Gulliver Mickey is a black and white short cartoon in the Mickey Mouse series, produced by Walt Disney and released by United Artists in 1934. It was the 66th Mickey Mouse short film to be released, and the fourth of that year.[2]
Mickey is first seen reading Gulliver's Travels, the 1726 novel by Jonathan Swift, while the mice orphan children are pretending to be sailors. He then joins in their play by hiding under the rug, pretending to be a whale. After poking Mickey with a fork, causing their "ship" to collapse, the children start to cry. Mickey manages to calm them down by retelling the Liliput sequences of Gulliver's Travels, pretending it was a real event that happened to him by portraying the role of Gulliver. The story ends with Mickey saving the town from a giant spider (Pete), but after telling the story, one of the children dangles a fake spider attached to a fishing rod, which scares Mickey out of his wits.
As soon as Mickey had managed to struggle to be free from the spider's long legs, he immediately gets the spider away, but in Mickey's story, he is battling a cushion making feathers fly everywhere.
This short would later be adapted as part of the Timeless River world in Kingdom Hearts II as a mission where Sora, Donald Duck and Goofy protect the town from the Heartless, led by one attacking from an airplane.