His father's name was Malak Shah. He married at the age of 17.
Syedna Feer-Khan harbored great interest in acquiring knowledge from an early age. He used to attend discourses conducted by the 28th Da'i Syedna Sheikh-Adam Safiuddin.
He was imprisoned in Aurangabad by the Mughal EmperorAurangzeb. Thereafter, he was shifted to Lahore and placed in a stable, which on the following night happened to catch fire and was totally destroyed except the dungeon, wherein Syedna was kept. He was found safe in the morning. All people held that the conflagration was due to his captivity. By an imperial order Aurangzeb was compelled to set Syedna at liberty and grant him a safe and honourable return to Ahmedabad in 1647.[3][4]
It was during Syedna Feer-Khan Shujauddin's tenure that a dissident sect called Hujumiya was formed, led by Ahmed bin Fateh Muhammad, Yusuf bin Chand-ji and Chand Miya Abu-Ji. In 1654, Murad Bakhsh was appointed governor of Gujarat. He arrested Syedna Feer-Khan at the instigation of Ahmed. Syedna Feer-Khan was freed shortly afterwards.[citation needed]
Syedna Feer-Khan Shujauddin died on 9th Zil-Qa'dah 1065 AH (1657 AD) as a result of abdominal pain.[citation needed]