List of works by Kahlil Gibran

This is a list of works by Kahlil Gibran, including writings and the visual arts.


Title Publisher Location Date Language Translated title
نبذة في فن الموسيقى المهاجر New York 1905 Arabic A Profile of the Art of Music
عرائس المروج المهاجر New York 1906 Arabic Nymphs of the Valley
الأرواح المتمردة المهاجر New York 1908 Arabic Spirits Rebellious
الأجنحة المتكسرة مرآة الغرب New York 1912 Arabic Broken Wings
دمعة وابتسامة Atlantic New York 1914 Arabic A Tear and a Smile
The Madman Alfred A. Knopf New York 1918 English
المواكب مرآة الغرب New York 1919 Arabic The Processions
Twenty Drawings Alfred A. Knopf New York 1919 English
العواصف الهلال Cairo 1920 Arabic The Tempests
The Forerunner Alfred A. Knopf New York 1920 English
البدائع والطرائف المطبعة العصرية Cairo 1923 Arabic The New and the Marvelous
The Prophet Alfred A. Knopf New York 1923 English
Sand and Foam Alfred A. Knopf New York 1926 English
Jesus, the Son of Man Alfred A. Knopf New York 1928 English
The Earth Gods Alfred A. Knopf New York 1931 English
The Wanderer Alfred A. Knopf New York 1932 (posthumous) English
The Garden of the Prophet
(revised by Mary Haskell then Barbara Young)
Alfred A. Knopf New York 1933
Lazarus and his Beloved
New York Graphic Society Greenwich 1973
The Blind
The Westminster Press Philadelphia 1981
الرجل غير المنظور
دار أمواج Beirut 1993
Arabic The Man Unseen
بين الليل والصباح
دار أمواج Beirut 1993
Arabic Between Night and Morning
الوجوه الملونة
دار أمواج Beirut 1993
Arabic The Colored Faces
بدء الثورة
دار أمواج Beirut 1993
Arabic The Beginning of the Revolution
ملك البلاد وراعي الغنم
دار أمواج Beirut 1993
Arabic The King and the Shepherd
The Banshee
(unfinished play)
The Last Unction
(unfinished play)
The Hunchback or the Man Unseen
(unfinished play)
To Albert Pinkham Ryder
(printed privately in 1915 at Cosmus & Washburn)

Writings published in periodicals:

Title Periodical Location Date Language Translated title
أيها الليل Al-Funoon New York April 1913 Arabic[1] O Night
على باب الهيكل Al-Funoon New York June 1913 Arabic[2] At the Temple's Gate
يا زمان الحب Al-Funoon New York June 1913 Arabic[1] O Time of Love
قبل الانتحار Al-Funoon New York August 1913 Arabic[3] Before committing suicide
أبو العلاء المعري Al-Funoon New York September 1913 Arabic[1] Abu al-Ala' al-Ma'arri
الشاعر Al-Funoon New York November 1913 Arabic[1] The Poet
إلى المسلمين من شاعر مسيحي Al-Funoon New York November 1913 Arabic[4] To Muslims from a Christian Poet
أنت وأنا Al-Funoon New York December 1913 Arabic[1] You and I
رؤيا Al-Funoon New York June 1916 Arabic[5] Vision
يا نفس Al-Funoon New York June 1916 Arabic[1] O Soul
الليل والمجنون Al-Funoon New York July 1916 Arabic[1] Night and the Madman
الفارض Al-Funoon New York July 1916 Arabic[1] Al-Farid
بالله يا قلبي Al-Funoon New York August 1916 Arabic[1] By God, O my Heart
ما وراء الرداء Al-Funoon New York September 1916 Arabic[5] Beyond the Robe
مات أهلي Al-Funoon New York October 1916 Arabic[1] Dead Are My People
السم في الدسم Al-Funoon New York November 1916 Arabic[5] Poison in the Fat
Night and the Madman The Seven Arts New York November 1916 English
بالأمس Al-Funoon New York December 1916 Arabic[1] Yesterday
The Greater Sea The Seven Arts New York December 1916 English
الفلكي Al-Funoon New York January 1917 Arabic[1] The Astronomer
The Astronomer The Seven Arts New York January 1917 English
On Giving and Taking The Seven Arts New York January 1917 English
النملات الثلاث Al-Funoon New York February 1917 Arabic[1] The Three Ants
الكلب الحكيم Al-Funoon New York February 1917 Arabic[1] The Wise Dog
The Seven Selves The Seven Arts New York February 1917 English
أغنية الليل Al-Funoon New York March 1917 Arabic[1] Song of the Night
البحر الأعظم Al-Funoon New York March 1917 Arabic[1] The Great Sea
الله Al-Funoon New York April 1917 Arabic[1] God
يا صاحبي Al-Funoon New York May 1917 Arabic[1] My Friend
Poems from the Arabic The Seven Arts New York May 1917 English
البنفسجة الطموحة Al-Funoon New York August 1917 Arabic[1] The Ambitious Violet
الغزالي Al-Funoon New York September 1917 Arabic[1] Al-Ghazali
العاصفة Al-Funoon New York September 1917 Arabic[1] The Tempest
بلأمس واليوم وغدا Al-Funoon New York October 1917 Arabic[1] Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
موشحات جديدة : البحر ؛ الشرورة ؛ الجبار الرئبال ؛ الشهرة Al-Funoon New York October 1917 Arabic[6] New verses: The Sea; Blackbird; The Colossus; Fame
ابن سينا وقصيدته Al-Funoon New York October 1917 Arabic[1] Avicenna and his Poem
الأرض Al-Funoon New York October 1917 Arabic[1] The Earth
الحكيمان Al-Funoon New York November 1917 Arabic[1] The Wise Man
بين الفصل والفصل Al-Funoon New York November 1917 Arabic[6] Between chapter and chapter
[Untitled] Al-Funoon New York June 1918 Arabic[6]
الأمم وذواتها Al-Funoon New York August 1918 Arabic[6] The World and Itself
[Untitled] Al-Funoon New York August 1918 Arabic[6]
War and the Small Nations The Borzoi New York 1920 English
Seven Sayings The Dial New York January 1921 English[7]
Lullaby The New Orient New York July 1925 English[7]
The Blind Poet The New Orient New York July 1926 English[7]
To Young Americans of Syrian Origin The Syrian World New York July 1926 English
Youth and Age The Syrian World New York December 1926 English
(Syrian Folk Songs:) O Mother Mine (Moulaya)


The Syrian World New York March 1927 English
(Syrian Folk Songs:) I wandered among the Mountains


The Syrian World New York May 1927 English
(Syrian Folk Songs:) Three Maiden Lovers


The Syrian World New York September 1927 English
The Two Hermits The Syrian World New York October 1927 English
When My Sorrow Was Born The Syrian World New York December 1927 English
War The Syrian World New York January 1928 English
Said a Blade of Grass The Syrian World New York March 1928 English
Critics The Syrian World New York April 1928 English
War and the Small Nations The Syrian World New York May 1928 English
Love The Syrian World New York June 1928 English
The King of Aradus The Syrian World New York September 1928 English
The Plutocrat The Syrian World New York October 1928 English
A Man from Lebanon Nineteen Centuries Afterward The Syrian World New York November 1928 English
The Great Recurrence New York Herald Tribune Magazine New York December 23, 1928 English[7]
Night The Syrian World New York December 1928 English
Defeat The Syrian World New York January 1929 English
The Great Longing The Syrian World New York February 1929 English
The Saint The Syrian World New York March 1929 English
Fame The Syrian World New York April 1929 English
Out of My Deeper Heart The Syrian World New York May 1929 English
Snow New York Herald Tribune Magazine New York December 22, 1929 English[7]
The Two Learned Men The Syrian World New York January 1930 English
On Giving and Taking The Syrian World New York March 1930 English
Helpfulness The Syrian World New York April 1930 English
On the Art of Writing The Syrian World New York May 1930 English
On Hatred The Syrian World New York June 1930 English
Greatness The Syrian World New York September 1930 English
The Tragic Love of a Caliph The Syrian World New York October 1930 English
On Giving and Taking The Syrian World New York October 1930 English
Song The Syrian World New York December 1930 English
A Marvel and a Riddle The Syrian World New York January 1931 English
Past and Future The Syrian World New York February 1931 English
Speech and Silence The Syrian World New York March 1931 English


  • A Self-Portrait (edited and translated by Anthony R. Ferris, 1959, New York)
  • Beloved Prophet, The love letters of Khalil Gibran and Mary Haskell, and her private journal (edited by Virginia Hilu, 1972, New York)
  • Blue Flame: The Love Letters of Kahlil Gibran to May Ziadah (edited and translated by Suheil Bushrui and Salma Kuzbari, 1983, London)

Other collections

  • Prose Poems (1934)
  • Secrets of the Heart (1947)
  • A Treasury of Kahlil Gibran (1951)
  • Thoughts and Meditations (1960)
  • A Second Treasury of Kahlil Gibran (1962)
  • Spiritual Sayings (1962)
  • Voice of the Master (1963)
  • Mirrors of the Soul (1965)
  • Between Night & Morn (1972)
  • A Third Treasury of Kahlil Gibran (1975)
  • The Storm (1994)
  • The Beloved (1994)
  • The Vision (1994)
  • The Eye of the Prophet (1995)
  • The Treasured Writings of Kahlil Gibran (1995)

Visual art

Picture Title Year Collection
Untitled c. 1900–1931 Museo Soumaya
Untitled 1903 Telfair Museums
Comforting Angel c. 1904
The Vision of Adam and Eve c. 1904 Telfair Museums
Medusa c. 1905–1908 Telfair Museums
Untitled 1905 Telfair Museums
Untitled 1905 Telfair Museums
Untitled (Self-Portrait) 1905
Untitled 1907 Telfair Museums
Charlotte Teller 1908 Telfair Museums
Charlotte Teller 1908 Telfair Museums
Charlotte Teller 1908 Telfair Museums
Evocation of Sultana Tabet (?) 1908
Head of Emily Michel 1908 Telfair Museums
Head of Micheline and Line Drawing of Sultana's Head 1908 Telfair Museums
The Head of Orpheus Floating Down the River Hebrus to the Sea c. 1908–1914 Telfair Museums
Head of Sultana Tabit 1908 Telfair Museums
Portrait of Amin Rihani c. 1908–1912 Barjeel Art Foundation
Portrait of the Artist's Mother c. 1908–1914 Telfair Museums
Portrait of Charlotte Teller c. 1908–1910
Portrait of Yamile c. 1908–1910
Untitled 1908 Telfair Museums
Untitled 1908 Telfair Museums
Untitled 1908 Telfair Museums
Untitled 1908 Telfair Museums
Untitled (Marianna Gibran) c. 1908–1914 Telfair Museums
Portrait of Emilie Michel (Micheline) 1909 Museo Soumaya
Ages of Women 1910 Museo Soumaya
Ameen Rihani c. 1910–1915 Telfair Museums
Francis Mar[r]ash c. 1910
Mary Haskell 1910 Telfair Museums
Micheline c. 1910–1912 Telfair Museums
Portrait of Charles William Eliot 1910
Portrait of Mary Haskell 1910 Telfair Museums
Self-Sketch 1910 Telfair Museums
Untitled 1910 Telfair Museums
Untitled 1910 Telfair Museums
Untitled 1910 Telfair Museums
Untitled 1910 Telfair Museums
Untitled 1910 Telfair Museums
Untitled c. 1910–1913 Telfair Museums
Untitled c. 1910–1914 Telfair Museums
Untitled c. 1910–1915 Telfair Museums
Portrait of Charlotte Teller c. 1911
Self Portrait c. 1911
Self Portrait and Muse 1911 Museo Soumaya
Untitled 1911 Telfair Museums
Untitled 1911 Telfair Museums
Untitled c. 1911–1915 Telfair Museums
Untitled (Rose Sleeves) 1911 Telfair Museums
Unfinished Portrait of a Lady c. 1912
Untitled 1912 Telfair Museums
Untitled 1912 Telfair Museums
Untitled 1912 Telfair Museums
Untitled c. 1912–1915 Telfair Museums
Untitled c. 1912–1916 Telfair Museums
Untitled c. 1912–1918 Telfair Museums
The Gift c. 1913–1917 Telfair Museums
Spirit of the Centaurs 1913 Museo Soumaya
Untitled 1913–1917 Telfair Museums
Portrait of Mrs. Alexander Morten 1914
Albert Pinkham Ryder 1915 Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Blind 1915
Portrait of the American painter Albert Ryder 1915
Untitled c. 1915–1918 Telfair Museums
Untitled c. 1915–1918 Telfair Museums
Uplifted Figure 1915 Telfair Museums
The Great Longing 1916 Telfair Museums
John Masefield 1916 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Towards the Infinite 1916 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Design for Converse Honor 1917 Telfair Museums
The Greater Self 1917 Telfair Museums
Study of a Face 1917 Telfair Museums
Untitled 1917 Telfair Museums
Untitled c. 1917–1920 Telfair Museums
The Three are One 1918 Telfair Museums
The Triangle 1918
Hands, Female, Nude, Baby 1919 Brooklyn Museum
And The Lamb Prayed In His Heart 1920 Harvard Art Museums
The Dying Man and the Vulture 1920 Telfair Museums
Head of Christ 1920 Telfair Museums
The Heavenly Mother 1920 Telfair Museums
Man in search of existence c. 1920
Johan Bojer 1920 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mother and Child 1920 Telfair Museums
The Slave 1920 Harvard Art Museums
Untitled 1920 Telfair Museums
Spirit of Light or Spiritual Communion 1921 Telfair Museums
Untitled 1921 Telfair Museums
Profile of Mary Haskell 1922 Telfair Museums
Dr. John F. Erdmann 1923 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Face of Almustafa 1923
The Triad-Being descending towards the Mother-Sea 1923
Mrs. Whitney 1924 Metropolitan Museum of Art
[1] The Summit c. 1925 Telfair Museums
[2] Untitled c. 1925 Telfair Museums
[3] The Blessed Mountain c. 1926 Telfair Museums
Mrs. Erdmann, Mrs. Whitney and Mrs. Kusar 1926 Metropolitan Museum of Art
[4] Jesus, Son of Man c. 1928 Telfair Museums
[5] Human figures spread out below a dark landscape 1930
[6] The Outstretched Hand 1930 Telfair Museums
[7] Untitled 1930 Telfair Museums
[8] Untitled 1930 Telfair Museums
[9] Untitled 1930 Telfair Museums
[10] Crossed Open Embrace c. 1931 Telfair Museums
[11] Life c. 1931 Telfair Museums
[12] Head of Micheline undated Telfair Museums
I Have Come Down the Ages Metropolitan Museum of Art
Three standing figures undated Barjeel Art Foundation
Standing figure and child undated Barjeel Art Foundation
[13] Mother Earth undated Telfair Museums
[14] Untitled undated Telfair Museums
[15] Untitled undated Telfair Museums
[16] Untitled undated Telfair Museums
[17] Untitled undated Telfair Museums
[18] Untitled undated Telfair Museums
[19] Untitled undated Telfair Museums
[20] Untitled undated Telfair Museums
[21] Untitled undated Telfair Museums
[22] Untitled undated Telfair Museums
[23] Untitled undated Telfair Museums
[24] Untitled undated Telfair Museums


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y Popp 2000, p. 425.
  2. ^ Popp 2000, p. 425 ; Hawi 1982, p. 178.
  3. ^ Popp 2000, p. 425 ; Hawi 1982, pp. 178–179.
  4. ^ Popp 2000, p. 195.
  5. ^ a b c Popp 2000, p. 425 ; Hawi 1982, p. 179.
  6. ^ a b c d e Popp 2000, p. 426.
  7. ^ a b c d e Daoudi 1982, p. 144.


  • Daoudi, M.S. (1982). The Meaning of Kahlil Gibran. Citadel Press.
  • Hawi, Khalil S. (1982). Kahlil Gibran: his Background, Character, and Works. Third World Centre for Research and Publishing. ISBN 978-0-86199-011-5.
  • Popp, Richard A. (2000). Al-Funun: the Making of an Arab-American Literary Journal.

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