Produced by MAQ Productions and distributed by Regal Entertainment, the film was theatrically released on January 8, 2004, as one of the entries for the 29th Metro Manila Film Festival and it is similar to the Spider-Man films, with a mutated spider that causes Junie to gain his superpowers and become Gagamboy.
Junie (Navarro), is an ice cream vendor, who sells ice cream to children and adults alike. After his shift, he is in a predicament with a rival vendor, Dodoy (Jay Manalo). Their manager, angered by their actions, demotes Junie to a warehouse guard. Dodoy celebrates, only to be demoted too, working a different shift to Junie. Junie goes home in a bad mood, until he sees the love of his life, Liana (Aubrey Miles). After dinner, Junie is ready to sleep, to start a new job the next day. While working, Junie accidentally swallows a spider that has been exposed to a chemical spill, thus giving him web-slinging abilities, and becoming "Gagamboy"(Spiderboy).[1] After his shift, Dodoy comes into work and leaves a sandwich unprotected. A cockroach exposed to the same spill as the spider slips into his sandwich, and as he eats it, he collapses, only to regain consciousness as a large cockroach. He hires two henchmen, and calls himself "Ipisman" (Cockroachman). Junie and Dodoy both try to win Liana's love. Dodoy practically gives up, only to return as Cockroachman, to kidnap Liana to lure Spiderboy to his lair. There, he plans to finish off Spiderboy, but the tables turn and Dodoy is destroyed.
Despite its low production qualities, the film received general praise due to its use of humor, especially in parodying other tokusatsu and superhero films. As a result, the film is well known in the Chinesekuso community.