Sixty-seven matches were sailed in the round robin (including the rematch between FIN and POR. Finland originally won the round robin race against Portugal, but this was annulled after a protest by Portugal due to a Portuguese boat getting stuck at the turning mark. Finland won the rescheduled race as well.[4])
The quarter finals (best 3 out of 5) 16 matches were sailed.
Semi-finals, best 2 out of 3 (best 3 out of 5) was planned. Russia appealed the decision to stop the semi-finals after 3 matches and the results of 4th match of the petite final to CAS.[3] The appeal to the semi-finals decision was later rejected.)[5] Six matches were sailed.
Petit-final and final series (best 3 out of 5) 4 matches.
For the Elliott 6m the majority of racing took place on course area Nothe, however some racing also occurred in the Portland area. The location (50° 36.18’ N 02° 25.98’ W) points to the center of the Nothe course area. The target time for the course was 18 minutes. All races were conducted on windward/leeward course configurations of 2 laps.