When the Marquess of Guadalcázar, heard of the death of the Governor of Chile, Pedro Osores de Ulloa, he decided to replace the temporary governor, Francisco de Alava and Nureña. Nureña was the brother-in-law of the deceased Osores, designated by Osores during his final hours. In order to replace him the viceroy designated as temporary Governor his own nephew Luis Fernández de Córdoba y Arce, hoping that he would have occasion to display his military skills in the War of Arauco. He was later confirmed in the position by king Philip III of Spain.
From his arrival in Chile, the governor was immediately in the most urgent situation with the MapuchetoquiButapichún making frequent incursions into Spanish territory north of the Bio-Bio River. In order to contain him, the new governor divided the border into two districts; one under the command of its maestre de campoAlonso de Cordova y Figueroa, and the other run by his Sargento MayorJuan Fernandez Rebolledo. To each of these commanders he gave a well equipped force, so that as a mobile force it could be used in pursuing Butapichún. Despite these measures and some lucky blows against the natives, the Malónes of Butapichún continued. He suffered some defeats with the worst being the Battle of Las Cangrejeras.