List of geographic acronyms and initialisms
This is a list of geographic acronyms and initialisms . That is, it's a list of the names of cities, towns, lakes, and other geographic places that are derived from acronyms. Acronyms are abbreviations formed by the initial letter or letters of the words that make up a multi-word term.
For the most part, the geographic names in this list were derived from three or more other names or words. Those derived from only two names are usually considered portmanteaus and can be found in the List of geographic portmanteaus . However, there are exceptions to this two/three rule in both lists, so it is more of a guideline than a hard-and-fast rule.
Pakistan — P unjab, A fghania, K ashmir, (I for pronunciation), S indh, and BaluchisTAN , the northern provinces of British India . The name also means Land of the Pure in Urdu and Persian.
Malampa Province , Vanuatu — islands that make up the province: MAL akula , AM brym , PA ama
Penama Province , Vanuatu — islands that make up the province: PEN tecost , A mbae , MA ewo
Tafea Province , Vanuatu — five islands that comprise the province: T anna , A neityum , F utuna , E rromango and A niwa
Other regions
Banzare Coast , Wilkes Land, Antarctica — B ritish–A ustralian–N ew Z ealand A ntarctic R esearch E xpedition[ 1]
Benelux — BE lgium NE therlands LUX embourg
Calabarzon — the Southern Tagalog Mainland region of the Philippines, comprising five provinces: CA vite, LA guna, BA tangas, R izal, and QueZON
LoVeSe — three island groups in northern Norway : LO foten , VE sterålen , and SE nja , often used in relation to the political issue of oil extraction in the region. "LoVe" is also a common variation, referring to just Lofoten and Vesterålen.[ 2]
Luzviminda — three island groups in the Philippines: LUZ on, VI sayas, and MINDA nao
Mimaropa , Philippines — provinces comprising the Southwestern Tagalog Region: MI ndoro (East and West), MA rinduque, RO mblon and PA lawan
NEPA , a common nickname of N orthE astern P ennsylvaniA
NOVA — NO rthern V irginiA
Shoshanguve , South Aftrica — SO tho, SHA ngaan, NGU ni and VE nda, the languages of the peoples relocated to this township[ 3]
Soccsksargen , Philippines — administrative region: SO uth Cotabato, C otabato City, North C otabato, S ultan K udarat, SAR angani and GEN eral Santos City
SOWEGA — SO uth WE st G eorgiA
TAG Corner — T ennessee A labama G eorgia
Populated places
Cities and towns
Places named after companies
Many of these places are former company towns .
Abanda, Alabama — A tlanta, B irmingham AND A tlantic Railroad[ 4]
Alco, Louisiana — A lexandria L umber CO mpany[ 5]
Alcoa, Tennessee — AL uminum CO mpany of A merica
Alpoca, West Virginia — AL pha POCA hontas Coal Company[ 6] : 43
Ameagle, West Virginia — AM erican EAGLE Colliery[ 6] : 79
Asco, West Virginia — A tlantic S mokeless CO al Company[ 6] : 86
Atco, Georgia — A merican T extile CO mpany[ 7]
Atco, New Jersey — A tlantic T ransport CO mpany[ 8]
Ballico, California — BALLI ntine CO mpany
Becco, West Virginia — B ufalo E agle C olliery CO mpany[ 6] : 43
Cadomin , Alberta — CA nadian DO minion MIN e[ 9]
Calavo Gardens, California[ 10] — CAL ifornia AVO cado Growers Association[ 11]
Caldor, California — CAL ifornia DO oR Company[ 11]
Calgro, California — CAL ifornia GRO wers Wineries[ 11]
Calpack, California — CAL ifornia PACK ing Corporation[ 11]
Calpet, Wyoming — CAL ifornia PET roleum Company[ 8]
Calwa, California — CAL ifornia W ine A ssociation[ 11]
Canora, Saskatchewan — CA nadian NO rthern RA ilway[ 12]
Ceepeecee, British Columbia — either C anadian P acking C orporation or C alifornia P acking C orporation, or likely first Canadian, then California[ 13]
Charmco, West Virginia — CHAR leston M illing CO mpany[ 6] : 165
Cimic, Illinois — C hicago I llinois M idland Railroad, I llinois C entral Railroad[ 14]
Cipsco Park, Illinois — C entral I llinois P ublic S ervice CO mpany[ 14]
Cleo, Oregon — A backwards acronym for O regon E xport L umber C ompany[ 15]
Clinchco, Virginia — for both CLINCH field Railroad and CLINCH field Coal CO rporation[ 16]
Closplint, Kentucky — CLO ver SPLINT Coal Company[ 17]
Cofoco, West Virginia — CO al FO rk CO al Company, now known as Coal, West Virginia[ 6] : 43
Colwich, Kansas — COL orado and WICH ita Railroad Company[ 8]
Cominco, Saskatchewan[ 18] — CO nsolidated MIN ing and Smelting CO mpany[ 12]
Copco, California[ 19] — C alifornia O regon P ower CO mpany[ 11]
Cumbo, West Virginia — CUM berland Valley Railroad, B altimore and O hio Railroad[ 6]
Delanson, New York — DEL aware AN d HudSON Railroad
Domex, Saskatchewan[ 20] — DOM e EX ploration, Ltd.[ 12]
Elco, Illinois — E . L evenworth and CO mpany General Store (from the abbreviation "E. L. Co" stenciled on boxes in front of the store)[ 14]
Falco, Alabama — F lorida–A labama L and CO mpany
Gamerco, New Mexico — G allup AMER ican CO al Company[ 8]
Gimco City, Indiana[ 21] — G eneral I nsulation and M anufacturing CO mpany (now part of Alexandria, Indiana )[ 22]
Grenora, North Dakota — GRE at NO rthern RA ilway
Harco, Illinois — HAR risburg CO lliery Coal Company[ 14]
Herpoco, California — HER cules PO wder CO mpany[ 11]
Ioco, Port Moody , British Columbia — I mperial O il CO rporation or CO mpany (actual name: Imperial Oil, Ltd.)[ 13]
Irmulco, California — IR vine and MU ir L umber CO mpany[ 11]
Kayjay, Kentucky — K entucky–J ellico Coal Company[ 17]
Kicco, Florida[ 23] — K issimmee I sland C attle CO mpany[ 24]
Kofa, Arizona — K ing OF A rizona Mine[ 25]
Kyrock, Kentucky — K entuckY ROCK Asphalt Company[ 17]
Labuco, Alabama — LA cey–BU ek Iron CO mpany[ 4]
Lacjac, California — LAC hman & JAC obi[ 11]
Latexo, Texas — L ouisianA TEX as O rchard Company[ 26]
Lobeco, South Carolina — LO ng, BE llamy, and CO mpany[ 8]
Lorado, West Virginia — LORA in Coal and DO ck Company [ 6] : 57
Mercoal, Alberta — M cLeod (E for pronunciation) R iver Hard COAL Company[ 27]
Micco, West Virginia — M ain I sland C reek CO al Company[ 6] : 43
Mico, Texas — M edina I rrigation CO mpany[ 28]
Mococo, California — MO untain CO pper CO mpany[ 8]
Mokane, Missouri — M issO uri KAN sas and E astern Railway[ 29]
Mopeco, California — MO hawk PE troleum CO mpany[ 11]
Nacmine, Alberta — N orth A merica C ollieries, Ltd. plus the word MINE [ 27]
Naplate, Illinois — NA tional PLATE Glass Company[ 14]
Nolalu , Ontario — NO rthern LA nd LU mber Company[ 30]
Norco, California — NOR th CO rona Land Company
Norco, Louisiana — N ew O rleans R efinery CO mpany[ 5]
Norco, Saskatchewan[ 31] — NOR anda CO mpany[ 12]
Norpak, North Dakota — NOR thern PAC ific Railroad (with a K replacing the C)[ 32]
Nyando, New York — N ew Y ork AND O ttawa Railway, former station on the line; now known as Rooseveltown
Ocapos, Arizona — A backwards acronym for SO uthern PA cific CO mpany (i.e. Southern Pacific Railroad)[ 25]
Ohaton , Alberta — O sler, HA mmond, and NanTON , Winnipeg financial firm[ 27]
Orenco, Oregon — ORE gon N ursery CO mpany[ 15]
Orseco, Oregon — OR egon SE curities CO mpany; name changed to Champion[ 33] now historical [ 15]
Parco, Wyoming — P roducers A nd R efiners CO rporation
Pennsuco, Florida[ 34] — PENN sylvania SU gar CO mpany[ 8]
Phosmico, Florida[ 35] — PHOS phate MI ning CO mpany [ 36]
Praco, Alabama — PRA tt Consolidated Coal CO mpany[ 4]
Raco, Michigan — R ichardson & A very CO mpany[ 37]
Raeco, Washington — R odes, A ppel, and E arnest plus CO mpany[ 38]
Reco, Alberta — RE liance CO al Company[ 9]
Sasco, Arizona — S outhern A rizona S melter CO mpany[ 25]
Saspamco, Texas — S an A ntonio S ewer P ipe (A for pronunciation) M anufacturing CO mpany[ 39]
Seco, Kentucky — S outh E ast CO al Company[ 17]
Sedco Hills, California — S outh E lsinore D evelopment CO mpany[ 11]
Seroco, North Dakota — SE ars RO ebuck and CO mpany[ 32]
Siboco, Oregon — SI uslaw BO om CO mpany[ 15]
Sterco, Alberta — STER ling CO llieries[ 9]
Stoil, California — ST andard OIL Company (former location of a pumping station)[ 11]
Sumica, Florida — S ociété U niverselle des M ines, I ndustrie C ommerce et A griculture[ 24]
Svit , Slovakia — S lovenské VI zkózové T ovárne (English: "Slovak Viscose Works")
Talco, Texas — T exas, A rkansas, and L ouisiana Candy CO mpany (seen on a box of candy)[ 40]
Tapco, Arizona — T he A rizona P ower CO mpany[ 25]
Tapoco, North Carolina — TA llassee PO wer CO mpany[ 8]
Tracoal, West Virginia — TRA ce Fork COAL Company[ 6] : 43
Tumco, California — T he U nited M ines CO mpany[ 11]
Upalco, Utah — U tah P ower A nd L ight CO mpany[ 41]
Vancorum, Colorado[ 42] — VAN adium COR poration of AM erica, with a substitution of a U for the A [ 43]
Vicco, Kentucky — V irginia I ron C oal and Coke CO mpany[ 17]
Weslaco, Texas — W . E . S tewart LA nd CO mpany[ 44]
Wevaco, West Virginia — WE st V irginiA CO lliery Company[ 6] : 670
Wiscoal, Kentucky — WIS consin COAL Company[ 17]
Zimco, Alabama[ 45] — ZI mmerman M anufacturing CO mpany[ 4]
Places named after people
Aflex, Kentucky — A . F . LE ckie (X instead of CK)[ 17]
Aitch, Pennsylvania — A umen, I sett, T rexler, C rexwell, and H arker, town founders[ 46]
Alcolu, South Carolina — AL derman CO ldwell LU la; mill owner, friend, and eldest daughter, respectively[ 8]
Almadane, Louisiana — three early settlers: AL Damereal, MA nn Huddleston, and DAN Knight + E for euphony[ 5]
Anarene, Texas — AN nA LauRENE Graham, daughter of early pioneer J. M. Keen[ 40]
Anco, Kentucky — AN derson CO mbs, first postmaster[ 17]
Arbyrd, Missouri — A . R . BYRD , landowner[ 47]
Archerwill , Saskatchewan — councilors ARCH ie Hamilton Campbell and ER vie Edvin Hanson, and secretary-treasurer WILL iam S. Pierce of Barrier Valley Rural Municipality[ 12]
Arjay, Kentucky — R . J . Asher, coal operator[ 17]
Armelgra, Alberta — AR thur MEL ville GRA ce, engineer for the Canadian Pacific Railway[ 9]
Arvida, Quebec — AR thur VI ning DA vis, president of Aluminum Company of Canada[ 48] : 68
Awe, Kentucky — A nthony W ayne E verman, first postmaster[ 17]
Bahama, North Carolina — three leading families of the community: BA ll, HA rris, and MA ngum [ 8]
Balmorhea, Texas — BAL colm, MO rrow, RHEA , town founders[ 40]
Benld, Illinois — BEN L . D orsey, early settler[ 14]
Bolada, Arizona — three family names: BO nes LA ne DA ndera[ 25]
Bresaylor, Saskatchewan — three founding families: BRE mner, SAY ers, and TayLOR [ 12]
Bromer, Indiana — early settlers: B oyd, R oll, O ldham, M cCoy, E llis, and R eid[ 22]
Bucoda, Missouri — early settlers: BU chanan, CO burn, and DA vis[ 47]
Bucoda, Washington — investors in local industry: J. M. BU ckley, Samuel CO ulter, John B. DA vid[ 38]
Cabarton, Idaho — C . A . BARTON , official of the Boise Payette Lumber Company (a former company town of that company)[ 49]
Cadams, Nebraska — C . ADAMS , local banker[ 50]
Chaney, Oklahoma[ 51] — six family names: C arey, H ull, A dams, N ichols, E dmonds, Y arnold[ 52]
Charlo, Port Elizabeth, South Africa — CHAR les LO vemore, landowner[ 3]
Comrey, Alberta — names of six early settlers: C olumbus Larson, O le Roen, M ons Roen, R. R olfson, J. J. E verson, Ed Y ager[ 9]
Dacono, Colorado — DA isy Baum, CO ra Van Vorhies and NO ra Brooks[ 43]
Delmar, Iowa — initials of six women on the first train to the new town: D ella, E mma, L aura, M arie, A nna, and R ose.[ 53] [ 54]
Edmore, Michigan — ED win MO oRE , the first settler of the village[ 55]
Emida, Idaho — E ast, MI ller, and DA wson, three early family names[ 8]
Eram, Oklahoma[ 56] — four children of Ed Oates: E ugene, R oderick, A nthony, and M arie[ 57]
Ethanac, California — ETHAN A . C hase, landowner and political leader (town is now named Romoland, California )[ 11]
Faloma, Oregon — F orce L ove M oore, three original land-owners, with added vowels[ 15]
Fastrill, Texas — F. F. FA rrington, P. H. STR ause, and Will HILL , postmaster and two lumbermen[ 58]
Gamoca, West Virginia — GA uley, MO ley, and CA mpbell[ 6] : 259
Gathon, Illinois — G allager, A dams, T remblay, and H erzog (ON added by the post office)[ 14]
Geekabee Hill, Western Australia — G eorge K ershaw B rown[ 59]
Germfask Township, Michigan — town founders: John G rant, Matthew E dge, George R obinson, Thaddeus M ead, Dr. W. W. F rench, Ezekiel A ckley, Oscar (O.D.) S heppard, and Hezekiah K naggs[ 37]
Golah, New York[ 60] — coined by Rev H. W. Howard from five local family names (names unknown)[ 8]
Hacoda, Alabama — HA rt, CO leman, DA vis, three local businessmen[ 4]
Halbrite , Saskatchewan — three Canadian Pacific Railway engineers: HAL l, BR uce, WhITE [ 12]
Helechawa, Kentucky — HELE n CHA se WA lbridge, daughter of W. Delancy Walbridge, first president of Ohio and Kentucky Railroad[ 17]
Hemaruka, Alberta — daughters of A. E. Warren, General Manager of Canadian National Railway: HE len, MA rgaret, RU th and KA thleen[ 27]
Hisega, South Dakota — six women who built a camp site and country club at the location: H elen Scroggs, I da Anding, S adie Robinson, E thel Brink, G race Wasson, and A da Pike[ 61]
Itmann, West Virginia — I saac T . MANN , president of Pocahontas Consolidated Coal Company[ 62] : 323
Jacam, Manitoba[ 63] — J . A . CAM pbell, politician[ 64]
Jayem, Kentucky — J ohn M arshall Robsion, Sr. , congressman[ 17]
Jay Em, Wyoming — J im M oore, cattle rancher[ 8]
Jayenne, West Virginia — J ohnson N ewlon Camden , US senator[ 6]
Jaype, Idaho — J ohn P . Weyerhaeuser Jr., president of Potlatch Lumber Company[ 49]
Jetson, Kentucky — J . E . T aylor and SON , co-owners of a local business[ 17]
Kinnorwood, Illinois — H. L. KIN ney, George H. NOR ris, Robert P. WOOD worth, land owners[ 14]
Klej Grange, Maryland — Joseph William Drexel 's four daughters: K atherine, L ucy, E lizabeth, and J osephine[ 65]
Kragon, Kentucky — K . RAGON , founder and president of the Kentucky Wood Products Company[ 17]
Lecoma, Missouri — three local merchants: LE nox, CO mstock, and MA rtin [ 47]
Le Mars, Iowa — eight women from Cedar Rapids on a railroad excursion who were asked to name the town. Two of the letters, L and M, represent two women each: L ucy Ford and L aura Walker; E lizabeth Underhill or E llen Cleghorn; M ary Weare and M artha Weare; A deline Swain; R ebecca Smith; S arah Reynolds.[ 66]
Lookeba, Oklahoma — LO we, KE lly and BA ker, town founders (with an extra O )[ 57]
Mabana, Washington — MAB el AN derson, daughter of an early settler, plus A for pronunciation[ 38]
Mabscott, West Virginia — MAB el SCOTT [ 6]
Maleb, Alberta — initials of the Bowen family: M orley, A my, L orne, E lizabeth, B owen; disagreement over whether these are the initials of the parents[ 27] or the children[ 9]
Maljamar, New Mexico — MAL colm, JA net, MAR garet, children of William Mitchell, oil operator[ 67]
Marenisco Township, Michigan — either MAR y ENI d SCO tt,[ 37] or MA ry RE lief NI les SCO tt,[ 68] the wife of Emmet H. Scott, a timber producer
Marietta, Ohio — MARI e AntoinETT e plus A [ 69]
Marmarth, North Dakota — MAR garet MARTH a Fitch, very young granddaughter of A. J. Ealing, railroad president[ 32]
Mesena, Georgia — coined by Dr. J. F. Hamilton, using the initial letters of the first names of his six daughters (names unknown)[ 7]
Milo, Oklahoma — initials of four daughters of J. W. Johnson (names unknown)[ 57]
Mohall, North Dakota — M artin O . HALL , founder and first postmaster[ 32]
Mohrland, Utah — four investors in a coal mine: M ays, O rem, H einer, and R ice plus LAND [ 41]
Natal, Oregon — NAT hA nieL C. Dale, local landowner and Columbia County clerk[ 15]
Nemato, Port Alfred, South Africa — NE lson MA ndela TO wnship[ 3]
Newport, Texas — initials of seven founding families: N orman, E zell, W elch, P ruitt, O wsley, R eiger, and T urner[ 40]
Neyami, Georgia — three subdevelopers: NE wton, YA ncy, MI lner[ 7]
Norvelt, Pennsylvania — EleaNOR RooseVELT
Pawn, Oregon — local residents who applied for a post office: P oole, A ckerley, W orthington, N olen[ 15]
Peedee, Kentucky — P umphrey D avid Smith, landowner[ 17]
Primghar, Iowa — initials of eight people who had a major part in platting the town: P umphrey; R oberts; I nman; M cCormack; G reen; H ayes or H ays; A lbright; R ereick or R enck[ 70] [ 68]
Renwer , Manitoba — A. E. WarREN and W . E . R oberts, railway officials[ 64]
Reston, Virginia — R obert E . S imon, founder of Reston, plus TON
Safe, Missouri — possibly early settlers: S hinkle, A ufderheide, F ann, and E ssman[ 46]
Soda, Texas — initials of four names submitted to the post office (names unknown; now a ghost town)[ 71]
Tako, Saskatchewan[ 72] — homesteaders: T aylor, A ked, K rips, O lsen[ 12]
Tamalco, Illinois — W. H. TA ylor, John M(A) cL aren, Frank CO lwell, prominent locals[ 14]
Tejay, Kentucky — T homas J efferson Asher, landowner, founder, and judge[ 17]
Texico, Illinois — TEX as, I llinois, C laybourn, O sborn, the latter two being local family names[ 73]
Wahjamega, Michigan — W illiam A . H eartt, J ames A . M ontgomery, and E dgar G eorge A very[ 74]
Wascott, Wisconsin — W . A . SCOTT , railroad company president[ 68]
Walong, California — W . A . LONG , railroad official[ 11]
Willows, Saskatchewan — WIL liam Gibson LOW eS , owner of the first store[ 12]
Wimauma, Florida — WI lma, MAU d, MA ry, daughters of Captain C. H. Davis, first postmaster[ 24]
Other places
Abac, Georgia — A braham B aldwin A gricultural C ollege[ 7]
Alorton, Illinois — AL uminum OR e plus TON [ 14]
Anzac, Alberta — A ustralia N ew Z ealand A rmy C orps[ 9]
Bacova, Virginia — BA th CO unty V irginiA [ 16]
Barford, Saskatchewan — BA rrier R iver FORD [ 12]
Biola, California — B ible I nstitute O f L os A ngeles[ 11]
Cal-Nev-Ari, Nevada — CAL ifornia, NEV ada, ARI zona
Claycomo, Missouri — CLAY CO unty, M issO uri[ 47]
Covada, Washington — six nearby mines: C olumbia, O rin, V erin, A da, D ora, and A lice[ 8]
Cudsaskwa Beach, Saskatchewan — CUD worth, SASK atchewan WA kaw[ 12]
Denare Beach , Saskatchewan — DE partment of NA tural RE sources[ 12]
Hico, Missouri — HI ckory CO unty (although Hico is in Dallas County)[ 47]
Hocomo, Missouri — HO well CO unty M issO uri[ 47]
Ilasco, Missouri — elements and ingredients of cement: I ron, L ime, A luminum, S ilica, C arbon, and O xygen
Kenova, West Virginia — KEN tucky, O hio, V irginiA [ 6] : 346
Kenora , Ontario — three predecessor communities: KE ewatin, NO rman and RA t Portage[ 30]
Lockridge, Oklahoma — L ogan, O klahoma, C anadian, and K ingfisher Counties plus RIDGE [ 8]
Macy, Nebraska — (O)MA ha AgenCY (location of Indian agency to the Maha or Omaha people )[ 50]
Mandaree, North Dakota — MAN dan, HiDA tsa and REE , the three tribes whose reservation the place is on. (Ree is another name for the Arikara )[ 32]
Molanosa, Saskatchewan — MO ntreal LA ke, NO rthern SA skatchewan[ 12]
Nalcrest, Florida — N ational A ssociation of L etter C arriers plus REST , retirement community for postmen[ 24]
Noida, Uttar Pradesh — N ew O khla I ndustrial D evelopment A uthority
NOLA — A common nickname for N ew O rleans , L ouisianA
Okarche, Oklahoma — OK lahoma AR apaho CHE yenne[ 75]
Omphghent Township, Illinois — O ur M other of P erpetual H elp + GHENT (city in Belgium)[ 14]
Ovapa, West Virginia — O hio, V irginiA , P ennsylvaniA [ 6] : 465
Pen Mar, Maryland - PEN nsylvania and MAR yland
Penowa, Pennsylvania — PEN nsylvania, O hio, W est VirginiA [ 62] : 141
Sharedon Park, South Africa — S elf H elp A ssociation of RE sidents plus DON , a neighbourhood somewhere in the Cape Town area[ 3]
Texarkana , Texas/Arkansas — TEX as ARK ansas LouisiANA
Ti, Oklahoma — a backwards acronym for I ndian T erritory[ 57]
Usna, Oklahoma[ 76] — U nited S tates N orth A merica[ 57]
Usona, Alberta — U nited S tates O f N orth A merica[ 9]
Usona, California — U nited S tates O f N orth A merica[ 11]
Veyo, Utah — either V irtue, E nterprise, Y outh, or O rder or VE rdure and YO uth[ 8]
Viropa, West Virginia — VIR ginia, O hio, P ennsylvaniA [ 6] : 650
Walden, Ontario — WA ters, L ively, DEN ison, three of the several communities that merged to form the town[ 30]
Wamac, Illinois — WA shington, MA rion, and C linton Counties[ 14]
Wyco, West Virginia — WY oming CO unty[ 6]
Many of these names were the result of neighborhood rebranding, first in New York , and then in other cities. The names were mostly coined in imitation of Soho in Manhattan.
New York
Los Angeles
Denver, Colorado
LoDo — LO wer DO wntown
LoHi — LO wer HI ghland
RiNo — RI ver NO rth Art District
SoBro — SO uth BRO adway
Metropolitan and suburban areas
Camanava — the Northern Manila District of Metro Manila , Philippines; cities: CA loocan, MA labon, NA votas, VA lenzuela
Gerbangkertosusila — official acronym for the Surabaya Extended Metropolitan Area in East Java, Indonesia: GRE sik BANG kalan MojoKERTO SU rabaya SI doarjo LA mongan
Jabodetabek — the capital of Indonesia and suburbs: JA karta, BO gor, DE pok, TA ngerang and BEK asi
MM — M etro M anila , a metropolitan area and seat of government of the Philippines
Muntapat, Metro Manila, Philippines — three cities: MUN tinlupa, TA guig, PAT eros
Muntiparlas, Metro Manila, Philippines — three cities: MUNTI nlupa, PAR añaque, LAS Piñas
Soweto , Johannesburg, South Africa — SO uth WE stern TO wnships
In other cities
COB — C ity o f B alanga , provincial capital of Bataan , Philippines
CSFP — C ity of S an F ernando, P ampanga , provincial capital of Pampanga , Philippines
NoBo, Traverse City, Michigan — NO rth BO ardman Lake District[ 77]
NoDa , Charlotte, NC — NO rth DA vidson Street
NoMa , Washington, DC — NO rth of MA ssachusetts Avenue
NoPa , San Francisco, California — NO rth of the PA nhandle
NuLu , Louisville, Kentucky — a portmanteau of "New" and "Louisville"[ 78]
Lamasco , Evansville, Indiana — town founders: John and William LA w, James B. MA cCall, Lucius H. SCO tt[ 17]
SoBe , Miami Beach, Florida — SO uth BE ach
SoBo , Mumbai — SO uth BO mbay
Sobro, Nashville, Tennessee — SO uth of BRO adway
SoDo, Seattle , Washington — originally SO uth of the DO me; now SO uth of DO wntown
SoHo, Hong Kong — SO uth of HO llywood Road
SoHo, London, Ontario — SO uth of HO rton Street[ 79]
SoHo (Tampa) , Florida — SO uth of HO ward Avenue
Soho, West Midlands (Birmingham, England) — SO uth HO use
SoMa , San Francisco, California — SO uth of MA rket Street
SoMa, Vancouver, British Columbia — SO uth MA in
SoPi, Paris — SO uth of PI galle
QC — Q uezon C ity , Metro Manila , Philippines
Natural features
Bodies of water
Ayceecee Creek, British Columbia[ 80] — A lpine C lub of C anada (creek draining glaciers on Three Bears Mountain)[ 81]
Lake Carasaljo — daughters of Joseph Brick, owner of local Bergen Iron Works: CAR rie (A for pronunciation), SAL ly, and JO sephine[ 62] : 322
Lake Chaweva — CHA rleston, WE st V irginiA [ 82]
Copco Lake , California — C alifornia O regon P ower CO mpany
Emar Lake, Saskatchewan[ 83] — E ldorado M ining A nd R efining[ 12]
Lake Jacomo , Missouri — JA ckson CO unty, M issO uri
Owaa Lake, Saskatchewan[ 84] — O utdoor W riters A ssociation of A merica (to mark a meeting of that organization in June 1967)[ 12]
Sareco Bay, Saskatchewan[ 85] — SA skatchewan RE search CO uncil; contains Sareco Island[ 12]
Snafu Lake , Yukon — S ituation N ormal, A ll F ucked U p[ 48] : 69 (drained by Snafu Creek[ 86] ); there is also a Snafu Lake in Ontario[ 87] and a Snafu Creek in Northwest Territories[ 88]
Swenoda Lake and Swenoda Township, Swift County, Minnesota — SWE dish NO rwegian DA nish, nationalities of settlers in that region[ 89]
Lake Taneycomo , Missouri — TANEY CO unty, M issO uri
Tarfu Lake , Yukon — T hings A re R eally F ucked U p[ 48] : 69 (fed and drained by Tarfu Creek[ 90] )
Lake Wagejo, Michigan — WA lter Koelz, GE orge Stanley, JO hn Brumm, zoologists[ 8]
Delmarva Peninsula — DEL aware MAR yland V irginiA
Fasp Mountain, British Columbia[ 91] — F irst A id S ki P atrol[ 92]
Isar Mountain, Washington/British Columbia[ 93] — I nternation S earch A nd R escue[ 94]
Multorpor Butte or Mountain[ 95] — a mountain near Mount Hood: MULT nomah County, OR egon, POR tland[ 15]
Tamu Massif — T exas A &M U niversity; large undersea volcano in the western Pacific named by scientist after the school he taught at
Ubyssey Glacier, Mount Garibaldi , British Columbia[ 96] — U niversity of B ritish C olumbia[ 13]
Veeocee Mountain, British Columbia[ 97] — V arsity O utdoor C lub of the University of British Columbia[ 98]
Alwinsal — potash mine at Guernsey, Saskatchewan named after a French–German consortium that invested: 1) Mines Domanials de Potasse d'AL sace (French) 2) WIN tersall AG (German) 3) SAL zfuther AG (German)[ 12]
Amdewanda No. 630 — school near Eston, Saskatchewan ; first trustees: Clyde AM ey, Sid DE an, Robert WA msley plus NDA for alliteration[ 12]
Barholis No. 746 — school near Glenbain, Saskatchewan ; early settlers: BAR nes, HOL mes and InnIS [ 12]
Elanco (commonly used name for Eastern Lancaster County School District ) — E astern LAN caster CO unty
6489 Golevka , asteroid named for three observatories that studied it for the Yarkovski effect — GOL dstone Observatory in California; EV patoria Planetary Radar , Yevpatoria, Ukraine; KA shima Space Technology Center, located in Kashima, Ibaraki , Japan
Kemoca Park , Montmartre, Saskatchewan — KE ndal, MO tmartre, and CA diac; three communities the park serves[ 12]
Mohonasen High School , Rotterdam, New York — MOH awk , ONO ndaga , SEN eca (with an A replacing the last O), three tribes that once lived in the Rotterdam area[ 99]
Odhill railway station , Manitoba — O . D . HILL , K.C.[ 64]
Rawebb railway station , Manitoba — RA lph WEBB , politician[ 64]
Camp Shagabec, Saskatchewan — church campground for parishes at S haunavon, H azenmore, A ssinaboia, G ovenlock, A bbey, B racken, E astend, C onsul-Cabri-Climax[ 12]
Solanco School District , Lancaster County, Pennsylvania — SO uthern LAN caster CO unty
Viento State Park , near Hood River, Oregon — Henry VI llard , William EN dicott, TO lman[ 15]
See also
^ "Banzare Coast" . Geographic Names Information Service . U.S. Geological Survey. Retrieved 27 November 2018 .
^ Store Norske Leksikon. "LoVeSe" . (in Norwegian). Retrieved 2023-01-24 .
^ a b c d Jenkins, Elwyn (2007). Falling into Place: The Story of Modern South African Place Names . New Africa Books. ISBN 9780864866899 .
^ a b c d e Foscue, Virginia O. (1989). Place Names in Alabama . University of Alabama Press. ISBN 9780817304102 .
^ a b c D'Artois Leeper, Clare (2012). Louisiana Place Names: Popular, Unusual, and Forgotten Stories of Towns, Cities, Plantations, Bayous, and Even Some Cemeteries . LSU Press. ISBN 9780807147382 .
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Kenny, Hamill (1945). West Virginia Place Names: Their Origin and Meaning, Including the Nomenclature of the Streams and Mountains . Piedmont, WV: The Place Name Press. hdl :2027/uc1.b3624093 .
^ a b c d Krakow, Kenneth K. (November 1999). Georgia Place-Names (Third ed.). Macon, Georgia: Winship Press. ISBN 0-915430-00-2 .
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Stewart, George R. (1970). American place-names; a concise and selective dictionary for the continental United States of America . New York: Oxford University Press.
^ a b c d e f g h Marden, Ernest G.; Marden, Austin (2010). Community Place Names of Alberta . ISBN 978-1897472170 .
^ "Calavo Gardens, California" . Geographic Names Information System . United States Geological Survey , United States Department of the Interior .
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^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Barry, Bill (September 2005). Geographic Names of Saskatchewan . Regina, Saskatchewan: People Places Publishing, Ltd. ISBN 1-897010-19-2 .
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^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Callary, Edward (October 2009). Place Names of Illinois . Champaign, Illinois: University of Illinois Press. ISBN 978-0-252-03356-8 .
^ a b c d e f g h i McArthur, Lewis A.; McArthur, Lewis L. (1992). Oregon Geographic Names (6th ed.). Oregon Historical Society Press. ISBN 0-87595-237-2 .
^ a b Hanson, Raus McDill (1969). Virginia Place Names: Derivations, Historical Uses . McClure Press.
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