Munroe Island (also called as Mundrothuruthu) is an island located at the union of Ashtamudi Lake and the Kallada River. It was one of the old settlements of Dutch who had arrived at Kerala. This place is named as an honor to Colonel John Munro, who was the divan or the prime minister of the former Princely State of Travancore.[2]Mundrothuruthu is a tourism spot situated at the outskirts of Kollam city, about 25 km away from the city proper.[3] This backwater marvel is attracting a huge number of tourists every day.[4] The Kayal(Lake) Pradakshina Cruise operated by local boat owner are available here in Mundrothuruthu. Narrow waterways, canals, lagoons, and the islands of Pathupara are the other attractions of the Munroe Island. There are a number of coconut farms on either side of the waterways.[5]