In Japan, shinise (老舗, lit.'old shop(s)') are long-established businesses that have been in operation for a long time, at least for a hundred years.[1] Some are older than a thousand years. Japan has significantly more very old businesses than other countries, and they and their products enjoy a particular prestige in Japan.
Long-established companies are particularly common in Japan, which is home to over half of the world's companies that are older than 200 years.[2] As of 2020, the country had more than 33,000 shinise, of which 3,100 were older than 200 years, 140 older than 500 years and at least 19 who say that they have been operating for over 1,000 years.[1]Shinise are a source of national and regional pride, and are the subject of governmental promotion, business management books and travel guides.[1]
Frequently, shinise are relatively small family businesses guided by a particular set of principles (kakun).[1] These principles tend to emphasize continuity, tradition, longstanding business relationships, sticking to the core business, accumulating cash reserves and avoiding debt and other risk. This limits growth but helps the companies weather even severe crises.[2][1][3] Some shinise, however, have grown to be leading players in their fields, such as the video game maker Nintendo[2] or the general contractor Takenaka.[3]
The prevalence of shinise in Japan is attributed to the particularities of Japanese culture, such as reverence for traditions and one's ancestors, and Japanese history, such as the country's relatively long global isolation prior to the 19th century.[3][2] To ensure familial continuity, shinise owners without children of their own sometimes adopt one of their male employees.[3] One effect of the high prestige that shinise enjoy in Japan is that startups are less respected or appreciated than elsewhere.[3]
Shinise products
Buying something from a shinise imparts particular prestige in Japan, connoting the "pinnacle of taste".[2] This Japanese preference for shinise is distinguished from the appreciation most societies have for luxury goods in that it does not only include expensive, long-lasting items such as cars and watches, but also everyday objects and food.[2]
This consumer preference may have roots in Japanese society's predilection for conformity, which makes it so that somebody who owns a shinise item is certain not to be ridiculed for it, and frequently respected.[2] As a result, brand loyalty to shinise is often intense, which in turn helps these companies survive for a long time.[2]
^震災・戦争を生き抜いた「老舗企業」、全国に 2 万 5000 社 [25,000 established companies nationwide that survived the earthquake and war] (PDF) (in Japanese). Teikoku Databank, Ltd. Archived from the original(PDF) on May 23, 2013. Retrieved October 31, 2013.
^特別企画: 茨城県の「老舗企業」実態調査 震災・戦争を生き抜いた「老舗企業」、茨城に 560 社 ~江戸開府以前の創業は 2 社、江戸時代の創業は 43 社~ [Special Edition: Old companies survey: 560 old companies in Ibaraki Prefecture survived the war and the earthquake disaster: 2 before Edo Shogunate founded, 43 during Edo period] (PDF) (in Japanese). Teikoku Data Bank, Mito-branch. August 24, 2011. Retrieved October 5, 2012. Main old companies (Top 10) 主な老舗企業(上位10社) 1.Sudo-Honke 須藤本家(すどうほんけ) Sake manufacturing 清酒製造 Kasama 笠間市 1141年
^五郎兵衛飴本舗「自然な甘さと美しい飴色。800年、変わらぬ製法の「五郎兵衛飴」 [Gorobei Candy Honpo: Natural sweetness and beautiful candy.] (in Japanese). ふるさと!ふくしまが好き! ふくしま観光情報. Retrieved June 5, 2014.
^特別企画: 「老舗企業」実態調査 震災・戦争を生き抜いた「老舗企業」、山形県に 543 社 ~老舗企業輩出率は全国第 2 位~ [Special Edition: Old companies survey: 543 old companies in Yamagata survived the war and the earthquake disaster: Yamagata #2 old companies holder in the whole country] (PDF) (in Japanese). Teikoku Data BankYamagata-branch. August 29, 2011. Retrieved October 1, 2012. Top 8 old companies (主な老舗企業(上位 8 社)) Ito Tekko 1189 伊藤鉄工(いとうてっこう)1189年
^"特別企画:石川県内企業の平均年齢と長寿企業の実態調査" [Special Edition: Survey on average age and long life companies in Ishikawa Prefecture] (PDF) (in Japanese). Teikoku Data Bank, Kanazawa-branch. November 16, 2012. Retrieved November 21, 2012. Main long life companies 主な長寿企業 善吾楼 (Zengoro) 旅館 (Ryokan) 718, 白鷺湯たわらや (Shirasagiyu Tawaraya) 旅館 (Ryokan) 1190, のとや (Notoya) 旅館 (Ryokan) 1311, 細字印判店 (Hosoji Inbanten) その他の小売 (Retail store, not in categorized list of the report) 1573, 目細八郎兵衛商店 (Meboso Hachirōbei Shōten) スポーツ用品卸 (Sports equipment wholesale) 1575, ランプの宿 (Lamp no Yado) 旅館・ホテル (Hotel) 1578, 浅野太鼓楽器店 (Asano Taiko Gakkiten) 楽器小売 (musical instrument retail store) 1609, アンヨウジ (Anyōji) 燃料小売 (Fuel retail store) 1615
^よしのや依緑園 (よしのやいろくえん) [Yoshinoya Irokuen] (in Japanese). ほっと石川旅ねっと 石川県観光連盟. Retrieved 2018-09-12.
^"特別企画:石川県内企業の平均年齢と長寿企業の実態調査" [Special Edition: Survey on average age and long life companies in Ishikawa Prefecture] (PDF) (in Japanese). Teikoku Data Bank, Kanazawa-branch. November 16, 2012. Retrieved November 21, 2012. Main long life companies 主な長寿企業 善吾楼 (Zengoro) 旅館 (Ryokan) 718, 白鷺湯たわらや (Shirasagiyu Tawaraya) 旅館 (Ryokan) 1190, のとや (Notoya) 旅館 (Ryokan) 1311, 細字印判店 (Hosoji Inbanten) その他の小売 (Retail store, not in categorized list of the report) 1573, 目細八郎兵衛商店 (Meboso Hachirōbei Shōten) スポーツ用品卸 (Sports equipment wholesale) 1575, ランプの宿 (Lamp no Yado) 旅館・ホテル (Hotel) 1578, 浅野太鼓楽器店 (Asano Taiko Gakkiten) 楽器小売 (musical instrument retail store) 1609, アンヨウジ (Anyōji) 燃料小売 (Fuel retail store) 1615
^那古野エリア | なごや今昔紀行 (in Japanese). 名古屋観光コンベンションビューロー (Nagoya Convention & Visitors Bureau). Archived from the original on 3 March 2016. Retrieved November 2, 2013.
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^山梨の企業平均年齢は 36.9 歳(PDF) (in Japanese). Teikoku Databank, Ltd. Archived from the original(PDF) on November 5, 2013. Retrieved November 5, 2013.
^笠松名物、笠松志古羅ん (in Japanese). Kasamatsu Confectionery Association, Kasamatsu Commercial and Industrial Association. Archived from the original on April 4, 2015. Retrieved June 7, 2014.
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^"特別企画:石川県内企業の平均年齢と長寿企業の実態調査" [Special Edition: Survey on average age and long life companies in Ishikawa Prefecture] (PDF) (in Japanese). Teikoku Data Bank, Kanazawa-branch. November 16, 2012. Retrieved November 21, 2012. Main long life companies 主な長寿企業 善吾楼 (Zengoro) 旅館 (Ryokan) 718, 白鷺湯たわらや (Shirasagiyu Tawaraya) 旅館 (Ryokan) 1190, のとや (Notoya) 旅館 (Ryokan) 1311, 細字印判店 (Hosoji Inbanten) その他の小売 (Retail store, not in categorized list of the report) 1573, 目細八郎兵衛商店 (Meboso Hachirōbei Shōten) スポーツ用品卸 (Sports equipment wholesale) 1575, ランプの宿 (Lamp no Yado) 旅館・ホテル (Hotel) 1578, 浅野太鼓楽器店 (Asano Taiko Gakkiten) 楽器小売 (musical instrument retail store) 1609, アンヨウジ (Anyōji) 燃料小売 (Fuel retail store) 1615
^"特別企画:石川県内企業の平均年齢と長寿企業の実態調査" [Special Edition: Survey on average age and long life companies in Ishikawa Prefecture] (PDF) (in Japanese). Teikoku Data Bank, Kanazawa-branch. November 16, 2012. Retrieved November 21, 2012. Main long life companies 主な長寿企業 善吾楼 (Zengoro) 旅館 (Ryokan) 718, 白鷺湯たわらや (Shirasagiyu Tawaraya) 旅館 (Ryokan) 1190, のとや (Notoya) 旅館 (Ryokan) 1311, 細字印判店 (Hosoji Inbanten) その他の小売 (Retail store, not in categorized list of the report) 1573, 目細八郎兵衛商店 (Meboso Hachirōbei Shōten) スポーツ用品卸 (Sports equipment wholesale) 1575, ランプの宿 (Lamp no Yado) 旅館・ホテル (Hotel) 1578, 浅野太鼓楽器店 (Asano Taiko Gakkiten) 楽器小売 (musical instrument retail store) 1609, アンヨウジ (Anyōji) 燃料小売 (Fuel retail store) 1615
^にぎり墨体験 (株)古梅園 (in Japanese). 奈良県産業振興総合センター. Retrieved Dec 31, 2014.
^山梨の企業平均年齢は 36.9 歳(PDF) (in Japanese). Teikoku Databank, Ltd. Archived from the original(PDF) on November 5, 2013. Retrieved November 5, 2013.
^"特別企画:石川県内企業の平均年齢と長寿企業の実態調査" [Special Edition: Survey on average age and long life companies in Ishikawa Prefecture] (PDF) (in Japanese). Teikoku Data Bank, Kanazawa-branch. November 16, 2012. Retrieved November 21, 2012. Main long life companies 主な長寿企業 善吾楼 (Zengoro) 旅館 (Ryokan) 718, 白鷺湯たわらや (Shirasagiyu Tawaraya) 旅館 (Ryokan) 1190, のとや (Notoya) 旅館 (Ryokan) 1311, 細字印判店 (Hosoji Inbanten) その他の小売 (Retail store, not in categorized list of the report) 1573, 目細八郎兵衛商店 (Meboso Hachirōbei Shōten) スポーツ用品卸 (Sports equipment wholesale) 1575, ランプの宿 (Lamp no Yado) 旅館・ホテル (Hotel) 1578, 浅野太鼓楽器店 (Asano Taiko Gakkiten) 楽器小売 (musical instrument retail store) 1609, アンヨウジ (Anyōji) 燃料小売 (Fuel retail store) 1615
^"特別企画:「老舗企業」実態調査(香川県)(Special Edition: Survey on "long life companies" (Kagawa Prefecture)"(PDF) (in Japanese). Teikoku Data Bank, Takamatsu-branch. August 17, 2011. Archived from the original(PDF) on November 9, 2013. Retrieved January 24, 2013. 主な老舗企業(上位10社):「寺院,仏教教会」除くMain long life companies(Top 10): except Temples 1. 波多野塗料(はたのとりょう, Hatano paint) 1582 塗料卸(Paint wholesale), 2. 和泉商会(いずみしょうかい, Izumi Shokai) 1663 石工品製造(Stonework manufacturing), 3. 西野金陵(にしのきんりょう, Nishino Kinryo) 1658 酒類卸(Sake wholesale)), 4. 井筒屋(いづつや, Izutsuya) 1692 めん類製造(Noodle manufacturing)
^京を語る 情報誌『京都』 有限会社 林勘法衣店 (in Japanese). 株式会社石田大成社 (Ishida Taiseisha Co., Ltd.). Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved March 7, 2015.
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