In 1963, shortly before the death of Guenther Wachsmuth, the Executive Council at the Goetheanum announced the formation of the "Section for Nutrition and Agriculture" to be led by Gerhard Schmidt. The remainder of the Natural Science Section was then headed by Poppelbaum.[3]
Mensch und Tier by Hermann Poppelbaum (Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag Goetheanum, 1975)
Entwicklung, Vererbung und Abstammung, wie Rudolf Steiner sie sehen lehrte by Hermann Poppelbaum (Philosophisch-Anthorposophischer Verlag am Goetheanum, 1974)
A new zoology. by Hermann Poppelbaum (Philosophic-Anthroposophic Press, 1961) [4]
Mensch und Tier by Hermann Poppelbaum (Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag am Goetheanum, 1956)
Man and animal by Hermann Poppelbaum (Anthroposophical publishing co., Anthroposophic press, 1931)
Man's eternal biography by Hermann Poppelbaum(Adonis Press, 1945) [5][6]
The battle for a new consciousness by Hermann Poppelbaum (Mercury Press, 1993) Paperback
Tier- Wesenskunde. by Hermann Poppelbaum (Verlag am Goetheanum, January 1, 1982) Paperback
Enigmas del Destino. Encarnacion Reencarnacion by Hermann Poppelbaum (Antroposofica, January 2005) Paperback
Man as Compendium of the Animal Kingdom by Hermann Poppelbaum (from the Autumn 1944 edition of The Forerunner)[7]
Can Supersensible Facts Be Proven? by Hermann Popelbaum (published in Journal for Anthroposophy, Spring, 1970, #11.)[8]
Die Seelischen Und Geistigen Untergrunde Des Sports. (Philo-Anthroposophischer Verlag, C. 1929)
Menschengemässe Naturerkenntnis-Gesammelte Aufsätze. Rudolf Geering. 1942
Schicksalsrätsel-Verkörperung Und Wiederverkörperung. Phil. -Anthr. 1959
Im Kampf Um Ein Neues BewußTsein. Novalis-Verlag. 1948