamanīya karaṃ
rajanīkara cāru mukhāmburuham ।
rajanīcara rājata momi hiraṃ
mahanīya mahaṃ raghurāmamaye ॥

अवनी तनया कमनीय करं
रजनीकर चारु मुखाम्बुरुहम् ।
रजनीचर राजत मोमि हिरं
महनीय महं रघुराममये ॥


sumukhaṃ suhṛdaṃ sulabhaṃ sukhadaṃ
svanujaṃ ca sukāyama moghaśaram ।
apahāya raghūdvayam anyam ahaṃ
na kathañcana kañcana jātubhaje ॥

सुमुखं सुहृदं सुलभं सुखदं
स्वनुजं च सुकायम मोघशरम् ।
अपहाय रघूद्वय मन्यमहं
न कथञ्चन कञ्चन जातुभजे ॥


vinā veṅkaṭeśaṃ na nātho na nāthaḥ
sadā veṅkaṭeśaṃ smarāmi smarāmi ।
hare veṅkaṭeśa prasīda prasīda
priyaṃ veṅkaṭeśa prayaccha prayaccha ॥

विना वेङ्कटेशं न नाथो न नाथः
सदा वेङ्कटेशं स्मरामि स्मरामि ।
हरे वेङ्कटेश प्रसीद प्रसीद
प्रियं वेङ्कटेश प्रयच्छ प्रयच्छ ॥


ahaṃ dūradaste padāṃ bhojayugma
praṇāmecchayāgatya sevāṃ karomi ।
sakṛtsevayā nityasevāphalaṃ tvaṃ
prayaccha prayaccha prabho veṅkaṭeśa ॥

अहं दूरदस्ते पदां भोजयुग्म
प्रणामेच्छया गत्य सेवां करोमि ।
सकृत्सेवया नित्य सेवाफलं त्वं
प्रयच्छ प्रयच्छ प्रभो वेङ्कटेश ॥


ajñāninā mayā doṣā na śeṣānvihitān hare ।
kṣamasva tvaṃ kṣamasva tvaṃ śeṣaśaila śikhāmaṇe ॥

अज्ञानिना मया दोषा न शेषान्विहितान् हरे ।
क्षमस्व त्वं क्षमस्व त्वं शेषशैल शिखामणे ॥


  1. ^ (2017-10-06). "Suprabhata, Suprabhātā, Su-prabhata: 14 definitions". Retrieved 2022-11-24.
  2. ^ Hawley, John Stratton; Narayanan, Vasudha (2006-12-04). The Life of Hinduism. University of California Press. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-520-24914-1.
  3. ^ Narayanan, Vasudha; Nammaaolvaar (1994). The Vernacular Veda: Revelation, Recitation, and Ritual. Univ of South Carolina Press. p. 48. ISBN 978-0-87249-965-2.
  4. ^ a b c Rambhadracharya 2009, pp. ka-kha
  5. ^ Shri Venkateshwara Suprabhatam, retrieved May 7, 2011, The Youtube video has had approximately 3.5 million views.
  6. ^ Murthy, K. M. K.; Rao, Desiraju Hanumanta (September 2009), Valmiki Ramayana - Book I:Bala Kanda - Book Of Youth - Chapter 23, retrieved May 7, 2011
  7. ^ a b Sanskrit Documents in audio format, retrieved May 7, 2011
  8. ^ Kashi Vishwanath Suprabhatam by M S Subbulakshmi, retrieved May 7, 2011
  9. ^ Balaji, Anand (February 27, 2004), "Venkatesha Suprabhatam" Translations, retrieved May 7, 2011
  10. ^ B.V.L., Narayanarow (March 31, 1999), Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatam, Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanams, retrieved October 2, 2022
  11. ^ a b Parthasarathy, Venkatesh (November 2, 2020), Venkatesa Suprabhatam: The Story of India's Most Popular Prayer, Westland Publications Private Limited, ISBN 9789389648638, retrieved October 2, 2022
  12. ^ "Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatam Lyrics in English with Meaning | Lord Balaji Slokas and Mantras". Temples In India Info - Slokas, Mantras, Temples, Tourist Places. 2019-08-01. Retrieved 2021-05-22.
  13. ^ Komaragiri, Narrenaditya (2016-04-23). "Nine Interesting Facts About Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatam". Tirumalesa. Retrieved 2021-05-22.

Printed sources

  • Rambhadracharya, Svami (January 14, 2009), Śrīsītārāmasuprabhātam (in Sanskrit), Chitrakuta, Uttar Pradesh, India: Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Vikalang Vishvavidyalaya

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