Stolpersteine in Tišnov

Stolperstein for Zofie Spitzová, murdered at the age of 75

The Stolpersteine in Tišnov lists the Stolpersteine in the town Tišnov (Czech pronunciation: [ˈcɪʃnof]; German: Tischnowitz, Brno-Country District) in the South Moravian Region (Czech: Jihomoravský kraj). Stolpersteine is the German name for stumbling blocks collocated all over Europe by German artist Gunter Demnig. They remember the fate of the Nazi victims being murdered, deported, exiled or driven to suicide.

Generally, the stumbling blocks are posed in front of the building where the victims had their last self-chosen residence. The name of the Stolpersteine in Czech is: Kameny zmizelých, stones of the disappeared.

The lists are sortable; the basic order follows the alphabet according to the last name of the victim.

Stone Inscription Location Life and death
BORN 1883
Jungmannova 86
49°20′58″N 16°25′13″E / 49.349414°N 16.420371°E / 49.349414; 16.420371 (Stolpersteine for Alfred Kellner, Jakob Keller, Hedvika Kellnerová, Helena Kellnerová and Terezie Kellnerová)
Kellner, AlfrédAlfréd Kellner was born on 29 July 1883 in Tišnov. He had at least one brother, Jakob (born 1973), and one sister, Terezie (born 1880). He became a metallurgical manager and married Helena née Hauselová. According to Yad Vashem, he was deported to Nisko either on 17 or 26 October 1939. It is not known who long he stayed there and when he came back.[1] The last residence of the couple before deportation was in Tišnov. On 4 April 1942, Alfred and Jakob Kellner, their wives Hedvika and Helena as well as their sister Terezie were deported from Brno to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Ah. His transport number was 278 of 1,001. There the family was torn apart and step by step murdered by the Nazi regime. Two weeks after arrival, on 18 April 1942, Alfred Kellner and his wife were deported to Rejowiec by transport Ap. His transport number was 459 of 1,001. Both were murdered by the Nazi regime.[2]

Also his sister, his brother and his sister-in-law became victims of the Shoah.

BORN 1873
Jungmannova 86
49°20′58″N 16°25′13″E / 49.349414°N 16.420371°E / 49.349414; 16.420371 (Stolpersteine for Alfred Kellner, Jakob Keller, Hedvika Kellnerová, Helena Kellnerová and Terezie Kellnerová)
Kellner, JakobJakob Kellner, also Yaakov, was born on 14 March 1873 in Romania. He was a successful businessman, had a shop in Jungmannova 86, and ran a wholesale with several employees and trucks delivering goods to neighbor communities.[3] He was married to Hedvika née Zeislová.[4] The couple had a son, Heřman, who died of Leukemia while still a school boy. The last residence of the couple before deportation was in Tišnov. On 4 April 1942, Alfred and Jakob Kellner, their wives Hedvika and Helena as well as their sister Terezie were deported from Brno to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Ah. His transport number was 280 of 1,001. There the family was torn apart and step by step murdered by the Nazi regime. Two weeks after arrival, Alfred Kellner and his wife were deported to Rejowiec. Half a year after their arrival, on 9 October 1942, his wife died in Theresienstadt. Within the same month, Terezie Kellnerová was deported to Auschwitz concentration camp. One and a half years later, on 15 May 1944, he too was deported to Auschwitz by transport Dz. His transport number was 318 of 2,501. He lost his life there.[5][6]
BORN 1888
Jungmannova 86
49°20′58″N 16°25′13″E / 49.349414°N 16.420371°E / 49.349414; 16.420371 (Stolpersteine for Alfred Kellner, Jakob Keller, Hedvika Kellnerová, Helena Kellnerová and Terezie Kellnerová)
Kellnerová, HedvikaHedvika Kellnerová née Zeislová was born on 13 January 1888 in Lomnice. Her parents were David Zeisel and Aloisia Louise née Fleischer. She had three sisters, one half brother and three half sisters.[7][8] She was married to Jakob Kellner. The couple had a son, Heřman, who died of Leukemia while still a school boy. The last residence of the couple before deportation was in Tišnov. On 4 April 1942, Hedvika Kellnerová and her husband were deported from Brno to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Ah. Her transport number was 281 if 1,001. Half a year later, on 9 October 1942, she lost her life in Theresienstadt.[9][10]

Her husband was deported to Auschwitz concentration camp in 1944 and murdered there.

BORN 1888
Jungmannova 86
49°20′58″N 16°25′13″E / 49.349414°N 16.420371°E / 49.349414; 16.420371 (Stolpersteine for Alfred Kellner, Jakob Keller, Hedvika Kellnerová, Helena Kellnerová and Terezie Kellnerová)
Kellnerová, HelenaHelena Kellnerová née Hauselová was born on 1. 10. 1888. She was married to Alfred Kellner. The last residence of the couple before deportation was in Tišnov. On 4 April 1942, Helena Kellnerová, her husband and his siblings were deported from Brno to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Ah. Her transport number was 279 of 1,001. There the family was torn apart and step by step murdered by the Nazi regime. Two weeks after arrival, on 18 April 1942, Helena Kellnerová and her husband were deported to Rejowiec by transport Ap. Her transport number was 460 of 1,001. Both were murdered by the Nazi regime.[2][11][12]
BORN 1890
Jungmannova 86
49°20′58″N 16°25′13″E / 49.349414°N 16.420371°E / 49.349414; 16.420371 (Stolpersteine for Alfred Kellner, Jakob Keller, Hedvika Kellnerová, Helena Kellnerová and Terezie Kellnerová)
Kellnerová, TerezieTerezie Kellnerová was born on 8 September 1880 or 1890. She had at least two brothers, Jakob (born 1873) and Alfred (born 1883). She was blind and lived with her older brother and his wife. Her last residence before deportation was in Tišnov. On 4 April 1942, Terezie Kellnerová, her brothers and their wives were deported from Brno to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Ah. Her transport number was 282 of 1,001. There the family was torn apart and step by step murdered by the Nazi regime. First, her brother Alfred and his wife were deported to Rejowiec. Half a year after their arrival, on 9 October 1942, the wife of her brother Jakob died in Theresienstadt. Within the same month, on 26 October 1942, Terezie Kellnerová was deported to Auschwitz concentration camp by transport By. Her transport number was 428. There she was murdered by the Nazi regime.[13]

At last, in May 1944 her brother Jakob was also deported to Auschwitz, where he lost his life.

BORN 1894
Klášterská 355
49°21′01″N 16°24′59″E / 49.350413°N 16.416467°E / 49.350413; 16.416467 (Stolperstein for Leopold Österreicher)
{{{2}}}, Leopold ÖsterreicherLeopold Österreicher was born on 3 April 1894. He was arrested and deported on 4 April 1942 from Brno to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Ah. His transport number was 273 of 1,001. Six months later, on 6 October 1942, he was deported to Auschwitz concentration camp by transport Eo. His transport number was 1138 of 1,550. He was murdered there by the Nazi regime.[14][15]
BORN 1887
Dvořáčkova 66
49°20′59″N 16°25′17″E / 49.349592°N 16.421431°E / 49.349592; 16.421431 (Stolpersteine for Alfred Pollak, Anna Libuše Pollaková, Ema Libuše Pollaková, Helena Pollaková and Růžena Naděžda Pollaková)
Pollak, AlfredAlfred Pollak was born on 1 November 1887. He was married to Helena née Mandlová, the couple had two daughters: Růžena Naděžda (born 1935) and Anna Libuše (born 1938). The last residence of the family before deportation was in Tišnov. On 4 April 1942, the family and Ema Libuše Pollaková were arrested and deported from Brno to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Ah. His transport number was 270 of 1,001. There, after two weeks, Ema Libuše Pollaková was separated from the rest of the family and deported to Rejowiec, Lublin Voivodeship. Five weeks later, also Alfred Pollak, his wife and their little daughters were deported East. According to Yad Vashem, on 25 May 1942, they were sent to an "unknown place", according to to Lublin. His transport number was 881 of 997. The whole family was extinct in the course of the Shoah.[16][17]

Also Ema Libuše Pollaková was murdered.

BORN 1938
Dvořáčkova 66
49°20′59″N 16°25′17″E / 49.349592°N 16.421431°E / 49.349592; 16.421431 (Stolpersteine for Alfred Pollak, Anna Libuše Pollaková, Ema Libuše Pollaková, Helena Pollaková and Růžena Naděžda Pollaková)
Pollaková, Anna LibušeAnna Libuše Pollaková was born 15 November 1938. Her parents were Alfred Pollak and Helena née Mandlová. She and her sister Růžena Naděžda (born 1935) grew up in Tišnov. On 4 April 1942, all family members including the two little girls were arrested and deported from Brno to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Ah. Her transport number was 268 of 1,001. Seven weeks later, on 25 May 1942, the parents and their daughters were deported by transport Az, according to Yad Vashem to an "unknown place", according to to Lublin. Her transport number was 879 of 997. At age three, the girl was murdered in the course of the Shoah, also her sister and her parents.[18][19]
BORN 1900
Dvořáčkova 66
49°20′59″N 16°25′17″E / 49.349592°N 16.421431°E / 49.349592; 16.421431 (Stolpersteine for Alfred Pollak, Anna Libuše Pollaková, Ema Libuše Pollaková, Helena Pollaková and Růžena Naděžda Pollaková)
Pollaková, Ema LibušeEma Libuše Pollaková was born on 11 May 1900. Her last residence before deportation was in Tišnov. On 4 April 1942, Ema Libuše Pollaková was arrested and deported from Brno to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Ah, together with Alfred Pollak, his wife Helena und their two little daughters. Her transport number was 271 of 1,001. There, after two weeks, on 18 April 1942, Ema Libuše Pollaková was separated from Alfred Pollak and his family. She was deported to Rejowiec, Lublin Voivodeship by transport Ap. Her transport number was 454 of 1,000. There she perished.[20][21]

Also Alfred Pollak, his wife and their daughters were murdered.

BORN 1897
Dvořáčkova 66
49°20′59″N 16°25′17″E / 49.349592°N 16.421431°E / 49.349592; 16.421431 (Stolpersteine for Alfred Pollak, Anna Libuše Pollaková, Ema Libuše Pollaková, Helena Pollaková and Růžena Naděžda Pollaková)
Pollaková, HelenaHelena Pollaková née Mandlová was born 4 September 1897. She was married to Alfred Pollak. The couple had two daughters: Růžena Naděžda (born 1935) and Anna Libuše (born 1938). The last residence of the family before deportation was in Tišnov. On 4 April 1942, the family and Ema Libuše Pollaková were arrested and deported from Brno to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Ah. Her transport number was 269 of 1,001. There, after two weeks, Ema Libuše Pollaková was separated from the rest of the family and deported to Rejowiec, Lublin Voivodeship. She was murdered by the Nazi regime. Five weeks later, also Helena Pollaková, her husband and their little daughters were deported East. According to Yad Vashem, on 25 May 1942, they were sent to an "unknown place", according to to Lublin. Her transport number was 880 of 997. The whole family was murdered.[22][23][24]
BORN 1935
Dvořáčkova 66
49°20′59″N 16°25′17″E / 49.349592°N 16.421431°E / 49.349592; 16.421431 (Stolpersteine for Alfred Pollak, Anna Libuše Pollaková, Ema Libuše Pollaková, Helena Pollaková and Růžena Naděžda Pollaková)
Pollaková, Růžena Naděžda Růžena Naděžda Pollaková was born on 10 July 1935. Her parents were Alfred Pollak and Helena née Mandlová. She and her sister Anna Libuše (born 1938) grew up in Tišnov. On 4 April 1942, all family members including the two little girls were arrested and deported from Brno to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Ah. Her transport number was 267 of 1,001. Seven weeks later, on 25 May 1942, the parents and their daughters were deported by transport Az, according to Yad Vashem to an "unknown place", according to to Lublin. Her transport number was 878 of 997. At age six, the girl was murdered in the course of the Shoah, also her sister and her parents.[25][26]
BORN 1867
Brněnská 1710
49°20′55″N 16°25′20″E / 49.348576°N 16.422189°E / 49.348576; 16.422189 (Stolperstein for Žofie Spitzová)
Spitzová, ŽofieŽofie Spitzová was born on 9 November 1867. She was arrested and, on 4 April 1942, deported from Brno to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Ah. Her transport number was 266. One week later, on 11 April 1942, Žofie Spitzová lost her life in Theresienstadt.[27]

The death certificate mentions Marasmus senilis as the cause of death.[28]

BORN 1882
Brněnská 9
49°20′51″N 16°25′24″E / 49.347612°N 16.423236°E / 49.347612; 16.423236 (Stolpersteine für Arnold Stránský, Heřman Stránský and Jiří Stránský)
Stránský, ArnoldArnold Stránský was born 1 October 1882. He was married and had two sons: Heřman (born on 18 April 1910) and Jiří (born on 31 March 1921). After the destruction of Czechoslovakia and the take-over of power by the Nazi regime, the three men lived in Brněnská 9, all single. Arnold Stránský was a widower at that time. ″They were very polite and dedicated people″, said a surviving witness. The family was highly respected in Tišnov and regularly donated from their stock for charity events. They owned the house they were living in and ran a shop with fabrics and leathers. Heřman Stránský worked as a lawyer. Jiří Stránský completed high school but could not study as the Nazis had closed down all universities in Bohemia and Moravia.[29] While his younger son stayed at an Umschulungslager in Lipa, a so-called reeducation camp, since October 1941, Arnold Stránský and his elder son were arrested and deported on 4 April 1942 from Brno to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Ah. His transport number was 265 of 1,001. In the same month, on 27 April 1942, father and son were deported to Izbica Ghetto by transport Aq. His transport number was 569 of 999. Both were murdered in the course of the Shoah.[30]

Also his younger son Jiří Stránský was murdered by the Nazi regime.

BORN 1910
Brněnská 9
49°20′51″N 16°25′24″E / 49.347612°N 16.423236°E / 49.347612; 16.423236 (Stolpersteine für Arnold Stránský, Heřman Stránský and Jiří Stránský)
Stránský, HeřmanHeřman Stránský was born on 18 April 1910. His father was Arnold Stránský, a merchant. He had a younger brother named Jiří (born 1921). He studied law, came back to his hometown and became a lawyer. He was single. His mother had died, he lived with his father and his brother in the house Brněnská 9, owned by the family. He was one of the first tennis players of Tišnov.[29] In October 1942, his brother was brought to an Umschulungslager in Lipa, a so-called reeducation camp. On 4 April 1942, JUDr. Heřman Stránský and his father were arrested and deported from Brno to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Ah. His transport number was 264 of 1,001. The same month, on 27 April 1942, father and son were deported to Izbica Ghetto by transport Aq. His transport number was 568 of 999. According to a website, his father was probably murdered right after arrival while his son was brought to Majdanek concentration camp. Supposedly he was registered there on 23 July 1942 as prisoner no. 6547.[29] He lost his life in the course of the Shoah.[31]

Also his brother Jiří Stránský was murdered by the Nazi regime.

BORN 1921
Brněnská 9
49°20′51″N 16°25′24″E / 49.347612°N 16.423236°E / 49.347612; 16.423236 (Stolpersteine für Arnold Stránský, Heřman Stránský and Jiří Stránský)
Stránský, JiříJiří Stránský was born 31 March 1921. His father was Arnold Stránský, a merchant. He had an older brother named Heřman (born 1910) who became a lawyer. He learned easily, brought home a lot of A-grades and could achieve a High School diploma. He had no chance to study as the Nazi regime had closed down all universities in Bohemia and Moravia.[29] From 8 October 1941 till 1 March 1943 he was interred in a Umerziehungslager, a reeducation camp, in Lípa, Havlíčkův Brod District. There, about 300 Jewish men, aged 18 to 25, performed forced labor in agriculture, in constructing railroads or in snow removal. It was a form of concentration camp but had no fences. Due to their work in the fields, the inmates had enough food and in the evenings and in the wintertime they engaged in a series of cultural events, even presenting theatrical performances. In a cast list of Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream the name J. Stransky is mentioned, but it has not yet been clarified if he or an inmate named Jan Stransky from Prague was the actor in this performance. During his stay in Lípa, in April 1942, both his father and his brother were first deported to Theresienstadt concentration camp and then to Izbica Ghetto, where both were murdered. Also, Jiří Stránský was deported to Theresienstadt and was kept there for more than a year. On 15 May 1944 he was deported to Auschwitz concentration camp, but was then transferred to Schwarzheide in the very south of Brandenburg. There the Germans needed strong men to produce gasoline and diesel fuel from lignite coal. About 1,000 Czech Jews were forced to work there and about 800 of them lost their lives. Among them was Jiří Stránský who died on 29 October 1944.[32]

Date of collocations

Stolpersteine for family Stránský in Brněnská 9

The Stolpersteine in Tišnov were collocated by the artist himself on 15 September 2014.[33]

The Czech Stolperstein project was initiated in 2008 by the Česká unie židovské mládeže (Czech Union of Jewish Youth) and was realized with the patronage of the Mayor of Prague.[34][35]

See also


  1. ^ The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names: ALFRED KELLNER, retrieved on 14 April 2017
  2. ^ a b ALFRED KELLNER, retrieved on 14 April 2017
  3. ^ Tišnovské noviny: STOLPERSTEINE 2014 Holocaust v Tišnově 1941–1945, ročník XXIV., 27 November 2014, p. 17-20, retrieved on 14 April 2017
  4. ^ Jakob Kellner, retrieved on 14 April 2017
  5. ^ JAKUB KELLNER, retrieved on 14 April 2017
  6. ^ The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names: JAKOB KELLNER, retrieved on 14 April 2017
  7. ^ The sisters of Hedvika Kellnerová née Zeislová were:
    • Auguste (born 1880, married to Eduard Fischer, two children),
    • Sophie (1893-1942, married to Heinrich Schiller)
    • Amalie (later married to a man named Fleischer)
    Her half siblings were:
    • Emil Zeisel (born 1863, married to Melanie née Rosenfeld, four children),
    • Eugenia Jenny (1865-1931, married to Albert Schmeidler, six children),
    • Amalie (born ca. 1867, married to Moritz Fleischer) and
    • Helene (born 1879, married to Heinrich Schiller).
  8. ^ Hedwig Kellner (Zeisel), retrieved on 14 April 2017
  9. ^ HEDVIKA KELLNEROVÁ, retrieved on 14 April 2017
  10. ^ The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names: HEDVIG KELLNER, retrieved on 14 April 2017
  11. ^ HELENA KELLNEROVÁ, retrieved on 14 April 2017
  12. ^ The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names: HELENA KELLNEROVA, retrieved on 14 April 2017
  13. ^ The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names: TEREZIE KELLNEROVÁ, retrieved on 14 April 2017
  14. ^ LEOPOLD ÖSTEREICHER, retrieved on 8 April 2017
  15. ^ The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names: LEOPOLD OESTEREICHER, retrieved on 9 April 2017
  16. ^ ALFRED POLLAK, retrieved on 9 April 2017
  17. ^ The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names: ALFRED POLLAK, retrieved on 9 April 2017
  18. ^ LIBUŠE ANNA POLLAKOVÁ, retrieved on 9 April 2017
  19. ^ The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names: LIBUSE POLLAKOVA, retrieved on 9 April 2017
  20. ^ EMA POLLAKOVÁ, retrieved on 9 April 2017
  21. ^ The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names: EMA POLLAKOVA, retrieved on 9 April 2017
  22. ^ HELENA POLLAKOVÁ, retrieved on 9 April 2017
  23. ^ The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names: HELENA POLLAKOVA, retrieved on 9 April 2017
  24. ^ Brief information on family Pollakova Archived 2017-12-05 at the Wayback Machine, retrieved on 16 April 2017 (Czech)
  25. ^ RŮŽENA NADĚŽDA POLLAKOVÁ, retrieved on 8 April 2017
  26. ^ The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names: RUZENA POLLAKOVA, retrieved on 8 April 2017
  27. ^ The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names: ZOFIE SPITZOVA, retrieved on 8 April 2017
  29. ^ a b c d STOLPERSTEINE - část V., 15 March 2014, retrieved on 8 April 2017 (with portraits of all three Stransky men)
  30. ^ ARNOLD STRÁNSKÝ, retrieved on 8 April 2017
  31. ^ JUDR. HEŘMAN STRÁNSKÝ, retrieved on 8 April 2017
  32. ^ The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names: JIRI STRANSKY, retrieved on 8 April 2017
  33. ^ Tiš STOLPERSTEINE - část VI., 7 April 2014, retrieved on 20 December 2016
  34. ^ Zdeňka Kuchyňová: Praha má na chodnících své první pamětní kameny holocaustu, Radio Praha, 19 October 2008
  35. ^ Stolpersteine in der Tschechischen Republik, retrieved on 20 March 2017 (German)

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Legislative branch of the Johor state government Johor State Legislative Assembly Dewan Negeri Johor柔佛州议会ديوان نݢري جوهر‎15th Johor State AssemblyInsignia of Johor State Legislative AssemblyTypeTypeUnicameral HistoryFounded1959LeadershipSultanSultan Ibrahim Al-Marhum Sultan Iskandar Al-Haj since 23 January 2010 (2010-01-23) SpeakerMohd Puad Zarkashi, BN-UMNO since 21 April 2022 (2022-04-21) Deputy SpeakerSamsolbari Jamali, BN-...


Il biotopo di una palude nel nord della Germania. Visibili le piante Stratiotes aloides, Schoenoplectus lacustris e Alisma plantago-aquatica In ecologia per biotopo si intende un'area limitata in dimensioni (ad esempio uno stagno, una torbiera, un altopiano) di un ambiente dove vivono organismi vegetali ed animali di una stessa specie o di specie diverse, che nel loro insieme formano una biocenosi. Biotopo e biocenosi formano una unità funzionale chiamata ecosistema. Il biotopo è dunque la ...


Vilvredo Pareto, kontribusi teori efisiensinya sering digunakan untuk menganalisis ketidakefisienan suatu pasar. Kegagalan pasar adalah suatu kondisi dimana pasar mengalami kegagalan dalam menyediakan kebutuhan pasar secara efisien atau ketimpangan antara produsen dan konsumen.[1] Dalam hal ini, mekanisme pasar yang tidak effisien akan menyebabkan kebutuhan pasar yang dihasilkan menjadi terlalu banyak atau terlalu sedikit.[2] Implikasi ekstrim dari fenomena ini adalah kolapsny...

هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (أغسطس 2012) جامعة ميزوري–كانزاس مدرسة طب المدينة معلومات التأسيس 1971  الموقع الجغرافي البلد الولايات المتحدة  إحصاءات الموقع الموقع الرسمي  تعديل مصدري - تعديل &...


Untuk kegunaan lain, lihat BTV. Artikel ini bukan mengenai B-Channel atau Biznet Home. BeritaSatu beralih ke halaman ini. Untuk media lain bermerek sama yang segrup, lihat B Universe § Media. BTVNama sebelumnyaQ Channel (1998-2005)QTV (2005-2011)BeritaSatu (2011-2022)JenisJaringan televisiSloganBersatu MenginspirasiNegaraIndonesiaBahasaBahasa IndonesiaPendiriPeter F. GonthaTanggal siaran perdana1 Mei 1998 (siaran percobaan)Tanggal peluncuran29 Mei 1998 (sebagai Q Channel)15 Septem...


Hall in Forbidden CityHall of Preserving Harmony保和殿Hall of Preserving Harmony (background) with Hall of Central HarmonyAlternative namesBǎo Hé DiànGeneral informationTypeHallLocationForbidden CityCoordinates39°55′1.3″N 116°23′26.2″E / 39.917028°N 116.390611°E / 39.917028; 116.390611 The throne in the Hall of Preserving Harmony The Hall of Preserving Harmony (Chinese: 保和殿; pinyin: Bǎo Hé Diàn; Manchu: ᡝᠨᡨᡝᡥᡝᠮᡝ ᡥᡡ...

Konferensi Quebec IIOctagonThe Prime Minister's Reception hosted at the Château FrontenacTuan rumah CanadaTanggalSeptember 12–16, 1944KotaQuebec City, CanadaPeserta United Kingdom United States Eleanor Roosevelt, Putri Alice, dan Clementine Churchill selama konferensi. Konferensi Quebec Kedua (nama kode OCTAGON) adalah konferensi militer tingkat tinggi yang diselenggarakan selama Perang Dunia II oleh pemerintah Inggris dan Amerika. Konferensi itu berlangsung di Kota Quebec, ...


عزلة بني جديلة  - عزلة -  تقسيم إداري البلد  اليمن المحافظة محافظة حجة المديرية مديرية المغربة السكان التعداد السكاني 2004 السكان 17٬222   • الذكور 9٬313   • الإناث 7٬909   • عدد الأسر 2٬142 معلومات أخرى التوقيت توقيت اليمن (+3 غرينيتش) تعديل مصدري - تعديل   عزلة ب...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!