On the Road With Austin & Santino is an American reality television series that aired on Lifetime. The series debuted on July 29, 2010, following the season premiere of Season 8 of Project Runway.[1] Each episode aired after an episode of Project Runway. The series has since been cancelled and was not renewed for a second season.[2][unreliable source?]
On the Road with Austin & Santino follows fashion designers Austin Scarlett and Santino Rice as they travel to small towns around the United States and make a custom dress for a woman who has an upcoming special occasion. Each episode ends with Austin and Santino introducing their dress recipient at the event it was created for.
Series overview
Original air date
"Horsing Around"
July 29, 2010 (2010-07-29)
In the series debut, the duo travels to Weatherford, Texas to make a dress for a rodeo trick rider, Sadie Lynn. They then go shopping for dress materials at Teskey's Saddle Shop for cowboy related accessories and Santino visits Gibson's Products, a general store, for the fabric.[3]