In February 2020, he became a member of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters in Paris, and in March of the same year, he also became a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
in Salzburg.[3] There, in May 2021, he was elected Vice Dean of its first class, Humanities.[4]
He is now performing the duties of the Dean in the same class.
Additionally, he is one of the editors of PEASA.[5]
Teaching and research
Turk's doctoral thesis examined the influence of medieval philosophy on Paul Claudel's poetic work, particularly Les Cinq Grandes Odes. He summarized his findings in the monograph Paul Claudel et l'Actualité de l'être (2011),[6]
recognized by Dominique Millet-Gérard for its contribution to understanding Claudel's work in the French-speaking world.[7]
Turk studied French classicism, with a focus on Molière's works, analyzed through Henri Bergson's comic theory. He also explored social positions in Molière's plays and the dichotomy between fate and free will in Pierre Corneille's dramas, as well as the religious aspects of Corneille's work.[citation needed]
In Cote 101 (2017),[12][13]
Turk used George Orwell's paradigms to examine societal structures in post-Yugoslav countries. His books The Twelve Walls (2013)[14]
and The Prisoners of Liberty (2024)[15]
further explored literary insights applied to modern societal contexts.
Turk collaborated with Stéphane Courtois on texts addressing recent historical transitions in various countries.
His latest book, The War in the Name of Peace: The Revolution '68 and the disintegration of the West,[citation needed]
analyzes modern Western society's intellectual and spiritual dynamics, published in Slovenian[16]
and Croatian[17] in 2023 and Ukrainian[18] in 2024,
with French[citation needed] and English[citation needed] versions forthcoming in late 2024.
Turk also explored the role of French Freemasons at the Peace Conference in Versailles (1919) and in the formation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. He demonstrated that the first Yugoslavia was a significant Masonic project.[19]
Turk's monographs are extensive: most have more than 350 pages, some nearly 800 (from 1M to 1.6M characters with spaces, format Word). He writes for Slovenian and Croatian newspapers.
Additionally, he contributes to,[citation needed]
a prominent website of the Solidarity trade union in Poland.
He also writes for the French magazines Le Diplomate, Communisme and Catholica [fr]. On the television channel Exodus TV, he participates in the preparation and execution of interviews with notable French intellectuals. He expresses his views on TV (including podcasts) in Slovenian, Croatian, and French. He speaks Slovenian, French, English, Italian, German, and Croatian. He reads Polish and Latin. He authors more than 900 articles and eight professional or scientific monographs in five languages.[citation needed]
His bibliography is available on the COBISS website and on the ORCID website
Turk won the Prešeren's University Prize in 1993.[20]
^Turk, Boštjan Marko. (2001). Paul Claudel et l'actualité de l'être : l'inspiration thomiste dans l'oeuvre claudélienne : l'oeuvre poétique. (PhD dissertation). Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris.
^ Turk, Boštjan Marko, Report for election to the title of Associate Professor (2014). Kept by the Human Resources Department of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.
^Turk, Boštjan Marko (2019). "Une lecture bergsonienne du "Pont Mirabeau"". In Kornhauser, Jakub; Rapak, Wacław (eds.). Apollinaire, "l'esprit nouveau", les avant-gardes. Wyd. 1. Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press. pp. 123–138. ISBN978-83-233-4809-2.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location (link)COBISS28176387
^Turk, Boštjan Marko (2000). Bergsonizem in njegov položaj v duhovni zgodovini Slovencev (in Slovenian). Ljubljana: Študentska založba. ISBN961-6356-04-6. COBISS106274304
^Turk, Boštjan Marko (2011). Razdalje do sveta (in Slovenian). Ljubljana: Koščak-Ignis. ISBN978-961-6499-44-6. COBISS251148544Boris Pahor presented the book at a press conference, and he also wrote a thought for the back cover.
^Turk, Boštjan Marko (2017). Kota 101 (in Slovenian). Ljubljana, Radenci: Philopatridus, Društvo za raziskovanje zgodovine. ISBN978-961-285-986-2., COBISS292779264
^Turk, Boštjan Marko (2024). Jetniki svobode : Slovenci, Jugoslavija in oblast Osvobodilne fronte (in Slovenian). Ljubljana, Radenci: Društvo za ureditev zamolčanih grobov. ISBN978-961-93569-3-7. COBISS185858563
^Turk, Boštjan Marko (2023). Vojna za mir (in Slovenian). Ljubljana, Radenci: Illyricus, Društvo za ureditev zamolčanih grobov. ISBN978-961-93569-2-0. COBISS127216131
^Turk, Boštjan Marko (2023). Rat u ime mira : zašto je došlo do ruske agresije na Ukrajinu (in Croatian). Zagreb: Infinitus. ISBN978-953-366-135-3. COBISS165907715
^Turk, Boštjan Marko (2023). Vijna v imʼja miru : revoljucija 68-go i rozpad Zahodu (in Ukrainian). Zaporižžja: Mokšanov V. V. ISBN978-617-8064-32-7. COBISS183202563