Canadian Screen Award for Best Live Action Short Drama

The Canadian Screen Award for Best Live Action Short Drama is awarded by the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television to the best Canadian live action short film. Formerly part of the Genie Awards, since 2012 it has been presented as part of the Canadian Screen Awards.

In the 1980s and 1990s, the award was not always presented at every Genie Award ceremony. In years when the award was not presented, a single award was instead presented for Best Theatrical Short Film, inclusive of both animated and live-action shorts.


Year Film Filmmakers Ref
1st Genie Awards
No award presented; see Genie Award for Best Theatrical Short Film. [1]
2nd Genie Awards
No award presented; see Genie Award for Best Theatrical Short Film. [1]
3rd Genie Awards
No award presented; see Genie Award for Best Theatrical Short Film. [1]
4th Genie Awards
No award presented; see Genie Award for Best Theatrical Short Film. [1]
5th Genie Awards
No award presented; see Genie Award for Best Theatrical Short Film. [1]
6th Genie Awards
No award presented; see Genie Award for Best Theatrical Short Film. [1]
7th Genie Awards
The Edit Paul Caulfield [2]
Summer Rain (Pluie d’été) Louis-Georges Tétreault [3]
Working Title Fred Jones, Ken Scott
8th Genie Awards
I Need a Man Like You to Make My Dreams Come True Daria Stermac, Kalli Paakspuu [4]
It's a Party! Peg Campbell [5]
Nion in the Kabaret de La Vita Jeremy Podeswa
Transit Jean-Roch Marcotte
Where's Pete Michael Scott
9th Genie Awards
No award presented; see Genie Award for Best Theatrical Short Film. [1]
10th Genie Awards
The Mysterious Moon Men of Canada Bruce McDonald, Colin Brunton [6]
Inside/Out Lori Spring [7]
The Job Donald Scott
The Milkman Cometh Lorne Bailey
Tenderfoot (Le Pied tendre) Viateur Castonguay, Roger Boire


Year Film Filmmakers Ref
11th Genie Awards
In Search of the Last Good Man Peggy Thompson, Peg Campbell [8]
The Journey Home Mary Armstrong [9]
Monster in the Coal Bin Ellen Rutter, Tracy Traeger, Allen Schinkel
Multiple Choice Debbie McGee
Odyssey in August Leonard Farlinger, Stephen Roscoe
12th Genie Awards
No award presented; see Genie Award for Best Theatrical Short Film. [1]
13th Genie Awards
Battle of the Bulge Arlene Hazzan Green [10]
Kumar and Mr. Jones Paul Brown, Leonard Farlinger [11]
Stroke Gregory Middleton, Mark Sawers
14th Genie Awards
The Fairy Who Didn't Want to Be a Fairy Anymore Laurie Lynd [12]
The Date Lind Theodosakis, Nikos Theodosakis [13]
Hate Mail Chris Kelly, Mark Sawers
Stereotypes (Stéréotypes) Marcel Giroux, Jean-Marc Vallée
Your Country, My Country (Dans ton pays) Marquise Lepage
15th Genie Awards
No award presented; see Genie Award for Best Theatrical Short Film. [1]
16th Genie Awards
No award presented; see Genie Award for Best Theatrical Short Film. [1]
17th Genie Awards
No award presented; see Genie Award for Best Theatrical Short Film. [1]
18th Genie Awards
The Hangman's Bride Naomi McCormack [14]
Elevated Steve Hoban, Vincenzo Natali, Vanessa Laufer [15]
SSHHH Sarah James Overton, Scott Smith, Helen du Toit
Zie 37 Stagen Marcel Giroux, Sylvain Guy
19th Genie Awards
When Ponds Freeze Over Mary Lewis [16]
The Chocolate Bomb (La Bombe au chocolat) Sylvie Rosenthal [17]
Claire Julie Trimingham, Ric Kokotovich
Elimination Dance Michael Ondaatje, Sandy Kaplansky, Bruce McDonald, Don McKellar
Shoes Off! Mark Sawers, Leah Mallen
20th Genie Awards
Moving Day Tina Goldlist, Chris Deacon [18]
Chronique d'un cheval fou Michel Juliani, Raymond Gravelle [19]
Kuproquo Jean-François Rivard [fr], Marie-Josée Larocque
Meanwhile (Pendant ce temps...) Ghyslaine Côté, Robert Lacerte
Revisited Scott Weber


Year Film Filmmakers Ref
21st Genie Awards
The Little Varius (Le P'tit Varius) Alain Jacques, André Théberge [20]
Below the Belt Dominique Cardona, Laurie Colbert, Kate Gillen [21]
Clean Rite Cowboy Michael Downing, Joel Awerbuck
Foxy Lady, Wild Cherry Marlene Rodgers, Ines Buchli
Soul Cages Phillip Barker, Simone Urdl
22nd Genie Awards
The Heart of the World Guy Maddin, Jody Shapiro [22]
Camera David Cronenberg, Jody Shapiro [23]
Side Orders (Foie de canard et cœur de femme) Marie-Josée Larocque, Stéphane Lapointe, Christiane Ciupka
Three Stories from the End of Everything John Buchan, Semi Chellas
23rd Genie Awards
I Shout Love Meredith Caplan, Sarah Polley, Jennifer Weiss [24]
Blue Skies Dawn Rubin, Ann Marie Fleming [25]
Clearing Skies (Une éclaircie sur le fleuve) Barbara Shrier, Rosa Zacharie
Hit and Run Éric Couture, Éric Beauséjour, Richard Jutras, Ginette Petit, Christian Larouche
In Store (En magasin) Raymond Gravelle, Mario Bonenfant
Remembrance Stephanie Morgenstern, Paula Fleck
24th Genie Awards
Noël Blank Jean-François Rivard, Christiane Ciupka [26]
Evelyn: The Cutest Evil Dead Girl Brad Peyton, Jim Mauro [27]
Lonesome Joe Leah Mallen, Mark Sawers
Short Hymn, Silent War Kate Kung, Sandy Reimer, Charles Officer
Why Don't You Dance? Meredith Caplan, Michael Downing, Joel Awerbuck
25th Genie Awards
Capacité 11 personnes Gaëlle d'Ynglemare, Yves Fortin [28]
Choke. David Hyde, Tyler Levine, Carolyn Newman [29]
Desastre Jay Field, Jane Michener, Ryan O'Donnell
The Dog Walker Andrew Rosen, Geoffrey Turnbull, James Genn
TV Dinner...Burp! Antonello Cozzolino, Annie Normandin, Vanessa-Tatjana Beerli
26th Genie Awards
Milo 55160 Matthew Cervi, David Ostry [30]
The Big Thing Carl Laudan [31]
Noise Greg Spottiswood, Jason Charters, Liam Romalis
The Remaining Days (Les Derniers jours) Simon Olivier Fecteau, Jean-François Lord, Guillaume Lespérance
Tuesday Morning...Somewhere (Mardi matin...quelque part) Hélène Bélanger Martin, Antonello Cozzolino
27th Genie Awards
Red (Le rouge au sol) Maxime Giroux, Paul Barbeau [32]
Big Girl Renuka Jeyapalan, Anneli Ekborn, Michael Gelfand [33]
Hiro Matthew Swanson, Oliver-Barret Lindsay
Jack and Jacques (Jack et Jacques) Marie-Hélène Copti
Snapshots for Henry Teresa Hannigan, Charlotte Disher
28th Genie Awards
After All (Après tout) Alexis Fortier Gauthier, Élaine Hébert [34]
Regarding Sarah Michelle Porter, Amy Belling [35]
Screening Anthony Green, Philip Svoboda
The Tragic Story of Nling Jeffrey St. Jules, Larissa Giroux
The Wake of Calum MacLeod (Faire Chaluim Mhic Leòid) Marc Almon, Nona MacDermid
29th Genie Awards
Next Floor Denis Villeneuve and Phoebe Greenberg [36]
The Answer Key Samir Rehem, Robin Crumley [37]
Beyond the Walls (La Battue) Guy Édoin, Pascal Bascaron, Sylvain Corbeil
Can You Wave Bye-Bye? Sarah Galea-Davis, Paul Barbeau
My Name Is Victor Gazon (Mon nom est Victor Gazon) Patrick Gazé, Antonello Cozzolino, Marie-Josée Laroque, Annie Normandin
30th Genie Awards
Danse Macabre Pedro Pires, Catherine Chagnon [38]
Gilles Constant Mentzas [39]
Land of Men (Terre des hommes) Ky Nam Le Duc
Life Begins (La Vie commence) Élaine Hébert, Émile Proulx-Cloutier
Princess Margaret Blvd. Dan Montgomery, Kazik Radwanski


Year Film Filmmakers Ref
31st Genie Awards
Savage Lisa Jackson, Lauren Grant, Lori Lozinski [40]
File Under Miscellaneous Jeff Barnaby, John Christou [41]
Marius Borodine Emanuel Hoss-Desmarais, Vincent Hoss-Desmarais
Out in That Deep Blue Sea Kazik Radwanski, Dan Montgomery
Vapor Kaveh Nabatian, Cédric Bourdeau, Stéphane Tanguay
32nd Genie Awards
Doubles with Slight Pepper Ian Harnarine [42]
Ora René Chénier, Philippe Baylaucq [43]
La Ronde Élaine Hébert, Sophie Goyette
Hope Pedro Pires, Phoebe Greenberg, Penny Mancuso
1st Canadian Screen Awards
Throat Song Miranda de Pencier, Stacey Aglok Macdonald [44]
First Snow (Première neige) Michaël Lalancette [45]
Frost Lauren Grant, Jeremy Ball, Robert Munroe
Herd Leader (Chef de meute) Fanny-Laure Malo, Sarah Pellerin, Chloé Robichaud
The Near Future (Le futur proche) Sophie Goyette
2nd Canadian Screen Awards
Noah Patrick Cederberg, Walter Woodman [46]
A Grand Canal Johnny Ma [47]
Ina Litovski Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette, André Turpin
Remember Me (Mémorable moi) Jean-François Asselin
Time Flies (Nous avions) Stéphane Moukarzel
3rd Canadian Screen Awards
Hole Martin Edralin, Laura Perlmutter, Andrew Nicholas McCann Smith [48]
The Cut (La Coupe) Geneviève Dulude-De Celles, Fanny Drew, Sarah Mannering [49]
Follow the Fox (Suivre la piste du renard) Simon Laganière
Little Brother (Petit frère) Rémi St-Michel, Jean-Sébastien Beaudoin Gagnon, Éric K. Boulianne
Sleeping Giant Andrew Cividino, Karen Harnisch, Marc Swenker, Aaron Yeger
4th Canadian Screen Awards
She Stoops to Conquer Zack Russell, Marianna Khoury [50]
Blue Thunder (Bleu tonnerre) Philippe-David Gagné, Jean-Marc E. Roy [51]
Mynarski Death Plummet (Mynarski chute mortelle) Matthew Rankin, Gabrielle Tougas-Fréchette
Overpass (Viaduc) Patrice Laliberté
Roberta Catherine Chagnon, Caroline Monnet
5th Canadian Screen Awards
Mutants Alexandre Dostie, Hany Ouichou, Gabrielle Tougas-Fréchette [52]
A Funeral for Lightning Emily Kai Bock [53]
Oh What a Wonderful Feeling François Jaros, Fanny-Laure Malo
Star Émilie Mannering, Fanny Drew, Sarah Mannering
Wild Skin (La Peau sauvage) Ariane Louis-Seize, Jeanne-Marie Poulain, Hany Ouichou
6th Canadian Screen Awards
Fluffy Lee Filipovski [54]
The Beep Test (La Course navette) Maxime Aubert, Audrey D. Laroche [55]
Garage at Night (Garage de soir) Daniel Daigle, Aurélie Breton
Plain and Simple (Tout simplement) Raphaël Ouellet, Annick Blanc
Pre-Drink Marc-Antoine Lemire, Maria Gracia Turgeon
7th Canadian Screen Awards
Fauve Jérémy Comte, Maria Gracia Turgeon, Evren Boisjoli [56]
The Colour of Your Lips (La couleur de tes lèvres) Annick Blanc, Maria Gracia Turgeon [57]
The Fish and the Sea Phillip Thomas
For Nonna Anna Luis De Filippis
Mahalia Melts in the Rain Émilie Mannering, Carmine Pierre-Dufour. Sarah Mannering, Fanny Drew
8th Canadian Screen Awards
Pick Alicia K. Harris [58]
Black Forest (Forêt Noire) Jean-Marc E. Roy, Philippe David Gagné, Julie Groleau [59]
Just Me and You (Juste moi et toi) Sandrine Brodeur-Desrosiers, Johannie Deschambault
Kinship Jorge Camarotti
My Boy (Mon Boy) Sarah Pellerin, Fanny-Laure Malo, Annie-Claude Quirion


Year Film Filmmakers Ref
9th Canadian Screen Awards
Black Bodies Kelly Fyffe-Marshall, Tamar Bird, Sasha Leigh Henry [60]
Bad Omen Salar Pashtoonyar [61]
Benjamin, Benny, Ben Paul Shkordoff, Jason Aita
Cayenne Simon Gionet
Goodbye Golovin Mathieu Grimard, Simon Corriveau
10th Canadian Screen Awards
Girls Shouldn't Walk Alone at Night (Les filles ne marchent pas seules la nuit) Katerine Martineau, Guillaume Collin [62]
Fanmi Sandrine Brodeur-Desrosiers, François Bonneau, Carmine Pierre-Dufour [63]
In the Jam Jar Étienne Hansez, Colin Nixon
Like the Ones I Used to Know (Les Grandes claques) Annie St-Pierre, Sarah Mannering, Fanny Drew
Ousmane Jorge Camarotti
11th Canadian Screen Awards
Simo Rosalie Chicoine Perreault, Aziz Zoromba [64]
III Salomé Villeneuve, Catherine Boily, Rosalie Chicoine Perreault [65]
À la vie à l'amor Lex Garcia, Léonie Hurtubise, Émilie Mannering
Mimine Simon Laganière, Fanny Drew, Sarah Mannering
No Ghost in the Morgue Marilyn Cooke, Kélyna N. Lauzier
12th Canadian Screen Awards
Motherland Jasmin Mozaffari, Priscilla Galvez, Caitlin Grabham [66]
Death to the Bikini! (À mort le bikini!) Justine Gauthier, Léonie Hurtubise [67]
Heat Spell (L'Été des chaleurs) Amélie Tremblay, Marie-Pier Dupuis, Dominique Dussault
Invincible Samuel Caron, Vincent René-Lortie
Mothers and Monsters Patrick Francke-Sirois, Isabelle Grignon-Francke, Édith Jorisch

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Maria Topalovich, And the Genie Goes To...: Celebrating 50 Years of the Canadian Film Awards. Stoddart Publishing, 2000. ISBN 0-7737-3238-1.
  2. ^ "Genie winners" Ottawa Citizen, March 21, 1986.
  3. ^ Jay Scott, "Joshua, American Cousin lead pack in Genie pursuit". The Globe and Mail, February 14, 1986.
  4. ^ "Decline of the American Empire wins top prizes at Genie Awards". Calgary Herald, March 19, 1987.
  5. ^ "Genie promises skits both dramatic, comic". The Globe and Mail, March 13, 1987.
  6. ^ "List of 1989 award winners". Ottawa Citizen, March 23, 1989.
  7. ^ "Genie Award nominees 1989". Cinema Canada, February/march 1989.
  8. ^ "Jesus of Montreal in near sweep: Vancouver actress wins a Genie award". Vancouver Sun, March 21, 1990.
  9. ^ Julia Nunes, "East meets West in battle for Genies". The Globe and Mail, February 14, 1990.
  10. ^ "Naked Lunch top fare at Genies: 8 awards for surrealistic fantasy, but some films ill-served by presenters". The Globe and Mail, November 23, 1992.
  11. ^ H. J. Kirchhoff, "French-Canadian films steal Genie show: Cronenberg's Naked Lunch leads the pack with 11 nominations". The Globe and Mail, October 14, 1992.
  12. ^ "Film centre grads making their mark". Toronto Star, December 24, 1993.
  13. ^ "The nominees are..." Edmonton Journal, October 20, 1993.
  14. ^ "Hereafter looks sweeter: Atom Egoyan's movie captures eight Genies". Hamilton Spectator, December 15, 1997.
  15. ^ Craig MacInnis, "Sweet on The Hereafter; Atom Egoyan movie leads Genie parade". Edmonton Journal, November 5, 1997.
  16. ^ "Genie Award Winners". Vancouver Sun, February 5, 1999.
  17. ^ Craig MacInnis, "McKellar nominated for 22 Genies: Filmmaker, actor cleans up for Last Night, The Red Violin". Ottawa Citizen, December 8, 1998.
  18. ^ "Canada shines at Genies; Domestic movie productions more than hold their own". Windsor Star, January 31, 2000.
  19. ^ "Genies pick their frontrunners". Playback. December 17, 1999.
  20. ^ Michael Posner, "It's a Maelstrom at the Genie awards". The Globe and Mail, January 30, 2001.
  21. ^ "Maelstrom leads Genie nominations with 10 including best picture". Moose Jaw Times-Herald, December 13, 2000.
  22. ^ "Inuit film Atanarjuat wins five Genie Awards". Sudbury Star, February 8, 2002.
  23. ^ Michael Posner, "Atanarjuat, War Bride lead Genie list". The Globe and Mail, December 13, 2001.
  24. ^ "Ararat triumphs at Genies". Victoria Times-Colonist, February 14, 2003.
  25. ^ Tamsen Tillson, "Genies grant ‘Ararat’ wish". Variety, December 10, 2002.
  26. ^ "'Les Invasions' finishes sweep". Regina Leader-Post, May 3, 2004.
  27. ^ "Seducing Dr Lewis leads Canada's Genie nods". Screen Daily, March 16, 2004.
  28. ^ "Quebec actors, films sweep Genie Awards". Vancouver Sun, March 22, 2005.
  29. ^ Jay Stone, "Big, small get Genie nods". Kingston Whig-Standard, February 9, 2005.
  30. ^ "Jean-Marc Vallee's C.R.A.Z.Y. wins big at 2006 Genie awards". The Globe and Mail, March 13, 2006.
  31. ^ Guy Dixon, "Forget the awards. Watch the party". The Globe and Mail, January 26, 2006.
  32. ^ "Bon Genie, Bad Genie: Canadian film awards handed out". Prince George Citizen, February 14, 2007.
  33. ^ "Trailer Park Boys, Bon Cop compete for best picture Genie". CBC News, January 9, 2007.
  34. ^ "Away From Her this year's big Genie winner, including wins for Polley and Pinsent". Prince Rupert Daily News, March 5, 2008.
  35. ^ "Genie Awards in brief". Daily Gleaner, March 3, 2008.
  36. ^ "Quebec movie scores three major Genies; Pilon's Ce qu'il faut pour vivre Gross's Passchendaele also big winner". Montreal Gazette, April 5, 2009.
  37. ^ Peter Knegt, "“Necessities of Life” Leads Genie Nods". IndieWire, February 10, 2009.
  38. ^ "Bold Canadian shorts pack big punch". Toronto Star, September 9, 2011.
  39. ^ Linda Barnard, "Drama rules as Genie nominations announced". Toronto Star, March 1, 2010.
  40. ^ "Lisa Jackson went from law to film as a way to find truth". Unreserved, February 12, 2017.
  41. ^ "‘Barney’s Version,’ ‘Incendies’ top Genie noms". Variety, February 2, 2011.
  42. ^ "Seeking a New York Audience for a Film Rooted in Trinidad". The New York Times, August 23, 2012.
  43. ^ Brian D. Johnson, "Quebec and Croneberg (sic) lead Genies". Maclean's, January 17, 2012.
  44. ^ "Rebelle wins big at Canadian Screen Awards; Grabs 10 statuettes at inaugural event held in Toronto". Montreal Gazette, March 4, 2013.
  45. ^ "Introducing the Canadian Screen Awards, and their 2013 nominees". Maclean's, January 15, 2013.
  46. ^ "Canadian Screen Awards 2014: Orphan Black, Gabrielle win". CBC News, March 9, 2014.
  47. ^ "Écrans canadiens 2014 : Le sacre de Gabrielle, la domination d’Enemy". Voir, March 10, 2014.
  48. ^ "3ÈMES ECRANS CANADIENS : 9 PRIX POUR MOMMY"., March 6, 2015.
  49. ^ "Canadian Screen Awards ’15: Theatrical documentary & short film". Playback, February 16, 2015.
  50. ^ "'Room', 'Schitt's Creek', 'Vikings' Among 2016 Canadian Screen Awards Winners". ET Canada. March 13, 2016. Archived from the original on March 15, 2016. Retrieved March 15, 2016.
  51. ^ "2016 Canadian Screen Awards Nominees Announced". ET Canada, January 19, 2016.
  52. ^ "Écrans canadiens 2017 : Xavier Dolan triomphe". Le Devoir, March 12, 2017.
  53. ^ "2017 Canadian Screen Awards: And The Winners Are…". ET Canada, March 12, 2017.
  54. ^ Rachel West, "2018 Canadian Screen Awards: Creative Fiction Storytelling Winners Include ‘Mary Kills People’, ‘Vikings’, ‘Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs’". ET Canada, March 7, 2018.
  55. ^ "Finalistes des Prix Écrans canadiens 2018". Films du Québec, January 16, 2018.
  56. ^ "Les Québécois remportent plus de la moitié des trophées à l'avant-gala des prix Écrans canadiens". Ici Radio-Canada, March 31, 2019.
  57. ^ "Prix Écrans canadiens 2019 : la domination québécoise". Voir, February 7, 2019.
  58. ^ Brent Furdyk, "Canadian Screen Awards Announces Winners In Cinematic Arts Categories, Honouring The Year’s Best Movies". Entertainment Tonight Canada, May 28, 2020.
  59. ^ "Écrans canadiens : Song of Names, The Twentieth Century et Antigone en tête des nominations". Ici Radio-Canada, February 18, 2020.
  60. ^ Naman Ramachandran, "‘Schitt’s Creek,’ ‘Blood Quantum’ Triumph at Canadian Screen Awards". Variety, May 21, 2021.
  61. ^ Brent Furdyk (March 30, 2021). "Canadian Screen Awards Announces 2021 Film Nominations". ET Canada. Archived from the original on March 30, 2021.
  62. ^ "Night Raiders, Scarborough emerge victorious at 5th night of Canadian Screen Awards". CBC News, April 8, 2022.
  63. ^ Brent Furdyk, "2022 Canadian Screen Award Nominees Announced, ‘Sort Of’ & ‘Scarborough’ Lead The Pack". ET Canada, February 15, 2022.
  64. ^ Jenna Benchetrit, "Brother dominates with a dozen wins on third night of Canadian Screen Awards". CBC News, April 13, 2023.
  65. ^ Jules Couturier, "«Viking» en bonne position aux prix Écrans canadiens". Métro, February 22, 2023.
  66. ^ Connie Thiessen, "Canadian Screen Awards winners: Cinematic Arts". Broadcast Dialogue, May 30, 2024.
  67. ^ "BlackBerry Leads CSA Nominations". Northern Stars, March 6, 2024.

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Fakultas Peternakan dan PertanianUniversitas DiponegoroJenisPerguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum[1]Didirikan1 September 1964 DekanProf. Dr. Ir. Bambang Waluyo Hadi Eko Prasetyo, M.S., M.Agr., IPU.LokasiSemarang, Jawa Tengah, IndonesiaKampusUrbanAlamatFakultas Peternakan dan PertanianJl. Prof. H. Soedarto, S.H. Tembalang - Semarang,Universitas Diponegoro, SemarangWarnaCokelat Situs UmumJenjangS1, S2, S3Jalur MasukSNMPTN, SBMPTN, UM Undip, SBUB UndipDepar...


Polish actor, director, and theatre professor Omar Sangare in 2006 Omar Sangare (born 14 November 1970, Stalowa Wola) is a Polish American actor, academic, poet, and theatre director. He graduated from The Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw, where he studied with the Oscar-winning director Andrzej Wajda. In 1994 he was awarded a scholarship to The British American Drama Academy in Oxford, England, where he worked with, among others, Michael Kahn, Jeremy Irons, S...


2003 Canadian filmEmileMovie poster featuring Ian McKellenDirected byCarl BessaiWritten byCarl BessaiProduced byJonathan EnglishBjorg VelandStarringIan McKellenDeborah Kara UngerIan TraceyCinematographyCarl BessaiEdited byJulian ClarkeMusic byVincent MaiDistributed byLes Films Séville (Canada)[1]Redbus Film Distribution (United Kingdom)Release dates September 6, 2003 (2003-09-06) (Toronto International Film Festival) September 4, 2004 (2004-09-04)...

طيران الأمن طيران الأمن—طيران الأمن   تفاصيل الوكالة الحكومية البلد السعودية  الاسم الكامل القيادة العامة لطيران الأمن تأسست 1395 هـ المركز الرياض،  السعودية الإدارة المدير التنفيذي عبد العزيز بن محمد الهويريني الدائرة رئاسة أمن الدولة تعديل مصدري - تعديل   القي...


SLB Negeri Cicendo BandungInformasiDidirikan3 Januari 1930; 93 tahun lalu (1930-01-03)JenisNegeriAkreditasiA[1].Nomor Pokok Sekolah Nasional26017001Kepala SekolahDrs. Wawan, M.Pd.KurikulumKurikulum 2013 Kurikulum MerdekaStatusSekolah Standar NasionalAlamatLokasiJl. Cicendo No. 2 Kelurahan Babakan Ciamis, Kecamatan Sumur Bandung, Bandung 40117, Jawa Barat,  IndonesiaTel./Faks.+62-22-4211855Situs webslbncicendo.sch.idMoto SLB Negeri Cicendo Bandung merupakan sekolah ...


Former British civil servantJill RutterNationalityEnglishAlma materSomerville College, OxfordOccupationCivil servant Jill Rutter is a former British civil servant. She is a senior research fellow of UK in a Changing Europe, and was previously the programme director at the Institute for Government (IfG) directing the organisation's work on better policy making and Brexit. She has written a number of reports on civil service and the implications of Brexit for Whitehall and Westminster.[...

Artikel ini sebatang kara, artinya tidak ada artikel lain yang memiliki pranala balik ke halaman ini.Bantulah menambah pranala ke artikel ini dari artikel yang berhubungan atau coba peralatan pencari pranala.Tag ini diberikan pada Oktober 2022. Seorang wanita sebelum, selama, dan setelah kehamilan. Gizi dan kehamilan merujuk kepada asupan gizi dan perencanaan pola makan sebelum, selama dan setelah kehamilan.[1][2] Kehamilan yang baik direncanakan sejak 3 bulan hingga setahun s...


Official residence of the monarch of Norway Slottet, Royal PalaceView of the front facadeLocation within central OsloGeneral informationArchitectural styleNeoclassicismTown or cityOsloCountryNorwayCoordinates59°55′0.88″N 10°43′39.24″E / 59.9169111°N 10.7275667°E / 59.9169111; 10.7275667Construction started1825Completed26 July 1849ClientCharles III JohnDesign and constructionArchitect(s)Hans LinstowOther informationNumber of rooms173[1][2] Ki...


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