The 121st brigade, known as "Çeliku," within the KLA, engaged in numerous battles against Yugoslav forces. These encounters often ended in success for the KLA, resulting in the capture of several strategic sites, including Blinaja, Fushtica, Terpeza, Bllaca, Shtëpia e Pylltarit, Ura e Sahitit, Belinc, the majority of southern Drenica, and much of Llapusha.[1]
In response, Yugoslav forces launched multiple offensives targeting KLA strategic locations, leading to the capture of sites such as Llapushnik, the Duhla Pass, Zborc, Klečka, Lužnica, and the Carraleva Gorge, which subsequently fell under the control of the Yugoslav army and police.[1]
Operations in Klina and Dukagjin
In April 1998, Ismet Jashari led KLA operations in Klina and Dukagjin against Yugoslav forces.[5] The KLA operations were successful.[6] Ismet Jashari set off to return to Klečka.[7]
Ambush on Ismet Jashari
In April 1998, Ismet Jashari was ambushed by Yugoslav forces between the villages of Volljakë and Çupevë, while he was returning to Kleçka from leading military operations in Klina and Dukagjin. Ismet Jashari survived the ambush, but was wounded in both legs.[1]
After occupying Llapushnik, Ismet Jashari led further operations against Yugoslav forces, defeating them in multiple battles and capturing the strategically important site of the Carraleva Gorge.[1]
Battle of Duhla Pass
Ismet Jashari led further operations against Yugoslav forces, defeating them in multiple battles and capturing the strategically important site of the Duhla Pass.[1] From the beginning of May to August 1998, Ismet Jashari reinforced strategic sites in southern Drenica, Llapushnik and the Duhla Pass for an upcoming Yugoslav Offensive.[1]
Yugoslav offensive in June
On 14 June 1998, Yugoslav forces attacked and captured the Carraleva Gorge and the Duhla Pass, held by the KLA.[1] Three days later the KLA counterattacked the Yugoslav army, who were preparing to penetrate towards Luzhnica. The KLA recaptured the Carraleva Gorge, forcing the Yugoslav army to withdraw back to their positions in the Duhla Pass.[1]
Bllace Attack
On June 25, 1998, in Bllace, soldiers of the 121st brigade, led by Agim Çelaj and Ismet Jashari, strategically positioned on a hill, successfully destroyed a Yugoslav BOV. By the end of June 1998, Ismet Jashari had reinforced his positions in Carraleva, Zborca, Blinaja, Fushtica, Terpeza, and across the territories under KLA control in southern Drenica and Llapusha.[1]
Yugoslav Summer offensive
During a major Yugoslav offensive on 25 and 26 July 1998, Ismet Jashari's forces fought battles with the Yugoslav army in Llapushnik, Zborc and the Carraleva Gorge, but were not able to hold these strategic sites.[1]
Major KLA offensive in August
In August 1998, Ismet Jashari attacked and defeated Yugoslav army units at several occasions, such as in Shtëpia e Pylltarit, Ura e Sahitit and in the village of Belinc.[1]
Battle of Lužnica and Klečka
On 23 August 1998, Yugoslav forces marched towards Kleçka, where the General Staff of the KLA was also located, but were met by Ismet Jashari's forces in Luzhnica, who held off the Yugoslav army from penetrating towards Kleçka for an entire day, while being heavily outnumbered.[1] On 24 August 1998, the Yugoslav army had increased their offensive by attacking Ismet Jashari's forces with large-caliber artillery and surface-to-surface missiles, ultimately succeeding in driving the KLA out of Luzhnica and capturing Kleçka.[1] One day later on 25 August, Ismet Jashari had launched a surprise counterattack in an attempt to retrieve the bodies of the fallen soldiers. After several hours of close combat in Luzhnica, Ismet Jashari fell in battle.[1]