American crime drama television series
J.J. Starbuck is an American crime drama television series that aired on NBC from September 26, 1987, to June 28, 1988. The series follows cornpone-spouting Jerome Jeremiah "J.J." Starbuck, a billionaire Texan from San Antonio who wears ten-gallon hats, cowboy boots and fancy Western wear. He drives a flashy Lincoln Continental with steer horns on the hood and a horn that plays "The Eyes of Texas", and spouts a steady stream of folksy homilies.
J.J. Starbuck, originally from Laredo, Texas, and a veteran of the D-Day invasion, was an ostentatious self-made Texas billionaire who earned his fortune in oil and a variety of other investment ventures. Unfortunately, J.J.'s work had become his life, at the expense of his family.
A few years prior to the start of the TV series, J.J.'s wife Lee and teenage son Mark died in a plane crash on their way to make a surprise visit to J.J. who was at an off-shore oil rig. J.J. realized that the two most valuable assets in his life were lost and that no amount of money could ever buy them back. J.J. Starbuck changed his life. He turned day-to-day control of his company Marklee Industries over to his trusted second, Charlie Bullets (played by character actor David Huddleston in the pilot, and singer Jimmy Dean thereafter). He began traveling in his convertible 1964 Lincoln Continental to help prevent others from making the same mistakes he did and also to assist in solving crimes. Though based in San Antonio, he traveled the country helping out "good folks" in trouble using his considerable influence, wealth, and contacts -- and more than a little detective work.
For most of the TV series, 60-something-year-old J.J. was basically a loner but would occasionally interact with his niece Jill (seemingly his only surviving relative). However, during a break in production late in the fall of 1987, star Dale Robertson fell from his horse at his Oklahoma ranch, injuring his hip and leg. The injury was written into the series and, for the series' final 5 episodes, J.J. picked up a new driver and traveling companion in the process. Actor/entertainer Ben Vereen reprised his character E.L. "Tenspeed" Turner from the short-lived 1980 ABC detective series Tenspeed and Brown Shoe to fill the role. (J.J. Starbuck creator/producer Stephen J. Cannell was also the man behind Tenspeed and Brown Shoe.) Straight-arrow J.J. and con-artist E.L. were a mismatched pair, but they were learning to trust and appreciate each other. NBC bounced the series between Tuesday and Saturday nights before cancelling it after 16 episodes. The show ranked 48th for the season with an average 13.3 rating.[1]
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