In 2010, and upgraded version, called the Mi2 XL, was released in Benelux only, featuring 5 more games than the original console.
With a very similar design to the Dingoo, the Mi2/PDC Touch has more features than the Dingoo, such as an accelerometer, a camera and a touchscreen. It also has a 16GB flash memory, with 512MB free memory. The console is aimed at under 11 year olds. When it was launched, it was priced at €99.99 in Benelux. It was then dropped down to €59.99.
The Mi2/PDC Touch features 100 built-in games (Mi2 XL features 105), mostly unofficial clones of other popular titles. When launched there was a promise that extra games could be downloaded (for a fee) from the internet, but it wasn't until September 2010 that this option was realized.
The built in games are of the following categories: