Lost Girls is a 2020 American mysterydrama film. Lost Girls was directed by Liz Garbus, from a screenplay by Michael Werwie, and based on the book Lost Girls: An Unsolved American Mystery by Robert Kolker. The film revolves around the murders of young female sex workers on the South Shore barrier islands of Long Island, committed by the Long Island serial killer, who remains unknown, but for which a suspect was charged July 14, 2023.
Mari Gilbert relentlessly drives law enforcement agents to search for her missing daughter, Shannan, and, in the process, sheds light on a wave of unsolved murders of young sex workers on the South Shore barrier islands of Long Island, committed by the Long Island serial killer.[2]
Lost Girls holds a 72% approval rating on the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, based on 54 reviews, with an average of 6.1/10. The website's critical consensus reads, "Raw yet rewarding, Lost Girls overcomes uneven storytelling with powerful performances and a willingness to resist easy catharsis."[12] On Metacritic, the film holds a rating of 69 out of 100, based on 13 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews".[13]